• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Jounary to Ogre Street. Josuke says the forbidden word!

Everyone is sitting in the infirmary, staying close to the sleeping sisters, each trying to calm down, though the Joestar brothers still show anger despite looking calm. Jotaro slams his fist to a wall furiously.

“They just piss me off!” Jotaro said angrily.

“You said it Jotaro, those guys are gonna pay for what they did to our moms!” Josuke said.

“As much as I like to discuss revenge plans, we still don’t who did it and why”, Joseph stated, he was angry but tries to think before taking action.

“And the only people who knows is Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna; we’ll know when they wake up.” Pinkie added while making random balloon shapes.

Moments later, Celestia and Luna slowly open their eyes, regaining consciousness, giving a groan of pain as the students turned to see them waking up. They gather around them with signs of relief, mostly for the Jojos as they are happy to see their mothers well and hopefully tell them what exactly happened and who it was.

“Hello everyone, did we worry you all?” Celestia asked, slowly sitting up on her bed.

“Don’t move too much mother, you could still be in injury.” Jonathan said.

“We’ve taken harder hits from a bull and we're still alive!” Luna insisted. She grabs a glass of water near her as Celestia got her own and drank them. “Wait what about?” Luna asked, worried about the wound in her eye.

“Don’t worry, I healed them, though you were still out-cold but I'm glad you both weren’t in a death-like state.” Josuke explained.

“Do either of you remember what happen to you and who did it?” Johnny asked.

Luna scratch the back of her head, trying recalled the event before being knock-out, then realization came to her as her memories began to resurface.

“Y-yes, I remember now!”


Luna was checking some papers on her desk.

“(I was doing paper work and checking some other things, like i do any other day.)” Luna explained.

Luna put her pencil down and relaxed for a bit until she felt a slight breeze l in her hair, and turned to see the window open for some reason.

“(I noticed my window was opened, when I could’ve sworn it was closed.)” Luna walked over to shut the window. “(But as I closed it.)” She turned around but too late to see an arrow shot in the eye. “(An arrow suddenly hit my eye. But the strangest thing is, it didn’t hurt much.)”

As the arrow is implanted to her eye, it started to glow for a moment then stop.

“(I had no idea what’s the glow about but as it stops, the arrow was suddenly forcefully pulled out and I saw six boys in my office while one of them was holding the arrow!)”

Six boys were standing in front of her, grinning at her.

“Well, it looks like we have a success here. Lucky she gets to live.” The British blonde boy said.

“Though she’ll be a problem later on, but that doesn’t matter now.” Another blonde said, wearing a light-green headband with a heart buckle.

“(I didn’t understand what they were talking about; was it a test on what the arrow suppose to do?)” She said frightened, slowly moving sideways. “(Before I could even think about escaping, one of them was already blocking me, so fast it was like he was invisible!)”

The headband wearing boy raised his fist and striked Luna in the head for a knock-out.

“(And that’s where I come in.)” Celestia said, walking into Luna’s office to find her unconscious and six boys looking at Celestia with a dark, death-like glare.

The British boy took out a bow and set the arrow to a firing opposition, and shot the arrow to Celestia’s chest where her heart is. The same thing happened like with Luna, it didn’t hurt much and glowed for a moment. Instantly a boy with dark-raspberry, wavy hair pulled out the arrow and karate chopped her to the neck knocking her out-cold.

“(I didn’t know what’s happening, but all I do know is that those boys are not normal and are familiar with the supernatural.)” Celestisa said.

(Flashback ended)

“Whoever they are, they’ll be some people you’ll be facing soon.” Celestia declared, fearing those bad boys will be more trouble for the Jojo brothers to handle.

“Well we’ll be sure to find them and beat them to a bloody pulp!” Joseph said, pounding his fists together.

“Joseph, please” Luna was cut off as Joseph continue his threats to the enemies.

“I’ll give them a good clacker-volley and a Hamon punch overdrive and some more painfully beat down to those bitches!” He cursed, making more punishments.

Luna felt something in her as she’s about to snap in anger. Her eyes turned dragon shaped keeping their natural color, and then she roars at Joseph.

“JOESPH JOESTAR! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT USING CURES WORDS?!” She shouted so loud that most of the school heard and a sudden burst of black flame-like aura appear out of Luna.

