• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 18: Collapse

Diamond nudged at the hay bacon on her plate, unable to work up even the smallest amount of an appetite. Everything was going wrong.

“Avatar, it wasn't your fault,” Sunburst said with a small smile. “This was... an unfortunate side effect of... all that has happened.”

Diamond nodded. It had taken hours to finally end the riot. Even with their slow movements, they had done millions of bits worth of damage. “We're outnumbered, aren't we?” she asked softly.

Sunburst slowly nodded. “Yes. The unmarked are... unfortunately quite numerous now. I'm afraid it is time for some...” He took a slow breath. “Rather... unconventional reactions.”

She nodded slowly. She had been invited to attend dinner with him to discuss the future. She had expected the others to be here, but she was surprised to find it was just the two of them. “Unconventional how?”

He looked down at his meal and sighed. “I... suppose I'd best... start with Dr. Alicity.”

Diamond's eyes widened and she immediately felt guilty. With the riot, she'd been so distracted she hadn't even thought about her friend.

“He's confessed.”

Her heart nearly stopped.

“What?” she asked softly.

“He confessed to aiding Meadowbrook.”

She jumped to her hooves, stomping them down. “Impossible, he wouldn't! He--”

“Please, Avatar. Calm yourself. His reasons are sound.”

She starred, but slowly sat back down. “Sound?”

“Well... perhaps not sound, but understandable. You see, after the theft of his daughter's cutie mark, he was contacted by her. She agreed to return Silver's cutie mark, so long as he aided them. While he was foalish to trust such a mare, it is understandable. For one's child, ponies often do foalish things.”

Diamond nodded, starting to feel a little numb. “And... Silver?”

“She has been informed, but not blamed for this.”

She nodded slowly. “I-I see.”

“We found plenty of pieces of evidence connecting the two as well, if his confession doesn't sway you. Mass produced suits like the ones the unmarked have been using. Many of his records no longer match up.”

“So what do you plan to do?” she asked softly.

“We will be merciful,” he said softly. “He cannot be released, but his genius can be used for the city. He is already working off his damages to the community, helping to create a new defense system. Special weapons that should help us hold back this... surge of aggression.”

Diamond nodded and turned. “I'm going to the compound. I need to see Silver, make sure she's okay.”

“Avatar, she's not there.”

The unicorn froze. “What? Then where is she?”

He sighed. “The attacks are growing more and more serious. The unmarked are attacking everypony. Theft is at an all time high. We can no longer play nice.”

“Where is she?”

“Until this ordeal has been dealt with, all unmarked are being imprisoned.”

Diamond's mouth fell open. “But... Silver is--”

“All unmarked, without exception.”

“But... but she's not--”

“This is becoming a civil war, Avatar,” Sunburst said with a shake of his head. “Ponies are getting hurt. It's only a matter of time before hurt turns to killed. Already our meager defense systems are being torn apart. The metal benders and Shadowbolts are already overworked and under ponied. There simply aren't enough of them and every day more of them are captured or unmarked. Not to mention quite a few have already fled the city.”

Diamond gulped. “But not all the unmarked...”

“Yes, but enough,” he said firmly. “You saw the damage they can do. The destruction they can cause. Isn't it better to imprison them all so that those that are a danger are put away with them?”

She shook her head. “No! Just because they're unmarked doesn't... what about Silver? She's a good pony. She's a great pony. Just because some of them are bad, doesn't--”

“Then will you take the responsibility on your shoulders?” he asked, moving in front of her to look her in the eyes. “Will you take the responsibility of those who will hurt and destroy? Knowing the suffering they can cause, will you accept it?”

She slowly backed away, her hooves trembling. “I... I don't...”

He smiled and reached out, gently patting her shoulders. “These ponies are safe and sound. They are alive. Once this is over they'll be free. Would you really rather gamble everypony on the idea that some of them might not be dangerous?”

She slowly shook her head. “I... I guess not.”

“Good. I've already sent out the orders to have all of them gathered up. By this time tomorrow, there will be no more incidents. The city will be under control again. We'll probably have Meadowbrook captured, as well. Soon everything will be better.”

She nodded, though she felt as if she might vomit. “I should be with my friends.”

“I don't think that would be wise. You're the Avatar. You and I are the number one targets right now, it is best that we stick close together.”

“To be honest, I don't want to be anywhere near you. You make me sick.”

He chuckled. “Of course I do, Avatar. But somepony must make these decisions, correct? Would you rather I let the world fall apart, or do what I can against it? No matter how unsavory?”

