• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 64 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony - Jeweled Pen

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. Can she defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks?

  • ...

Chapter 10: A Harsh Morning

Diamond let out a low whistle as the compound came into sight. She'd forgotten how big it was. “You live here and everything? Doesn't it get... well, kind of annoying?”

“Oh, not at all,” Silver said with a chuckle. “I've always lived here.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because daddy wanted to make sure I was always safe so nopony could try to foalnap me. So he built the compound around me so I'd always be close.”

The Avatar went silent, staring for a moment. “Are... are you serious?”

She nodded.

“Have ponies tried to foal nap you?”

“Not that I remember. But I think daddy might just be overprotective,” Silver said with a smile. “Since mom died and... everything. He's always been worried. Honestly, before I had these wings, I couldn't go anywhere without a full retinue of trained guards. That was far more annoying.”

Diamond nodded, staring at the mare, before looking ahead. “I... can understand that. My dad was kind of... the same way.”

“Oh?” Silver asked.

“Yeah. I barely ever left our home. I had all the best instructors and plenty of servants, but I was almost never allowed outside the walls.”

The earth pony glanced over and frowned. “That's... interesting. Why would he hide you away like that? You're the Avatar, right? Ponies need you.” She grit her teeth slightly, before nearly spitting the words out. “You're a... hero.”

Diamond cringed. She couldn't blame the mare. “Yeah, I know. A hero who... just went off badly on her teammate.” The earth pony's words made her cheek hurt all the more. “Do... you think if I try, Button will talk to me again? I didn't... I didn't mean to hurt him like that. I thought I was just being honest.”

Silver stopped to look at the guard. He eyed her for a moment, before opening the gate for them to go in. After they walked a bit and the gate closed behind them, the clenched teeth finally loosened. “I... think maybe. Button seems... nice. Forgiving. The sort who would always give a... second chance. It's why I think he makes such a good friend.”

Diamond paused and then a sly grin formed on her lips. “Ohhhh? Do you have a little crush on him?”

The earth pony's eyes rolled so hard the unicorn would have sworn they almost rolled out of her head. “Oh, don't even start with something like that. He's cute and all, but really? He's wayyyyy too loud. If he calmed down a lot, maybe.” She paused before smiling gently to her. “But I think he's a great friend. And I'm happy to have him as one of mine. Aren't you?”

The unicorn looked down. “I... hadn't really thought about it. If he was my... friend or not. I mean, I know he was my teammate, but I didn't really...” She stared at the ground. She wondered if they would even be teammates now. Would he leave? Would Acrylic go with him? Now that she thought about it, Silver and those two were the only ones she really knew in the city. The council talked to her on occasion, but only because she was the Avatar. Her teammates felt somehow different. “Do you think he'd want to be my friend?”

“No,” Silver said with a shake of her head.

It was distressingly blunt and it made Diamond cringe. The words tore through her like a knife. “R-really?”

“Maybe. You... probably hurt him. A lot. I don't know if he'll be able to forgive you after that. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't try, does it? Do you want him to be your friend?”

The unicorn sighed. “I'll talk to him tomorrow, okay? I'm sure it'll... be fine. Tomorrow.” The two walked into the main building and she looked around. “Where is everypony?”

“Probably working,” Silver said with a smile. “Daddy is... special. Some nights I have to go in to the lab just to make sure he doesn't starve.” She paused. “Or... at least I used to have to. Since Secretary came in, she's always been there to take care of him. I owe her a lot, he'd half starve himself if not for her. Not to mention how much sleep he misses.” Despite her words, her tone sounded slightly distant.

Diamond nodded. “That's good. So uhhh... where will I stay?”

“We have a guest room.” Silver paused. “About ten. I'll send you to the suite. Do you want anything to eat before hoof?”

“Actually, yeah. I really could eat,” Diamond muttered. Before the match she'd been so excited she couldn't touch anything. Now she felt half starved. Also depressed.


“Never... eating... again,” Diamond mumbled as she wobbled towards the room.

“I don't think you'll need to,” Silver said softly. “A bit... cliché, don't you think?”


“Nothing,” she stopped outside one of the rooms. “Here. Have a nice night.”

