• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,162 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Rarity, the Diamond-Love Warrior

Rarity, The Diamond-Love Warrior.

Kars growls furious, knocking down things from a table and punched a hole into the wall resulting of creating a bigger hole.

Ever since the defeat of Dio, the oldest brother of the Dark Six at the hands of the Joestar Family with the help of those blasted girls from Canterlot High, the remaining five have gone to one of their other secret hideouts.

“Curses those fools, they have only dug their graves deeper!” Kars said.

“Well, you kind of have to admit; Dio was always to cocky about himself like doing some experiments on himself to see the full potential of his powers.” Kira pointed out as he walks in the room with the other brothers following.

“And besides, there is still the ‘backup’ plan in case any one of us falls.” Valentine added.

“Which means they have only delayed the upcoming storm, and will meet there end.” D2 said looking out the window.

Kars breaths deeply to calm himself and agrees with his brothers, their ultimate goal will continue on even if they are some ‘problems’. He knows that it’ll be his turn to fight and destroy them with his own hands.

(Joestar’s Home)

“It’s Party Time!” Pinkie Pie shouted throwing small party stuff.

After the battle with Dio last night, everyone decided to stay at the Joestar home for the night, they let their families know so they wouldn’t be worry about them, and they all got a good night sleep. And it is a good thing that it’s the weekend, meaning no school, just relaxing, and hanging out with friends.

When everyone is having breakfast, Pinkie Pie and Joseph had been talking about doig some celebration for Jonathan’s victory against Dio and making back home alive.

“Yeah, time to let loose our inner party-animal and go have some fun!” Joseph said still chewing on his eggs and raising his fist in the air.

“Hopefully, we can get some peace and quiet as well.” Jotaro said Sunset nodded.

“Well let’s be glad that it’s the weekend, wouldn’t want to overstress ourselves now, would we.” Celestia remained before drinking her orange juice.

“Which remain me, you two were Great against those zombies when they were coming out to get us. Totally awesome!” Josuke pleaded to his mom and aunt, still remembering how they fought off those zombies.

“I’m surprise myself that we even manage to get in control of our new powers.” Luna commented.

“Yeah, you guys were so cool; I wish could do something that awesome.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’m sure you’ll get your chance, when the time comes.” Fluttershy said.

While everyone is enjoying themselves, Jonathan barely touch his food as he has a sad expression mix with confusion. He always been a strong-proud gentlemen even to show mercy to others who likes to pick on others, but last night made him do something he had hope would never have to do. He killed a man, even though he was a demon that kills the innocent.

“Jonathan darling, are you alright?” Rarity asked worried when she noticed her boyfriend’s expression.

“Huh, yes, yes, I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” Jonathan said trying to act tough, but Jotaro knew what’s on his wind.

“You’re overwhelmed about your first kill, isn’t it?” Jotaro asked Jonathan gasps as a respond.

“Yes, it is.” Jonathan signed as everyone turns their attention to him. “I’m fully aware of what needs to be done against someone like Dio, but sometimes deep down; I wish there could have been another way without the needs to take away one’s life.” He expresses his thoughts to everyone.

“Everyone feels like that every day, even the greatest super heroes have to take measure they don’t like but is better for others.” Joseph said.

“We all have to pay the price for doing it to save as many lives as we can.” Johnny added.

“And we must not forget that there are still 5 more of the dark siblings like Dio to deal with.” Gionro remained everyone.

“More of those jerks to deal with and each are deadly like Dio.” Josuke angered.

“Perhaps, more deadly than each other.” Fluttershy suggested while trying not to shake herself.

“Wish we can just take a vacation from all this fighting evil and all.” Flash wished even though it was a foolish thought.

Rarity is thinking of a way to cheer up Jonathan then an idea pop up knowing what to do.

“Jonathan, let’s go for a walk.” Rarity said getting up from her sit.

“A walk, now?” Jonathan asked but was soon dragged by Rarity to the door.

“We’ll be back in an hour or so.” Rarity said to everyone while Jonathan struggles to think of why doing this now.

Everyone is confuses of what Rarity has in mind, but they all decided to let them be for them are sure they’ll be fine together. Although, Joseph, Jotaro, and Josuke smirks of knowing what Rarity wants to do for Jonathan.

The couple walk to a large forest-like park, they look around seeing the beauty of nature and some of its wild life.

Jonathan still wonders why Rarity is bringing him to this place, for some reason it felt familiar to him, like he’s been here before even with Rarity sometime.

