• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

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Chapter 17: Emergency Action

Diamond found herself, once again, before the council. Unfortunately, the council was now missing quite a few seats. The attack the night prior had been the largest yet and drastically unexpected. Only nine of the council now remained, Octavia, Blaze, Sunburst, Scootaloo, Sassy, Styx, Zecora, Strongheart and Legond. The others hadn't been killed, as far as they knew. But they had all disappeared.

It was now clearly no longer just a pony issue, as even the other species had found themselves being targeted. Many of the Shadowbolts and metal benders had been attacked as well, including Copper. Judging by those who had been found at the scene, now without their cutie marks, Meadowbrook had come for the metal bender leader personally.

“Emergency action must be taken,” Sunburst said, one hoof holding his head. “This situation is getting out of control.”

“We can no longer dodder about,” Sassy said with a nod. “If we wait, Meadowbrook will strike us all down. Action must be made.”

Octavia nodded. “This... may be the time to do... that.” There was a low ripple through the council, but nopony spoke. “Twilight put it in place because she knew there could be a time when it was needed. We can no longer be slow and calculating. Now is a time for action. We must adapt.” She took a deep breath. “It... may be time to give emergency power.” She glanced to Sunburst. “To the leader of the council.”

The stallion cringed. “Now, I don't think we need go that far. When Twilight made that provision, she was the leader. I am nowhere near as capable as her and--”

“If Twilight were here the situation may not be so grim,” Zecora interrupted. “But if we dawdle our chances are slim. I believe this power give we must, to our leader who we all trust.”

“I agree,” Strongheart said with a nod. “Things are getting more and more dangerous. This attack was something none of us could have predicted and if we wait, things may get more out of hoof. Already the council has lost many of its members and we don't have time to set up new representatives. We need a leader, one driving force to lead us. Sunburst, that needs to be you.”

The stallion sighed before slowly lowering his head. “Very well. As it seems you all have your hearts set on this course of action, I will abide by the will of the council. I will try my hardest to be worthy of this responsibility.” He then looked up at Diamond.

The Avatar cringed and looked around. She was sitting with Button, Acrylic, Prism, Ironwing and a number of others who had all been present during the attacks and had managed to fight them off. The ex-Shadowbolt was looking better, only slightly hunched and now standing. She could barely believe he'd actually fought against them after what had happened to him.

“Avatar. I know you wish to not face this threat, but we now need you. Our command structure is in taters. I want you to lead what remains of the Shadowbolts and the metal benders. Perhaps under your hoof--”

“She's not ready,” Blaze objected.

“You asked for me to take over,” Sunburst snapped. “If you wish for me to act, then allow me to act as I see fit.” The mare lowered her head, but didn't respond. “Avatar, you are currently untested, but this is a time when ponies need a unifying leader. You have fought against Meadowbrook a few times and managed to keep your cutie mark. I won't ask you to do this alone.” He took a deep breath and looked up. “Acrylic, Button, Prism. I want you to aid the Avatar in this.”

That seemed to shock the council as the chairs jumped, though none of them said anything.

“When Avatar Twilight Sparkle ruled, she ruled with friendship and compassion. With her friends by her side at all times,” the fire bender said. “I believe that if you follow the same principles, you can do the same.”

Diamond gulped and looked around. Normally she'd have jumped at the opportunity, told them how lucky they were to have her. But now she couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. What if she failed? She then looked to her friends. “I want... Silver to help me as well. She's my friend.”

“But she's one of the unmarked!” Sunburst objected.

She nodded. “I know. But she was unwilling and she can help us. Please.”

There was a moment of silence before the stallion nodded and gave a sigh. “Very well. Avatar, I will prepare what I can. Please return to where ever you feel safest and I will summon you once everything has been prepared. It hopefully shouldn't take long.”

She nodded and got to her hooves. Her heart was pounding as she stepped out from the room. She paused and looked back. “Well? Are you going to say I'm a bad decision?”

Prism nodded. “You are. But this is a situation most dire. I don't think you're ready, but I don't think any of us were ready for this.”

“You've got us at your back,” Button said with a grin. “Silver, too!”

She nodded. “Thanks. I uhhh... I actually want to go talk with her. Can you guys meet me at the compound in a few hours? I want to--”

“You cannot go out alone,” Prism said, his eyes wide. “It's far too dangerous.”

“I'm not. I mean... I am, but I'm not. I just want to get a little time to collect my thoughts.”

“Absolutely not! No way, you are-- hey!” Prism objected as Acrylic moved in front of him.

“You'll meet up with us before it gets dark, correct?”

She nodded and smiled. “Of course. I promise.”