Diamond nodded and pushed towards it, before stopping. “Silver? We are friends, aren't we?”

There was a pause from the mare. Then, slowly, she nodded. “If you want to be.”

“Yeah. I'd like that. I'll try to talk to Button soon. Give him a day or two to calm down then... tell him I'm sorry.”

“I think he'd like that,” Silver said with a smile.

Diamond stepped into the room and closed the door behind herself. The room was quite nice, covered in white lace with a desk and an attached bathroom. She trotted to the bathroom and smiled, filling up the tub before sliding in, letting the hot water warm her up.

Even there, her mind kept drifting back to Blaze and Prism. Had what she said really been true? She put a hoof over her heart. She was an amazing bender. The best. She'd be the best ever. But was her heart so... was her soul black? Did she have no compassion or kindness?

She shook her head. “He's just too sensitive. He was just...” She closed her eyes and laid back. “He was feeling really bad and rather than try to help him, I just twisted the knife. No wonder Acrylic was so upset. No wonder Blaze was so upset. No wonder...” She thought back to Prism. That look hadn't been anger or hatred. It had been disgust. Pure disgust. As if she was something he'd wipe off his hoof. She drifted lower into the water and sighed. She thought back to her trashed locker. What if it had been somepony else, not the Bunnies? Did she really inspire such feelings in ponies? Blaze had slapped her and now she wasn't so certain she didn't deserve it. What if this was just another type of slap? What if she'd deserved it?

“I'm sorry,” she whispered softly, reaching up a hoof to touch her cheek.


Diamond awoke with a groan, letting out a soft yawn as she sat up. She groggily looked around the clean, frilly room. She slowly slid out of her bed, making her way to the bathroom to freshen up.

“Hate mornings,” she mumbled. She was a little curious why Prism didn't come barreling in to wake her up, but it didn't take her long to realize why. They probably didn't wanna see her any more than she wanted to see them. She wondered if he was even looking for her, probably not. She splashed water on her face and brushed her mane, using the complimentary marble brush in the room. She then smiled into the mirror. “Today I'm going to... try to be nicer. Find Button and apologize. Because we're teammates. Maybe even friends eventually.” She then smiled and trotted from the room, pulling the door open.

“GAHHHHH!” she shrieked, fire erupting from her horn and lancing out at the thing in front of her.

As far as she could tell, it was a giant, pony sized bug. Made of metal. And some kind of silver cloth. And Secretary was a few feet behind it, holding a long tube it was attached to.

“Hah, stupendous! I told you this would be fire proof!” Alicity's voice came out from the bug.

“Sir... I said there was no point to make it fire proof since the material is so conductive,” Secretary said with a sigh. “Fire rarely appears underwater, as well.”

“Why would-- OW OW OW OW OWWWWW! Hot hot hot hot!” The giant bug began to dismantle itself, revealing the doctor within. Diamond could do nothing but stare in disbelief. The pieces of metal were steaming slightly.

Truly he was mad. “Can... errr... I help you?” she asked. She really hoped he said no.

“Yes you can!” She mentally sighed. “Have you decided to accept my proposal?”

She blinked a few times, cocking her head to the side. “You... proposed? To me? When? Why? You're... kind of wayyyy too old for me.” It was way too early for this.

“Ah, very funny, Avatar!” And he gripped her shoulders, hauling her off. She had no idea how he did it. He took her to the window. “Look out, what do you see?”

“... The wall of a warehouse.”

“But what would you see if not for that?”

“The fence?”

“Yes, but not just that, the future!” he said proudly. “Imagine. With your help and--”

“I said I'll wear a button, that's where I'm drawing the line. Listen, I appreciate you letting me stay here last night. Really, it was great. But I really should get going. I have a lot to do today.”

He gave a soft sigh. “Very well, Avatar. If you must. I suppose you'll be leaving with your mother then.”

Her eyes widened. “W-wait, what?”

“Her aunt, Doctor,” Secretary said with a sigh.

“Oh, yes. Your aunt. Grouchy.”

“Sassy,” his assistant corrected.

“Yes, that too. She's currently eating breakfast in the bathroom.”

“Dining hall.”

