• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,162 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Introducing the Handy Hand Stand User

Introducing the Handy Hand Stand User

The scene shows of the headless body of DIO being laid right outside the city and the group of heroes are standing close to the body as they are only one minute away for the sun to rise from the horizon.

"Couldn't you guys have just use your Hamon to destroy the body?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We could have, but we also thought about making his body slowly turns to dust right in front of our eyes is better." Joseph explained.

"We also hoped it would also set free our father's blood that DIO stole for himself, at least now he'll be able to rest in peace." Jonathan said as Rarity hold his hand.

"Not only that, but it's also going to be a super awesome feeling moment that we just won against the bad guys!" Pinkie added.

"Look, the sun is coming up!" Johnny pointed forward.

Bright sunlight started showing up from the horizon slowly pushing away the darkness of the night and bringing colors to the city, and that light reaches all the way to the body of DIO that is crumbling into dust and blown away by the wind for all to see.

"I know DIO was a very bad man and all, but somehow he made this scenery very special for us to see." Fluttershy commented.

"Yeah, it's like he wanted to say "sorry" for all the trouble." Joseph insulted with a chuckle.

"Oh man, he would not like that to be remembered for." Rainbow Dash laughed a little.

"Jokes aside, I'm glad we were able to finally put an end to two more Dark Brothers or else things could've been worse for more people." Jonathan pointed out.

"Yes, the lives that were lost can never be taken back. All we can do is honor those victims by finishing off the remaining Dark Brothers once and for all, those monsters will experience the Hell we'll bring to them!" Bucciarati said strongly, also thinking the people of his hometown in Italy.

"Not like we got something else in mind, that's been our goal for the longest time and we're not stopping any time soon." Jotaro said with a grin.

"And we'll be with you guys every step of the way." Sunset leaned her head onto his shoulder.

"It's going to be an awesome victory once we get through the battles!" Pinkie commented.

"Okay, so are we going to pretend not to be curious about the guy who suddenly showed up at the battle killing Kira who seem to have some sort of grudge against him?" Applejack asked, pointing her thumb back.

Everyone turns around to see the mysterious guy who is about around their age is sleeping soundly in the Rainboom Bus, he fell asleep sometime after killing Kira and the others arriving at the scene.

"The guy said that Kira killed his older brother, guess it was a revenge quest and finally got the revenge." Josuke said.

"Poor guy, I hope he'll be able to get some sleep after that." Fluttershy concerned.

"But he does have the right idea, we stayed up all night waiting for DIO's body to be burn away by the sun and we even dealt with Kira's body too." Joseph yawned as he stretches his arms.

"I think we earned ourselves some sleep." Twilight nodded while Spike and Iggy yawns together.

"Yeah, sleepy time on the bed and then we'll have a talk with our new friend." Rarity suggested.

"I second that!" Johnny raised his hand.

"I hope the bus is more comfortable than it looks since we drove it all the way out here." Giorno said.

"We'll have to inform our moms about our friend, and where we have been the whole night." Jotaro mentioned as well.

"Oh man, I can already here mom-Luna yelling at us right now." Joseph groaned.


"After we've eaten our breakfast, you all are going to get a big and loud scolding from me." Luna said as the whole family with the Rainbooms and the dogs are eating breakfast.

"I'm just happy that you boys and girls were able to survive two of the Dark Brothers in the same night, meaning it won't be long before facing the last two." Celestia smiled, really happy to see the children coming back in one piece.

"Yeah, but right now… We just wanna relax." Rainbow Dash sighed smiling.

"Just make sure you all go see your family, wouldn't want them to be worried about you guys." Celestia advised.

"Don't worry, we already texted our families telling them we had to go through some tough things last night as we'll be home soon." Rarity informed.

"Although, I can already tell that my brother will be extra worry when he gets the word." Twilight chuckled, imagining Shining Armor looking so worried.

"Now, I believe it's time we get down to business." Jonathan said.

"Oh yes, about our new guest." Johnny looked over to the new guy who is eating the food on his plate.

"Man, oh man, this food here is so good! I haven't had any good stuff in a long time!" The new guy smiled, stuffing his face and talking with his mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Applejack scolded.

"And would you mind telling us what your name is, and hopefully an apology for dealing our victory over that Kira guy?" Rainbow Dash asked with a glare.

"Easy with the tone, but I do wanna know what's your deal." Josuke said.

"Right, sorry about not introducing myself. I'm not very smart with my brain." The new guy admitted.

"My name is Okuyasu Nijimura, I was born in Japan and grew up in a small town called Morioh. It's nice to meet you all!" Okuyasu introduced himself to the group.