He nodded. “Then I see no reason why we can't. Just stay safe, okay?”

“W-what? No!” Prism objected. “Diamond, you--”

“I'll be fine!” the Avatar shrieked. “I just need some time to clear my thoughts, okay? Either let me go or I'll run off alone and good luck ever trying to find me then!” she snapped angrily.

The pegasus stepped back, watching her. Then, slowly, he nodded. “Very well. Two hours. But then I am finding you.”

“Fine, whatever!” she yelled before stomping off. She barely made it out of the building before her mind turned to the events. She was certain Prism was following her, but she didn't care. Everything was just going wrong.

She thought about the last Avatar. Would she have done a better job? Would she have beaten Meadowbrook? She wished she could talk to that alicorn, get her advice. She wanted advice, so badly now.

She thought back to what her daddy had said. She was a legend. She was destined for greatness. She was the greatest bender of all time. 'As if.' All of those words rang hollow in her mind now. She didn't know where to begin. A real Avatar would have had this all figured out by now. She had no idea what to do. How to stop this. She couldn't even air bend, what kind of lame Avatar could only do three elements?

What if she wasn't as good as her daddy had said? She thought she was an amazing Avatar, but every time she'd been around Meadowbrook she'd been helpless. She'd even tried to fight Ironwing and lost. He'd handed her flank to her, going around her attacks as if she was standing still. Then even he had lost to her. It just wasn't right.

She felt like crying. Like stomping her hooves and throwing the biggest tantrum she could. Bucking over stands, kicking ponies, biting, fighting. She was the Avatar, that meant it was supposed to be easy. She grumbled darkly as she walked through the street, finally making her way to a small muffin stand.

There was a gasp from it and she looked up to see a gray pegasus with strange, derpy eyes. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! You're the Avatar, aren't you?” the mare asked.

“Yes, I am,” Diamond muttered. She was so not in the mood for this.

“Eeee! Ohhhh, I can't believe I'm finally meeting you! I just knew I'd see you around eventually. Are you on patrol? Are you on your way to stop Meadowbrook? Ohhhh, what's your plan? You're going to end all these attacks, aren't you? Get everypony their cutie marks back?”

Diamond felt her temper rising. “I'm not--”

“I can't believe it! You're just the best bender ever, right? I wanted to see your match but I missed it but I just knew you'd be awesome there and--”

“ENOUGH!” Diamond yelled, thrusting her hoof forward and knocking the cart over. “I don't want to hear your stupid little... little fan yelling! Just shut up!” she screamed, before storming off.

“My... my muffins,” the mare said, looking down at the rolling pastries. “I... I just don't know what went wrong...”

Diamond ignored the mare, brushing past a light brown earth pony with a dark brown mane as he walked towards the cart. She heard them talking about the twilight or something, but she toned it out. Stupid ponies. All of them. She didn't care. She just wanted to get all this fixed. And for one of the few times in her life, she was doubting that she could.


Diamond froze as she came within sight of Tomorrow Industry's compound. The Shadowbolts were flying around it and the metal benders had it surrounded. It had only been a few hours, she couldn't begin to imagine what was going on. She trotted forward.

“What's the meaning of this?” she called out.

“Diamond!” Button yelled as he galloped towards her. “You've got to stop Sunburst! He's crazy! He's arresting Dr. Alicity!”

Diamond's eyes widened. “What? Why?” She raced towards him. “Take me to him!”

“He says for consorting with the unmarked! Come on!” Button yelled before turning and running into the building. She followed after, her eyes wide.

Sunburst was in one of the warehouses, talking with Prism. The crates were being forced open, one by one. The floor was littered with pieces of alicorn armor. “Where's Dr. Alicity?” Diamond asked. “Where's Silver?”

“Ah, Avatar,” Sunburst said, turning away from Prism. “I wish you could have been here for this, but I'm afraid there's been a new development.”

“Where are they?” she asked again, feeling anger bubble up within her.

“Please calm down,” the unicorn said, walking towards her. “They are safe, I promise. This is merely an important check we must perform.”

“What are you talking about?” Diamond asked, nearly ready to bubble over. “The armor they have is a knock off, that's--”

“I'm afraid they are not knock offs at all,” Sunburst said, frowning. “Many of those ponies were captured in the attacks last night. The armor they had wasn't fake or older models. They had the newest, most advanced ones.” He paused. “At least, we believe so. There will need to be a bit more examination done. But until that's done, I'm afraid both Dr. Alicity and Silver Spoon will have to remain under our eye.”

“Why? What did Silver do?”

“Her? I believe she is nothing more than a pawn of her father's... desires,” he said with a shake of his head. “I always knew he desired equality, but I never imagined he would have gone to lengths such as these.”