She closed her eyes before nodding. “The... latter.”

“Good. You see, Avatar, sometimes bad things must be done for the greater good. If you can save a thousand lives by losing just one, then what is there to compare? In this way, we will save lives and only mildly inconvenience others. Everything will be back to normal soon enough and then this will all be nothing more than a bad memory.”

“Y-yeah. I guess you're right.”

“Of course I am. Now, you should be with your other friends. I will have an escort take you to the island. Or would you rather meet with your teammates?”

“I want to see Acrylic and Button. They'll want to know.”

“Then that will be the metal bender compound. After the attack on their home, I had them transported there for safe keeping.”

“Okay... I'll go there,” Diamond said softly, the energy and drive flowing out of her. She slowly walked out of the room and barely paid attention as ponies surrounded and escorted her down the street.

'He's right. I'm sure he's right,' she thought, but it left a foul taste in her mouth. She then looked up, gazing around at the buildings as they walked through the city. So many of the windows were dark, with nopony home. The tension that had hung in the air only seemed thicker now, though. “Do you think it's right?” she asked one of her escorts.

“What is, Avatar?” the mare asked.

“Imprisoning all the unmarked?”

The pony was silent for a moment, before nodding. “They aren't like us anymore. Until they can be fixed, it's probably for the best. None of us want to be like them, after all. Would you?”

“No,” Diamond muttered. “Are they being held safely?”

“Of course,” the mare said with a nod. “They are ponies, after all.”

The Avatar looked ahead again and gave a soft sigh. The ponies were safe. That was the best any of them could hope for.


“How... nice of you to join us, Avatar,” Octavia said from across the room. Diamond, Octavia, Acrylic and Button had all gathered in a small room where a few cots had been set up. “Pardons for how cramped the room is, but it is the best we could do.”

“It's fine,” Diamond said softly. “You're a member of the council. Tell me, do you think what Sunburst is doing is right?”

Octavia cocked an eye. “In what sense?”

“The... imprisoning of all the unmarked and--”

“WHAT?” Acrylic asked, sitting up. “Silver's being imprisoned? He can't--” He went quiet as Octavia raised a hoof.

“I was not informed of this decision. When was it made?”

“I... think tonight. After the riots. He told me they were already moving to... capture all of them.”

Octavia slowly sipped her tea, her eyes focused on the ground ahead of her. Finally, she spoke up. “I... see.”

“I see? That's all you have to say?” Acrylic asked. “He can't do that! Silver is innocent!”

“Oh, I'm quite certain he can't do it,” Octavia muttered. “I've seen the latest reports on estimated unmarked. There's just too many of them, imprisoning them all just... isn't feasible. As much as I am loathe to admit it, we require aid.”

“Aid?” Diamond asked.

“Yes. I doubt Sunburst will accept it, but this is no longer a situation we can handle. Meadowbrook is... moving too fast. She's been attacking our power structure too efficiently.” A frown coated the mare's face. “In fact... everything is going almost too well, for her. She's been removing our leaders one by one, tearing apart our defenses. Martial law may be our only response, but we no longer have a force capable of performing it. It is time we reached out to the four nations for aid.”

“Well, then let's do it,” Diamond said firmly. “If we need help, let's ask for it.”

“Something like that will require the council,” Octavia muttered. “Otherwise, it will be an unofficial request, something I imagine many would be loathe to respond to.” She then paused and looked to Diamond, before rubbing her chin. “Although... there are others who could call on our behalf.”

The Avatar blinked. “Wait, what?”

“Ohhhh, of course!” Button said excitedly. “If the Avatar asks for help, they HAVE to send it, right?”

Diamond squeaked. “W-wait, what? But I'm not even on the council. Can't we ask Sunburst to--”

“You may,” Octavia said with a shrug. “He may even listen to you. But I wouldn't count on it. As of this moment the country has... failed.”

The word hung in the air for a few moments. Finally, Diamond spoke up. “What do you mean... failed?”

“Twilight created this city where all could be equal. We now have a threat who, in a few short months, has managed to almost tear this city apart. There have been riots, attacks, even you have been beaten a few times by this mare. If this threat were to spread, imagine the danger. Imagine if more of those sticks of Meadowbrook's were created? A world without bending.”

Diamond nodded, shivering slightly. “Then... the others will have to help us, won't they?”

