• Published 11th Dec 2015
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 14: Council Decision

Diamond hummed softly as she dodged to the left and right, narrowly avoiding Prism's air bursts. She was getting better. They didn't even use the leaves anymore, she just followed the air with her eyes, ears and touch. He had been steadily getting faster, too, and she could still avoid it.

She still couldn't figure out why she couldn't air bend, though. Her wings refused to sprout and even the most basic of air bending evaded her. She wasn't even able to walk on clouds. Though, his explanation of 'being too awesome to fall through them' didn't help any. How could anypony learn to walk on them from THAT? She wished she had any idea of what she was missing.

Blaze walked out from the house. “Avatar, Prism, it's time for lunch.”

Diamond nodded and trotted towards the house. She had a sneaking suspicion that the other pegasus hadn't quite forgiven her for what she had said to Button, yet. Since then it had always been 'Avatar', never 'Diamond'. Even after her apology. She kind of missed the old Blaze, this harsher, more stern one was nowhere near as fun.

She sat and nibbled at her oat cakes. “So... ummm... any news from the council?”

“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, Avatar,” Blaze said firmly.

“Come on, please? There's got to be some news,” Diamond asked with a small smile. “The Shadowbolts are still in--” She cringed as Blaze dropped her cake. “What's wrong? Did something happen to the Shadowbolts?”

The mare shook her head. Prism frowned and looked to Blaze. “Have... they come to a decision?”

“Not yet. But it's still being discussed. Styx and Scootaloo are both firmly against it. But Sassy and Zecora both want the change,” Blaze said with a sigh. “I'm remaining neutral on it, due to our... history.”

“What? What history? What's going on? Tell meeeee!”

Prism sighed. “It's hardly hidden news, we can tell her.”

The mare rolled her eyes, before nodding. “Very well. Avatar, I'm sure you've noticed that, with the vacancy of the Moon Raisers, the metal benders and Shadowbolts have become more prominent. The big problem is that the metal benders are being targeted. Their forces are falling as well. The Shadowbolts have gained far more responsibility as a result and, unfortunately, many believe the current leader isn't up to the job.”

“Who? Ironwing?”

Prism nodded. “Indeed. He never should have been given command anyway. He was too young.”

“Prism,” Blaze said with a shake of her head. “He's been doing a fine job these last years.”

“During a time of peace. If it wasn't for the pull of his mother and Styx, he wouldn't have gotten the job to begin with. He's not ready for it.”

The pegasus mare sighed. “Unfortunately, Prism's views are shared by many on the council, though most aren't speaking up. Yet. The problem is, now is not the time for a structure change. If the Shadowbolt's lose their leader now, their effectiveness will decrease. We're losing the cities defenders quickly and leaving ourselves vulnerable.”

Diamond nodded and thought back to the attack on that small shop. She gave a little shiver. “Blaze? Do you think that Ironwing can handle this? Running the Shadowbolts during... this?”

“I think Ironwing can do a better job than any other candidate at the moment,” Blaze said firmly. “He'll do whatever needs to be done.” There was a snort from Prism. “As long as he can do it. To keep this city safe. But once this emergency is over, perhaps a new leader can be chosen. One who's not so... young. One with more experience.”

“Really?” Diamond asked with a cocked eye. “I mean, he seems really old. He's like your age, right?” She let out a yelp as a sudden burst of air sent her flying against the room and into the wall.

“Why, yes, he is our age. And we are not that much older than you, young Avatar,” Blaze said before sipping her tea. “Hardly old.”

“Owwww...” the unicorn said with a groan.

Blaze got to her hooves. “Either way, there are still plenty of troubles in the city. If you decide to go back again, try to keep safe and out of harms way. And don't cause any trouble if you can avoid it.” She gave Prism a light kiss on the cheek. “I should probably head back out to see the council soon. We have another meeting tonight.”

Prism nodded and gave her a hug. “I'll tidy up while you're gone. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said before trotting out of the room and up the stairs.

Diamond groaned and slowly trotted over, sitting back down and nibbling her oat cake. “She's touchy right now. So, what's with you and Ironwing, anyway? I mean, he's got a stick up his butt and all, but other than that? I figured you'd be best buddies. As far as I can tell, you've had one up your butt for ages.”

The stallion blushed and glowered. “I do NOT have a stick up my anywhere!”

“Oh please, you're always so tense and angry whenever I see you,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I don't think I've ever seen you relax. I figured you two would be best of friends or something.”

He harrumphed. “We were. Long, long ago.”

“Really? What happened?”