Rarity point to a tree, but this was not just a tree, Jonathan one look at it and immediately gasps of shock. That was the very tree Jonathan craves his and Rarity name on it inside a heart.

“You remember this tree, don’t Jojo darling?” Rarity asked while feeling a soft blowing on her hair.

“Yes, this is where we declared our love and swore to forever be together.” Jonathan said, remembering the words he said years ago.

“And together you shall be, in Hell!”

Rarity and Jonathan shock to hear a familiar voice, looking around to see who said that, as the clouds above turn the sky dark. Jonathan spotted something coming out of the trees, he gasps and his eyes widen to see something that he hope he would never see it again.

A zombie carrying the head of Jonathan’s thought-to-be-dead enemy, a sever-head Dio inside a glass container, walking slowly towards the couple.

“Dio, impossible, how are you here?!” Jonathan questioned Rarity shakes in fear as she covers her mouth.

“Yes, well let just say I was able to get ‘ahead’ of death himself.” Dio joked laughing to see the reaction of the two.

“Jonathan Joestar, I respect you in more ways than I do for my brothers, you have proven yourself to be a worthy warrior, and for that I will take your body as my own!” Dio said.

“T-take his body, have you gone mad?!” Rarity shouted.

“Oh don’t worry; you’ll be joining in on the fun, of being a zombie that is.” Dio smirked as his zombie moves in ready to attack.

Jonathan alerted Rarity to stay behind him and waited for whoever makes the first move. The zombie jumps high into the air with Dio being put in front, Jonathan is not sure what’s Dio’s planning but he’ll be ready for it whatever is coming to him.

“Jonathan, the sun has been block so you can’t make your Hamon stronger nor will it help you from what I’m about to do!” Dio stated as his eyes begun to glow.

“Jojo, his eyes?” Rarity wondered worrying of Dio is doing Jonathan realize what that means.

“No, that’s the technique he tried use before his defeat to kill me!” Jonathan explained frighten.

Dio fire his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes to its target: Jonathan, but he jump back to avoid the attack but the blast was fast enough to hit Jonathan’s right leg. He screams and groans in pain as blood oozes out.

“Hahaha, you’re finish, Jonathan Joetar!” Dio shouted the zombie brought it fist back and thrust to Jonathan but he rolled out of the way.

“Sendo Hamon…” Suddenly a dragger was thrown to Jonathan’s hand as he was just about to charge to Hamon attack.

“Oh no, we can’t have you doing any funny business now.” Dio chuckled as the zombie made his way until Rarity step in between them.


“Move out of the way, vermin, or I’ll give a more painful death than your Jojo.” Dio threatened but Rarity remains unfazed.

“I won’t let you harm Jonathan you undead brute!” Rarity determined to protect her beloved Jojo.

“You brought this upon yourself.” Dio growled as he fires another eye beam to Rarity.

“NOOOOO!” Jonathan screamed seeing as his lover’s life is about to end here.

By instinct, Rarity held out her hand as she began to glows and change into her pony form, then a diamond-shaped shield appears. The Space Ripper Stingy Eyes hit the shield and bounce off right back to Dio and the zombie.

Dio was busy being shocked that he couldn’t tell his zombie to dodge the eye beams, hitting its arm and head dropping Dio to the ground.

“This is the end!” Jonathan shouted slamming his fist to the ground with charge Hamon.

“Scarlet Overdrive”

The Hamon travels through the ground to Dio, making contact Dio screams in agonizing pain as he is being disintegrated to nothing, same goes the zombie.

It was finally over; Dio is defeated for good this time, the clouds move away for the sun shining upon our heroes.

Rarity didn’t what just happened but she doesn’t care as long as Jonathan is fine. The two stare at each other for a few moments before leaning closer as their lips contact to one another. Making this the most remediable time of their life.

Author's Note:

KO everypony, the new chapter is finish and sorry it took so long to get it. I was just busy with my other stories, even the ones on other fiction websites.

Anyway, I'm need you help on deciding on a music for my characters to sing on the next chapter, this also goes for Dojo's Bizarre Adventure. Here's the Link to for the music choosing.

Anyway hope you enjoyed it, because the part of Rarity's diamond shield is a sign for the Legedd of Everfree, and it's gonna be wild.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up, and follow through of how this story will go.

Next Chapter:

Pinkie Pie: This going to be so excited!

Celestia: You boys are going to love the camp we'll be going to.

Jotaro: tells me that we get more than we bragged for.

SciFi-Twilight: Why am I having these nightmares now?

Joseph: Hope the camp can handle this much Joseph Joestar!

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