• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 19: Separated

Diamond felt dread flow into her stomach as she came into sight of the prison. Now was the time. It was going to be in shambles, Meadowbrook had probably already been here and destroyed it. Or wiped out all the ponies. Or...

Or it was completely fine.

She slowed down and gradually came to a stop as she got a good look at it. The entrance was a single large cavernous hole, with three metal benders and a few Shadowbolts outside, playing cards. There was no sign of fighting, no sign of destruction. In fact, there was no sign that anything at all was going wrong. Even as she watched, a few metal benders came up to the cavern, leading a few unmarked, and were merely motioned inside. Diamond gulped as she slowly trotted forward.

“Hello?” she called out.

One of the metal benders looked up and then let out a yelp, quickly standing at attention. “Avatar, sir!”

Diamond blinked, her eyes widening. 'Wait, I think this is the first time anypony here has actually been respectful to me. What do I do? What do I say? Oh buck, I'm not prepared for this!' “Errr... at... ease, soldier.”

The others kind of grunted and shrugged in her general direction. Oddly, she felt more comfortable with that reaction than she did the respectful one.

“Have there been any attacks? Has Meadowbrook showed her face around here?”

“Nope,” the pony said, bowing his head. “Would you like to see the cell, Avatar?”

She nodded slowly. “Uhhh... yes. Yes I would.”

The stallion nodded and trotted inside. She followed behind, looking around curiously. She groaned when they came to the main cell. Or rather, apparently the ONLY cell. Down at the end of the tunnel was the main chamber. It looked large enough to house a dozen dragons, assuming they were the size of a building and needed a lot of personal space. The roof was supported with tall, stone towers that were spaced around the room. It was just one massive prison, holding all the ponies at once. She wondered how many rooms it had been before they cleared it out to hold everypony. There was only the one entrance, a single wall of stone bars keeping the ponies trapped within. A few metal benders stood outside it, keeping an eye on them.

“Haven't they tried to break out?” she asked softly.

“At least five times,” her escort said with a nod. “But there's only the one entrance. None of the unmarked can bend, so they have to come through here. All we have to do, then, is close up the entrance. There are other holes that lead to the outside, of course. To help keep the air supply from going bad, but those are easy to close as well. Once we close it up, they tend to calm down quickly.”

She nodded, looking around at them. None of the ponies seemed to object, but then there didn't seem to be much point to it. They were trapped, completely. There was nothing they could do.

“Avatar, is that you?” a voice called out, making her look towards the right. One of the stallions raced forward, moving against the bars. One of the metal benders pushed a hoof out and the ground shifted, knocking the pony back with a yelp. “Ow! Avatar, please! Let us out! I have a family out there! I haven't done anything wrong, I was just attacked and had my cutie mark removed. I never asked for this. I don't belong here!”

“Me either!” another yelled. “I wasn't a part of the riot, I was just dragged along. I never wanted to be there!”

“Back off!” one of the guards yelled as more and more ponies surged forward, reaching out with their hooves towards her, yelling and screaming to be released.

“Avatar! Help us! Save us, please!”

Diamond looked between all the ponies. On the one hoof, she wanted to let them go. On the other, there was no telling how many of Meadowbrook's ponies were trapped in there, waiting to strike. She slowly took a step back. “Please, everypony calm down. This is only temporary. This will all be over soon.”

“Please! I never did anything wrong! You can't hold me like this!” one of them called out.

“It's just for a little bit. It's for the safety of all, you need to understand. You'll all be released soon,” she said quickly, taking another step back.

“I'm not a danger! I just want to be with my family!”

“Avatar, we need to go,” her escort said. “We might have to close the exit again.” The metal benders were already pulling back as the stone bars shook.

Diamond looked at the ponies, trembling slightly, before turning to run. The path out wasn't long, but it felt like forever until she heard the loud thump behind her. She looked up at her escort. “Is... any of this right?” she asked softly.

“I wouldn't know, ma'am. That's not my decision to make,” the pony said with a shrug. “But they aren't being hurt, if that's what you're worried about.”

The unicorn nodded, slowly trotting out and sitting near the edge. “There's... no way out, is there?”

“They'd need an earth bender to get out. This area is too defensible,” the stallion said with a smile. “It's only temporary. Right?”

