• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 64 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Callout

Button led Diamond and Silver into a much smaller room with more rocks, dirt and metal. He walked across the room and turned to face her. “Well, we shouldn't be bothered too much here. What did you have in mind?”

She nodded and closed the door, before grinning. “Well, I'm going to burn you alive.”

“W-what?” he asked, squeaking softly.

She snickered and moved over besides him. “Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. Much. I'm just going to teach you fire bending.”

“What? I told you, I can't fire bend. I'm not the Avatar, I only get the one.” He was starting to sound a little annoyed.

She nodded. “Oh, I know. But I talked to Blaze and, frankly, having seen you fight, I think you wouldn't be a half bad fire bender. A lot of your movements are already like them. You lack the power through, but that's likely because you're always practicing on trying to be unmovable. If you like moving around so much, constantly swinging into things, well, go with it. Learn a style that helps you a bit.”

He nodded and gulped. “But, I can't fire bend.”

“So? You'll learn.” She gave a nod. “Now, fire bending is all about power. If earth bending is impossible to move, then fire bending is impossible to stop. You need to move like that. Go into your neutral stance.”

He did so and she eyed him. For an earth bender, his legs were too far apart, he was a bit too low. But for a fire bender, he just might work. Worse came to worse, she could try teaching him water bending. He seemed a bit too heavy to learn air bending, anyway. She moved over and adjusted his legs and torso. “There. Now, rather than moving back, try to spend more energy on moving forward. Don't try to take blows, try to push back and through them.”

“That sounds like earth bending,” he said softly.

“In a way, I suppose. But it's the difference between refusing to move, and pushing it back. Fire bending is all about shoving things around, powering through a defense. Earth bending is as well, in a way, but it's far more defensive. Let's try a little sparing and I'll demonstrate, okay?”

He nodded, eying her awkwardly. She went into her fire bending stance. She really didn't know if this would, or even could, work. Bending like a fire bender while using earth bending felt awkward and just wrong. But she wanted to at least try. A little. She took a deep breath and began.

A few minutes later she hit the back wall, hard. Her eyes bulged and she fell to the ground. “T-too... too h-hard,” she said with a groan, coughing weakly. Now she knew how the ponies she'd been smashing felt. It was not good.

“I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!” Button yelled as he ran over, cringing and holding out his hoof. “Are... are you okay? How badly does it hurt? Where does it hurt?”

“I-I'm fine,” she lied before slowly getting to her hooves. To her surprise, he was doing quite well fighting like that. He wasn't moving exactly like a fire bender, but that method of earth bending was suiting him far better. Throwing his everything into each attack, rather than just trying to hold himself back. Never stopping his movements, either. It was brutal, a bit clumsy and horrible at defense, but the offense was great. “I think that's e-enough for now,” she said with a groan, before wobbling over to Silver. The mare smiled at her. “J-just need a small break.”

“You two were wonderful. I've never seen you move like that, Button. You were amazing.”

The stallion grinned sheepishly. “Really? You think so? I was just doing what the Avatar told me.”

“Y-yeah, doing what I tell you. That'll serve you well,” she said with a light groan as she sat down. “Just bend like that from now on, okay? You'll do fine.”

Button nodded. “You think you'll want to try again? I uhhhh... I mean I need the practice and--”

“Yeah, in a few minutes. Just need to relax for a moment.”

He sqweed and sat down, watching her with the dopiest look on his face. She couldn't help but smile. He was an idiot, but at least he wasn't too bad. She eyed him for a moment before looking down. “Hey... Button? Would you say we're friends?”

“Huh? Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't we be?” The smile wavered. “Wait... do you not want to be friends?”

“What? No! Of course not! I mean, I'm happy we're friends. I just didn't know if you wanted to be or not... so... yeah. We're friends now. Officially. I guess.” Not that she cared or anything. She was just smiling because he was so happy. She slowly got to her hooves. “Come on, let's do some more practice.”


