• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Ultimate Fake Out Attack Plan

Ultimate Fake Out Attack Plan

Rewinding back moments before Jotaro and Sunset have fallen, in the middle of the frozen time where DIO have started throwing knives at Jotaro.

"So, Jotaro, do you think your Star Platinum can deflect all of the knives once time resumes?" DIO asked with an evil smirk.

"If I were a betting man, I'd give that plan a one-in-a-million chance of working. Four seconds!" DIO said while The World threw more knives at Sunset this time.

"It must be terrifying to stare death in the face and be helpless to stop it. Especially with your woman being on the path to death with you! One three seconds!" DIO threw four knives in Sunset's direction.

Not wanting to let his girlfriend get stab by those knives once time resume, Jotaro summons Star Platinum to knock the knives away from Sunset with a fast kick and a punch on the knives pointed at him, but Jostaro's Stand completely stops after it's one second limit.

"(Damn it, that's the best I can do.)" Jotaro thought angered as he looks toward DIO.

"You're down to two seconds. Are you telling me that's the best you've got?" DIO asked chuckling and floated a little further away. Then throwing several dozen more knives.

"That's just more evidence of your ineptitude in the presence of one such as myself. One second left to go." DIO said as he sits down on the edge of a building.

DIO just looks at Jotaro and his Stand knowing that once time moves forward again, it's going to be torture for him that he'll try desperately to defend himself and Sunset mostly.

"Zero." DIO counted the final number and time resumes again.

"What the…?!" Sunset gasped when the knives came flying in and Jotaro tries to protect her with Star Platinum.

"ORAORAORAORAORAORA!" Star Platinum does its best to deflect the knives coming for both Jotaro and Sunset. But despite having the amazing speed, there were still too many knives to punch away, and some have managed to get past the Stand hitting Jotaro and Sunset.

"Sunset, do you have a healing spell by any chance?" Jotaro asked.

"Nope, I'm afraid I don't have that." Sunset admitted, groaning in pain.

"It's over, but one can never be too careful." DIO said holding up two last knives as The World takes them and threw at Jotaro and Sunset.

Star Platinum tries to deflect them with one punch only they didn't go off course exactly as one stab Jotaro in the head and the other right into Sunset's heart.

Both lovers look at each other as they started falling down towards the ground, unable to do anything because of how hurt their bodies are right now.

"Now, to be perfectly honest, I'm relieved I was able to do away with you so quickly, Jotaro. And your girlfriend would've also been trouble should I let her live, perhaps to make her Equestria magic strong." DIO stated that he's glad to kill two birds with one stone.

"I have to say, I never would have thought that you'd have the power to infiltrate my perfect world." DIO admitted that he was surprise.

"Now, let me see here…" DIO looked down at the falling Jotaro and Sunset.

"A fitting analogy would be the automobile, useful machines until the roads become clogged with them all." DIO commented.

Jotaro and Sunset's bodies crash landed at the ground with some bystanders seeing this and causing them to be scared.

"Sorry, but the mantle of Master of Time is reserved for me alone." DIO proclaimed proudly.

The bystanders ran away from the scene as they didn't get caught in whatever is going on right now, leaving Sunset and Jotaro dead on the street.

"Hey Sunset, are you okay?" Jotaro asked whispering.

"I got lots of knives stabbed into my body, what do you think?" Sunset asked back with a few coughs.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get you into this shitty situation." Jotaro apologized.

"Don't worry, the good news is that the wooden planks and magazines we got were able to stop the knives from piercing our bodies entirely otherwise we would've been dead for sure." Sunset looked inside her shirt seeing the magazines and wooden planks inside.

"I was thinking of just adding the magazines, but the wooden planks helped better." Jotaro said.

"Yeah, it was a good thing we got them before going to that planetarium to find the Dark Brothers' hideout in case they try throwing projectile attacks." Sunset nodded, but groans in pain.

"But I didn't think it would be this many knives…" Sunset complained.

"I know, the mind of this guy is really twisted." Jotaro tilted his hat down.

"Right now, our best bet is to play possum and wait for DIO to come closer to us and land a surprise attack." Jotaro said, thinking this could be the best way to beat him.

"I think that's our only option right now, I could probably use my magic to hold him still for a bit, but that all depends on DIO coming towards us." Sunset stated.

"Right, and since DIO can regenerate, I'll have to punch him the brain so hard that it'll be impossible for him to come back or else this battle will be lost to us." Jotaro said, knew what he has to do.

"Well, in any case, I'm glad to still be with you to this epic big battle." Sunset smiled, moving and holding Jotaro's hand into hers.

"Yeah, me too." Jotaro smiled, closing his hand onto hers.

But their loving moment would be put on hold when DIO comes in and lands about over a dozen feet away from the couple, keeping his distance just to be sure.