Everyone was shocked at seeing Luna like this, she’s even frightening herself. Luna panic as she tried to get it off but it wouldn’t go away, then suddenly she felt the bed shaking and buckling. Luna look down to see a big black mist from her body surrounding the bed and forcing it down. Celestia was worried that something bad was happening to her sister, she tried to reach out for her but suddenly she shot a brightly-yellow beam from her hand to the window, she panicked as well.

“O-Oh my, they are, w-what the, no, no, no, what are we gonna do?!” Fluttershy panicked, hiding behind Rainbow Dash.

“What’s going here? Why is this happening now?” Rainbow Dash asked a bit frightened.

“Ah'm not sure what’s what, but I got to try save Luna from… whatever is it!” Applejack said. Throwing her lasso to catch Luna’s arm and pull her out of the bed.

Luna still panicked through the drama and fear maybe she’ll be lost in the darkness below despite the efforts from Applejack to help her. Celestia felt the same that she couldn't stop the glow from consuming her. Just when the two were about to lose hope, Jotaro shouted to them in fury.

“Are you really going to just let yourself be kill by this?!”

Celestia and Luna looked at Jotaro with determination in his eyes.

“Whatever is happening it’s because of you two, Will that power and calm down, make that power yours!” Jotaro encouraged. The two sisters looked at each other with strong eyes and nodded.

They took a deep breath and focused all they can to control their newfound powers with their sheer will alone, moments later the black mist and the bright glow died down until there was nothing left. Celestia and Luna was shocked and happy all at the same time. They have control and won’t harm anyone ever again, everyone cheered that everything is going to be fine.

“Jotaro, how did you know we can control it all on our own?” Celestia asked.

“No idea, it was just instinct taking over I guess.” Jotaro said calmly.

Everyone look at him oddly like he just said something out loud without even thinking, like some random crazy guy shouting out ‘it’s the end of the world’ or something.

“Yare yare daze.” Jotaro signed.

“I think it’s safe to say that the arrow that hit our moms definitely did do something to them.” Joseph stated, thinking back about how the arrow did not kill their moms but did something else instead.

“Yes, most likely that arrow seem to have the potential of unlocking the inner power of it’s target.” Giorno added.

“Though it is strange that they would use it on someone if they knew it would give them new power”, Jonathan stated.

“Unless the arrow doesn’t give powers to just anyone! Only some with strong will or something can survive the arrow and others that don’t… just die!” Josuke proclaimed. Everyone gasped at the theory that could be true.

Just when Joseph was about to yell out more curse words, the door suddenly burst open by a pleading young boy.


All turned their eyes to the newcomer. He appears to be wearing Chinese clothing with yellow color and green lining, hairpins on each side making the hair look like there are spikes coming out of it, and a pair of old footwear.

He was sweating and breathing heavily like he has been running for miles.

“Please help, I’m looking for a guy name Jonathan Joestar; I’ve heard he can help people.” The boy said.

“I’m Jonathan Joestar, what is it you need help with?” Jonathan asked. The boy ran up to him with a pleading look.

“Please help, it’s my big brother. He’s sick and we don’t have money for a hospital.” He explained, bowing on his knees and hands together. “I’ve asked for someone with the ability to heal others and I pray that you’re the one we need!”

Jonathan thought this through, I want to go help the sick man but he doesn’t want to leave his mother and aunt in the condition they're in.

“Go, son.” Celestia said.

Jonathan looked to his mom in shock that she would allow him to go help some complete strangers.

“But mother-”

“You can’t ignore a cry for help and I’m fine with that, just be sure you come in time for dinner and in one piece.” Celestia said, letting her son go.

“If its okay with you, I wish to come along as the elements of Generosity and beloved to my Jojo, I want to help out as much as I can!” Rarity said; determined to follow Jonathan wherever he goes so she wouldn’t lose him again.

Jonathan sighed and smiled. “Very well, if you’re both sure about this then I’ll go.” He said. Rarity and Celestia smiled for Jonathan following his heart.

“Oh thank you kindly you two, the more help the more my big bro will recover soon!” The boy jumped happily before realizing one thing he forgot. “By the way, my name is Ejiki Kempo.”

“Well Ejiki, lead us to your brother and I’ll see about his conditions.” Jonathan said.

With that being said, Ejiki led Jonathan and Rarity to where he lives, as they left Rainbow Dash to walk up to Josuke.

