• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 64 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Qualifiers

Diamond groaned and lifted the water up from the lake, splashing it around herself as she skidded along the surface. She was hot and tired. Spending all night out there had just been exhausting, though she'd had a blast. She hadn't been able to go anywhere, though. Ponies were constantly asking for her autograph and it had taken hours just to get to the shore to make her way back to the island. It had sooo been worth it though.

She let out a soft yawn when she jumped onto the island, stretching out a bit. Oh yeah, she was awesome. Those ponies knew it. They absolutely adored her, loved her even. She couldn't wait to get back there and--

She let out a yelp of shock as Prism landed in front of her, his landing sending sand into the air, making it hard for her to breath and making her cover her face. “What the buck?” she asked angrily. When she lowered her hoof, he was right in front of her. “What?”

“You are not entering the pro bender tournament.”

She snorted. “Or what, you'll stop training me?” she asked, glaring at him.

He took a deep breath, before shaking his head. “I was wrong before. I was hoping you'd be mature enough to handle this. I thought maybe Filthy had done something right with you. But he didn't. I'm going to talk to the council, get you sent back for proper training.”

“Sent... back?”

“Yes. The full range. Earth, fire, water then wind. From the beginning, the way you should have learned.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Y-you can't do that. You can't just decide who--”

“Yes, I can,” he said with a growl. “You have a responsibility to--”

“How I do MY job is MY business. If I want to try being a pro bender, I will,” she snapped angrily. “It's none of your business what I do or how I do it!”

“It is completely my business, I am--”

“You are just an air bender. I am the Avatar. If you think for one second you can just boss me around like some kind of child, then--”

“You ARE a child! An older one, but one none the less,” he interrupted, stepping in closer. “And, unfortunately, the world may one day rest on your shoulders and I'll be bucked if you think I'm going to just sit back and let it fall to ruin because you were raised to be a spoiled, impudent brat!”

She turned her back to him. “I am going to do what I want and what I want is to give this a try. If you're going to be so whiny about it, I'll just leave.”

He flew over and landed in front of her. “You're not going anywhere.”

She took a step back and stomped down, the water rising up and swirling around her. “Try to stop me.”

He glowered, raising his wings.

“ENOUGH!” Blaze's voice filled the air, making them both recoil. Diamond turned towards the house, her mouth open to respond. Instead the words locked in her mouth at the look the mare was giving them. Eyes narrowed, angry, glaring, wings out and... oddly seeming dangerous. She took a step forward. “Both of you. Sit down. Now.”

Despite herself, Diamond found her flank connecting with the ground.. She heard Prism do the same.

The pegasus stepped down, landing on the shore and moving over towards them. “I've had it. Prism. If she wants to try her hoof at pro bending, that's fine. It's hardly something to get the council involved with.”

“But--” He started, but was quickly silenced by another glare.

“She's practically an adult. If she wants to try it, it won't kill her. A little fun can be good for her, too. As long as she keeps up in her training, there's no reason to complain about it.”

“Hah!” Diamond said with a smirk. It melted as those eyes turned on her and she gave a squeak.

“And you!”


“My husband has been very, very patient with you. Like it or not, you DO have a big responsibility and, unfortunately, there is literally nopony else who can do it. You were chosen to be the Avatar for a reason. And not because you are better than everypony else. So I want you to knock off this 'I'm the best in the world' snot nosed little attitude of yours right now. I'm sick and tired of it. You're supposed to be the balance between all the nations, for the world. The connection binding us together. You aren't doing anything but alienating everypony and making them want to smack you upside the head with a brick.”

Diamond gave a little squeak. “B-but--”

“No. No buts. You've been extremely disrespectful, constantly. It is your duty to be a shining pillar for all ponies. You keep talking as if you're super special and better than all ponies, and yet you don't seem to have the slightest idea about what you're doing. You just brag and piss off everypony around you.”


“Unless the words coming out of your mouth are 'sorry', I don't want to hear them. I've had it up to here with both of you. Prism is an amazing air bender and has been an air bender for longer than you've been alive. A fine one, at that. But if you really can't deal with it, then fine. You can go to Cloudsdale, where there are more air benders. But if you want to stay in Harmony and have anything to do with this pro bending thing, you'll need to suck it up and start treating him like your actual teacher. Not something you scraped off your hoof. And no more of this running off without telling anypony stuff. It's dangerous and worrying.”