She nodded. “Right. Temporary. Once Meadowbrook is captured, it'll all be over.” She looked back towards the cavern.

'Hold innocent ponies captive, or let them all go and risk a bigger attack?' she asked herself. 'Why can't there be an easy answer?' She took a deep breath and put a hoof to her chest, trying to steady her heartbeat. 'This is the easy answer. It's just for a little bit. That's all.'

She looked out over the city and hoped Meadowbrook would be captured soon. Before it was too late.


“You think mom's okay?” Button asked. Meadowbrook's voice had finally cut off, no longer being broadcast over the city. Somehow the silence was all the worse. They hadn't seen anypony in a while, not even Shadowbolts or metal benders.

“She's fine! She can take care of herself! I'm more worried about Sunburst!” Acrylic yelled as the two ran through the city. They were almost to the headquarters and the tension could be almost felt between them.

Finally, they turned a corner and froze. The building was on fire. “Huh. That's... you know what? That's kind of what I expected,” Button said as he stared. “He is a fire bender, right? Does that mean things are going good, or bad?”

Acrylic stared at Button, before face hoofing. “The building is on fire! How can that possibly be good?!” He then ran forward, shaking his head. “I swear, sometimes! Think before you speak!”

“What? How is it any different from an earth bender's home being surrounded by dirt?”

“If an earth bender's home is being SWALLOWED UP BY THE GROUND, it's a problem!”

“Oh. Well, why didn't you say so?”

“I shouldn't have to say so!” Acrylic yelled.

The two galloped to the flaming building. Ash billowed in the air and the heat was intense, even on the ground they could feel it emanating from the higher floors. Dark figures were illuminated by the flames, but they couldn't make them out.

Then one dove at them. Acrylic took a step back. “Button, rock!”

The figure's wings began to spark. Button stomped on the ground and sent out a burst of rock at the figure, slamming into it face first and knocking it to the ground. He then stomped again. “Here!”

There was a rumble below and then water shot up from a broken pipe. Acrylic grinned and lunged forward, drawing the water around himself before sending it up at the fire. Steam filled the air as the fire was fought back.

“Sunburst!” he yelled, before sending up a shower of ice shards at the flying ponies. “Are you there?”

A stream of fire gushed out the side of the building.

“Come on down!” Acrylic yelled, before using the water to form a slide of ice up to the side of the building. “Button, cover it!”

“With what?”

“No, I mean stop anypony from attacking him when he comes down!” the unicorn yelled as he sent more bursts of ice flying up, trying to keep the flying ponies back. A dark figure jumped onto the slide, sliding down towards them. The pony was wrapped in a black cloak.

Disks of earth flew through the air, scattering the hovering ponies. Acrylic kept his eye on the pony, and as it almost reached the bottom, he reached out a hoof and the ice molded up, wrapping around the pony. “Sir, is that you?”

“Yes it's me!” Sunburst yelled. “Let me go!”

“Right, sorry sir!” Acrylic yelped, quickly releasing the pony and dumping him onto the ground. “We're retreating to Avatar Island. Please come with us!”

The fire bender gave a nod and jumped to his hooves, before sending up a burst of fire at the ponies. “My guards. They're--”

“They'll survive,” Acrylic said firmly. “Right now, you're the most important pony.”

“We can't leave a bunch of ponies stuck up there,” Button objected. “Sir, how many of them are there?”

“Four. But they were ambushed and knocked out. There's probably more in the building, but by now they probably ran off. We--”

“NO!” Acrylic yelled. “If we're going to have any shot of stopping Meadowbrook and getting these ponies their cutie marks back, we're going to need you. That means you are the most important pony here now. So sir, let's go!”

Sunburst looked up for a moment, before slowly nodding. “You're... right. Let's go.”

The water bender nodded before turning to run. More pillars of dirt and stone rose up around them as chunks of the cement road were flung up. “I don't like this,” Button said firmly.

“None of us do,” Acrylic said with a shake of his head. “But there's nothing we can do about it. We need to get out of here, now. Your mom's waiting for us.”

Button nodded slowly.