Prism stared into his cup before shaking his head. “When I needed him most, he abandoned me. That's something you should learn, Avatar. Never betray your friends. Something like that just... can't be forgiven.”

Diamond nodded and slowly got to her hooves. “I'm going to go check on the others. I told them I'd meet them at Silver's. Is that okay?”

He nodded. “You've been doing excellent on your training and--” He stopped as the door slammed behind him. He shook his head. “Always in a rush. I'm happy I was never like that.”

“HA!” Blaze's voice rang down from upstairs.

“What? How did you even hear that?” he yelled up at her.

“I hear everything!” she yelled back down.


“Hello Avatar, a pleasure to see you again,” Silver said softly as she smiled at the unicorn. Diamond shivered slightly as she eyed her friend. The mare had a weird, slightly blank look on her face. “I made cookies. Would you like some?” She motioned down at a plate of charred, black cookies.

“Errr... you made them yourself?”

“Indeed. I... am not quite the cook I once was,” she said sadly. “I do hope you don't mind.”

The unicorn looked around the dining room, giving a nervous smile to Button and Acrylic. Then, as one, all three reached out and took a cookie.

She chewed on one and shivered as the burnt snack filled her mouth. “It... tastes good.”

“Really? I'm so pleased,” the earth pony said, giving them a smile. “I'm sorry I wasn't there at your match. I tried to be but... I was going so slow that day. I just couldn't get there in time.” She paused, a hoof rising to her cheek. “I used to be so good at that...”

“It's fine,” Diamond said with a shake of her head. “We all did fine. I learned something fun, too, about-- eep!” Her chair was suddenly flipped out from under her.

“Oops. Sorry,” Acrylic said without even a hint of remorse. “It's fine. You'll be at the finals, won't you?”

“Of course. I made daddy promise to get me there on time, one way or another. I wouldn't miss it for the world.”

Silver's voice sounded almost monotone, filling the Avatar with more guilt. She nodded slowly. “We'll kick their flanks in your honor, then.”

“How has your training been? Have you learned air bending yet?”

The unicorn cringed. “Not... yet. I uhhh... I feel I... am going to be able to eventually. Maybe. I have the form down. I just can't seem to have the wind.”

“Oh, so you're having trouble passing wind? Have you tried eating some chili?” Button asked with a grin. He eeped as three sets of eyes glared at him. “S-sorry.”

“Try to act your age,” Acrylic muttered.

Silver smiled and sat down, nibbling one of the cookies. If she could tell how nasty they were, she gave no sign. The four sat in awkward silence. Finally, Diamond spoke up. “So... errr... I heard that... the attachments you're using, some of Meadowbrook's forces have them. Any idea how she got her hooves on them?”

The mare frowned and lowered her gaze. “They're cheap knock offs, at best. Or stolen models. Daddy has been trying to find out how they did it. He thinks they might have been stolen from some of his warehouses or possibly from the ones he gave the Shadowbolts.”

“Is that common?” Diamond asked.

She shrugged. “Not sure. Daddy makes a lot of things and most are stored away. It's possible somepony stole some early prototypes and duplicated them, bought some already made or even just swiped them. Daddy has been trying to make them so anypony could get their hooves on them, so it wouldn't be hard to have gotten their hooves on them. Duplicating them would be... far more difficult, of course. But that doesn't mean it's absolutely impossible that they did it.”

“It's a great way to get equality, I suppose,” Diamond muttered. “Making everypony an alicorn. Even if just an artificial one.”

“It's that or chop off everypony's horns and wings,” Button said with a shrug. “Frankly, I think the whole fake wings and horns method works better.”

Acrylic shivered. “Hopefully she's not crazy enough to hack off everypony's wings and horns.”

Once again, silence filled the room. Then the door slammed open, making the four jump. Secretary stepped inside. “Miss Silver? You're going to want to hear this. Your father is listening in his lab.” She walked over to a strange box with a few knobs on it.

“What's that?” Diamond asked softly.

“A radio,” Button said. “Not very common in a lot of places, but here in Harmony we have two full radio stations. You've seen some of the speakers around the city, right? During big events they'll all have music and announcements from one of the stations.” His voice leaked with pride.

The unicorn nodded. She'd heard of such devices, but she'd never actually seen one. Or at least, never paid much attention to them. They tended to only be in the really big cities, or so she heard. Secretary fiddled with the knobs and then it buzzed a little before a voice came on.

Meadowbrook's voice.

“--too long. These competitions are nothing more than shams, used by benders to try and prove their superiority over others. Can non-benders compete? No. How about those who are still learning? No. Even those who are good enough but are not as financially sound as the main teams can't enter.”