“S-sorry,” the mare said with a little squeak. Prism smirked, but regretted it quickly as his wife turned on him. He gave a little squeak.

“And you,” she said with a glare. “She may be your student, but that doesn't mean you need to, or have the right, to control every facet of her life. She's a grown mare, she can have a little fun once in a while. It won't end the world.”


“Don't you talk back to me,” she snapped.

“S-sorry,” he said with a squeak.

“If she wants to enter a little bit of pro bending, that's fine. Stars know you had a lot of fun with it when you did. As long as she doesn't slack off on her air bending training, who cares if she competes a little bit? She's the Avatar! There are plenty of reasons why having a de-stressed Avatar around is a good idea. Trying to lock her away on the island isn't going to do her any good. I get it, you're upset that she'll end up failing her training and not being as strong as we need her, when we need her, but that probably won't happen. For all of her arrogance, annoyingness and kinda, well, as much as we all want to buck her upside the head.” Diamond couldn't help feeling very offended, but she very much wanted to not get bucked up side the head, so she kept her mouth shut. “She still has talent, not to mention the spirits of all the previous Avatars to guide her, the council and you. She'll be fine. So chill. The buck. Out. Before I track down your mother and have HER talk to you. Both of you.”

He yiped and slowly nodded. “Y-yes ma'am.”

“Good! Now, both of you. Get cleaned up and ready to go to bed. Now.”

The two nodded and turned to walk off, their heads down. Diamond swore she could feel that glare on her back the entire way back to the building. Ugh. How did that mare do that? “Your wife is scary...” she finally muttered when they got inside.

“You have no idea...” he muttered softly. “I think Fluttershy taught her the stare. Or at least a weaker version of it...”

Diamond quickly washed up and quickly headed to her room. Well, even if she did get yelled at, at least she was going to be able to have fun. She just couldn't wait for the tournaments. Fighting with other pro benders was going to be awesome. She was going to be amazing!


“Diamonddddd!” Button's voice carried over the island, making her glance back from her dinner. Why was he showing up now? She hadn't heard from him at all the entire day and now he just shows up.

She got up, sat back down to stuff an oat roll into her mouth, then jumped up again and ran out the door, looking at the nervous stallion.

She chewed on the roll and quickly swallowed, coughing a few times. “What's wrong?” She rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, Acrylic freaked out and is quitting too?”

“What? No! He's... about eighty-five percent okay with it,” he said with a shake of his head. “Our match starts in three hours, but there's a problem. They want to disqualify us for having the Avatar on our team.”

“You're on Button and Acrylic's team?” Prism asked as he stepped out of the house. “Huh. I never would have guessed. What happened to Piro?”

“I pissed him off and-- wait, you know each other?” Diamond asked, before shaking her head. “No, never mind, busy now. Come on, let's go to the arena and get this sorted out. There is no way anypony is taking this opportunity away from me. We're going to go talk to these ponies!” She looked around and quickly saw a small boat on the shore. “So that's how you got here! Come on!” Before he could object she tapped the ground, creating an earth pillar under his hooves and sending him soaring through the air. He crashed into the boat and she jumped in a moment later, moving her head and using the water to gather the boat up, sending it out over the lake so fast the stallion had to struggle to avoid being thrown off.

Blaze glanced to Prism as the two watched in the doorway. “You want to go after and watch, don't you?”

“What?” His eyes went wide. “No! Of course not. No no. I most definitely do not... okay, maybe a little tiny bit. Maybe.”

She chuckled and shook her head, before spreading her wings. “Well, I for one do. So catch me if you can.” She took off, soaring off towards the mainland.

“Hey, that's cheating!” he yelled before flying after her.


“What do you mean, being the Avatar is cheating?” Diamond asked as she stomped her hooves down, glowering at them. “I'm just as much a bender as any of them!” she yelled, gesturing a hoof towards Acrylic and Button. The former looked annoyed, the latter looked worried.

“You have all four elements at your disposal. Frankly, it's too difficult to monitor,” the referee said, shaking her head. “A fire or air bender would be fine, but--”

“Then just penalize me if I use anything but air bending!” she yelled, stomping her hooves. “This isn't fair, it's discrimination!” the mare said, stomping her hooves some more. “I'm an amazing fire bender and I have just as much right to prove it as anypony else!”

“Yeah. Besides, it'll be pretty awesome to see the Avatar in one of these fights,” Vinyl said as she stepped into the room, drawing stares from everypony as she just brazenly moved to the desk. “Twilight never would have gone for this kind of thing, but I wanna see what Diamond will do.”