“I hate this,” Diamond muttered as she trotted back and forth in front of the prison. “She should be here by now. She should be attacking by now. Why isn't she attacking? I know she should be!” She couldn't shake it. She felt that nagging feeling in the back of her head, as if somepony was trying to talk to her and tell her what was going on. She tried to ignore it, but it was so persistent. She'd figured all this out, she knew what she was doing. But what if she didn't? A part of her wanted to listen, another part wanted to ignore it completely. She hated being so conflicted.

Something still felt so very, very wrong. There hadn't been anymore Shadowbolts or metal benders arriving with unmarked since the batch that arrived when she got here. She was certain there had to be more, but they just weren't arriving. It made her feel more and more uncomfortable and worried. What could be holding them?

She felt another burst of worry. “Oh no...” she said softly.

“What is it?” one of the metal benders asked.

“What if Meadowbrook is wiping out all of the gathering groups before coming here?” She looked up at the sky. “What if this was all planned, a night assault while they're most vulnerable?”

There was a dreadful silence, before one of the metal benders shrugged. “Even if she is, the only one allowed to leave here is you. She won't be able to launch an assault here. They'd need an earth bender of some sort to attack this place. I can't see any of us metal benders siding with her, either.”

“Ughhhh. There has to be something I'm missing!” Diamond yelled, shaking her head. She wondered if Twilight ever felt like this. 'Ugh, as if. She had to fight the Water Nation. She probably never had to deal with any of this disguising, hiding thing. All of her enemies were obvious and right there in front of her, she just had to beat them.' She felt a hot flush of indignation from inside, but tried to tune it out.

“So you're sure you can protect this place, right?”

“Yes, we can,” the metal bender said with a nod of his head. “Nopony aside from an earth bender would have a chance, this place is just too easily defended. We could hold out for weeks here.”

She nodded and turned to the city. “I'm going back in. I need to find the others and find out what's happening.”

“Avatar, that might not be the best idea,” one of the ponies said, looking up from her card game. “It's not exactly... safe out there. Not everypony is happy with how things are going. Sunburst's orders aren't going to make anypony of authority very popular.”

“I don't care. Things are going to go from bad, to worse,” she muttered softly, before running towards the city. 'How has everything just gone so bad, so quickly? How has she been ahead of us every step of the way?'

She made it into the city and galloped down the streets, her frustration building. “Guhhhh! I hate all this! Why couldn't I be a more political pony? Why can't I just have one BIG enemy? Somepony simple and easy to find! I don't care if they're the best bender in the whole world, heck, the four best! I'll fight the kings or queens or emperors or whatever of all the nations! So long as it's just easy to know who I'm fighting!”

There was no response from the world.

“Ugh, I hate this. MEADOWBROOK! Show yourself!”

“If you wish,” a voice said from behind her.

Diamond yiped and leaped forward, before turning and facing the mare. Meadowbrook was standing behind her, the staff held up and leveled at her. She was wearing the same cloak and mask as always.

“O-oh,” the Avatar said softly. “I didn't... think you'd hear me.”

“I've been looking for you, Avatar,” the mare said with a chuckle, slowly advancing. “The time is right.”

“Right? Right for what?” She kept backing up, looking around nervously. Above she could hear the gentle sound of ponies wings fluttering. She looked behind herself and saw ponies walking out from the alleys, blocking the street.

“The city is mine. Or at least, it will be soon. Not all of the unmarked will join me, but very few of them will fight me. Soon Harmony will stand as a true city of equality. A city where nopony need fear another, where all will be the same, safe and secure in the knowledge that they won't be considered inferior to others in any way.”

“How? By taking everything that makes them special?”

“Oh? You would say that, wouldn't you?” Meadowbrook asked as she took another step forward. “'The Avatar'. The most special pony of all, user of all four elements. Do you think that makes you better than anypony?”

“N-no,” Diamond lied.

“Really? It should. You are the greatest pony in the world, aren't you? A pony who has every single advantage in life. From a rich, noble family. An actual alicorn. A connection with... oh, who knows how many past lives?”

“H-how do you know about my family?”

“Do you really think I ignored your connection with one of the members of the council?”

Diamond could no longer go back any further without bumping into the unmarked. She gulped and watched the advancing mare, her eyes drawn to the staff. “You... know?”