Jotaro and Sunset kept their mouths shut to keep DIO from noticing that they are still alive.

"I believe I'll do one more check for good measure. The Joestar have a way of coming back from the dead, just like how it was for my father against the Joestar's father, and there's a chance Jotaro and Sunset are putting on this death act." DIO said being cautious.

"(Oh man, why does he have to be the cautious villain type?)" Sunset thought cursed.

"I need to make sure they're gone for good." DIO said.

DIO looks over to his right seeing a traffic sign, almost looking like a large, bladed weapon such as an axe.

"I'll use this… to serve those troublesome heads of theirs!" DIO took the traffic sign and wield it with one hand.

"(Shit! Jotaro better use Star Platinum's speed to stop that traffic sign from hitting us and take the small opening it'll give us!)" Sunset thought hoped this plan will work.

"Now, it's time I be rid of you pests once and for all!" DIO said as he raises a traffic sign in his hands to chop their heads off.

But suddenly a wave of sand came up to DIO from behind and caught him in a trap, and then Jonathan, Joseph, Pinkie, and Bucciarati jump out to attack him together.

"The only one dying here is you!" Bucciarati shouted as he has Zipper Man throw a punch heading straight for DIO.

And now, we have been caught up to the present.

Zipper Man landed on the head causing a small crack with blood gushing out and an opening for the Hamon users to attack while the Stand's fist is connected to DIO's head.

"It's over, DIO! Face the wrath of our Trio Hamon Overdrive!" Jonathan declared as he, Joseph, and Pinkie moved their Hamon infused fists toward the line of Zipper Man.

"(Everyone!)" Jotaro thought surprised as Sunset is shocked of the arrival of their friends too.

However, just when the Hamon fists were about to make contact with Zipper Man, time have stop upon DIO's command and he drops the traffic sign.

"Time have Stopped." DIO said.

"Let's get a good look at your faces." DIO moved his head off the fist and turned around to see the group.

"Ah, it's Jonatha, Joseph, Pinkie, and Bucciarati. All here trying to save their precious friends, how naïve." DIO insulted as he summons The World.

"MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMURA!" The World unleashed a barrage of punches at the four heroes.

"Now Time will Resume." DIO said, allowing time to move again.

Both Joestar brothers, Pinkie, and Bucciarati gasp in pain with little blood coming out from their bodies as they were sent flying to crash onto the side of a building.

"I'll admit, you all were very close in end, but your plan of attack was far to idiot. Especially you, Bucciarati when you could've lunged more force into that punch put damage my brain for the regeneration to take longer, leaving me in a vulnerable state for the Hamon fighters to finish me off." DIO pointed out the big flaws in that attack.

"If this was Joseph's plan, then he's an idiot for not even thinking of that in the first place." DIO mocked with his head healing.

"Told you we should've fired frosting from my party cannon to blind him." Pinkie pointed out before coughing painfully hard from the throat.

"Shut up…" Joseph exclaimed.

"(Damn it, DIO attacked our throats as well, so that we wouldn't be able to use our Hamon for long.)" Jonathan thought rubbed the bruise on his throat as he coughs up blood.

"You won't… get away with your sins!" Bucciarati determined to fight DIO even when his body is all damaged up.

"When will you fools accept that you cannot kill me? You are nothing more than pawns destined to be put in check. Your death brings about the end of the Joestar's bloodline." DIO walked over to the four friends.

"(Damn it… If I don't do something, they're good as good.)" Jotaro thought feared.

"(We were gonna keep up this act until we have the chance to catch him off guard and crush his skill, but saving my brothers and friends' lives from this undead freak is more important right now.)" Jotaro decided to save them first.

"(But it's not gonna be easy. He won't make the mistake of crossing into Star Platinum's range, so it'll just end up like the last time he trapped us.)" Jotaro thought remembered the knives attack.

"(Whatever me or Sunset do, we can't let DIO know that we're still alive. As long as he thinks we're dead, we'll have the element of surprise, which gives me a chance to get in close.)" Jotaro thought had to think of his carefully.

"(Strange when things come into full circle. One minute I'm trying my hardest to move through a world of frozen time, and the next, I'm doing everything I can to stay completely still.)" Jotaro thought commented.

But then Jotaro looks to see Sunset has carefully and quietly move one of her legs up, thinking she must be wanting to save them just like him.

"(Okay, Sunset, get his attention.)" Jotaro thought knew it has to be this way.

"Enjoy your journey to the afterlife!" DIO swung down the traffic sign to finish them off once and for all.

Sunset drops her leg making a soft thump sound which DIO definitely, causing the vampire Stand User to immediately drop the traffic sign and back away from the four friends bringing his attention back to Jotaro and Sunset.

"Jotaro, Sunset… Are you two still alive?" DIO scowled.