That made the referee pale, her eyes widen. “C-councilmare Vinyl? W-what are you doing here?”

“I came to see the opening rounds, obviously,” she said with a light chuckle. “They're gonna be awesome! An Avatar competing? Who wouldn't want to see that? Just because I don't compete anymore doesn't mean it's not still fun to watch. But I just knew ol' Book Thrower would try to throw a kink in the works. It was her decision, wasn't it?”

“W-well, as the grand master referee, she--”

“Oh, don't worry about it, I'll talk with her,” the unicorn said with a wave of her hoof. “You kids have fun now, okay?” she said before turning back and walking out the door. The referee gulped and watched the door for a few moments before coughing into her hoof.

“W-well. I suppose... errr... if she can convince her to allow it, there will be no objections. If you'd like to go get ready, we will contact you the moment we know anything.”

“Thanks,” Diamond grumbled, before turning and walking out the door. She could hear Button and Acrylic talking, but she couldn't make out the words. 'Probably unimportant, anyway. Vinyl better make some progress because there was no way I am letting some stupid referee mess up my chance at awesomeness.'


“So, the hoof and body guards are the main blockers,” Button said with a grin. “Head shots aren't allowed. One is a penalty, two is a double penalty, three is a kick from the game. You have to knock people off the back of the platform, not the sides. Try not to step over the lines. Fire benders and air benders are only allowed to do short bursts. Earth benders can only move the disks. Water benders can only have one tentacle at a time. No grappling with bending. Tripping is fine, but no grabbing. Got all that?”

“Yeah, yeah, it'll be fine,” she said with a roll of her eyes as she put on the uniform. It was actually kind of comfortable, if a bit heavy. It protected her head, sides and legs. The joints were unprotected, though. She glanced over to her comrades as they got to work, looking them over. Aside from the referee problem, it was the first time she'd seen them outside of their uniforms.

Button was a brown stallion, with a light, striped brown mane. A little pudgy and, from what she'd seen, super clumsy. He hopped around as he got dressed, occasionally slipping and falling. But he was charming, in his own little way.

Acrylic, on the other hoof, was white and had an almost see-through blue mane. She couldn't tell if it was naturally that way, or if it was just so thin. Or maybe it was a spell. He barely looked at her as he got dressed, his mood as dark as ever. 'Why is he always so serious? You'd think we'd already lost.'

“Is something wrong?” she asked him, glaring. “You know, I'm helping you out. You could be grateful.”

“We wouldn't need you to help us out if you hadn't pissed off Piro so much. He wasn't the best fire bender, but he was at least competent.”

“Ugh, come on. I am a wayyyyy better bender than he was. Besides, it's not like you've ever won this thing before, so you definitely needed a change. At least now you have a chance. How far have you actually gotten in the tournament, anyway?”

The room went deathly quiet and the two looked away.

“What? What'd I say?”

“We... errr... we've never actually made it past the qualifier,” Button said nervously, looking away. “I mean, we've come close a few times, but... well... we've never made it past round three.”

“... Oh. Well, this is the qualifier then, right?” She received two nods. “Just leave it to me. I'll carry both of you, no problem.”

“No!” Acrylic snapped. “Don't do anything. Just don't get beaten up too bad and try not to fall off the platform. Leave the actual bending and fighting to me and Button.”


“We know what you're doing. You're a rookie. We don't need you to fight, we just need a third body to qualify.” Acrylic put his helmet on and glared at her. “Don't do anything.”

She glared at him, but didn't say a word. She'd show him. She'd kick all of their butts from here to Fillydelphia.


“Tonight we have a special treat, mares and stallions! Standing in for the Tomorrow Industry's Fighting Notes fire bender, it's the Avatar! She talked a big game, but with their track record, will she and the rest of the notes make it through the elimination rounds in order to make good on her announcement of victory?”

Diamond put the announcer's words out of her mind as she walked up the stairway to the fighting platform. It was another large rectangle, with the sides blocked off with rubber ropes. It was surrounded on all sides by water, so when ponies fell off they'd be safe. Probably. She imagined most fire benders didn't like that. The three of them stepped out onto the platform and she gulped.

Across the arena were two unicorns and an earth pony. They were covered in so much white padding she couldn't make out who they were, but it didn't matter. She at least knew they'd be on even hoofing. It would give her a chance to show off her stuff, too. The six met near the middle, looking to each other.

