• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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An Honorable Fight between the Living and the Dead!

An Honorable Fight between the Living and the Dead!

The Jojo’s, Dio, and the two knight zombies all stare at each other for while as Flash is still hanging from Blueford’s hair hoping to be rescue anytime by now.

“You fools have into your death-trap, like a fly that cannot escape a web of the spider.” Dio said in a cold calm tone.

“Well what you didn’t know is that these flies have traps of their own and will kick your ass!” Joseph proclaimed.

“DIO, tell me, those two, they are the former knights of Queen Mary Stuart?” Jonathan asked.

“Seem that you’ve been doing your history homework, Jonathan; yes indeed they are the once proud knights but are now my slaves.” Dio said hearing this made Jonathan angry as he clutches his fist.

“How dare you! Dishonoring the dead and playing God is nothing but a crime!” Jonathan shouted in rage.

“A crime you say; how is it a crime that these two seeks revenge on the world for what happened to them?” Dio asked.

“I starting to get where’s he going, those tried to save their queen by scarifying themselves, but Queen Elizabeth herself trick them into faking a promise as she already killed Mary. In their last breath, they’re fuel of hatred and anger.” Joseph mentioned, knowing the history of the knights and why Dio would what to resurrect them.

“That’s right; we want nothing but to stain blood all over the world for our revenge!” Tarukus screamed to the sky.

“We thank Lord Dio for giving us this life; all shall parish before us, in his name!” Blueford screamed as well.

Jonathan felt sad from the words of the former knights; they were like family to each other and to their queen but such tragedy of faith had twisted their lives and now seeing them here against the laws of nature and being turned to serves to an evil being such as Dio. He knew what he had to do: sending them back to death where they belong.

“Well before we get started, I think you should ready yourself when you don’t have a hostage anymore.” Jotaro said confusing the zombies and Dio but his brothers knew what was about to do. With strength and speed into his arm, swinging hard as he shout.

“Star Finger”

Jotaro finger extended long enough to reach Flash, freeing him from Blueford’s hold and falling to the groud. Luckily he was caught by Giorno and Johnny in a neck of time gently putting him on the ground and signed of relief that’s safe thanks to his friends.

“Thank guys, that dude’s hair is really something, so be careful.” Flash warned.

“No probably, I’m sure these guys won’t be much of a problem.” Johnny smirked thinking that dealing with zombies won’t be much of a challenge.

Tarukus gave a cold stare to Johnny after what he just said, deciding on to show these humans the true strength of the zombies. He raises his sword as high as he can and with all his might slams the sword to the ground, cracks from the blade open from him to the Jojos, as they gasps of seeing this they move out of the way, crack continues to an abandon house making it crack as well.

“OH MY GOD, that giant just split the earth with brute strength alone!” Joseph panicked.

“Yes, he must have been like this when he was alive once and probably stronger as a zombie now!” Gionro noted. The Jojos and Flash started to understand what kind of fierce some warriors they are.

“Yare yare daze and I thought things couldn’t get more difficult.” Jotaro signed.

“It seems now you have finally see your doom and the end of your family’s bloodline.” Dio said. “My knights, I’ll be on my way do as you please, I want their heads on a silver platter when you’re done!” Dio ordered as he leaps off the light-pole and suddenly vanish within the shadows, leaving the zombies to their praise.

Everything went silent for a few moments, Blueford have been staringat Jonathan, something about him that seems worthy of his time in a battle to the death.

“Prepare yourself; I will send you both back to the grave where you were buried!” Jonathan declared Blueford smile of the boy’s determination in both his words and his eyes.

“Tarukus, I wish to battle the blue-haired warrior alone, keep the others at bay and do have a little fun with them if you want to.” Blueford said without even looking at his undead friend.

“So it’s a duel he wants then I shall give it to him.” Jonathan said before walking slowly towards him.

As Jonathan was just a few feet away, Blueford jumps and put both his arms behind his back allowing Jonathan to guess which he’ll attack with first.

“I have to be careful of what his next move will be; will he attack with his left or his right?” Jonathan asked preparing himself for the incoming attack, but what caught his surprise was Blueford’s hair moving reaching for something on his back.

“You’re wrong on both guesses; I will attack with my hair as well as my blade!” Blueford shouted thrusting his sword to Jonathan.

Jonathan dodges the sword with nothing but a tiny cut on his left cheek. Blueford continues his charge to strike with a straight kick, no time to dodge Jonathan block the attack with both his arms though it hurts from the impact he was only send a few feet away still standing.

“Damn, that dude isn’t lighting up.” Josuke said feeling worry for his brother.