“Hey Josuke, can I ask you something?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Think you can practices with me?”

“What kind of practices?”

“Martial arts.” She answered.

Josuke did some thinking and checked with his mom if it’s okay. “Mom?”

“Go ahead, enjoy the day with your friends, I’ll be just fine with my sister.” Luna said, looking at her sister who feels the same for everyone to enjoy their day.

“Then let’s go! Where to?” Josuke asked.

“Let’s go to the soccer field, plenty of space and fresh air.” Rainbow Dash suggested.

Both of them left the room followed by everyone, leaving Celestia and Luna alone.

“I’m thinking Rainbow Dash and Josuke would be the next couple.” Luna said.

“Well that’ll be grand and to see our other sons getting their girlfriends as well, if they only weren't so nervous and embarrassed.” Celestia said. The sisters laugh together thinking if the Jojos would embarrass themselves.

(Ogre Street)

A bus made a stop to the entrances of Ogre Street; the most dangerous, violent, and cruel neighborhood in all of Canterlot city. People who live there are mostly blood thirsty cause of the cursed place, even small peaceful animals are blood-thirsty as well.

Ejiki, Jonathan, and Rarity got off the bus but the bus driver spoke to them.

“Careful, this place is freaky dangerous and the people there aren’t too nice nor trust worthy like that kid. If you get the chance, ditch him and never come back here.” The bus driver advised, making Ejiki sign in depress.

The bus left in a hurry as the three walk through the streets.

“I’m sorry for the rudeness from that bus driver.” Jonathan said.

“No, no, it’s alright Ogre Street has been known for violent blood-lust to be called beast and freaks in the outside world.” Ejiki mentioned. Truth is people would want Ogre Street dead for years with the people living there, even spilling the blood of children and animals.

“But how could anyone live in a place like this and who's idea was it build it?” Rarity asked, trying to not sound rude.

“This place was around 240 years ago but nobody remembers who were the founders, all we know is that is the place where people would come to be amongst others like them and feel welcome coming part of a big family.” Ejiki explained. “It’s also a place where they rethink of their lives and choices they made, hoping to redeem themselves and be given a second chance to live.” He finished.

As they continued walking, Rarity saw something next to a trash can and what came out frightened her, even Jonathan was shocked to see.

“T-that cat was e-eating a puppy?!” Jonathan gasped.

“Yeah that’s one of the few horrible things in this place.” Ejiki said. He look ahead to see a familiar house. “There that’s where me and the big brothers live.” He said, pointed at the house.

They walked to the house as Ejiki knocks on the door, a small window slides open as a pair of eyes look to see who it is. Seeing Ejiki, the eyes widen and shut the slide, fully opening the door reveal a tall man, his Indian like clothing and a butterfly-like tattoo on most of his faces.

“Ejiki, you’re home and you brought company!” The big man said cheerfully.

“Yes Tattoo and these nice people are here to help big bro!” Ejiki said.

“Really! Wonderful, please come in.” Tattoo escorted the guests inside.

Jonathan and Rarity looked around the place to see it’s a small house and a young man is lying on a couch covered by blankets and a hot towel.

“Is that him?” Jonathan asked, pointed at the man.

“Yeah that’s big bro, he been like this for weeks now. Holding on with nothing but sheer will alone!” Tattoo explained while tears formed on one eye.

“Please, you've got to help him!” Ejiki begged.

“Don’t worry we’ll do what we can, good thing Rarity brought her first-aid kit.” Jonathan said.

“A Lady is always prepared.” Rarity stated, holding a box of first-aid.

The sick-man move a bit and groan, alarming the others, opening his eyes to see two of his brothers and two new faces.

“Hello lads, what brings you to this neck of the woods?” He asked weakly.

“We’re here to help, don’t worry you’ll be better in no time.” Jonathan said as Rarity opened the box.

Jonathan grabs a thermometer while Rarity gets the towel warm again.

“You two got some guts coming to a place like this.” The sick-man said.

“A gentleman never turns his back on those in need!” Jonathan stated.

The sick-man chuckled. “Is that right? Then maybe you wouldn’t mind something dangerous?” He asked. The thermometer beeps.

“We’ll not too dangerous, but I’ve handle my fare share of extreme.” Jonathan said. Suddenly he gasped after reading the thermometer, it read 89 degrees.

