• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Time Battle with Exploding Surprise!

Time Battle with Exploding Surprise!

Jotaro attacks with his Stand's fists only to find that DIO is gone and turn his head to see him floating there on the right, looking at him with a serious questionable glare.

"Tell me, were you able to see me in there? You saw me move?" DIO asked.

But Jotaro didn't respond to the question because he looked confused seeing DIO looking at him like that, like something happened during the moment of the time being frozen and he is being angry about it for some reason.

"I asked you a question! Did you follow my movements or not!" DIO asked again angrily.

"See you what? You're not making any sense." Jotaro said.

"But whatever you're going on about, I'm still going to kick your ass." Jotaro stated with a fearsome glare.

"You little…!" DIO angered and attack with The World throwing a fast and strong punch.

Jotaro quickly responded with Star Platinum clashing against the attack with its own punch and the two Stands started clashing a barrage of punches at each other for a few seconds before Star Platinum manages to kick DIO back even though he blocked the attack.

"Jotaro! Let's get away from DIO's range and come up with a plan!" Sunset called out to her boyfriend and quickly flew off.

Jotaro decided to go along with his girlfriend's suggestion for now and flew after her which only seem to make DIO a little bit angrier.

"Don't think you can get away from me!" DIO said before getting into the chase.

"If even if you can move a little in the frozen time and see me in it, that isn't going to do any good for you when time is standing still!" DIO shouted.

"If your Stand does bear similarities to mine, prove it! I want to see just how much as we have in common!" DIO taunted with a grin.

"(DIO's following us, I guess that's something we'll have to use for something. I hope Jotaro knows what he is doing.)" Sunset thought concerned.

DIO continue chasing down while remembering the times he and his Dark Brothers were on their training days, when he first discovered the ability to freeze time and was advised by an elderly woman who was very fateful to their father about believing his power is completely ordinary, to will it into time freezing happening.

"Yes, ever since I gain this power, I knew from right then and there that it was my destiny to become the strongest and command all who gets in mine and my brothers' way!" DIO smirked.

"We are meant to surpass all living things, including Stand Users and magic!" DIO proclaimed.

"Is he still behind us?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, he's still there and it looks like he's getting ready to stop time again." Jotaro looked back using the eyes of Star Platinum.

"I can stop time for five seconds, and the time limit keeps extending the more my power grows!" DIO bragged.

"Now, Jotaro, Sunset, both of you are about to experience just how weak you are! Time to make good on my promise!" DIO said.

"Here it comes!" Sunset said, bringing up her arms for defense.

"The World! Grind to a halt!" DIO had The World stop time again.

Both Jotaro and Sunset are now helpless in the air and frozen within the time freeze, just as they should be within DIO's power.

DIO moves closer to Jotaro to finish him off first and sees his fingers flinching again just like before, but then DIO notices something off and sees something on his rings. He moved his left arm closer to Jotaro's arm.

Once this was cleared up, DIO starred chuckling for a moment and then that chuckle turns into loud laughter that he hasn't felt like doing in years because of something so stupid that he didn't see it coming. And the reason for the laughter is because DIO has discovered a little trick that has been playing him for a while now.

DIO lifts his left arm revealing a black magnet on the rings, parring it off and held it close to Jotaro's arm showing another magnet on the button of his sleeve and the magnet went onto Jotaro's magnet.

"I see you planted a magnet. Must have been when we were exchanging blows." DIO realized, thinking back on that little exchange earlier.

"It looks like a wallet magnet, or one picked from a pocket planner." DIO guessed, then let out a chuckle.

"I have to admit, you had me fooled. You're a clever boy indeed, but…" DIO floated a little higher and then goes around charging at Jotaro. "If you have to resort to inane tricks like that, it only proves that you can't move while time is standing still!" DIO concluded the failed trick.

"You've only postponed the inevitable by a few seconds! This is the end!" DIO declared as The World came out from DIO and ready to be thrown down its hand to crush Jotaro.

"Die, Jotaro!" DIO shouted.

The World move its arm down at Jotaro to land the killing blow, finally putting an end to one of the Joestar Brothers who have been a thrown to his and his brothers' side for far too long, and now the blood of the Joestar family will be spilled starting with Jotaro.

But then suddenly, Jotaro's hand started to move a little, but DIO clearly saw this and that's not even the shocking part. Star Platinum came out of Jotaro and moved its arm the fastest than DIO could react ramming the fist right through The World's stomach, thus causing a big gaping hole to appear in DIO's stomach.

"WHAT?!" DIO gasped in both confusion and shock.

