• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Reconnecting Love

“Hello my lady Rarity.”

Rarity’s eyes widened as Jonathan called her his lady. Looking into his eyes she could still see how they longed to care for her. She grinded her teeth together and clinched her fist as rage began to build up. Remembering what he did to her, she pulled herself together and looked straight at Jonathan to speak.

“I-is that all you have to say? After all these years I have never forgotten, but I didn’t let it bother me because I had to move on and you just walk up to me like nothing happened.” She looked down to the ground while crunching her hands into her skirt. “I tried so hard not to think of you, to get you out of my head and forget everything about you. However, no matter how hard I tried you’re always there, in my heart.”

Jonathan felt the pain piercing through Rarity’s word as she spoke. Rarity was his everything, his soul mate, even after what happened four years ago he still continued loving her no matter what.

“So, do you still remember that day? When we were at the tree where you engraved our names. It was where we were supposed to meet but you never showed up. I could only assume you left me?” She asked, hopping to get some answers from him and find out the truth.

“Yes, I remember as if it was yesterday. It was the day I, not only, broke your heart but my own as well.” He said as tears began to fall from his eyes. Remembering the day that he and Joseph went to train with the Hamon Saga.

(Four years and one day ago)

Jonathan had finish checking his supplies that he needed when he and his brother would leave for their intense training. Just then he heard his phone ring and to his shock it was Rarity. Curious as to why she was calling, he answered.

“Hello Rarity, this is unexpected. I thought you would be busy working on your new fashion piece.” He stated.

“Oh, well I thought I would call to see how things are going. Also I thought you would like to go out for a walk, just the two of us today if that’s fine with you.” She asked eagerly hoping he would say yes.

Jonathan thought he still had some time before leaving, so he smiled to himself and replied “Yes, I think that’s a great plan, I’ll come by shortly.”

“Excellent darling! I’ll be ready by the time you’re here.” She said as she and Jonathan hung up their cell-phones.

Jonathan went to the front door and told the family that he’ll be out for a bit. Walking to Rarity’s house he had time to think of what the two will do today. He remembered what Joseph said that worried him.

“(Be careful brother, we have a few more days until we leave and you need to do something about your Rarity. Girls like her will do anything to be with the ones they love, even die to protect them so the least you can come up with is a good excuse. You know you are going to have to leave her behind to protect her.)

Jonathan felt fear as he thought about all the things that could happen to Rarity. He’ll never let you down for involving her with him. As he looked up, he registered that he had arrived to Rarity’s house. He made his way up the steps to ring the doorbell to alert her of his arrival. Although secretly he hoped she wasn’t home.

“Coming.” She yelled.

After a few seconds, the door opened to Rarity standing there wearing a snow-white long sleeve shirt with a small jewels coat, a short purple skirt with three diamonds, and tall shiny purple high-heeled boots. Registering her, Jonathan thought to himself how talented she was a fashion designing.

“My word Rarity you look more amazing every time I see you.” Jonathan said as he complimented Rarity’s beauty.

“Thank you darling, why don’t we just walk to the park and chat on the way.” Rarity suggested.

Jonathan nodded and the two walked towards the park. While heading there, Jonathan still worried about Rarity and the danger he’s going to face in the future. Rarity noticed Jonathan’s expression looking a bit sad and decided to bring it up.

“Darling is there something wrong? You look worried and scared.” She asked.

He left behind his thoughts and looked at Rarity. He decided he didn’t want to worry her so, he put on a smile to look cheerful.

“Yes I’m fine, do not worry about me. So, did you want to do something when we get to the park?” He asked, hoping to change the subject.

“Oh well nothing at all really, just want to enjoy the fresh air and e-enjoy your company.” She blushed of the thought of liking the Joestar boy.

As the two talked about their days they reached the park and took in the crowds of families and friends, who came there to have fun and enjoy the weather. Jonathan and Rarity walked through the park and decided to sit under a big tress to relax, then Rarity spoke.

“Jonathan there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now and I just can’t hold it in anymore.” She said, wanting to say what she wants.

Jonathan turned about to speak and saw Rarity face very close to his and gasped a little. She put her hand on his and took a deep breath.

“I have liked you for a very long time Jonathan Joestar, you could say that I love you. I want to do whatever I can to be there for you, and even if it means death I’ll fight to protect you and our love!” She screamed a little to show him how she felt.

Jonathan became shock of what Rarity was saying. She was confessing her love to him but he worried of the death part. Now, Jonathan will have to come up with a way to keep Rarity away from him.