“Don't think we'll go easy on you, just because you're the Avatar,” one of the unicorns said.

“Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're not,” she said with a smirk.

The referee moved to a small stand on the side. “Ready... get set... GO!” A buzzer went off and she swung into action. She turned instantly and both hooves shot out, sending a burst of flame into the nearest pony. She turned in time to see the pony sail through the air, over the water and clear into the wall across it. The pony dropped like a crushed bug, crashing down into the water below, leaving a dent in the wall in his wake.

“Yeah, one down!” she said with a grin. Wait, why wasn't anypony moving? Why were they all staring at her?”

A buzzer went off. “Unnecessary rough... unnecessary brutality!” the announcer called. “Penalty to the Fighting Notes. One moment while we fish him out of the water, folks.”

“What? But I totally knocked him out! I was supposed to do that!” Diamond objected, stomping a hoof. “Nopony said I couldn't be rough!”

Acrylic shook his head as he stepped back behind the line and the other ponies moved forward. “Are you trying to kill somepony? Attacks like that are the very reason they only allow bursts,” he snapped. “Learn some control. Learn some restraint!”

She rolled her eyes. She knocked the pony out of the ring, like she was supposed to. What more did they want from her? She was going to throttle them, she swore. The pony soon joined them again, though he looked off balanced. Diamond knew exactly where she was going to focus. If the pony wasn't going to be smart enough to just stay down, he'd learn to fear her, instead.

The buzzer went off and she reared her head back.

Three earth disks, a blast of water and a stream of fire came propelling at her. She yelped and lowered her head, exploding them in a bout of flame as she stepped back. Acrylic and Button moved to fight back, but Diamond soon found herself on the defensive, getting struck again and again by the ponies assaults, many of which hit her body as she tried to burst them away with her flames. She could barely even defend herself, let alone launch a counter attack as she tried dodging around them.

The buzzer went off again. “And the Avatar has gone over the line, she has to move back one zone!”

Diamond looked down and, sure enough, her hoof had gone over the line. Ugh. This wasn't fair! Why were they focusing on her? Three on one was just no fair at all. She moved into the last circle and after a few moments the next buzzer went off.

Again and again they pounded her and she tried to deflect them with bursts of fire, but they struck her again and again and she could only barely defend herself, the attacks smacking into her armor with all their force. She had almost nowhere to run, the small half circle was so tiny and the back of the platform edge right behind her.

She took a step back to avoid a burst of fire. Her back hoof hit empty air. She tried to rebalance herself, but before she could two earth disks slammed into her chest, sending her toppling back. She let out a shriek as she fell back into the water, splashing down. She stared up as she slowly floated to the surface. She... lost? How did she lose?

How in the world did she lose to other benders? She was the best, the greatest! She just floated on the water, staring up. Eventually, the bell went off.

“The Timber Wolves win the first round and score a point!”

Diamond stared. Wait, a point? First round? She was helped out of the water and back onto the platform, looking around. “First round?” she asked softly. “How many rounds are there?”

“Three, one point a round,” Button said with a smile. “Most points of three rounds, or a total team knock out to automatically win.”

She nodded slowly, before looking to the other ponies, a grin on her face. Okay, so she had a bit of bad luck at the beginning. She stomped her hoof and sent the water flying off her body. One loss wouldn't do her in, though. She had two more to just crush them. She readied herself.

The bell went off and she let out an eek as she dodged another burst of flame and ducked under a whip of water. Once again they were focusing her. She was sent back again, stumbling and, before she knew it, she was sent back into the next zone. Buck it, why was this happening? She ground her hooves into the ground, stabilizing herself and just took all the attacks, letting them break against her body like a proper earth bender.

Ow. Ow ow. Ow ow ow. Ow... ow. The padding was nice, but the continuous assaults were just too much, she was sent back another zone. Buck it! She was already in the last zone, how could she be doing so poorly? She looked to her comrades.

They were backed into a corner, being shoved into the tethered walls and unable to help her. This was so frustrating! If she could just use all of her bending, she could throttle them, she knew it. But she was only allowed fire bending. It was all about pushing forward, but there weren't any openings. She needed to dodge better and that was not like her.

“It looks like they're focusing all of their attention on the Avatar. She might be a powerful bender, but she's no pro. It looks like her debut match is going to be her last match!”