“You're not making any sense!”

“The models we recovered were new. Fresh. More advanced even than the Shadowbolt models,” Sunburst said with a shake of his mane. “We're comparing them to the model that he has on his daughter and looking for any sign of the stallion's collaboration with Meadowbrook. If it is found that he is working with her, or worse, for her...”

Diamond felt a chill and stomped her hoof. “There's no way. He's innocent. Other ponies could make these, they--”

“If only that were true,” Sunburst said, looking to her. “Avatar, please. These are... unique. Dr. Alicity is, for lack of a better term, a genius. A bit eccentric at times, but a genius. He's had a bit of a... storied past at times, but many of his actions have been considered harmless compared to what he has always offered us.” He shuddered. “Why, the damage from his alibot alone was just...” He shook his head. “But this goes beyond a few rallies, open objections, property damage. This is treason to our entire country. The lives of every pony who lives here. If there is a chance he is consorting with these ponies, then every precaution must be taken.” He gave her a small smile. “I know it must be horrible to see somepony you know and who has aided you possibly be a criminal, but we cannot ignore any threat, no matter our feelings. Do you not agree?”

She looked around, before slowly nodding. As much as she hated to admit it, it was right. If he was a danger, he had to be stopped. But she couldn't imagine him being one. He talked about raising ponies up, not tearing them down. “And if he's innocent?”

“Then he will receive my most sincere apologies and we will do everything we can in order to repair this rift between us. But it is our responsibility to look out for all the ponies in this city, no matter how we may feel on the matter.” He paused and then lowered his gaze. “Do not think I feel any pleasure in this. Dr. Alicity has always been a great supporter of our city and a fine pony who has aided us in times of need. I have tried to ignore the evidence up to this point, but there is just too much now. If he is proven innocent, nothing will make me happier.” He looked around. “All of us happier. But I cannot, and will not, endanger the lives of the ponies under my care just because the pony is somepony I care about. Would you?”

Diamond lowered her gaze. What if it was Button or Acrylic who had been--

“No. I wouldn't. But I know he has nothing to do with this. Neither does Silver. Can I see her?”

He paused before slowly nodding. “Of course. They are being detained at Shadowbolt headquarters. I will send a message ahead that you are to be allowed entry. Hopefully soon this will all be behind us and you can take over in your new duties.”

She gave a nod and turned. “Thank you.”

As she walked away she felt another wave of cold dread wash over her. Everything was going so wrong now. What if nothing went right anymore?


Silver smiled up at the ponies as they walked inside. Her eyes were slightly glazed over and she looked dazed as she watched Diamond, Button and Acrylic enter the small room. “Hi. I was wondering when you'd arrive.”

The Avatar looked over her friend, her eyes instantly falling to her blank flank. Without that fake alicorn armor, the mare seemed so weak and vulnerable, like she'd been after the encounter with Meadowbrook. She felt her front hooves start to tremble. “H-hello. Are you being treated well? Has anypony tried to hurt you?”

“Oh, no. Not at all,” Silver said slightly wistfully. “They've been really quite nice. They took my armor, but they assured me they would let me know as soon as there was any information about my father.”

“You know why you're in here, don't you?” Button asked, taking a step forward. “What they're accusing him of?”

Silver stared for a few moments before slowly nodding. “Yes. I think it's quite silly. Daddy would never side with a mare like that. He wants us all to be equal. But not the same. There's a big difference.”

Acrylic rushed forward and put a hoof on her shoulder. “I swear, Silver. I will get you out of here. There's no way you can be blamed for any of this. Or your father. This is all just a big misunderstanding.”

“Of course it is,” Silver said with a small giggle. “I'm not worried. I know the Avatar will fix it. Won't you, Diamond?”

The Avatar cringed, before slowly nodding. “Y-yeah. I'll fix this. Somehow.”

Acrylic glared at her, but she ignored it. Instead she walked forward and patted Silver on the back. “I'll talk to Sunburst. I'm sure this is all going to be... it's a mistake. It has to be. There's no way your dad could be involved in this.”

Silver gave a smile, nodding.

Diamond turned and walked out of the room. She let out a deep sigh as she tried to think of something, anything she could do. She wondered if Twilight had ever felt so overwhelmed. She felt an odd, soothing glow flow through her and had a weird suspicion that the mare had. She took a deep breath and put a hoof to her chest.

“You're still the Avatar, Diamond,” she told herself. “Even if you... haven't done much yet, you still can. You're an important pony and you can, no, will fix this.” She started trotting down the halls. She grabbed one of the Shadowbolts by the hoof. “Where's Dr. Alicity?”