Okuyasu is a young man of above-average height and medium to athletic build with slightly tan skin. Two fine lines cross his face in semicircles passing the inner corners of his eyes. He sports a black and gray dark flat-top boogie, the hair at his sides light and slicked back, with two lightning bolt-shaped strands at the back of the D.A. (A.K.A the Ducktail). His eyes are gray color. He wears blue, modified Japanese school uniform, featuring a double-breasted jacket, which he decorates with metallic, golden emblems, including a yen (¥) sign on the right of his collar and a dollar ($) sign on his left (more accurately, a cifrãoW; with two vertical lines). He also has a larger dollar sign on the middle of his chest. His right shoulder has "億" ("Oku", the kanji for 100,000,000) printed in large, light letters between his shoulder and elbow, mirroring the word "BILLION" on his left. In the animated adaptation, his jacket has white piping. He wears two slim, sagging lime green belts at the top of wide-legged pants. And he wears dark green shoes.

"Morioh, I heard about that town. Pretty peaceful and calm, a good vacation spot too. I was even thinking about going there with the family and girls to have some quiet time." Josuke recalled.

"Glad you think so, but unfortunately, the town isn't exactly peaceful consider there are Stand Users like me." Okuyasu mentioned.

"For real?" Pinkie asked.

"For real, there are my friends like Koichi, Yuya though not entirely sure about him, Mikitaka, and I lived there with my big brother and dad." Okuyasu listed the people there.

But then he started to look sad upon mentioning his dad and big brother, he clutches his fist feeling the anger rising a little and it's visible to everyone in the room.

"You don't have to talk more if it's too painful." Celestia said.

"Don't worry, it just something that hurts when remembering. And besides, I figured you guys need the full explanation to trust me." Okuyasu stated.

"But the thing is, the friends I mentioned weren't always Stand Users. Maybe some of them are, but not all of them and that includes me for I was just a normal guy until one day, my big bro came home with something that was wild!" Okuyasu explained.

"Something wild?" Giorno paid attention to this story very carefully.

"Yeah, it was a golden arrow that came with a bow, and he said that it was gonna to help us get stronger and be greater than any human beings on the planet." Okuyasu mentioned.

"Hold on, a golden arrow? Did this arrow also gave you a strange sensation like you were dying only you're still alive?" Bucciarati asked shock.

"Yeah, I think that was the feeling when my big bro shot the arrow into my chest. It hurt like fucking Hell!" Okuyasu recalled that time.

"As I thought, it's the same just like what happened to me when the Dark Brothers came to recruit me. Using the golden arrow to bring out my Stand." Bucciarati said, feeling a bit mad about that memory.

"Hold up, you said it was eight months ago that the Dark Brothers made you into a Stand User. Right?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, that's correct." Bucciarati nodded.

"Okay, so when exactly did you became a Stand User, Okuyasu?" Twilight asked.

"It was around two years ago, and man, let me tell you guys that my Stand is pretty incredible!" Okuyasu smirked.

"Mind showing us this Stand of yours?" Jonathan asked nicely.

"Sure, just don't get too shocked when you see how awesome its power is!" Okuyasu excitedly as his body starts to glow blue.

"Oh please, I don't it won't be that special." Rainbow Dash said.

"This here is my Stand, The Hand!" Okuyasu summoned his Stand for everyone to see, his Stand: The Hand.

The Hand appears as a white humanoid figure typically in attire similar to football pads, though it has several spikes jutting from them. A towel-like object drapes over its shoulders, with a $ symbol on one end and a ¥ symbol on the other – corresponding with Okuyasu's own fashion theme of currency symbols. On each side of the Stand's face are blinders that cover its headlight-shaped eyes and limit its vision, a result of Okuyasu's own impulsive demeanor. Its right hand has spiderweb-like lines on the inside, along with two bumps on its palm. Its armor is blue.

"Huh, that looks like a cool Stand." Spike commented.

"(Eh, I've seen better.)" Iggy shrugged.

"Holy mother of mutts! Did that dog just talk like a person! Are you a ghost dog?" Okuyasu asked shock and freaking out from this.

"Seriously, with all the bizarre things that happens around you like Stands with freaky superpowers, and that's what you're more freaked out the most?" Spike asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you a Stand User?" Okuyasu asked, leaning closer to Spike.

"No, just a dog who was caught in magic that gave me the ability to talk." Spike explained.

"Oh man, this is so freaky!" Okuyasu commented.

"So, what does your Stand do? From the name, I take it the power comes from those hands." Giorno guessed.

"That's right, The Hand has a special power that none can hope to match again when getting caught in the right hand!" Okuyasu grinned as he held up a plate, he was eating breakfast on.

"I feel like we're gonna be down one plate." Luna sighed.

Okuyasu held the plate above himself, and The Hand threw down its right hand as it glows then going right through the plate, and it suddenly became smaller. This little feat shocked the group as if they have seen something like this before.