Sunset and Jotaro stay completely still as the leg definitely got his attention on them now.

"At the very least, they seem to be coming to." DIO said, cursing the knives not being able to finish the job.

Now DIO will have to make sure they stay dead without having to get in close to them once they fully awaken, but he'll need to think of how to do that first.

"Freeze! This is the police!" One officer called out, him and his partner holding a gun.

"You try anything funny, and we will shoot!" Officer 2 warned.

"N-No… You have… get a… way!" Jonathan tried to warn the officers to leave the area for they have no idea on what they are getting into, but his damaged throat is making it hard to warn them.

"Slowly put your hands in the air!" Officer 2 ordered.

But DIO pay no attention to the two police officers, except now getting an interesting idea in mind.

DIO blitzes between the two officers and killed Officer 2 with a simple backhand strike in the face sending him flying and stab his fingers into Officer 1's neck.

"Ah, what impeccable timing." DIO smiled, now having a puppet to help him.

"If you wouldn't mind, there are some people I'd like for you to shoot. Do you see that man and woman lying on the ground? Shoot their legs or torso." DIO ordered.

The Officer's arm holding the gun moves, struggling to break free but to no success, the gun is aimed right at Jotaro first.

"That's right, line up the shot and let the bullet fly." DIO ordered with his finger in the Officer's head too.

The shot is made with one bullet hitting the side of Jotaro's torso and another shot at Sunset also in her torso, and there was no response from either of them.

DIO believes that they must be dead as he lets the officer go and die from the finger stabbing.

"I thought I heard Sunset make a sound a moment ago, but I guess my mind was playing tricks on me." DIO guessed.

The scene zooms over, showing both wounds of Sunset and Jotaro's where the bullet made, the fingers of Star Platinum from both hands have caught the bullets keeping them in place from going in any other.

"(Damn you, DIO… Do you really have to be that demented?)" Sunset thought groaned.

"(It's taking every willpower I have to keep myself from screaming like a bitch, but at least he's lost interest in Pinkie and the boys.)" Sunset thought relieved that her friends are safe.

"(But doing that will leave DIO even more suspicious that he'll do some more test to make sure we're dead which will be a lot harder.)" Sunset thought feared she and Jotaro may not last long.

"I know, why don't we check on their breathing." DIO said, turning his head to his right ear to listen to their breathing.

DIO tries to hear a faint breath from either of the couples, but there is not a sound coming from their mouths.

"No luck, they're not breathing. But there's no way to hide two heartbeats." DIO leaned his head toward the ground to listen to the heartbeat from the street.

Jotaro knew this was gonna be the biggest risk in her life, but he has no other choice and Sunset can tell that Jotaro is about to do something crazy that she'll have to go along with it.

Star Platinum grabs onto both hearts of Sunset and Jotaro, squeezing its hands on the hearts to stop it from beating so that DIO can't listen to the heartbeats. DIO continues listening to the ground, but not hearing anything.

"(Shit, this hurts a lot!)" Jotaro thought gasped.

"(But we can't black out, then it'll be over for all of us. To be dead by the hands of my boyfriend's Stand, ironic in a morbid kind of way, but romantic as well.)" Sunset thought felt her life slowly slipping away.

DIO listen in for a few more seconds until he spoke again.

"And sure enough, there's no heartbeat." DIO deduced.

"What do you know? I suppose the thought of them being alive was just a figment of my imagination." DIO said, walking over to get his traffic sign.

"No, they can't be…" Joseph refused to believe Jotaro and Sunset are dead.

"Though I suppose stranger things has happen, so I should still probably lop off their heads to be sure. That's not a problem, is it?" DIO asked sarcastically with a smirk and lifts the traffic sign.

Sensing that DIO is going to go for their heads, Star Platinum quickly started pumping their hearts to make their blood flow fast again and life coming back into their eyes.

DIO swings the traffic sign down to end them for good, but suddenly the sign is covered in red-orange aura bending the sign away from Jotaro.

"WHAT?!" DIO gasped.

"Got you." Sunset said with a glare.

"ORA!" Star Platinum threw the punch right for DIO's head.

"I have to Stop Time again! The World!" DIO stopped time, but that proven useless when Star Platinum can still move in frozen time and smashed its fist right into DIO's head. And times flow again.

"I gotta hand it to you. You really put me and my girl through Hell back there." Jotaro commented.

"This time, your head will be the one rolling on the ground!" Sunset declared while Star Platinum's fist dug deeper into DIO's head.

"No! This can't be happening to me?!" DIO shocked and Star Platinum threw him away to crash into a wall.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Oh man, I mean… God! Jotaro and Sunset almost dying just to keep up the fake death act to get a close attack on DIO when he made it so difficult, but glad they were able to hang in there until the very end to get DIO right in the head which has now turn the tide of battle to them.

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