Diamond dug a hoof into the ground.

“This is truly shameful, a disgraceful act that never should have been allowed to exist. Why should one team be lorded above all others as the end all, be all? All ponies should be equal, sound and safe in their togetherness. This tournament is just another driving wedge between all ponies and I will no longer stand for it.”

The unicorn grit her teeth, struggling to hold in her anger.

“If this tournament goes on, I will end it. Personally. I will destroy everything that it stands for. I will not allow this... mockery to continue. A world of true equality has no need for such things. But I am merciful and kind. Ponies, call for your leaders to end this sham. Tell them how angry you are that this barbarianic contest has been allowed to continue. There need be no cause for violence. After all, All I want is to save you all.”

The was a small pause.

“Hello, Harmony. My name is Meadowbrook. Some of you will know me as the great Equalizer, the pony who will make all races equal. I have come with a warning. The pro bending fad has gone on for too long. These competitions are--” Secretary shut it off.

“It's been looping for the last ten minutes,” the mare said, looking back to the stunned four. “We don't know how they took over the air waves, but the council will know soon. If you want to make a plea, then you'd best move quickly.”

“Make a plea? Why us?” Diamond asked, staring at the radio.

“You're the tournament finalists. It's your match. If you want them to stop it, then--”

“They can't just give in!” Diamond objected, shaking her head. “That's what Meadowbrook wants! If they give in, she'll just make more demands. Nopony will be safe to do anything!”

“And I'm sure you'll be super upset not being able to show off again,” Acrylic muttered.

“Yes, I will,” Diamond said, before shaking her head. “But that doesn't make what I said any less true. Meadowbrook is... she won't stop until she has everything. If we show we're scared of her, she'll just keep taking things.”

“Then we'd better go meet with the council,” Silver said softly. “Will daddy--”

“Be coming? Of course I will!” Alicity said proudly as he stepped into the room. “And I have just the mode of transportation needed.”

“Not the alibot, please not the alibot,” Silver said softly.

“It's not the alibot!” he said defiantly. “It's better.”


Diamond stared, her mouth open as she looked at the big, golden vehicle. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. “What... what is that?”

The doctor gave a crazy grin before trotting over to tap it on the side. “It's called a tank.”

“Is that... a party cannon?” the Avatar asked, practically drooling as she stared at it.

“Yup! Three of them.”



“Eeeeeee!” Diamond repeated as she stood on top of the massive golden vehicle, the three cannons in front of her, occasionally shooting confetti and cake as they drove down the street. Ponies stared in wide eyed wonder at the device, though some stared more because they'd been covered in pastry by it. “This is the most awesome thing EVER!” she cried out.

“Will you get inside?” Acrylic yelled up at her.


“Hold on!” Secretary yelled.

Diamond looked down. “What? Wh--” The tank screeched to a halt, sending her flying off the top and crashing into the street with a pained moan.

“We're here,” Secretary called out.

“Little... warning would have been nice,” the Avatar said before slowly getting to her hooves and wobbling around for a few seconds. She shook her head and smiled. “I'm okay!”

“A shame,” Acrylic said flatly, getting a glare from her.

The unicorn then turned towards the large building in front of them. At least six stories tall, all light blue. It was somewhat comforting, but she did wonder why they had all those meeting rooms around the city if they had their own building. She shrugged and trotted forward, shoving open the door. “You can't!” she yelled out.

The secretary behind the desk looked up and cocked her head to the side. “Can't what, miss?”

“Err... is this where the council meets?”

“Well, this is the right building. But they're on the second floor. You'll need an appointment to meet with them and-- ack!” The mare suddenly hid behind the desk. “Dr. ALICITY! You were told not to come within four hundred feet of the main council headquarters without a permit!”

“I don't need a permit, this is an emergency!” the stallion said proudly. “Come along!” he yelled, before galloping forward.

“Wait, no, don't, stooooop!” the mare shrieked. She then looked across the deck at Secretary, who stared at her pittingly.

“Don't worry. I'll sort out all the paperwork. Just call Sunburst and let him know the Avatar is on her way, please.”

The other secretary slowly nodded. “Oh... I ummm... okay.” She then looked past the open doorway. “Is that a...?”

“Party cannon on wheels? Yes. With armor attachments.” She paused for effect. “Currently on sale with a ten percent discount on mass orders.”


“I object!” Diamond yelled as she shoved open the door. To her amazement, the full council was in session. Even the diamond dogs had their representative here. And now every single eye was on her.

Blaze face hoofed. “And here we go.”