Jotaro and Star Platinum's movement are than halt in the frozen state of the Time Stop while the delinquent of the Joestar Brothers glares directly at DIO.

"How the—He's moving. What nerve. Although, he can only do it briefly." DIO groaned in pain, and then realize something else that he didn't take into account.

"The magnet wasn't meant to make me think he could move. It was made to make me think he couldn't. Damn it, it was a trap designed to lure me in, and I fell for it!" DIO cursed himself that he fell for such a devious trap.

"The key is believing that your power is completely ordinary." The elderly woman's word repeated in DIO's head.

"Disgusting! To think that my domain could be invaded, and by one of the Joestar brothers, no less! It's infuriating!" DIO angered.

Soon, time resumes again, and DIO was thrown away by Star Platinum making him crash into a fancy shoe store with one of the shards from the glass window cut his leg off and the woman working there is frighten of this and screams.

"Damn…" Jotaro panted a little as he hangs onto an edge of the building.

"Jotaro! You did it! You actually got a hit on him!" Sunset hugged Jotaro.

"That means you really do have the same power as DIO! Star Platinum was able to awaken the power of Stop Time!" Sunset smiled while helping Jotaro stand on top of the building.

"Yeah, I was able to move for a second there. But that's only for a second, that's not much. It would only give me enough time for a single punch." Jotaro explained from what he experienced.

"Considering how fast Star Platinum can move, I say you get at least two punches at most." Sunset believed.

"Even if that were the case, I still need to be careful." Jotaro said.

Meanwhile with DIO, he stands himself up despite the injuries he got from that crash and just looks causal like there is no pain to begin with considered that he also gotten the same vampire power as the first DIO brother.

"It's a good thing I use the stone mask like Dio did, otherwise that crash would've definitely kill me." DIO said, then saw his leg about five feet further from him.

"You there, woman…" DIO said, getting her attention as she shrieks in fear.

"How about you make yourself useful and fetch me my leg." DIO ordered, pointing his leg though the woman gasp and felt like she was going to scream again.

"Bring it here this instant! Imagine you're a flight attendant bringing caviar to a passenger in first class if that's get you here faster!" DIO demanded.

Outside of the store, Jotaro and Sunset landed in front of the store where DIO crashed into.

"It's too bad it's nighttime now, that could've helped us a lot more." Sunset looked up at the dark sky.

"We'll have to make do with me being able to move within the frozen time and deal the final blow on him." Jotaro said.

Sunset and Jotaro look inside the store and the former gasp in horror when seeing that DIO has already healed up his wound and put his leg back together, all the while sucking blood from the woman by the neck.

"That guy, he's really good at making me angry." Sunset gritted her teeth.

"Tell me about it, now I know I'll have to destroy his head completely." Jotaro nodded. Seeing the stomach area where the gapping hole he made was never there to begin with.

DIO smirks at the couple, glad to see that they're still around and then he instantly vanished though Jotaro's head moved to the right seeing DIO standing on top of a traffic sign.

"Your eyes followed me even while time was frozen, which confirms that you can see my movements. Isn't that right, Jotaro?" DIO asked.

"Yep, and it was thanks to Sunset here for coming up with the theory in the first place. She was the one who believes that our Stands are so similar to each other that Star Platinum could also posses the power of time, just like you." Jotaro explained, hugging Sunset with one arm.

"Is that right, then I guess I could commend you for having such a bright mind to figure that out." DIO grinned at Sunset.

"Bet you're really nervous right now, aren't you?" Sunset asked with a glare.

"Not at all. You did your beloved Jotaro quite the favor. Because of your brilliant mind, you were able to correctly deduce The World's secret, and because of that, your friend Twilight Sparkle was also able to figure out the limitation of that power I willed. Not only that, but Jotaro was able to learn how to do it himself." DIO commended those feats.

"And now we have a fighting chance!" Sunset believed.

"Are you sure about that?" DIO asked before vanishing again and now standing on top of a building.

"Jotaro doesn't have as much training as I have, so I'm curious to know exactly how long he can move while time is frozen." DIO smirked.

"Two seconds? Or maybe three? Or perhaps you can move five seconds like me, but you're pretending you can't to gain some kind of an advantage. Clever." DIO guessed.

"Huh, Jotaro, how long did you say it took you to move for the first time?" Sunset asked whispering.

"Only about a second at best." Jotaro answered.

This made Sunset realizes that DIO is going to be careful with his approach from Jotaro from now on and will try to end them as quickly as possible, but they just need to hold out long enough for Jotaro to getting use to the frozen time for him to move freely some more and end DIO with Star Platinum.