“I know, wish we could help him but…” Joseph turns to see Tarukus standing between them and the fight. “… I don’t think big fella will give a budge if we try to help them.” He stated.

Blueford try slashing Jonathan as he keeps backing away to avoid the strikes, he then felt something hit his leg a bit quickly turning around he saw what could help him. He smiles before seeing his opponent and giving him the ‘bring it’ sign with his hands, Blueford took the bait and charges thrusting his sword towards but Jonathan did not worry just when the two were in reach to each other.

“Prepared to be slain by my blade!” Blueford shouted but got completely off guard of the young Joestar’s stunt.

Jonathan jumps onto the blade and push it down to what appears to be a fire hydrant.

“Fell for it, didn’t you.” Jonathan commented as Blueford shocked.

“Whoa, I think I know what he’s doing!” Joseph said, knowing of what Jonathan has in mind.

The blade made contact to the hydrant, piercing a hole allowing water bursting out. This was Jonathan’s plan all along; when he was being push back dodging Blueford’s attacks.

“It is time to say your goodbye, Blueford!” Jonathan said, he focuses his Hamon into his hand and splash it to the rushing water.

“Turquoise Blue Overdrive”

The water became a form of a bullet-like stream heading towards Blueford, he screams as he’s being push back from the attack seeing as if the battle was over… but it didn’t.

“Great, he got a hit, that’ll send the creep back to the underworld!” Josuke cheered the others didn’t seem convinced.

“Don’t think so Josuke take a closer look.” Jotaro said Josuke look back then became shocked to see Blueford still standing with a burn scratch-mark on his forehead.

“Curses, he slightly but just enough to avoid a fatally blow he’s fast I’ll give him that.” Jonathan said.

“Very impressive, I never knew Hamon can be use in such ways to manipulate water.” Blueford conformed holding his sword with his hand this time.

“Tell me, how strong can your Hamon be when up against my Dance Macabre Hair, boy!” Blueford said launching his hair to Jonathan.

“Overdrive Barrage”

Jonathan replied the hair with rapid punches filled with Hamon, he was able to fight them off for a few moments but eventually being overwhelmed, Jonathan found himself tied up from the hair and seemly crushing him a little.

“Well, tied at the moment aren’t we, don’t worry you won’t feel a thing for long.” Blueford said as he sneezes’ Jonathan tighter and swing him to a light-pole hard as well as teeing him up to it as well.

“Oh man, Jonathan just got himself into deep trouble.” Joseph said, feeling anger that his brother may lose this fight. “I got to help!” Joseph said.

“Joseph looks out, behind you!” Jotaro shouted warning his brother.

Joseph quickly turn to his surprise finding Tarukus bringing down his fist like a sledgehammer, jumping out of the way barely escaping the sneak attack leaving a creator in his place.

“What the hell, but he was just in front of us how did he mange to move so fast?” Joseph asked.

“Looks like strength isn’t the only thing zombies have.” Giorno noted remembering not the judge a book by its cover.

Now the brothers know not to try making a move or they’ll have trouble to deal with. Jonathan continues to struggle from Blueford’s hair-grip trying to break free.

“(His hair is piercing through my clothes to my skin, even feeling as though something is being drain from me.)” Jonathan thought soon realize that Blueford is sucking his blood through his hair.

“And now, death’s coming for you boy, die!” Blueford shouted as he leaps with his sword in front ready for the kill.

The Jojos and Flash fear that this may be the end for Jonathan if his eyes weren’t still burning with hope and the will to never give up. Taking a deep breath, breaking his legs free and block the blade with his feet, purring his Hamon into the blade.

“Watch that not all conducts with Hamon, Metal Silver Overdrive!” Jonathan shouted the Hamon transfer from the metal of the blade travel to Blueford’s arm which it disintegrated.

“Nice move, Hamon can travel through solid objects like stone or in this case metal to hit its target!” Joseph mentioned.

Blueford refuse to admit defeat and jumps to the oldest Joestar as he breaks free and ready his ultimate attack.

“How my heart resonates. I’m pulsing with heat and life. My very blood is the symphony within me!” Jonathan chatted unleashing a furry of rapid punches faster and stronger than the overdrive barrage into Blueford, helpless to take the attack. “Sunlight Yellow Overdrive”

Blueford was send flying after taking a beating as the others cherrs for Jonathan’s success on landing some powerful strikes, losing an arm and his body smoking like being burn to a crisp.

“(When I pimple Blueford moment ago something felt different, knowing his pastmake his present corruption all the worse, take heart Jojo he’s nothing but a zombie now, want to spread his evil. You must be the one to end him.)” Jonathan thought knowing that Blueford is a monster now but feel as though pity for him.