“Well, that was quite honest of you. Tell you what lets meet here again tomorrow morning and I’ll give you my answer. How’s that?” He asked.

She agreed with a big smile, anticipating to hear the answer she wanted to hear. They went back home after that and did some thinking, mostly Jonathan.

He wanted to be with Rarity but didn’t want her to get hurt because of him. So with no other choice he decided to do one thing that will go against everything he knows to be true of a gentleman. He would have to break her heart.

(The next day)

Rarity went to the same tree they had talked at yesterday. She was waiting to see Jonathan and hear his answer about loving her or not, but as she got there she saw a folded up piece of paper. It was addressed ‘To Rarity’ like a love-letter. Rarity opened the paper and saw that it was indeed a letter. As she continued to read the words she became shocked as to what it had said.

‘Dear Rarity,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot accept your love because we may never see each other again. I’ve been accepted to join a special program group that studies histories of the ancient times. I don’t think we can handle a long-distant relationship since I’ll be busy most of the time. Sorry to say that I’ll probably meet a prettier girl than you and like her more than you. I’m sorry again but I hope that we can still be friends or not if you like. This is good-bye.

Love forever,

Jonathan Joestar’

Rarity’s body shook as she fell to her knees and looked up to the sky. She couldn’t believe what just happened. Jonathan didn’t love her and now he’s going somewhere far away and will probably never see him again. Tears began to flow and Rarity did one thing. Crying and screaming of her broken heart, she felt as if there was nothing left for her. Her life had been shattered into tiny pieces and her mind went blank.

Meanwhile with the Joestars walking with the Hamon Sage, Jonathan turned around to see the city with a sad look on his face.

“Hey Jonathan what’s up, you forget something?” Joseph called out to him.

Jonathan looked at the city for a few moments and then turned back to his brother, knowing he would be gone for some time without ever being able to see the girl who loves.

“No everything is fine, please lets continue on we don’t want to keep our brothers waiting.” He said, hoping that one day when he sees Rarity again he would be able to fix what he had broken.


Jonathan and Rarity looked at each other remembering the past. Now all there was between them was silence. Neither one of them spoke a word. Jonathan knew he had to say something to her to make her understand his real purpose for leaving her like that. Then, he remembered something that could help break the ice between them.

“Rarity, do you still remember the letter I gave you? If so, then you should remember how I signed it.”

Rarity at first was confused as to why he would ask her to remember how he signed the letter. As she thought about it, she suddenly realized she knew which exact words he used at the end of the letter. He signed it with ‘Love and forever’. Her eyes widened with shock coming to realize what Jonathan meant.

“You said that you wouldn’t love me anymore but, you said you love still, just what game are-” Rarity was cut off as Jonathan pulled her into his embrace. Then, she noticed tears flowing from his eyes.

“I-I’m so sorry my lady Rarity, I’m not sure if I can call myself a gentlemen anymore after what I pulled back then.” He cried as he held Rarity in his arms. “I promise I had good reason for leaving without telling and just so you know I never stop loving for a long time, so please let me make things right between us. I’m a dead man if I can’t be with the women I love, please let me make amen’s for my sins.”

Rarity couldn’t believe what was happening now. No. She knew Jonathan still loved her with all his life and believed one day he would return to her knowing how much they both loved each other. Tears of joy rushed down from her eyes as she returned the embrace to him as she began to smile.

“You already have my gentle Jojo, please just promise me you’ll never leave me like that ever again. She cried, hoping that Jonathan would stay with her this time for good.

He broke the hug to look at her with a proud face. He knew this time he would be with her for the rest of his life, even till death.

“I swear on my name as a Joestar.” He said promising to Rarity to stay with her.

He leaned in close to her face making eye contact. Rarity knew what was going to happen next and leaned in closer as well; the two closed their eyes and did an amazing thing. They kissed.

Unnoticed, the other Joestar brothers along with the Rainbooms watched the new couple making their own special moment. Joseph pulled Pinkie Pie into a hug from behind making her blush a little.

“Well looks like they finally made up for their past and made out with their lips.” Joseph said as he kissed Pinkie on the cheek.

“Oh Joseph you sweetie pie and yes I’m glad those two worked things out.” Pinkie said, happy to see friends forgiving each other and expressing their love.

They kept watching the two as they continued kissing each other. Now, that they have put the past behind them, they can move on to the future and have nothing stop them. Looks like Jonathan and Joseph won’t be the only Joestar gaining girlfriends, as the other Joestar brothers and the Rainbooms looked at each other and blush a little to themselves.

Author's Note:

To Be Continue

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