“You can't just give in to that nut jobs demands!” the unicorn said as she stepped forward, trotting before the council. “If you do, she'll make more demands until she can take everything. Showing her you're scared will just make her stronger and ponies more afraid of her.”

Sunburst smiled down at her and gave a nod. “Indeed, that's what I have been saying. I'm happy to know you're on our side, Avatar.”

“Avatar, you don't have a say in this,” Blaze snapped, slamming a hoof down. “This is a matter for the council and the council alone. You need to leave.”

“I'm not saying this just as the Avatar,” Diamond said firmly, stomping a hoof. “I'm saying this as a citizen. Giving into this nut job will only make her stronger. There's already panic and fighting in the streets. How bad will it be if you let this mare dictate what we can and cannot do? Many ponies don't see her as a real threat, but once you give into her demands it'll mean everypony sees her as a threat.”

“While what the Avatar speaks is true,” Zecora said with a small shake of her head. “There is little else we can do. The lives of our people cannot go to waste, we must stop this contest with all our haste.”

“This is ridiculous,” Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. “This isn't some attack outside the city. This mare is threatening us in the very core. There's no way she'd be able to do anything truly threatening. The Shadowbolts would have the place under the tightest security imaginable and the metal benders would too.”

“Exactly,” Styx said with a nod of his head. “The Shadowbolts have everything under control. It's not a wide area attack or an out of city attack. There's no water for her to sneak off into. Attacking the arena would be suicide. It's a bluff, nothing more. Give in now and we give her power.”

Diamond smirked. She could feel it, she was winning.

“Perhaps it is a bluff,” Ashmane said with a shake of her head. “But can we really risk the lives of those in our care? They must be protected. One little tournament is not worth even one life.”

“We're not talking about lives, though,” Octavia said as she glanced up. “We're talking about cutie marks. I hate to say it, but I agree with Miss Scootaloo and Mister Styx. The Shadowbolts and metal benders will be more than capable of keeping the arena safe. If this terrorist is willing to risk showing her face, then we will capture her. But I have trouble believing anypony would be so stupid.”

“Impossible,” Sassy said, slamming a hoof down. “It may be fine and safe for you, but for us non-benders this is another matter. Need I remind you that this terrorist has escaped our hooves again and again? We can't risk another attack, another failure. Who knows how many could lose their marks?”

Diamond sighed and looked between them, the many council members fighting amongst themselves. She couldn't believe it. They were actually considering it.

The door behind her slammed open so hard it struck the wall with a resounding bang. Silence filled the room and every eye, including the Avatar's, fell on the figure in its frame.

Ironwing. The stallion stepped forward, his hooves lightly clipping on the floor. He looked at the unicorn, but only for a moment before walking before the council and staring up. “None of you can seriously be considering giving into that mare's demands, can you?” He made a snort of disgust. “I'd expect this kind of behavior from Prism, but from you, Blaze? We are supposed to be Harmony. A city that focuses on the unity and work of all the species of this world. A country where nopony has to be afraid because of what they are or who they are.” He waved a hoof. “We're supposed to be safe for all. The moment we let some terrorist dictate what we can and cannot do, we might as well just break the city apart and return it to the four countries. If we're going to be so afraid of one pony, what hope do we have when true threats arrive?”

Sunburst sighed and looked down at him. “Ironwing, I appreciate your input, but this is a matter of public safety. We cannot--”

“What we cannot do is lock them away in their homes, terrified that some boogiemare is going to come out and grab them. If our citizens want to hide in their homes, that is their choice and we should allow them. But that is THEIR choice. We cannot make it for them. The games must go on and we must show this Meadowbrook that we will not bend, will not break under her threats. Because we are Harmony, the greatest country in the world!”

There were a few moments of silence, before Sunburst nodded. “And... you believe you can keep the contest safe?”

“I'd stake my reputation on it. The Shadowbolts won't let anything within half a mile of it that's a threat. I vow.”

Sunburst gave a nod. “Very well then. I believe with his vow of protection, that should settle the matter. Are there any more objections?”

A few of the ponies looked as if they swallowed lemons, but they didn't speak. The council stallion nodded. “Very well. Then the games will go on.”

Ironwing let out a breath and turned to walk out. Diamond smiled at him. “Thank you,” she said softly.

“Why? I didn't do this for you,” he said with a harrumph. “I did this because it was what needed to be done. Ponies like that won't stop once you show the first sign of fear.”

Diamond watched him leave, letting out another soft sigh. Sometimes, he was actually pretty awesome. Cute, too. She snickered. Oh, she'd have to make sure to say that within Prism's hearing. It would be hilarious.