“Perhaps. Or they'll try to close us off from them. In many ways, this is our problem. Sunburst knows this. He also knows that the responsibility for this failure will fall on his hooves. Once this is over, there will be no place in office for him.”

The unicorn's eyes widened. “W-what? How can he be blamed for this?”

“How can he not? He is the leader of the council,” Octavia said with a shrug. “In many ways, our representative. The blame will fall squarely on his shoulders... or yours.”

Diamond moved a hoof up to her mouth, her eyes widening. “Then... he...”

“He knows this. If he minds, I couldn't say. But I don't know if he'll be willing to accept aid from the other countries, or if he'll decide he must fix this problem himself.”

Diamond face hoofed. “I hate this. All of this. It's not fair. Why can't I just like... bend at the problem? I'm the Avatar, hitting it with fire or earth or even water should be enough. Why do I have to do all these... other things?”

Octavia let out a low chuckle. “As startling as it may be to hear, young Avatar, very few of lifes problems can just be bent away. If they were, Meadowbrook would already be found and imprisoned.” She paused. “It may surprise you, but Twilight was known for being quite capable when it came to dealing with problems in a non-bending manner. In fact, aside from a few cases she rarely fought. According to the stories I've heard.”

Diamond groaned. “Yeah, right.”

“No, tis true. Just fighting the Water Nation and, to a larger extent, Discord would have never worked. In many ways she was forced to use diplomacy and the aid of other ponies to defeat them. Granted, there were occasions where she had to use her considerable talents in order to fight off the worst of them, but those were rare. This situation is, unfortunately, quite dire. Lots of ponies are in danger and this threat is unlike anything any of us have ever seen. Aside from Discord's magic, I doubt anypony would have believed removing a cutie mark was possible.”

Diamond groaned and shook her head. “I want to just bend at things. I'm good at bending. Why can't all of my problems just be solved with bending?” She wished she could ask Twilight for help, wished she had some way to contact her.

“You could always just leave,” Button said with a shrug.

“W-what?” the unicorn asked, looking up at him with wide eyes. She wasn't the only one.

He gulped, looking a little flustered. “I-I just meant, well, you're the Avatar. We could, I mean, we need you, right? So if you had to run away to keep your cutie mark safe, I think everypony could understand. You don't have to--”

“I am not running away,” Diamond said firmly.


“I am the Avatar,” she said again before standing up. “I... might not be a hundred percent sure what I'm doing, but I will not turn tail and run away. This is my duty.” She paused and looked to Octavia. “I... might not be Twilight, but I can be one day. If she could figure this out, then so can I. And I will. I'm going to go talk to Sunburst and convince him that we need to ask for help. Now.”

Octavia nodded and smiled to her. “Good luck. Would you like me to come with you?”

“No,” the Avatar said. “I need to do this...” She then looked to Button and Acrylic. “Just me and... maybe my friends?”

Octavia's eyes twitched slightly, but she closed them and took another sip of her tea.

“If... that's okay with you, mom?” Button asked softly.

Acrylic didn't say a word, though he did watch her closely. Finally, the mare nodded.

“I suppose Twilight did always try to keep her friends close. It should be no different here. Do try to be careful, it is dangerous out there.”

“Yes! Thanks mom!” Button yelled before running out the door.

Diamond chuckled, before trotting after him. So long as her friends were close, she didn't see the problem. She was sure she could convince Sunburst to see reason. They needed help. They had to have it if they were going to have any chance of stopping Meadowbrook.

She stopped as she made it to the main lobby again. Button wasn't moving, instead his eyes focused on a radio that was stationed on the table. He wasn't the only one. There were only a hoofful of ponies in the room, but none of them were taking their eyes off the device.

“This abuse of power will not stand,” Meadowbrook's voice came out. “It is now time. All ponies must be equal, but once again those with power, your precious council, have stepped in and hurt those who are underhoof. In this case, those they callously call the unmarked.” Diamond felt dread flow through her. “Are you not all ponies? Do you not all have feelings and desires? Yet here they are, locking you away as if you are criminals. Why? Because they can.”

Diamond felt another shock as she realized the sound wasn't only coming from the radio. It was coming from outside. Slowly she moved to the door and pushed it open.

“Is it wrong to rise up against a government that oppresses you? No. For too long those with power have used it to hurt those who do not. It starts with the benders, but it won't end there. How long until this council decides that imprisoning those that they don't agree with isn't enough?”

The words echoed down the streets, coming out of every speaker and on every radio. She trembled slightly.