Diamond breathed heavily as she dabbed her brow with a towel. They'd been practicing for hours and, as much as she hated to say it, Button was good. He was really good. No wonder he'd been having so much trouble, if he'd been an actual fire bender he'd have probably been a natural. The force he could exert was just amazing.

'N-not that I can't do more. If I want to. Probably,' she told herself, though she showed the stallion nothing but smiles. “We're going to do amazing at the next match with you bending like this.”

He nodded. “Yeah. I can't believe it. It just feels so... good. Natural even.”

She nodded. At times she swore she could even see steam rising off the rocks he was using. Such a shame that earth benders couldn't make fire or anything like that. “Okay, rest time is over, let's--”

A high pitched siren filled the air and she looked up. “What's that?”

“An alarm,” Button said quickly. He listened for a moment, before gulping. “An emergency alarm. Something... bad happened. There's no other reason they'd use that. Come on, let's go.” He ran to the door, shoving it open and galloping out.

She followed after him, Silver close behind. “What? What kind of something bad?”

“I don't know! But that's an alert to call and dispatch all metal benders!”

“But neither of us are metal benders!”

“We still need to check it out,” he called back. He skidded to a stop at the front office and looked at the secretary behind the desk. “What's going on?”

The pony barely looked up, too busy going through the papers on her desk. “All metal benders are to go to the Moon Raiser compound immediately.”


“Go!” the pony yelled, never even looking up.

The three shared a concerned look, before galloping off. When they got outside, it was already night time, the sun was gone and...

Diamond stopped and looked up.

The sky was empty. Not a single star in it, let alone the moon.

“Come on!” Button yelled.

“Look!” Diamond yelled, pointing up.

He did, and stopped. The three looked up for a few moments, before finally the unicorn shook her head. “Let's go. You're right, go!” she yelled, before galloping. Something bad had happened. She could feel it. She could see it.


The Moon Raiser compound overlooked the lake, a crescent shaped building that was only two stories tall. The place was swarming with Shadowbolts, metal benders and ponies yelling and asking questions. Some stone blockades had been set up, but it was still all the metal benders could do to keep the crowds back. Diamond raced forward. “What's happening here?” she asked.

“Miss, please, stand back,” the earth pony said. “A statement will be issued soon.”

“It's me, the Avatar,” she said quickly. The pony gave her a curious look, before moving aside.

“Council stallion Sunburst is looking for you.”

“I'll be back as soon as I can,” she said to Button and Silver, before leaping the blockade and racing forward. Above she could see the Shadowbolts struggling to keep pegasi back as well. She raced towards the center of the compound, where a second, smaller blockade had been set up.

When she arrived, she saw why. Dozens of unicorns were laying on the ground, unmoving and stripped of their cutie marks. Every last one of them a blank flank. The sight filled her with dread.

“You're okay,” Sunburst's voice broke through her thoughts, making her look up. “We were worried sick.”

“I was away. What happened? Was it Meadowbrook?”

He nodded. “Her and at least a dozen others. They were all missing their cutie marks, but armed with those alicorn devices of Tomorrow Industry's. It happened while they were beginning to raise the moon, a cowardly sneak attack,” he said with a shake of his head. He stared at the unmarked. “The ponies never stood a chance. Not in the midst of that spell.”

“Were they all... are all the moon raisers...?”

“No,” he said with a smile. “Tittering and a few others managed to regather themselves and fight back. Unfortunately, the majority of the Moon Raisers were de-marked. The remaining are all being evacuated to the Water Nation. Council mare Vinyl Scratch will be going with them to aid in the return of the sky.”

Diamond's eyes widened. “W-what? Why?”

He shook his head. “It's apparent we can't keep them safe here. The Sun Raisers are in the Fire Tribe lands, the Moon Raisers can remain in the Water Nation where it's safe. We've already sent a message to Queen Rarity, we're sure she'll accept them. She has always been a firm supporter of Harmony.”

The unicorn nodded, unable to take her eyes off the ponies. “Why? Why would she do this? They're... the world needs them. Doesn't it?”