"(I just hope we can last long enough for that.)" Sunset thought clutched her fist.

"So, which is it?" DIO asked with a chuckle.

"(Damn it, if I had more practice in with my Stand then I could probably move longer. But like I said to Sunset, I'll have to make do with it.)" Jotaro thought clutched his fist.

"If I was forced to make a guess, I'd say you could only move for a second. Be that as it may, you've still managed to infiltrate my world." DIO stated, knowing that Jotaro could still be a danger to him.

"Only a fool would risk approaching you now, and though I am many things, a fool wouldn't be considered one of them." DIO pointed out how cautious he can be.

"While it's achingly clear that my advantage over you is overwhelming… I've still devised a way to execute you, so regardless of how long you can move in my world, you'll never escape your demise!" DIO pulled out a dozen knives in each hand from his coat.

"Uh-oh…!" Sunset was surprised while Jotaro gasp.

"Oh my, you're both white as sheep. Are that afraid of these knives? I'm sure you can tell how sharp and painful they look when they stab your bodies like needles on a doll!" DIO laughed evilly.

"This could be bad…" Sunset worried.

"(Hell right this is bad. How the Hell does this guy come up with this shit? We need to be careful.)" Jotaro thought tried to come up with something.

"Come on, we need to get away!" Jotaro jumped high and Sunset soon follows.

"There is no escape. The World!" DIO commanded time to be frozen again and everything freezes.

DIO jumps up meeting the frozen Jotaro and Sunset with only Jotaro being able to see DIO within the world of frozen time, and what's about to happen next.

"One second has passed!" DIO said while The World threw the knives straight at Jotaro, beginning his execution plan.

(Meanwhile, With Josuke's Group vs Kira)

"GET BACK HERE!" Josuke screamed while chasing after Kira who suddenly runs away.

"(They're becoming too hard for me to handle like this, I'll need to perform a different approach.)" Kira thought jumped over a large root of a tree.

He has Killer Queen touch the root to make it into a bomb and have id explode when Josuke got a little close to it, the fiery explosion and shockwave pushes Josuke back with some burn holes on his clothes and burn marks on his skin.

"Josuke!" Rainbow Dash zoomed over to her boyfriend and use her speed to create a wind that blew the fire away.

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash. You're a lifesaver." Josuke smiled.

"You know you can always count on me to have your back!" Rainbow Dash smiled.

Josuke is really grateful for having Rainbow Dash by his side and making his heart feel great the closer she gets to him, definitely worth it to have such an awesome girl to be with him forever like it was destiny for them to be together.

"Ah, shit!" Josuke groaned in pain from the burn marks.

"Are you sure you can't use Crazy Diamond's power to restore yourself from this?" Rainbow Dash asked, concern for the state Josuke is in.

"Sorry, but I already tried many times even before coming to Canterlot High and my power just doesn't work on me. Guess it's the inner feeling of putting others first before me." Josuke explained.

"But I can still fight, and I won't stop fighting until I have that bastard in the ground six feet under!" Josuke determined to end that guy.

"Then let's go get him!" Rainbow Dash smiled, taking his hand into hers.

Twilight with Spike on her back is chasing after Kira while he tries to throw them off with some exploding leaves which she quickly uses her magic to move the explosions out of the way, but they still push her back.

"That guy isn't making this easy." Spike commented.

"All villains are like that." Twilight stated before continuing the chase.

Kira looks around seeing that he is back in the city trying to find a good place to hide for a while, and then he spotted a house.

"Ah, I can use that to make my surprise attack!" Kira smirked.

Twilight caught up to the street Kira was heading to, Rainbow Dash came in flying next to her while carrying Josuke on his back.

"Where did he go?" Josuke asked.

"I don't know, but I think he's in that house." Twilight stopped in front of the big house.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically and zooms in with a kick that knocks the door down.

"Come on out, Kira! You got no where to go!" Rainbow Dash shouted as Josuke got off.

"I don't like this…" Josuke said, getting a really bad feeling about this house may have been a trap.

Twilight enters the house and suddenly out of nowhere, an explosion bursts in the room that knocks Twilight and Spike down, Josuke and Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Let see how you guys deal with some troubling bubbles." Kira smirked with Killer Queen holding what appears to be a bubble.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Jotaro has begun to unlock Star Platinum's own power over time though it's still new to him and DIO isn't going to let him get the chance to grow into it. All the while Kira has setup some traps that involve using something innocent as bubbles to kill his enemies.

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