“How long until they decide it is time to remove their horns, as the Water Nation once did? Or even remove their wings? How long until those with the power and authority decide to take everything from you? What makes them better than any of you? What gives them the right to take and take, to use whatever means they deem necessary, while you are forced to sit there and endure it?”

Diamond could almost hear the heart beat of the city, beating so hard it could explode.

“They call me a terrorist, but I say they are the ones who terrorize you. They rule with iron hooves, unwilling to bend or accept those who are different. They cling to their power at the expense of the common pony, shoving them into the mud and dirt, taking more than their fair share. Why? Because they have bending? Because their cutie marks say they are 'better' at it? That they have a natural right to lead?”

The unicorn looked around again, hoping for some sign of where the pony could be. But it was fruitless, she knew where the sounds were coming from. Somehow that mare had tapped into the speakers all over and now things were going to get bad. She could feel it in her core.

“It's time for the common pony to rise up. To tell your leaders that they will take no more. That you will not be silenced and shoved aside while the powerful flaunt their riches. We are all ponies, we are all equal. Now it's time to show it.”

Diamond's eyes widened and she ran back inside. “Where are the unmarked being held?” she asked. She could feel it, as if something was bubbling up inside her. A plan was beginning to form.

“What?” the pony behind the counter asked. “I don't--”

“Listen, this is very important! I need to know where they are,” she said again, her heart pounding so hard in her chest she thought it might explode. “That's where Meadowbrook is going to strike next. I know it.”

“Are you sure?” Octavia asked as she appeared in the doorway, trotting out slowly. “There will be benders there. Lots of them.”

“They won't be benders for long,” Diamond said, digging a hoof into the ground. “This is going to be... we need to retreat.” Her eyes widened. “Miss Octavia, you made Avatar Island, right?”

The mare coughed. “Well... yes, I suppose, but--”

“Can you defend it?”

The earth pony snorted. “Of course. But what are you talking about?”

“We need to get every member of the council to the island we can,” Diamond said quickly. “Sunburst especially. We need to split up. Miss Octavia, I need you to get everypony here you can to the island. I'm going to try to stop Meadowbrook and, failing that, get the benders out of there I can. Acrylic, Button, I need you two to get Sunburst and get him to the island. Where's Prism?”

“Likely at the island,” Octavia said firmly.

“Tell him he needs to get to the other races and tell them to prepare. Things are about to get a lot worse and they need to defend themselves, hide if they have to.” She looked around. “How many metal benders are still here? Any Shadowbolts?”

“Only a few, no Shadowbolts,” the pony behind the desk said.

“Send what we have to the Shadowbolts then. Let them know it's time to retreat. This entire city is going to be over run by the unmarked within a few hours, at best. Now is going to be our only chance to escape. Go!” she yelled, before turning. She then paused and put a hoof to her chest, her eyes widening. “W-wait. What? Where did... what?” She looked down at herself. 'Where the buck did THAT come from?' She hadn't even thought about it. She'd just acted. All those words, the plans, the ideas. They just flooded her mind.

“Very good, Avatar,” Octavia said as she passed by her. “I do believe this is the first time you've actually acted like one.”

“Huh? Oh... ummm, right, yeah,” Diamond said, before shaking her head. “So, where are they being held?”

“North of the city there's a network of caves made by the metal benders,” Octavia said. “They were created for the dragons, but haven't seen much use as very few come here and those that do are... quite small. Comparatively. But for now, they should be of sufficient size for the prisoners to be held.”

“Good. Thank you,” Diamond said, before racing out of the door. “Do what I said!” she yelled back.

“She can't actually expect us to do that, can she?” Acrylic asked, shaking his head. “Come on, Button. We're going after her.”

“No,” Octavia said with a shake of her head.

“What? But she--”

“She is right. The unmarked already outnumber us heavily and, unfortunately, their numbers are continuously growing. With every one of us that falls, another unmarked takes their place. While most of them are fine ponies, there's little to no way for us to tell which is which. With so many of them... it would only take a single spark to make it all blow. This is too dangerous to face head on.”

“So? That means she shouldn't go alone! She'll be torn apart!” Acrylic objected.

“The council is already in pieces,” Octavia said bitterly. “I need you two to go and get Sunburst. Styx and Scootaloo will be with the Shadowbolts and able to take care of themselves. Sassy is smart, she'll probably be laying low anyway.”


“Do what I say,” Octavia said before walking to the door. She lowered her eyes. “Stars help us. Another war...”