“She is? She knows I'm here? Why is she here? What's going on? Where is the main... oh, wait. I know where it is. Thanks!” She pulled away from the stallion before he could do anything... else, insane, before galloping off towards the main dining hall. Fortunately she'd seen it when Silver got her something to eat.

She skidded to a stop outside the room and took a deep breath. Then, slowly, she pushed the door open. Both Silver and Sassy were sitting at the table, gently nibbling at their pancakes.

“Ah, finally awoken, dear niece?” Sassy asked with a smile as she looked up.

“Y-yeah, I have,” she said with a smile before walking over and taking a seat. Pancakes appeared on a plate in front of her, as if by magic. A moment later she noticed the servant standing inside by the door. “Sorry. Yesterday was... rough.”

“This morning was quite rough as well,” the unicorn said with a frown. “The council was in a near panic when Blaze reported you missing. Apparently some... harsh words were spoken?”

She nodded slowly. “Yeah, they were. A lot of...” She looked down at her food and thought back to her locker. “I think I may owe her an apology. Amongst... others. They were right.”

“Oh? Why?”

“Just... they were right. Let's leave it at that.”

The mare watched her for a few moments before nodding. “Very well, if you don't wish to discuss it I certainly won't force you too. Now, I did want to discuss some other matters with you.”

“Oh? Like?” She reached out with her hoof and tore off a chunk of pancake, bringing it to her lips.

“About this... tournament business.”

“I'm not dropping out,” Diamond said firmly.

“No, not that. In fact, I think it would be best to encourage it. I happen to know quite a few teams who could use a fire bender as talented as you. Once this competition is over in a few weeks, perhaps you would consider traveling with me to Fillydelphia to meet with them?”

“W-what?” Diamond asked, staring at the mare now.

“Very talented. They have an air bender, as well, who could teach you. And they wouldn't be...” She paused for a moment. “Your current team is okay, I suppose, but they lack the might you have. Maybe it would be in your interest to find some ponies who don't hold you back?”

Diamond nodded slowly. It was true, she was definitely being held back by them. She was stronger, faster, a better bender. So why did the thought make her want to cry? She stared at the pancakes and slowly shook her head. “No. I like my current team.”

Sassy frowned. “Are you quite sure? A better team might be--”

“I'm sure. I'm a hundred percent sure.”

There was a moment of silence before the mare nodded. She then glanced to Silver, who looked as if she'd been sucking a lemon. “I'm sorry, I am merely trying to watch out for my nieces best interest.” She then looked back to the unicorn. “Very well. Perhaps when this tournament is over, or your team loses, you'd be interested in going on tour? I know some ponies in Fillydelphia who--”

“Wait a minute,” Diamond said, her head going up. “He wasn't proposing to me, he meant the whole offer of... oh, wow. I was more tired than I thought.” She was greeted by very confused looks. “Err, nothing. Never mind. Aunt? Why do you want me to leave so badly? What's so...” The words caught in her throat and her eyes narrowed. “Oh. I see.”

“What?” the mare asked.

“You want me to leave and get away from this Meadowbrook, don't you? You don't think I can handle her?”

“Of course I think you can handle her,” Sassy said, though her eyes shifted away. “You are the Avatar, after all. I just believe that... at this critical junction, it would be best to allow the defenses of the city to deal with this monster. There is no need to--”

“I'll deal with this myself,” Diamond said firmly, barely managing to resist stomping her hooves on the table. “This pony isn't anything I, or anypony else, needs to be afraid of. And I'll prove it when I kick her flank.”


“If all you've come to talk about is to get rid of me, this conversation is over.” She started to get up.

“Wait,” Sassy said, lifting a hoof up. “Please.”

Diamond paused and slowly lowered back into her seat. “Yes?”

“I won't talk about it anymore. If you are certain that you wish to deal with this threat, then I will not try to stop you. You are, however, my niece. I am only trying to look out for and protect you. As any mare would try to do for their niece. I do hope you can understand.”

Diamond nodded. “Of course. I ummmm...” She poked her hooves together. “Daddy... never mentioned you before. I didn't even know that... how many aunts and uncles do I have?”