“About Sassy? Of course. But that doesn't matter. There is no council anymore. By now, my soldiers have already captured Sunburst. Most of the metal benders and Shadowbolts have either been turned into unmarked or fled. You are all that remains.” There was a light chuckle. “Or did you hope to escape to Avatar Island?”

A cold burst of dread flowed through the Avatar. “You... didn't...”

“The island has fallen. Octavia was the first. Prism and Blaze are gone. Now all that remains is you.” The staff was aimed at her. “Now, Avatar. One last chance. Join me. There is no need for us to be enemies. I don't kill, I don't hurt. I don't destroy. All I want is equality. Balance. Is that not what you want?”

“Why do you want me to join you so badly?” Diamond asked softly.

“You're a symbol. If you fall now, it will be a sign that none can oppose us. That equality will not, cannot, be stopped. But if you were to join us, it would show the world that there is nothing to fear. That being equal is not something to flee from.”

“But there's nothing wrong with not being equal!” Diamond objected. “It's what makes ponies special! It makes some ponies funny, some ponies cool, some ponies wonderful friends or great leaders or generals or--”

“It makes ponies hurt and kill each other. It leads to war and destruction. It leads to the de-horning of an entire nation. It leads to monsters such as Discord. It leads to the powerful crushing the weak underhoof. It leads to rulers who stuff their faces and grow fat and lazy, while their subjects suffer and starve. It leads to ponies hurting themselves. It leads to pain and suffering. There is no place in this world for it anymore.” The staff was leveled on the unicorn. “One last time, Avatar. Join me.”

Diamond stared at the glowing green end of the staff, before taking a deep breath. “Never.” She kicked three of her hooves out, her back hooves sending out a burst of stone and rock, scattering the ponies behind her. Fire shot out her right hoof, sending her spinning out of the way as the beam of magic zapped where she had been. She quickly whipped around and tried to run through the gap she'd made.

She made it only a few feet before the swarm of ponies closed on her, lunging forward with electricity flowing out from their weapons and zapping her. She fell to the ground, skidding along a few feet before letting out a low, pained moan. Her body twitched in pain and she let out a soft, gentle whimper.

“Owie...” she said with a soft groan. The crowd parted and Meadowbrook walked towards the twitching, throbbing Avatar.

“We could have been great allies, Avatar,” the mare said with a shake of her head. “Why couldn't you see things my way?”

“Because... y-your way is w-wrong,” Diamond said softly. “Ponies... are different... for a reason.”

“Brutality is not a good enough reason.”

“OH YEAHHHHHH!” a voice echoed through the air, making the pony freeze.

“What in...”

The ground began to shake violently. Diamond looked around in confusion, as much as her body would allow her. Then the cement besides her burst open and a pair of diamond dogs appeared in their midst.

“Hah! Told you, pony beside other ponies,” the first one said, hitting his shorter comrade upside the head.

“I told you which other ponies pony was with though!” the other dog objected.

Meadowbrook stared, before raising the end of the staff at them. “You've got to be kidding. What do you think you're doing?”

The larger one looked at her and chuckled. “Stupid pony not realize how stupid pony is. Forget important thing.”

“What important thing?”

“Why ground shake so much?” the second diamond dog said.

“STAMPEDEEEEEEE!” a pony yelled as she ran by.

Meadowbrook looked very confused, before looking up. Her eyes widened as the crowd of ponies took to the air as best they could, but with so many of them and their lack of skill with flight made most of them bump into and knock each other back to the ground. Beyond them a herd of buffalo were galloping down the street straight towards them.

The bigger diamond dog grabbed Diamond, pulling her close. “Special pony come with us!”

The Avatar couldn't object, before she knew it she was drawn underground, surrounded by dirt.

Meadowbrook shrieked. “NO!” She shot out a beam of magic with her staff, but it was too slow. She then looked up before turning tail and fleeing down the street from the impending stampede.


Diamond was tossed out of a hole with a shriek, flailing in the air for a few moments before landing on the dirt with a groan. “Ow...” she grumbled. Slowly she sat up and looked around, unable to see anything.

“Don't fire bend!” a voice yelled.

She had already leaned her head forward to try it, but stopped. “Errr, why? Who's there?”