“Ejiki said you are sick, but this reads you’re healthy as a horse!” Jonathan said nervously.

“I am sick… sick of killing anyone we were ordered to kill!” Fake sick-man said angrily.

A yelled was made, Jonathan turned to see Rarity being held tightly by Tattoo’s grip while holding a knife to her neck. Ejiki jumped to Jonathan's side with a killer look in his eyes and into a fighting stance.

“All we ask is that you die and your girlfriend can live simple as that or worse things will come if you see what I mean.” The big bro threatened.

Rarity continue to struggle and looks to Jonathan's eyes, giving him a fierce look and nodded her head, Jonathan seems to understand and bow to his knees.

“If you honor your words, I’ll let you three end me.” Jonathan said.

“Giving up so soon? Pathetic, I thought you'd do more. Ejiki, you start us off.” Big bro ordered.

Ejiki nodded and jumped to Jonathan to land the first hit, however Rarity has other plans. She bit Tattoo’s hand with the knife and stomped his foot hard, causing him to scream in pain, then back-head butt to his face making him loosen his grip and escaped.

Big bro and Ejiki were distracted by Rarity escaping, Jonathan swing high-kicked Ejiki knocking him to a wall and running after Rarity outside. The three brothers chased after them outside and saw them standing their grounds, ready to fight.

“Well this is unexpected but that doesn’t mean you’ll get out of here in one piece.” Big bro said, signaling his younger brothers to back away knowing he’ll be doing the fighting.

“A gentleman never turns away from a challenge!” Jonathan said as he and Rarity ready themselves to fight.

“If you're both looking to lose body parts, then I’ll help you with that as you feel the might of Robert E. O. Speedwagon!” Speedwagon said, taping the edge of his hat as three blades popped out along the ring of the hat.

Jonathan and Rarity remain calm but were surprised to see that Speedwagon has a weapon, shocking more as Speedwagon's head bobbed, the blade spins around fast to hovered into air around its master.

“I’ll mince you right finely with a tip of the hat.” Speedwagon declared. He touched the blade-hat to place it back on his head. “And now we dance.”

(Canterlot High: Soccer field)

Josuke and Rainbow Dash were stretching for a while before sparring.

“So a principle from Crystal Prep threatens her own student just to win a competition?” Josuke asked, hearing the story of the Friendship Games.

“Yeah, so not cool, I'd say 20% none-cool.” Rainbow Dash said. She finishes her stretches and got into her fighting stance. “Ready?”

Josuke took a deep breath and readied himself. “Yeah, let’s go.” He said.

Rainbow Dash and Josuke charged towards each other with a clash of punches and kicks, though Josuke was holding back wanting to see what Rainbow is capable of. After a few seconds, Josuke knee-kicked to Rainbow’s side and a punch to the cheek, stepping back a few feet.

“Come on, don’t tell that's all you got, you tasteless Skittles.” Josuke mocked, hoping to get Rainbow Dash pumped up for the fight.

But she was quiet, too quiet, Josuke feels worried that he made have did the insult too far. He wants to check if she’s okay, but suddenly felt shivers down his spine as Rainbow Dash stands up straight.

Rainbow Dash started to glow brightly, growing pony ears, long tail on the hair, and… wings. Then her hair went crazy shaking like mad that’s when Josuke knew that she is like him when he is insulted for his hair and readied himself to face her wrath.


Author's Note:

KO new chapter is finish, hope you all were keeping yourself busy while waiting. Some of the part you may read is from the anime show.

Celesita and Luna's power are very similar to the One Piece devil fruits, the dark-dark fruit and the glint-glint fruit. They'll have to learn to fight with their new powers if they hope to help there sons.

Comment down of what you think and hope you all like and enjoy.

This story was edited by lunargaurd4ever, https://www.fimfiction.net/user/lunargaurd4ever

Also you may notice some of the lines in the story are from the English Dub version of the show.

See you all in the next chapter.

Next Chapter:

Rarity: Take that you bruts!

Speedwagon: Is as if his resolve runs deeper than fear.

Jonathan: I promise mother that I'll come home, no matter the cause!

Rainbow Dash: You're so dead like that weak-stupid-vomit-hotdog-hair of yours.

Josuke: I'll make eat those words through a straw!

Scootaloo: Did he actually said what I think he said?

Rainbow Dash/Josuke: DORAA/AAAHH

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