The pony shrugged. “You should try asking one of the secretaries.”

“If I knew where Secretary was, I'd ask her.”

The pony just stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head and pulling away. “Good luck. Crazy pony,” he grumbled.

Diamond let out a low growl and started walking through the building again. It was one of those few times she wished she'd been born an actual unicorn and could do actual magic. Having some kind of tracking spells would be wonderful right now. She wondered if the last Avatar had ever known something like that. She bet Twilight was some kind of master magic user. Probably knew dozens of spells for finding lost ponies. Never spilled her food on herself while eating, either. And teleport. All kinds of magic.

The Avatar had no choice but to use an old tried and true method. She made her way to the lobby and stood up against the main desk. “Where can I find Dr. Alicity?” she asked.

The zebra secretary glanced up before sighing. “Ah, hello again Avatar. A... pleasure to have you visiting again.” The sarcasm practically dripped from his mouth.

“Less guff, more answers,” she snapped.

He rolled his eyes. “One moment.” He pulled open a file and hummed, before pushing it away and pulling out another. He then nodded. “I'm afraid I can't give you that information.”

“What? But you have to! I have permission and everything!”

“You have permission to see Miss Spoon. Unfortunately, you do not have it to see Dr. Alicity. He is currently being privately questioned.”

“I don't care! I need to see him now! Listen, I've taken over responsibility of the Shadowbolts. Or I will be. Soon. Probably. Well, authority and... I should have the highest clearance!”

“I'm afraid at the moment you do not. If you wish to see him, you'll need to go through Sunburst.”

Diamond's temper flared and she barely managed to suppress it. “Fine. I will. Him and I are going to have a very long talk about all this!”

The zebra merely nodded and she stormed out, walking out of the building and slamming the door behind her.

A moment later she realized she hadn't told the others she was leaving. She considered going back, before shaking her head. She'd just find Sunburst, yell at him until she got her way. Come back with her head held high.

Shadows suddenly swept over her, causing her eyes to go up. The Shadowbolts were mass evacuating the building behind her, heading through the skies. All of them in full uniform. She weighed her options for a few seconds before turning and galloping after them, grumbling darkly under her breath. What could it be now?


A riot. An actual riot. The unmarked surged across the street, throwing rocks and anything else they could get their hooves on, knocking over stands, basically causing as big a mess as they could.

The saddest part was just how slow and quiet the riot was. There was a lot of 'yelling' going on, but even the loudest of them had a voice that could barely go above a loud stomp. Even with all of them yelling and chanting together it sounded more like fierce winds than an angry herd of ponies.

Even worse, none of them seemed able to run very fast, or be very strong, so it took nearly a dozen of them to do more than ineffectually shake things that they wanted to knock over. The entire riot was more like a humming blob than a mass of ponies. It would have almost been silly.

Except there were so many of them. The streets were packed from end to end with the unmarked, hundreds of them, lashing out and fighting. The Shadowbolts and metal benders were horribly outnumbered, able to do little more than be a distraction. The air was filled with the flying unmarked as well, making separating any from the group impossible.

Diamond watched with horror as ponies fled the slow, gradual force of destruction that swept over the streets, breaking all in their path. So much anger and hatred from the ponies. Why were they lashing out? It wasn't the cities fault they were unmarked!

She gulped and stared at the mass. She had to do something. She pushed out a hoof. “Metal benders, with me!” she ordered. None of them moved to help her. “I said with me! I'm the Avatar!” she yelled, before stomping a hoof. A barricade of stone formed in front of the mass, raising up. “Come on, help me!”

There were a few moments of no movement, then one of the metal benders stepped forward and stomped a hoof down, helping to grow the wall up, making it tower over the ponies. Soon, more and more of them joined, raising it higher and higher. Diamond took a deep breath and watched. Soon the wall went from one end of the building to the other, all the way to the roofs.

“What now, Avatar?” one of them asked.

She grinned and eyed the dirt and concrete. She didn't think they'd have long, but it meant they couldn't break through. Yet. “We have them penned in for the moment. We're making a sink hole. Shadowbolts, keep the sky clear as long as you can!”

“A sink hole?” one of the metal benders asked.

“Yes!” Diamond said. “Not deep, just a little deep. Enough to--” There was a scream from above, drawing her eyes up. Already the unmarked pegasi were swarming around the wall, like an unstoppable tidal wave. She heard crashes on the left and right as the grounded unmarked burst from the buildings, breaking through the windows. “Retreat!” she shrieked, turning and fleeing from the mass.

How could there be so many? Did Meadowbrook even understand what she was doing? The destruction she was causing? How could they possibly stop this?