“Is Rover. Avatar, yes? None of the fire bending. Is very, very tight area. Low air, burn away. Make suffocate. Pony not use flame.”

Diamond nodded slowly. There was a light clack and then a dim glow began to fill the area. She was in a strange dome. “Where am I?” Her eyes widened. “Wait, are you trying to foalnap me? I swear, if--”

“Stupid pony. You bend earth! Why I foalnap you?”

The unicorn blinked and smiled sheepishly. She could now make out the dark shape of the diamond dog sitting across the room. “Oh. Right. Yeah, you know about the whole... right.” She shuffled nervously. “I uhhh... thank you. For saving me.”

“Was pony problem. Not pony problem now. Is all problem now,” the dog said with a grunt.

Her eyes widened. “W-wait. You're... you were captured, weren't you? In the attack! You went missing!”

“Yes, ponies try hold diamond dog prisoner. Ponies very, very stupid. Dog trick ponies.”


“Go through outhouse. Not pretty. But dog free. Dog warn other dogs. Tell them bad times coming. Bad times here now.”

“I noticed. They...” She paused. “Wait. Those were buffalo there. And... who was the pony yelling?”

“Minotaur. Is very excited. Want jump ponies, throw around like trees.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Wait, you don't throw trees.”

“Minotaur does.”

“Oh,” she said with a nod. “So you, the minotaurs and buffalo are all working together? That's great! You can help me stop Meadowbrook!”

There was a pause, before the diamond dog shook his head. “No.”

“What do you mean, 'no'? You said it yourself. This is an issue for all of Harmony!”

“Yes. All of Harmony. But Avatar forget other species. Twilight not forget. Twilight care about all. But you ignore all but pony.”

She scuffed her hoof. “N-no I didn't! You all ignored me! I was just... returning the favor!”

“Twilight good Avatar. Listen to non-pony. She bring unity. Peace. She help. New Avatar only help other pony. New Avatar barely know other non-pony exist.”

She opened her mouth to object, before stopping. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember the last time she'd even thought of the other leaders. Even when their leaders had been captured, she hadn't really cared since they didn't have cutie marks to lose. But they seemed to be in just as much danger. The zebras and negasi were, as well.

“I'm sorry,” she muttered softly. “You're right. I'm a horrible Avatar. I thought I had all this under control but... I really don't. I haven't really thought much about you all, since... well, I didn't really think you mattered. You couldn't bend or use magic. You just kind of... were there. That was wrong of me.” She took a slow, deep breath. “I have been favoring the ponies because I knew the ponies. I haven't tried to take the time to meet any of you or listen to you. But... things are different now. The ponies have fallen. Almost all of us. We're susceptible to this cutie mark removing thing and ponies are having what... makes them them removed. We have to stop it and reverse it, or Harmony is as good as gone.”

The diamond dog nodded. “Yes. Is true. New pony is very big problem. Needs be beaten, broken. Needs magic stopped. Old Avatar would fight her. We help her. Why we help you?”

She gulped. “You... helped me already. You care about this city, I know you do. You want a home for your families, your race. You never would have come here if you didn't. This is your one and only shot, isn't it? This is where you can be safe. Can be equal. But that doesn't mean it'll be easy. You'll need to fight for it.” She dug her hooves into the ground. “Please. I'm asking not just as the Avatar. I'm asking as a pony of this city. Meadowbrook has to be stopped. The world can't survive her forever.”

There was a soft chuckle from the dog and he shook his head. “Silly pony. Of course we help stop bad pony. Why you think we save you?”

She blinked a few times and then blanched. “Wait... then you said...”

“New Avatar very loud and obnoxious. Want to see if can beg. If can be humble.”

The unicorn's eye twitched. She barely managed to remind herself that she couldn't just crush the dog. She needed him. She'd need all the help she could get. “I... see.”

“Can control temper, too. Perhaps new Avatar not so bad.”

“Fine. So you'll help me. Have you managed to save any other members of the council?”

He nodded. “Oh, yes. Pegasus mare come and tell us of danger. Warn that bad things happening. Tell diamond dogs to close homes, protect selves. Warn others. All escape under ground.”

She gasped. “Wait, so Scootaloo is down here too? All others? You mean the other species, too?”

“Yes. All down here. Hiding. Safe, for now.”