He nodded. “This is an expression of power,” the stallion said. “She's trying to show that anypony can be de-marked. That she won't stop.” He looked towards the crowd. “We'll have to make a statement soon. I'll talk with the council.”

“Let me,” Diamond said with a growl.

“Avatar, you shouldn't--”

“I will,” she snapped, stomping forward. She moved up to the barricade, pushing her front hooves against it. “LISTEN UP!” she yelled. It took a few moments, but the reporters went silent. “You want a statement? I have one!” She looked out over the crowd and glared. “Meadowbrook, you're a coward and a pathetic fear monger! I'm calling you out! Just you and me, tomorrow. Other side of the lake, by the river on the east side! I'm not scared of you and when I'm done with you, neither will anypony else!” She then snorted. “That is, if you even have the courage to show your cowardly little tail!” she yelled, before pushing herself back off the barricade and storming off. Her heart was pounding but she didn't care. She was furious. She was going to beat that mare so bad. She'd show them that there was nothing to fear of this monster.


“Absolutely not!” Blaze yelled, stomping her hooves against the table in the council chambers. The night had been hectic, but early in the morning the Avatar had been summoned to the building. Diamond tried, barely, to contain her anger as the ponies discussed her plans for the night. It wasn't their problem, she was the one who called that terrorist out. If she didn't show, everypony would think she was a coward.

Unfortunately, all of the non-ponies had decided not to show. Apparently many of them still viewed this as a 'pony' problem, so they were ignoring it. It didn't matter, though. After tonight, Meadowbrook would be broken.

“I don't care!” Diamond yelled. “You can argue and contemplate all you want, but I'm doing this. With or without the Council's permission.”

“I'm with Council mare Blaze on this,” Sassy said with a shake of her head. “This is far too dangerous. If the Avatar was to lose her cutie mark, she--”

“She can't steal my cutie mark!” Diamond objected. “I'm not a normal pony. I'm the latest incarnation of... well, who knows how many? Whatever trick she has won't work on me.”

“There's absolutely no way to know that,” Zecora said with a shake of her mane. “To fight her now could create a situation we cannot combat.” Despite her words, her voice came out quite plain.

“Unfortunately, this is a dreadful situation we are put in,” Sunburst said with a shake of his head. “If we don't allow the Avatar to meet this pony, she will look cowardly and it will heavily reduce the morale of those still in the city. There is a very minor chance this mare will even appear, anyway.”

“As much as I hate to... agree with the Avatar on this, I must concede there is a point to this,” Octavia said with a shake of her head. “If this mare is foalish enough to appear, it could be the perfect time to strike. She'd have to arrive by ground. We could have ponies surround the area. When she finally appears, the Avatar would just need to stall her long enough for us to strike.” The mare's eyes glanced over to the empty seat besides her, where Vinyl had once sat.

“It's too dangerous. What if we weren't fast enough?” Blaze asked.

“We could have metal benders on the ground and the Shadowbolts in the sky,” Scootaloo said. “I trained half those bolts myself, there's no way she'd be able to notice them in the dark. Between the two, there'd be no escape.”

“I second that,” Styx said with a nod. “Especially now. Without the moon and stars, the nights are dark. It'll take a few days before the order is returned, so we can use this to our advantage. Have the Avatar lure her out, then we strike.”

Diamond ground her hoof into the ground. She couldn't believe this. They were talking about her as if she was just bait. She'd show them. She'd crush this Meadowbrook before they had a chance to move in. Break her like the coward she was. More arguments flowed through the air, but she didn't care. Meadowbrook was going down, she'd see to that. She'd destroy the mare. Crush her.


Diamond took a slow, deep breath as she skidded along the surface of the lake, trying her best to be calm. She would kick Meadowbrook's flank, show her who the real bender was. Her heart was pounding so bad she could almost hear it over the gentle swirls of the lake around her. A small glimmer of light rose from her horn, the fire lighting the dark night.

She wasn't scared, she wasn't. She was a pro-bender and, more importantly, the Avatar. It would take a lot more than some pony with a fancy staff to break her. Even if she lost last time, it was only because she hadn't been on top of her game. She couldn't lose her bending or her cutie mark. After all, she was special. She was unique. There was only one pony like her in all the world. How could anypony else try to take it from her?