The mare shook her head. “Just me, I'm afraid. Our father never quite... well, after an incident with the previous Avatar our family fell on a few harsh times. Our father was away from home quite often and there was never a third child. Financially we were more than secure, but our honor was... quite tarnished.” She looked down. “I remember hearing about your mother's death. I... wasn't aware she'd had a child at the time.”

The Avatar cringed and gave a shrug. “It doesn't really bother me much. I never met her and Daddy was always there when I needed him. He made sure I never wanted for anything.”

Sassy nodded. “I don't blame him for trying to keep you away from the world. If I had been in his hooves, I may have tried to do the same.”

Diamond snorted. 'Well, you just tried to. I just didn't let you,' she thought to herself.

“I hope you aren't mad at him.”

“Not really. He made a mistake, a big one. But I know he only did it because he loves me. I mean, I've only been out here a few weeks and already there's some crazy psycho running around stealing cutie marks. I just wish he'd have a bit more faith in me.”

Sassy nodded. “He has contacted me since your arrival.”

Diamond's ears perked up. She hadn't received so much as a note from him, so she couldn't deny being intrigued. Though she had a sneaking suspicion that Prism and Blaze wouldn't let him contact her. “What did he say?”

“That he's worried about you, that he loves you. That most important of all, try to keep you safe.” She nudged the plate around. “I... intend to do just that. If you won't leave, I can't force you. But do know if you ever need a place to get away, or require aid, I am always here. All you need do is ask.”

Diamond nodded, a smile on her lips. She wasn't alone, after all. She still had her aunt. And Silver. She then paused and looked over to the head of the table. She'd completely forgotten the earth pony was here. Her aunt followed her gaze and gave a little jump, her cheeks flaring.

“My apologies, Miss Spoon. I'd actually quite forgotten you were still here,” Sassy said with a small chuckle, shaking her head.

“It's alright, happens all the time,” Silver said with a small smile. “I think it's really sweet. You looking out for her and everything.” She nudged her pancakes. “Diamond, do you intend to go see Button today?”

Diamond looked at her plate and slowly nodded. She wanted to put it off for longer, but she knew if she did she might never do it. “Y-yeah. I'd best go see him. Do you know where he'd be?”

Silver nodded. “Yes.” She slid out of the chair, her meal only half finished. “I'll go get ready. When you're done with breakfast, meet me by the front door?”

Diamond nodded, before nibbling at her meal.

Once Silver was gone, Sassy shook her head. “I always find it so strange that she's that doctor's child.”


The mare nodded. “Yes. She's such a well behaved, quiet child. I'd never have imagined somepony as chaotic and wild as Dr. Alicity could raise such a delightful young lady.”

Diamond chuckled, giving a nod. She hadn't known the Doctor for long, but even she could tell he was just this side of crazy.

Still, at least it meant he wasn't boring.


Diamond frowned as they walked through the streets of the city. Once they had seemed so full of life, with ponies running around, talking, chatting. Now most of them were looking at each other with contempt and distrust.

Nopony felt safe now and there was a light hint of tension in the air. It had only been a few days and already the city had changed so much. She hoped they managed to catch this criminal soon, before things got out of control.

There was the sound of shattering glass, followed by a scream.

Seemed it wouldn't be soon enough. She glanced to Silver. “I'll be right back,” she said before galloping off. It didn't take her long to find the source. Three mares were standing outside a trashed shop, all earth ponies. Rocks had plowed through the side of the store, tearing apart the racks inside.

They stomped their hooves and another rock hurtled into the store. “Come out!” one of them yelled.

“P-please,” a voice called and, slowly, a unicorn stepped out from the shop. Diamond's eyes were drawn almost instantly to his flank. It was blank. She sneered. No wonder they were trashing the place. He was probably one of them. “I-I haven't done anything. I just want to run my business in--” He was grabbed by a tendril of dirt and dragged out with a shriek. One of them glared down at him and nodded.

“Hah, I knew it! You're one of those cutie mark thieves, aren't you? I know I saw you at one of the rallies!”

He shook his head quickly. “N-no! I wasn't, I'd never steal a cutie mark! I-I had mine stolen during the attacks, I--” His words were cut off by a brutal strike to the head, sending him back, clutching his skull.