“Please, take me to them!” she said, moving forward. The diamond dog chuckled and turned.

“Yes. Pony try follow. Earth bend, yes? See if compare with dog claws.” His claws dug into the dirt and he was off. She gaped for a moment before plunging into the dirt after him, bending it around herself.

She couldn't keep up. She could feel him out there, a little, with the dirt. But he was quickly pulling away. She could barely believe it. It was as if he could earth bend, but he definitely wasn't. At least, she was pretty sure he wasn't. He eventually stopped and she burst out just behind him, nearly ten seconds after he did.

“Pony so slow,” the dog said.

“S-shut up!” she said as her eyes tried to adjust. She let out another gasp. She was in a long tunnel that seemed to be connected with dozens of other tunnels, all lined up and interlocking. There were minotaurs, yaks, donkeys, buffalo, zebra and even a few ponies. She let out a gasp as her eyes fell on one winged pony in particular.

“BLAZE!” she shrieked, galloping forward. “You're okay!”

“What? Avatar, when did you--” The pegasus stumbled back a moment as the unicorn tackle glomped her, but she barely managed to remain standing. “When did you get here?”

“Not long ago! I just... I thought you and Prism were captured. Meadowbrook said you were and... and how did you escape?”

The mare smiled. “We went to investigate once the radio messages went up. We realized something was up and went to help the other council members. We managed to get Scootaloo out, but we haven't found Styx yet.”

She nodded. “Is there any news on Sunburst?”

The mare shook her head. “Not as far as we know. The diamond dogs have been moving through the city, gathering whoever they can and bringing them down into the tunnels. They've been invaluable during this time.” She looked up and smiled. “Thank you, Rover.”

The dog harrumphed. “Dogs not do this for thanks. Dogs do this to save Harmony. Pony make problem, we have to clean it up.”

She chuckled and looked down at Diamond. “Don't mind him. He always sounds grouchy but he's really quite sweet. Where were you?”

The Avatar cringed. “I was trying to see if any of the squads moving through the city were okay. I ran into Meadowbrook and... well... she caught me. Her forces were just too much for me to handle.”

The pegasus nodded. “She's dangerous. Any news on what she has planned?”

“No. Not yet. But I think she intends to take over the city and rule it, for now. She claimed she wants to make it a city of equality. I think she wants to try to convince other ponies to join her.”

“Depending on how she goes about it, she just might succeed,” Prism muttered. “We need to strike her hard and fast. We need to find Cranky and Rutherford.”

“Who?” Diamond asked.

“The council members for the donkeys and yaks. Meadowbrook's magic likely doesn't work on them, so having them here to direct their forces would be best.”

Diamond nodded. “Did you see Octavia? We... came up with a plan,” she said softly. “Or rather... I just...” She shuffled her hooves. “Can... we talk in private?”

Blaze looked around, before cocking an eye. “Where? We're in a small little tunnel. There aren't really a lot of places to be alone.”

“I-I don't know. Just... it's kind of silly... please?”

Blaze sighed and nodded. “I'll see what I can do.” She then turned and trotted off.

Diamond followed behind her. “So, uhhh... where's Prism?”

“Near the entrance. He's not very good around... caves. He doesn't like being underground, at all.”

“Really? But it's awesome.” She couldn't help but notice a few of the diamond dogs look up and nod appreciatively.

“For an earth bender, yes. But we're air benders. We're meant to fly free, to soar through the air and feel the cool wind beneath our wings. Being trapped under here, without the wind or fresh air. With it pushing in on us at all times, it's more than most air benders can handle.”

Diamond nodded slowly. “Oh. I didn't... realize. I'm sorry. I'd help if I could.”

There was a pause, then Blaze nodded. “It's not your fault, Diamond. But Prism just can't handle it very well. I've been down here a few times, so it's not so bad for me.”

“Why did you come down here?”

“I'm a member of the council. I have to visit the other races from time to time, usually as a group. Sometimes alone.”

Diamond nodded and felt a fresh pang of guilt. She'd never even considered visiting the other races. “I'm sorry. I never... really thought about what it was like to be the Avatar. I always kind of assumed that I'd just get it right. Perfect every time. You know?”