Her heart nearly stopped as the opposite end of the lake came in view. She could see a light on it. Was Meadowbrook already there? What if the metal benders and Shadowbolts weren't ready? Could she hold her off long enough?

She shook her head and steeled herself, trying to drown out her pounding heart as she leaped onto the shore. “Meadowbrook! I'm here, show yourself!”

“I-it's me,” a soft voice said.

Diamond's eyes widened. “Silver? What are you doing here?” The light on her horn glowed brighter, revealing the mare laying on the ground, complete in her fake wings and horn.

“I... didn't want you to be alone,” she said softly. “It's so dark and... I thought you might like some company. I mean, you don't even know if she's coming or--”

“You shouldn't have come!” Diamond snapped. “I said alone. It's too dangerous for you, you can't even bend.”

The mare's eyes lowered. “I'm sorry. I just... didn't... want you to have to suffer through this alone.”

The unicorn sighed and slowly stepped forward, sitting by her. “I... guess. I mean, I... appreciate it. Thank you. But you really shouldn't have. If she comes and we have to fight, you'll just get in the way.”

“If she comes, I'll run and... signal the others. I guess. I just... sorry.”

Diamond nodded and looked up. It was so dark now. She wouldn't deny it, but she was happy she didn't have to do this alone. Off in the distance she could see the glow of the city, but here there was nothing but a dark void. She wished she had some candles to light.

She could almost imagine something out there in the gloom, watching them. Just on the edge, the only thing keeping it at bay being the fire from her horn. She wondered what it would be like if the fire went out, if the darkness swallowed them. Would they both disappear, never to be seen again?

She quickly shook her head. 'Stop it, Diamond. It's just the night. There's nothing out there. Except for Meadowbrook. And you aren't scared of her.' None the less, she couldn't get her hooves to stop shaking. Fortunately the light was so dim it would be hard to see. She wondered if anypony else had ever faced darkness like this. It almost seemed hungry.

“Are you okay? You're breathing really heavy,” Silver said softly.

“I'm fine. Just thinking,” the unicorn said with a shrug. “Do you think she'll show?”

“No. I mean, why would she? It's too dangerous. You're the Avatar after all. She'd be foalish to face you head on. Who could fight you?”

Diamond nodded and stared out over the dark lake, though most of it was invisible in the darkness. Only the reflection of the glowing city on it. “Yeah, I am pretty awesome. Nopony could possibly fight me. She knows that.” She grinned and relaxed, leaning back. “Now everypony is going to know just how much a coward she is. That theres nothing to worry about. She'll just hide--”

Her words were cut off as two metal chains lanced out in front of them, appearing from the darkness. They coiled around the two in an instant and dragged them forward. Diamond didn't even have a chance to scream before she was pulled under the water. She struggled in the binds, but they were too tight and she was too disoriented. Her nose and throat burned from the water gushing in and she struggled to shoot it back out, but that only made more water flow in.

Then, just as quickly as it happened, she was in open air. Mostly. The chains still held her and she landed in a puddle, but she could at least breath. She wasn't allowed long to enjoy it, however. The chain sparkled a little before lighting up with electricity. She let out a scream as it flowed through her. She collapsed on the ground, twitching uncontrollably.

Then there was light. She was inside a large, metal square room. The chains holding her and Silver went into two holes in the wall, of which there were three more. She could only watch helplessly as the door opened and four ponies moved out. They were all wearing metal masks with tubes attached. Metal covered them from their hooves to their heads, all bearing black artificial horns and wings. The four surrounded the twitching unicorn and grabbed her hooves, binding them in chains. She looked over to see them remove the (now fried) attachments on Silver, before chaining her up as well. The two soon dangled from the roof.

It was all she could do to keep her eyes open, let alone move. Everything hurt. But, finally, one last pony came into the room. The staff and mask were impossible to miss. “Meadowbrook...” Diamond said softly.