Blueford stands on his one knee, breathing heavy from the attack.

“I am the black knight Blueford: strike me as thou will, this pain is nothing!” Blueford screamed he’s not givning up this fight.

“Oh come on, this guy just won’t stay down.” Joseph said.

Blueford with all his might despite the conduction in his body, Jonathan however just lower his guard surprising the brothers and Flash watching this.

“What are you doing dude, if you don’t get out of their now it certain for you!” Flash warned but Jonathan pay no attention to he remain still.

Blueford swing to Jonathan only to stop when the sword touched his cheek.

“Something feels odd about this fight.” Joseph noted with others agreeing.

“Yeah, they both just stop.” Josuke said.

Silent fell on the battlefield until Jonathan spoke.

“A moment ago, you said this pain is nothing that means; pain is something you can feel again.” Jonathan stated.

The ground below Blueford began to glow all around him as the grass near grow along with some flowers.

“Look at that, the Hamon in Blueford’s body had helped him feel his soul once more.” Jotaro said.

“Indeed, the long forgotten pain came back, his dead copse may be decaying now but his noble heart has been redeemed.” Joseph added.

“I can sense the good in you that’s why I didn’t try to dodge, you could’ve killed just now but you stain your hand.” Jonathan said Blueford smile like a gentle man who has found peace.

“Check it out, all the rage and hatred from when Dio resurrect him are gone, he’s like kind man wanting nothing but peace to all.” Johnny stated.

“You stood there like a statue… ready to take the fatally blow… death call but you put your just in me… your faith in human goodness is rare.” Blueford said showing his human nature like when he was alive. “Once I have reel against the pain I feel, now going to my rightful end I cherish all that’s poof me human, it gives me joy. The embers stroll within me but I’m tranquil, there’s no bitterness left. What irony to live yet again, dying with thanks on my lips for the very man who slaughter me anew, I shall return to my one ‘true’ master.” Blueford said wanting to see Mary again in the heavens but had to do one last thing.

“I didn’t think that even the dead can show emotions.” Flash said sadly.

“I would know the name of the warrior who bested me?” Blueford asked so he’ll carry the memoires of his downfall. “Would kindly do me that honor?”

“It’s Jonathan Joestar.”

“Sir Jonathan, I leave you this sword given to me by my precious queen and the words engrave upon it, Luck.” Blueford said before handing his blade, he draw little blood from his finger to rewrite the word. “But first, let addict to my own add diction, Pluck.” Adding a P the word luck, Blueford was now ready to leave the living.

“Sir Blueford…” Jonathan cried out but saw Blueford smile one last time before his body completely turns to ashes and to nothingness.

“Go to your rest; let no one doubt you have earned it, Blueford.” Jonathan said feeling sad of the event that just happened.

“Why, why did I strike him down to redeem his soul, he died with hate in his heart but his soul was pure. He return not by choice but dragged by Dio’s evil, that evil I will send him to Hell before he know it!” Jonathan declared he’ll defeat Dio to end this tutor to the living and the dead.

“Jonathan, look out he’s behind you!” Joseph warned to his brother.

Jonathan was caught off guard of seeing Tarukus near him, but Tarukus was not aiming for Jonathan instead he stomp his foot onto the armor of his former friend, smashing it to pieces.

“Y-you Villain, thatwas the armor of a dying warrior and friend, he died with honor and dignity!” Jonathan reminded but Tarukus was not pleaded.

“He died like a spineless dog; he was always too calm in a fight finishing it through thinking. I just hit them until they fall to pieces, what would I need for thinking I got a sword that’s a size of a man, you won’t be getting an easy death.” Tarukus said unlike Blueford he willing surround his humanity.

“I care not for Honor, but only bloodshed!” Tarukus shouted ready to fight his own battle.

Author's Note:

KO new chapter finished, sorry it took so long but I can promise you it's well worth the wait.

The fight between Jonathan and Blueford was intense but now our heroes wil face a more violent and blood thirsty zombie Tarukus. Flash may have an important roll to the fight as Jonathan will need faith on his side.

KO comment, favorite, and follow through the story to see how it all goes and hope you continue to read through it to the very end. Here's preview for the next chapter.

Next Chapter:

Tarukus: You fools walk right into my trap!

Jotaro: That bastard is starting to piss me off!

Jonthan: I will never forgive you!

Flash: I'll do the best that I can to beat this guy once and for all.

Tarukus: Are those chain feeling uncomfortable for you?

Jonathan: Your evil will be banish here and now!

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