"Hold on, did your Stand just made that plate smaller?" Pinkie asked surprise.

"No, it's not that the plate has gotten smaller, it's more like the middle part was erase." Joseph realized, and then Ice came into his mind.

"Wow, you're smarter than you look! I thought you would be a dumbass because of the freaky spiky hair." Okuyasu commented.

"Do you want me to kill you!" Joseph angered.

"Easy, my beloved Jojo, we let him live… Until he gives us a reason to not let him live." Pinkie giggled with a scary and dark smile.

"That's the power of The Hand, it can erase things with its right hand sending them probably into another a void dimension though to be completely honest, I really don't know where those erased stuff ends up." Okuyasu explained.

"I tried thinking really hard, but I've never been good at using my head." Okuyasu shrugged.

"Anyway, erasing things isn't the only thing that happens about those that are caught by The Hand, the space between the erased space is instantly snapped together to fill in that space." Okuyasu explained as he claps his hands together.

"My word, this is certainly different than that other Stand User with the ability to erase things." Fluttershy commented.

"Yeah, and he would also let his own Stand eat him." Pinkie said.

"Wait, the what now?" Okuyasu asked, feeling confused.

"Forget about that, so you got your Stand through some mysterious arrow that your brother got. Did he do that on himself too?" Applejack asked.

"Oh yeah, my big bro got himself a cool Stand that is like a mini toy military army. Small, but they pack quite a powerful punch." Okuyasu nodded.

"In fact, my big bro even used the other on some others in town like my friends. I remember him saying something about helping others being prepared, but he never told me what he meant." Okuyasu mentioned.

"But then… two months later, I found out the hard way of what my big brother meant." Okuyasu said, looking sad again.

"I'll never forget the bastards who came to our home…" Okuyasu clutched his fist.

(Flashback, Two Years Ago)

"I was coming home from school, like any other day." Okuyasu said.

Okuyasu is waving goodbye to his friend and walking back to his house, looking forward to some relaxation from school and playing that new video game he got yesterday.

"I wonder if big bro will play that game with me?" Okuyasu asked himself.

But then he heard some gunshots and some explosions, this worry Okuyasu very much that he quickly ran faster for the house only to find the front gate of the house destroyed in half and the door is broken down with some holes.

Another explosion erupted from the second floor.

"Big bro!" Okuyasu shouted and quickly ran up.

"Ah, looks like we got ourselves a special guest." DIO 1 smirked.

"You bastard, what are you doing here and why are you attacking our home?" Okuyasu demanded with anger boiling up from within.

"We're just having a little meeting with him about the Golden Arrow he acquired, and we've been interested in the power of these Stands." DIO 1 explained.

"In fact, we were just thinking about creating our own friends of Stand Users." DIO 1 mentioned.

Suddenly a young man is thrown out through a wall and fell on the floor from the second floor.

"Big Bro!" Okuyasu called out.

"Okuyasu, get back! You're no match for these bastards! You have to get away now!" Okuyasu's older brother told him.

"Come now, we were just having fun. Keicho Nijimura." DIO 2 smirked, standing on the second floor.

"Get away from my big brother!" Okuyasu shouted in rage, bringing out The Hand to fight.

"No, you idiot! I told you to run!" Keicho said.

"Be careful with the lose changes." Kira threw four coins at Okuyasu and they exploded on him point-blank.

(Flashback End)

"I was heavily injured, and I thought I was dead, but one of my friends was able to help me and took me to the hospital. But those bastards also killed a few people who just happen to see them during the ruckus, and I found out my brother is dead." Okuyasu finished his story.

"I am so sorry for your lost." Jonathan apologized, knowing the feeling of losing a family member like their father.

"I found out that it was Kira who dealt the killing blow on Keicho, so I decided to train hard with my Stand until I heard word that he was here in this city. For two long years, I was able to kill the bastard and avenge my big bro!" Okuyasu said.

"Well, there are still two more of those brothers of his and we're thinking about going after them. Are you in?" Josuke asked, offering a hand of friendship.

"Totally, and I wanna see some of the cool things in this city too!" Okuyash accepted the hand.

"Looks like we got ourselves another bizarre friend." Sunset chuckled.

"Yare yare daze, is it too late to ask for normal ones?" Jotaro asked sigh.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Okuyasu has made himself fully known to the group and even sharing some interesting things about himself such as getting his Stand from a Golden Arrow, but the Dark Brothers came and took it along with killing Keicho. Now Joestar Brothers has another ally to fight alongside with!

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

Comments ( 1 )

"Are you a Stand User?" Okuyasu asked, leaning closer to Spike.

I hope this is hinting that Spike will gain a Stand soon.

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