“No, I don't. But considering how you were raised... I suppose it makes sense. But it's good that you're beginning to realize that. Rather than having to have it smacked into you.”

The Avatar nodded. “Yeah. I... I now get that I'm going to have to work pretty hard to be like Avatar Twilight.”

Blaze nodded and then glanced back. “I'm sorry about what I said before. Calling you... saying your soul was black. While what you told Button was cruel and borderline unforgivable, that didn't mean you were pure evil incarnate. It meant you were stupid and insensitive. I was far too harsh in my judgment and I should have been slightly nicer about it.” She smiled after that. “I do believe you have potential, Diamond. You're learning, quickly. You've finally figured out that being the Avatar isn't the be all, end all of being a pony. That you're not better than everypony else.”

Diamond nodded. “Yeah. I know. I was just... learning. I think I'm doing better now. I'm trying harder.”

“Good,” Blaze said before stopping. They were in a dead end, though a few dogs were in it, lounging about. “Pardon me, would you allow the two of us a little bit of privacy?”

The dogs snorted, but slowly got up and lumbered out.

“Thank you,” Blaze called after them, before smiling. There were still others not that far away, but it was likely the best they'd get. “See, a little politeness goes a long way. What did you need to ask me about?” She then sighed. “If it's about a boy, it--”

“What? No no no! No! No no!” She shook her head quickly. “No. Not even, no. I've got all that figured out.”

“Really? At your age?” Blaze asked with a smile. “You're a lot more advanced than I thought you'd be.”

“What?” Diamond's cheeks flared red. “Not what I meant! I just... ugh, no, it's nothing like that. I need... well... I just...” She took a deep breath. “Before, when I was... when I was with Octavia and making plans for what to do, I just...” She closed her eyes. “And... occasionally when I'm doing things. It's hard to explain. But lately, it sometimes feels like there's another... pony in me. Directing me. Sometimes I get these feelings and things like... I knew a pony or something. Or that I met them. Or I'll feel as if I know things that I don't think I should. Stuff like that.” She opened her eyes. “I just... err... was curious if... well... I think I might be going a little crazy.”

Blaze nodded. “Ohhhh. I see. No, I think that's an Avatar thing.”

“An Avatar thing? How is that an Avatar thing?”

“Well, I think you're supposed to be all connected to your past lives. I don't know, it rarely came up.”

“W-what do you mean it rarely came up? I thought you and Prism were my teachers!”

“Well, Prism is your teacher. But he was taught by Rainbow and well, I don't know if you noticed, but she... okay, you've never met her. She's never really been one for the... non bending things. To be honest, a lot of what the Avatar is isn't really known too well. Twilight wrote a few books on the matter, but--”

“Wait, there are books on this? Why hasn't anypony told me?”

“Because the entire time we've known you, you've been nothing more than a spoiled brat and getting you to learn air bending alone has been near impossible. We aren't just going to start throwing books at you and hope they stick.”

Diamond just gaped. “I... I need those books. Wait, so these things I've been feeling they're... past lives?”

“Maybe? I don't know,” Blaze said with a shrug. “I remember hearing about Avatar Twilight talking to her past lives. But I never saw it and I didn't read her books. For something like that, you'd want to talk with Councilmare Zecora. I hear she aided Twilight in a lot of the spiritual side of being an Avatar. Helped her with things like spirits and stuff. Listen, I'm an air bender. I bend things. The whole... other things like the Elements of Harmony, spirits, stuff like that, I don't know about that stuff. I doubt Prism will know much either. It wasn't a big priority to us.”

Diamond's eyes lit up. “So, if I can find Zecora, you think she can help?”

“Maybe,” Blaze said with a shrug. “But, for now I wouldn't worry about it.”


“The city is falling apart. I'm sure figuring all this out would be nice, but right now we have bigger problems. We need to stop Meadowbrook and figure out how to get everypony's cutie marks back. If you have these feelings and feel like the past Avatar's are talking to you, that's great. Listen to them. Avatar Twilight was amazing and I'm sure any idea she's had always worked wonderfully and never failed.”

Diamond suddenly felt slightly sheepish.

“But right now, we have more important matters. I'm going to try and find and meet with the council. You're welcome to come with me. In fact, I'd encourage it.”