“We have a little message for your leader,” one of the mare's said.

Diamond stared, her eyes widening. 'What the buck am I doing?' she asked herself. 'Even if he is one of those equal ponies, they are attacking him three on one, with bending and trashing the place. This is nothing more than... nothing more than bullying!' She felt another rush of annoyance as she looked around at the gathered crowd. Most were just watching, but a few were even nodding with it, or calling out their own support. They were cheering on this abuse!

“P-please!” the stallion begged before getting shoved onto his back. The mare raised a hoof to strike him again. Instead the ground raised up under her and slammed her into the building. When the rock fell away, she toppled to the ground, rolled onto her back with a loud groan, her eyes swirling. Her two friends quickly turned back to see Diamond.

“Hey. How about you try messing with somepony your own size?” she asked with a growl, flame flaring from her horn. “You'll find me a lot harder to shove around.”

The two stared at her for a moment, but she saw the realization dawn on the left one first. “I think that's the Avatar. I saw her in the tournament! Let's get out of here!”

“Yeah, no,” Diamond said, stomping a hoof down and a wall formed in front of them when they tried to turn away. It took every last strand of self control she had not to go down and start pounding them into mush. It would have served them right. Instead she gave a little smile. “Oh, but do feel free to try to run. It'll just mean I get to break you when I catch you again.” She stepped forward slowly, grinding her hoof into the ground. “So, it's your choice. Would you rather wait for the authorities, or let me deal with you?”

To her mild annoyance, both ponies quickly sat down. She frowned. “Are you sure? I'll give you a few seconds head start?”

“N-no, we're good. We'll wait.”

“... Ten seconds, my final offer?”

“A-authorities sound really good right about now,” the pony said, her friend quickly nodding.

Diamond gave a sigh. At least they couldn't get her for excessive violence this time. Probably. But she didn't wreck... much this time. Comparatively. She wasn't sure she liked this whole not just pounding them thing. It wasn't nearly as fun. She walked over to the stallion and reached a hoof out. “Are you okay?”

He slowly took it, looking up at her. A little blood dribbled down his face. “Y-yes, I am. Thank you. Avatar,” he said softly.

“Sorry I didn't get here sooner,” she muttered, sitting by him. The crowd was splitting up, at least. Hopefully the actual authorities would arrive soon. She hoped she didn't have to deal with Ironwing again. She was in no mood for that. The last thing she wanted to do was listen to him tell her how horrible she was or that she should have not gotten involved.


Diamond let out a soft sigh of relief as they finally arrived at a large metal tower. “Sooo... this is it?”

“Yep. The metal bender headquarters. Best place to find Button if he's practicing.”

“What if he's not practicing?”

“Then I guess he might be at home,” Silver said with a shrug before the two trotted in. The tower wasn't very tall and, oddly, seemed more like a giant flower petal than a tower. It was made completely of metal, as well. There were a few ponies by the entrance who glanced towards them, but nopony tried to impede them. Silver took the lead and led her forward.

“So, what happened?” the earth pony asked.


“The scream?”

“Oh, that,” Diamond said with a soft sigh. “Some ponies attacking one of the unmarked. I can understand why they'd do it, but they were trashing the place and starting to beat the poor guy up. Wasn't even a fair fight, three on one. He couldn't even fight back,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “A few of the metal benders met with me and took all four of them in. I told them what happened and they said I was free to go.” She paused and grinned. “I've got to say, the metal benders are a lot easier to deal with than the Shadowbolts.”

“I hear Copper can be a lot less tense than Ironwing. Or so daddy says.”

“I see why. What stick crawled up his flank and died?” Diamond asked with a roll of her eyes.

Silver burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hoof.

“What? What's so funny?” She huffed a little in annoyance, she knew she screwed the wording up but she tried to play it off.

“N-nothing. Just... you have an interesting way with words. If I'm correct, Button will probably be... here.” She pushed open a door and revealed a closet. The mare blinked, her cheeks turning red. “W-wrong room. Here!” She raced down to the next door and pushed it open. Diamond snickered softly and followed after the mare.