'No no no! I am the Avatar, master of ALL bending. I won't fail, I can't fail! There has to be something, anything I can do to help myself. Why hadn't--'

She cringed as her eyes widened. Of course. Prism's training. As much as she hated to admit it, his air stances were quite effective at moving fast. Getting out of the way of attacks, dodging, weaving. But she didn't want to... did she? She'd win her way, not his way. Not a chance. Another two earth disks hit her in the chest, sending her skidding back, her back hooves almost over air. Guh, no. She would do this her way. She could do this her way. She didn't need his lessons, his help, his anything.

A burst of water knocked her hooves out from under her and she toppled over onto her side, narrowly avoiding another earth disk. She'd win on her own, she'd...

She couldn't win on her own.

The thought struck her to the core, even worse was she knew it was true. For all of Prism's... annoyance, he was right. She was his pupil and his lessons were... good. If a bit annoying at times. She couldn't dodge these, maneuver them away, block them or push through them. She couldn't do any of that. Not without doing it... like an air bender.

She took a deep breath and rolled to her hooves, going into the stance he taught her so many times and she'd tried so hard to ignore. Hooves light as can be, body weaving with the air.

“What's this? The Avatar has done... something! Is this a new form of bending? No!” the announcer called. She moved around, the same way Prism had taught her, focusing all on defense and swirling around, spinning in tight circles as the assaults just flicked inches by her. She was a leaf in the wind and she was impossible to touch and catch. “I can't believe this! It's like she's a whole other pony! Not a single thing is touching her. They're throwing everything they've got at her and it's only hitting air! But can she keep this up? More importantly, can the Timber Wolves?”

She smiled as she watched them, moving around as she avoided the blasts. Their attacks were getting weaker, slower. They were throwing all their passion and power into them, and it was all for naught. As much as she hated to admit it, Prism was right. This form of fighting was... useful.

The fire bender was the first to stop and he got a burst of water and earth disk to the chest, sending him toppling back. She spun around, swirling in a circle and sending out a small burst of her own flame. Now was the time for the counter attack.

"Now we won." She dove around another earth disk, before sending a small burst of flame at the earth bender. However, rather than focusing on power, she did it like an air bender. She did a quick burst towards his back right hoof. It was sent out from under him, making him stumble back. Two earth disks and a burst of water followed up on the opening she made and the pony was sent flying back out of the ring.

“She's even fighting like a different pony! Where were those brutal, deadly strikes she was using before? Now that's what I call precision!”

She smiled. It was now two on three and she felt good, adrenaline pumping through her. They were both tired, too. She easily dove around a burst of flame launched from the fire bender's front hoof, launching a quick burst at the pony's hoof. It connected, knocking it back and making the pony rear back and nearly topple over backwards. It was too easy a target to miss, two earth disks sent the pony over too. Then all that was left was the water bender.

She didn't last long, being sent careening over the edge.

“And the Fighting Notes win! They're going onto the second match of the qualifier! I don't know about you, but if they play the rest of their matches like this, I won't be surprised if we see them making it all the way through!”

She raised her hooves triumphantly. She'd done it. She'd actually done it.

Ugh, she just knew Prism was never going to let her hear the end of it.


Her heart plummeted when she made it to the waiting room to wait for their next match. Prism and Blaze were sitting down. Her teacher looked up, his hooves crossed. She waited for the gloating to begin.

“That was pretty good out there, you did well.”

“Well, maybe if you... wait, what?” she asked softly. “You think I did well?”

“Yes. That was an almost perfect stance. You were weaving around the attacks they sent at you like a proper air bender. I look forward to our next sparing match.”

“I... uhh... well, thank you. I ummmm... well, of course. I am a master...” She trailed off. Why did she feel so guilty all of a sudden? She shuffled her hooves and looked off to the side. “T-thanks. You were... really helpful. I... probably couldn't have done that if not for all those lessons and things you've been helping me with. It was.... really helpful. Thanks. You're... an okay teacher.”

He gave a small nod. “I suppose that's a start,” he said with a shrug. “I think you have a long way to go until you're ready, but you're advancing well. I won't try to stand in your way if you want to keep trying.” He got up and walked towards the door. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” she mumbled softly as she watched him go.

“Oh, don't mind him,” Blaze said with a chuckle as she walked by. “He won't admit it, but he was totally cheering you on the whole time. He was really proud of how you were moving.”

She blushed a little. “Heh. Thanks. It was... quite an experience.” She let out a sigh of relief once they were both gone, before looking to her comrades. “So, told you I'd do great.”