Diamond raced ahead, though a part of her felt as if she really wasn't herself any more. Thoughts and plans were filling her head, but they didn't feel like hers. It was as if there was a second pony inside her, or even a third or fourth. Just outside of her consciousness, whispering things only she could hear. She tried to tune it out, bury it. She wanted to pretend she didn't need it, that she had this handled.

But she didn't have it handled and she knew it. She needed help. Even wanted help. Meadowbrook was moving so fast, it was as if she never slowed down or stopped. Ponies were being turned left and right and there was nothing they could do about it. Which of the unmarked could be trusted? Could ANY of them be trusted? She'd assumed that once a pony lost their cutie mark, they stayed the same. But what if they didn't? What if there was more to that magic after all? What if it changed the pony and made them obedient?

Or what if they were all scared and frightened and Meadowbrook's words were just what they needed to hear? Sunburst had started locking them all up, it wouldn't be surprising if they were upset. She could already see what Meadowbrook would do. Attack the prison, turning more of the city's defenders into unmarked.

She wished she could fly as she raced through the streets, occasionally passing other ponies. Most were staring at their radios or the speakers, listening as Meadowbrook ranted. She stopped at one street, looking up as a few Shadowbolts flew overhead. They were fighting with a few unmarked, though the unmarked stood no chance and were quickly disabled. She looked around for more, before shrugging. There were only two Shadowbolts, but the unmarked they were fighting were already disabled. There were probably dozens of teams like that right now, moving around the city and capturing the unmarked under Sunburst's orders.

All of them waiting to be shipped to the prison. But if she didn't hurry, there wouldn't be a prison to take them. She galloped ahead, her hooves thumping across the ground, almost as loud as her heart. She felt that voice in the back of her mind, but she shut it out. She knew what she was doing now, she had it under control. She was the Avatar. She could handle this. She had to.


Button galloped on, his hooves thumping against the ground as he went. Wow, he couldn't believe how calm it was. The few ponies he'd seen hadn't even looked at him or Acrylic as they ran by, instead their attention was focused on the speakers. He had to give Meadowbrook props, she sure knew how to get attention. Finding Sunburst was going to be easy.

“Stop,” Acrylic called out, making the earth pony skid to a stop, sending a few clumps of cement scattering.

“What? What is it? What?”

“Look around,” the unicorn said as he trotted up besides his teammate.

Button looked around, but there wasn't anything. The only sound was Meadowbrook's voice and her repeated speech. There wasn't a pony anywhere on the street. “Yeah, so? It's empty.”

“It's completely quiet,” Acrylic muttered. “It's only a little after sunset, but there isn't a single pony out here. No lights are on. The entire area is just... dead.”

Button eeped and took a step back, looking around. “Now... that you mention it... you don't think... you don't think there are zombies, do you?”

Acrylic froze in mid step, his mouth falling open as he stared at the earth pony. “I... what? Zombies? Why would... what would make you think... how do you get... what? There aren't... what? How did you even...” He shook his head. “No. I don't. Remember what the Avatar said? About Sunburst? Do you think the ponies he sent out have already... been here?”

Button gulped and looked around. “I... guess. Maybe? It's kinda... there isn't any sign of earth bending. Maybe they went peacefully?”

“Maybe,” the water bender said, though he kept looking left and right. “I don't like this.” Meadowbrook's words filtering through the street made everything seem all the more ominous as the two slowly walked forward.

Button tapped the ground and wished he'd mastered his mother's special rock feeling skill. He could do it a little bit, but he wasn't able to feel anything. Then he yelped and started running.

“What? Did you see something?”

“No!” the earth pony said. “But this is the way to the council headquarters! What if they came through here and are on the way?”


Octavia galloped through the street, her eyes focused ahead as she ran. Off in the distance she could see where the streets turned to the pier beach and the lake began. Past that was Avatar Island.

Her muscles ached and her bones quaked. She was too old for this. It was one of the reasons she had worked so hard to train Button. He was supposed to be dealing with these kinds of things, not her. She could imagine Vinyl running besides her, probably laughing and making some kind of comment about how she was getting slow in her old age.

'Well, I'm old, that happens to ponies,' she thought grouchily to herself. She swore if Blaze and Prism weren't there, she was going to be furious. She could not and would not be going all over the city trying to find them. Prism was one of their fastest, he'd be able to get others out far quicker than she could. She smiled as she left the city and ran along the beach, a smile on her face. She stopped on the shore and did a few quick mental calculations.