“Avatar. What a pleasure to meet you again,” the mare said with a soft chuckle. “I do wish it could be under better circumstances.” The end of the staff was put under the unicorn's chin.

Diamond's heart started pounding faster and her entire body shook. She was going to lose her cutie mark. There was nothing she could do to stop it. Could the metal benders find them? What about the Shadowbolts? Were they underwater now? Above shore? What if she was wrong and it was possible to remove hers?

“Nopony is coming for you, Avatar,” the mare said with a shake of her head, before slowly pulling the staff back. “But, you're in luck. You see, removing your cutie mark now would be too easy. Worst of all, it wouldn't work with my plans. If I do it now, you'll be seen as a martyr. A mare who stood up against a tyrant and was punished for it.” She sighed. “But that won't do, I'm sure you understand. See, I don't want to hurt anypony. I merely want everypony to be equal. To be the same.” She twirled the staff slowly. “I'm curious, do you understand?”

“Y-you're insane,” Diamond whispered.

“No, this world is insane. Look around you. Look at how the ponies fight and squabble. Look at the great wars that have happened because of the differences ponies have. Do you think it's fair that some ponies are born with wings? Some with bending? Some rich, some poor? Why, look at your past incarnation. She nearly died and countless others did, all because the Water Nation felt it had the right. Because they believed they weren't equal. They de-horned thousands of ponies, using their cruel magics,” She walked around, shaking her head. “All ponies should be equal, born equal. But they aren't. There are always those who stand and tread on others. All the wars, the fighting, the killing.” Her voice actually sounded sad, pitying. “I merely want to end that. I want everypony to be the same.” She then reached out and put a hoof to Diamond's cheek, gently brushing the fur down. “You're smart, aren't you? Can you really not see the wisdom in making all of us the same? In allowing us all the same chances.”

“B-bending is awesome. We need bending. O-our cutie marks. They're what makes us unique and--”

“Unique? What's so good about being 'unique'?” the mare asked, stomping a hoof down. “This uniqueness leads to death, destruction. Killing, maiming. Hurting. How can anything like that possibly be good?”

Diamond trembled and looked around. All of them blank flanks. Couldn't they see how wrong this was? A cutie mark wasn't just bending, it was a pure expression of who they were. Of what they were. A pony couldn't just take it away.

“Avatar, I would love for you to join us,” Meadowbrook said softly.

“W-what?” Diamond asked, her eyes widening. “You're crazy! I'd never join you! I'd sooner die!”

The mare shook her head. “Die? Oh, please don't be so dramatic. I'd never kill anypony.” She lifted the staff up and gently nudged the horn. “Is your bending really worth that much to you? Is your life so empty and pathetic that without it, you have nothing else?”

Diamond trembled, lowering her eyes. “I...”

“There is no longer a need for an Avatar, child. Look at the past. How many ponies have suffered and even died thanks to your failures? How many wars have been fought? I offer a change. True equality. No longer will ponies have to fear for their lives, terrified they'll be squashed by somepony who is bigger or stronger than them.” She then pulled the staff back.

“What is that thing? How does it take our cutie marks?”

“This? Oh, it's known as the Staff of Sameness. A powerful relic created long ago in order to help bring about a utopia where all ponies could be equal and safe. Sadly, even then ponies were... far from accepting. It was lost for millenia. But now I've found it and I will usher in a new world of peace and prosperity. One without bending, without conflict and without an Avatar.” She then turned towards Silver.

“W-what? Hey! Stop!” Diamond cried, as the staff was lowered.

“You'd be another martyr now, Avatar. Your friend, on the other hoof... she'll just be an example. If you won't join me now, watch her. Learn how alike we all can be.”

Silver shrieked, her eyes widening. “W-wait, no, stop, don't--” But the words were cut off as the light from the staff enveloped her.

“STOP!” Diamond screamed, struggling in the chains, but she could do little more than wiggle, her body in too much pain. The chains holding her sparkled for a moment and then pain shot through her again, until darkness enveloped her.