The Avatar watched her for a moment and nodded, trotting after her. 'Eh. At least I have an idea of what it is now. It'll wait until after I... after we kick Meadowbrook's flank.'


“A... dreadful sight,” Blaze mumbled as she looked over the few remnants of the council. Scootaloo, Zecora, Strongheart, Rover and Legond were all that had been found, so far. “Do you think any of the others will be found?”

“My dogs searching full city,” Rover said with a nod. “If hiding, they be found. Dogs know what doing, ponies take care of own business.”

“Right,” Blaze said before taking a deep breath. “I think our path ahead is clear. We need to stop Meadowbrook and rescue what leaders of ours we can. Cranky and Rutherford need to be saved so we can have the full aid of the donkeys and yaks.”

There were a few murmured agreements from the few that remained. Except from Legond, who pumped a fist into the air. “We'll pound this threat into smithereans!”

“Exactly,” Blaze said with a nod before looking to Rover. “Council dog Rover? Can you inform the council as to where you were being held?”

The dog gave a nod. “Ponies stupid. Hold dog in compound south of city. Wrapped in cement. But dog smarter than pony, escape. Yak and donkey not able to dig like dog, can't escape. May be moved, may still be there, don't know. Have to find her. Have--”

There were heavy hoof steps as Prism burst into the room. “Blaze, Scootaloo, you're going to want to come see this.” His face was pale and his eyes were wide.

“What is it? We're in a council meeting,” she said, though her eyes looked over his features with worry.

“It's Ironwing. He managed to arrive with Styx, but he... well... the healers are doing what they can. But they don't know if he'll make it.”

“Styx is here?” Blaze asked, then her eyes widened. “Wait, healers?” She took a step towards the door, before stopping. Indecision flashed across her face, before she shook her head. “I'm sorry, I have to.” Scootaloo was already out the door, not even waiting to excuse herself.

“Go, to be near a friend when they pass is a pain bearable,” Zecora said firmly. “To miss it, though, is most terrible.”

The pegasus nodded and then galloped out the door, following after Prism. Diamond watched for a few moments before looking at the council. “May... err, I be excused?”

“Bah, silly ponies,” Rover said with a grumble. “Plan for big escape, but no want to be here for plan! Shoo, shoo, we come up with plan ourselves.”

Diamond nodded. “Thank you,” she said before galloping off, down the tunnels. She saw Prism and Blaze ahead and she raced as best she could through the crowds, trying to keep up.

They didn't have to go far. A small crowd had gathered around one of the few beds as an earth bender ran glowing sand across the pegasus' body. She could see Styx and Scootaloo already in the crowd, a few Shadowbolts and her teachers joining with it. She also saw a pony with strange blades covering his wings, a lot like the ones Ironwing had.

Ironwing wasn't moving. His wing was a little too straight, tied with a piece of wood. His back legs were bound just as much, though the bone was poking through in his front right leg. Worst of all was his face, though. It seemed far flatter than she remembered it. His face seemed smooshed up. She moved up besides Prism and opened her mouth to speak, but then stopped.

He looked horrified, staring at the wounded pegasus. His eyes were a little misty too. She gulped and slowly reached a hoof out. She wanted to ask why he cared. She would have sworn they hated each other. “Is he going to be okay?” she asked softly.

“I... don't know,” Prism mumbled, shaking his head.

“I should have caught him,” Styx said softly, staring at the wounded pegasus. “He was right there. If I hadn't... if I had been a little faster. There were just so many of them. If I had just... he would have caught me,” the negasi said with a shudder, his front hooves wrapped around himself. “He was trying to protect me. He knew I was the target. He should have ran. He shouldn't have... he shouldn't have...”

Diamond looked between the ponies. None of them were crying, yet. But almost all of them looked as if they were on the verge. All it would take was one of them to start, then the entire group would unleash their sadness. Blaze and Prism moved up besides each other, supporting each other as they watched the healing sand flowing over the pegasus.

The Avatar didn't know him very well, but she knew this was not something she should intrude on. She slowly backed away and left the ponies to their grief. If Ironwing pulled through, then it would be wonderful. If he didn't, they deserved at least some privacy to grieve in peace. 'They don't need somepony gawking at their pain,' she thought to herself.