“You almost cost us the match,” Acrylic said with a shake of his head.

She glared and opened her mouth to snap back.

“But you really came through for us in the end, thank you.”

She stopped in mid stance. She then smiled and gave a nod. “Yeah. I uhhh... hey. This pro bending thing isn't as easy as I thought it would be. If it was just a normal bending fight, I'd win no problem. But all these rules and stuff... just eh.”

“Well, they don't want anypony getting killed or hurt too bad, after all,” Button said with a chuckle. “But you were really awesome. Your fire bending is really powerful.”

She snickered. “Of course. I used to have to buck through steel plates during my training. My teacher wanted me to be one of the strongest, said I had a ton of potential. But of course, everypony knows that. I am the Avatar, after all.”

“Like you'd ever let anypony forget it,” Acrylic muttered.

“What was that?” she asked, glaring.

“Nothing, nothing,” Button added quickly. “Come on, we won! Only three more matches to go and we're in the league! We can do this, we will do this!” he said, raising a hoof proudly. “We've come too far to just give up, right? We're going to go all the way this year!”

Diamond nodded, a smirk on her lips. She opened her mouth, before closing it. She then frowned and gave a nod. “Yeah. As long as we work together, I don't see any reason we won't. I mean... you may not all be as good as me, but... you were still pretty good. I think we work well together.”

Acrylic rolled his eyes. “I suppose from you that's about as good as compliments get. Come on, our next match will be soon.”

Button grinned and trotted up besides her. “Oh, don't mind him. He may seem pretty annoyed, but he's really pretty happy that this is all working out. He's just tense because he's worried we won't make it.”

She shrugged. “Oh, relax, we've got this in the bag.”


Diamond grinned wide as she stared down at the fire bender. She had been right. Together, the three of them had been plowing through the ranks with ease. Ponies kept targeting her, leaving themselves open to her comrades attacks. Even worse for them, all of Prism's training was having the effect of making her a lot tougher and harder to hit. She dove and weaved around their attacks as if they were standing still, rarely having to launch an attack until they were either tired or her allies had knocked one of them off. Maybe air bending wasn't as stupid and boring as she had initially thought.

They'd made it to the final match and they'd already knocked the earth and water bender overboard. All that remained was the last member and she could see the fire bender was already wavering. He reared up and sent a burst of fire at her with his front hooves.

She turned around and bucked, her flames enveloping the other pony's and then pushing back, sending the stallion toppling back, into the drink. She didn't even use her full power, far more careful this time. The crowd cheered as she turned around before raising a hoof.

“The Fighting Notes have done it! They've made it through the qualifiers and are on their way into the championship! This was an amazing show! Now, let's see just how far they can make it when they fight against the other pro teams!”

She was riding on a high as she made her way down from the platform. “That was awesome!” she yelled, a wide grin on her face. “So, what's next? How long until the championship starts? How many other teams are there?”

“Eight teams in all,” Acrylic said firmly. “Four of them are like us, they won their qualifiers. Four of them were in the finals and semi-finals last year. They won't begin for another week, though. We get some time off. They go on for about a month.”

She blinked and frowned. “That's... so disappointing. I expected the whole league thing would go on longer. Just eight teams?”

“This is just one pro bending league,” he said with a shrug. “Harmony tends to be the largest, but there are other rounds all over the world. This just determines Harmony's best.”

She nodded. “Ohhhhh. Cool. Well, we'll win no problem.” She stepped into their locker room and started stripping off her sweaty uniform. She could still hear them cheering them. Calling their names. It felt glorious. She then gave a sigh. “Ugh, I should probably head out. Prism is probably going to want to complain about how I didn't do the air bending stuff right or something.”

“Okay,” Button said, Acrylic only gave a gruff shrug. “We need to meet with our sponsor tomorrow. You wanna come with us? You need to meet him eventually.”

“Sure. Just swing by the island,” she said before tossing off the last of her equipment. She felt so hot that she was tempted to swim to the island. Fire bending while in a coat tight uniform really raised the temperature. She gave a light wave. “See you two around, it was a lot of fun!”

Button gave her a shy smile as she trotted out. “Yeah... yeah it was.”

She happily hummed as she walked towards the exit of the arena. She could hear the crowds out there, probably waiting to swarm her and ask for her autograph. Oh yeah. Being a pro bender was going to be awesome. Maybe she could travel the world after this, win all the championships. For her, it would be easy.