'Just need to make a rock bridge to the island. That'll be enough to--'

She barely jumped to the right in time to avoid the burst of light green magic. Her eyes narrowed and she looked up in time to see the glow disappear. It didn't matter though. She thrust her hoof forward and clumps of sand shot into the air around her, rocketing into the sky.

After a few moments there was a dull thump as Meadowbrook fell to the ground, her mechanical wings only barely slowing the drop. “Ugh. Should have known these shoddy pieces of junk wouldn't go well with sand.”

Octavia eyed the mare, thrusting out her hooves and feeling out with her earth bending senses. She couldn't feel anypony else, but the sand made it difficult. “Meadowbrook, I presume?”

“Indeed,” the mare said with a sigh. “So, how did you know I was there? When did you notice I was following you?”

Octavia kept her face still, though internally she couldn't help being surprised. She hadn't even realized she was being tailed. “When you used your spell, the glow gave it away. You really should have tried launching it when I was in the city. The street lights would have blocked it better.”

“If you would have stopped for a few minutes, I would have,” the mare said as she slowly started walking around the beach. “You know why I'm here, don't you?”

“Yes. You're after the council.”

“Oh, partially right. That is business but... to be honest? This right here... this is pleasure.” Meadowbrook ran forward, the staff twirling in her magic.

Octavia nodded. “I see.” She thrust a hoof forward, sending the sand under Meadowbrook's hooves into a tight swirl. The mare fell flat with a yelp, before the sands shot up and swirled around her. “I'm afraid my sand bending isn't quite the best, but it's more than enough to deal with you.”

An explosion tore out from the sand, sending Meadowbrook flying into the air. The unicorn's staff was wrapped in fire, twirling around in the light. The flames shot out at Octavia, making her stomp the ground and raise a barrier of sand to protect herself. The unicorn chuckled. “Really? Then I guess I'll have to get a bit more serious.”

Octavia pushed a hoof down, scattering the sand around them. “How did you do that? I thought you hated benders?”

“All ponies should be equal,” Meadowbrook said. “No pony should bend. No pony should have cutie marks that set them apart. Nopony should have to suffer at the hoof of another. The Staff of Sameness is what will allow me to do this.” She aimed it at the mare. The tip crackled for a moment, before a streak of lightning shot out.

Octavia barely managed to leap aside, letting out a shocked gasp as she looked back towards the staff. “What is that thing?”

“The most powerful object known to pony kind. With it, I can make all ponies equal,” Meadowbrook said with a chuckle. She then pulled the staff back and the fire disappeared.

“With you at the head, correct?” Octavia asked, slowly circling around the mare.

“Some of us will have to be more equal than others,” Meadowbrook said. “Not that you'd understand. A pony like you has always had power and prestige. Never had anything taken away from you.” The staff glowed in her magic before she thrust it forward.

Octavia waited for another burst of fire, or a blast of magic, but there was nothing. Then her hooves started to sink and she tried yanking them out.

“But once there is true equality, there won't be any more need for me,” Meadowbrook said firmly, before thrusting the staff forward again.

Octavia managed to pull herself free from the sand and lunge to the right, narrowly avoiding a beam of green magic. “There's no need for you now. Do you have any idea what you're doing? If you want true equality, you should try raising ponies up, not tearing others down! A cutie mark is what makes a pony special!”

“A cutie mark doesn't make a pony special! Wings don't! Horns don't! Most importantly, bending doesn't!” Meadowbrook yelled as fire lanced out, making Octavia lunge to the right. As the earth pony moved, her hoof thrust down and dug into the sand. She flung it out, sending a clump of sand at the unicorn. It exploded a few feet from her face, filling the air with sand. “GAHHHH! MY EYES!”

“Nopony needs your form of equality,” Octavia said before tapping the ground. “It doesn't--”

She let out a startled cry as metal chains suddenly struck and wrapped around her from behind. Before she could try to bend them, electricity shot through them, sending its painful bursts through her body and making her scream.

Meadowbrook hacked and coughed, moving the mask aside as she wiped at her face with her hooves. After a few seconds she pulled the mask back down and looked towards the source of the chains. A submarine having risen from the water.

“Lady Meadowbrook, are you alright?” a voice called out.

“I-I'm fine,” she said weakly, before limping forward. “I'm fine.” She walked to Octavia and leveled the staff at her. “The council falls tonight. Harmony is mine.” The green beam of light shot out from the staff, enveloping the earth bender until, finally, her cutie mark disappeared and flowed under her cloak.