The doorway led to a large dirt covered room, filled with boulders and little orbs of metal. A few earth benders were practicing in it. To her surprise, Silver was right. Button was there.

And he was terrible. An earth pony was there, yelling and screaming at him. “Straighten your legs. Ground yourself, ground! Do you call that making yourself a stone? I've seen driftwood more solid than you!”

“Sorry. Sorry. Ow! Sorry,” Button said as he moved. Diamond couldn't believe it. He stumbled and fell on his flank every few seconds, missed obvious guards, tripped, fell, got clobbered in the head more times than she could count. He was always kind of bad, but he had never been this bad. He really wasn't an earth bender. Or at least, not a metal bender. She stepped forward.

“Button?” she called out.

He yelped, looked up and got a rock pillar to the face, falling over. “Owwww...”

“That was pathetic,” his teacher said, shaking her head. She then looked up. “Avatar? What brings you here?”

“I uhhh, I'm here to talk with him. Button, can we chat? Please?”

The stallion nodded. “Can... I take a break?”

“Sure,” the teacher said with a shrug. “Not like you're making any progress, anyway.” She trotted off. “I swear I've seen lemurs that could earth bend better. How in the world are you Lady Octavia's son?”

Diamond moved to the side and sat on a bench, he sat next to her. The two sat in silence for a few moments, before both opening their mouths.

“I'm sorry,” they said in unison.

The unicorn stared, her mouth falling open. “Wait, what? You're sorry? Why are you sorry?”

He looked away. “Making you two... carry me and everything. Since I wasn't really any... good at the fighting. I just...” He took a deep breath. “You're right. I'm holding both of you back. You're an amazing fire bender. Acrylic is an amazing water bender. I'm... a useless earth bender.”

She nodded for a few moments, before cringing. “No, you're not. I'll admit you're not perfect, but you're not too bad. I've seen worse.” Namely herself when she was a tiny little foal. But even she'd gotten better with practice. He wasn't going anywhere.

“Really, like who?”


“See? I'm horrible,” he grumbled before shaking his head. “I can't do any of this. I don't even know why I was trying.”

“Why were you training?”

“I don't know, because I thought maybe if I brought up my game, you wouldn't want to kick me out.”

She shook her head. “No, I mean more... why did you train to be a pro-bender, anyway? I mean, there has to have been better jobs, right? Did Acrylic convince you to do it?”

He snorted. “Acrylic? Are you kidding? It took me months to convince him to try this with me. He thought it was a waste of time.” The earth pony's eyes lowered. “I... don't know. I just kind of thought... you know, if I did this, it'd be something I did right for once. That I could show I really was my mom's son. That I didn't need to be a good metal bender to be a great earth bender.”

“Well, I'm sorry to say, you're a horrible earth bender. You're wayyyyy too jumpy and energetic. You can't sit still.”

He cringed and she sighed.

“I wish I could help, I really do. But your earth bending is just horrible. You don't move like one, you...” She then paused and rubbed her chin. “Hey, you wanna try something new?”

“What, are you going to start saying I'm ugly, too?”

She shook her head. “No. You're a horrible earth bender, so what if you just stopped fighting like one?”

He cocked an eye. “Oh. Geez. Yeah. So what, I should try being an air bender then? I know you're the Avatar and all, but the rest of us mere mortals only get one type of bending.”

She shook her head and got to her hooves. “No, come on. I've got an idea. Is there anywhere we can practice privately?”

“I guess, why?” he asked as he moved besides her. Silver followed close behind.

“Well, because if this doesn't work and you end up looking like an absolute idiot, you'll just look like one in front of me and Silver, instead of that pony who just screamed and yelled at you.”

Button nodded slowly. “Right, so I'll look like an idiot in front of two pretty mares. That's much better,” he said before blushing at the cocked eyes he received. “O-okay, valid point. I like this idea.” He moved ahead to lead her, though he glanced back. “What exactly are you going to teach me?”

A grin formed on her lips. “Oh, you'll see. This is actually going to be fun.”

The stallion gulped and looked ahead, the color going slightly from his face. He didn't know why, but he suddenly had a very, very ominous feeling in his stomach.