• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Two Hamon Warriors VS The Warrior of Wind. True Warrior to the Bitter End.

Two Hamon Warriors VS The Warrior of Wind. True Warrior to the Bitter End.

(Battle arena location)

Kars standing on top of a very tall light poll looking down to what appears to be some vampires building something big, wide, and to be the final resting place for the two fighters: Joseph Joestar and Pinkie Pie. It has been nearly a whole week as the battlefield is getting ready and tomorrow is the day they die by the hands of his most royal friend, Wamu.

“Master, I take it you are enjoying the view in the night?” Wamu asked standing on another poll next to Kars looking down as well.

“Just taking in the moment before your big day my friend; the moment before watching those two takes their final breath.” Kars smirked confident while his hair flows beautifully from the wind.

“Even I’m more excited for this battle, my body is all trembling inside and my fists’ screams for blood wanting to unleash the fury within me!” Wamu said feeling of want to fight now than later.

“You better hope you win, because I do not want to be the second of the Dark 6 to fall!” Kars exclaimed giving Wamu his dangerous stare, showing him that losing is not an option.

“…Of course my Lord, I will be victorious and will continue serving you till the end of time.” Wamu pledged bowing to his master vowing to serve Kars no matter what, even spilling some blood from others along the way.

Kars looks up to the sky finding a bright Full Moon in the dark sky of the night, some stars shines as well but they pale in comparison to the big white orb. Seeing this brings back some old memories he had not thought of for years, a very special memories.

“Wamu, do you still remember the day we first met?” Kars asked with a smile on his face.

“It is something I will never forget, that night in the desert you saved me from the cruel-dark world I once suffer and gave me a purpose to seek vengeance against the world and owe a big debt to the man I call Master.” Wamu answered of he remembers that day, it’s like glue to his mind forever reminding him why he became like this.

(Few Years Ago)

A young Wamu wonders through the night of the desert on bare foot and exhausted like he could just drop at any second now, for he has nowhere to go or anyone to turn to. His parents were killed by murders months ago, they wanted to steal from them but they fought and as a result they died while protecting their son, Wamu ran as fast as he could to get away from the killers and hope to one day avenge them. He looks up to the moon, seeing a big ball of light shines in the darkness of the night, still remembering the blood he seen and the rage still burning inside of him.

Unknown to the homeless boy he is being followed by two wolves out on their hunting and they set their sight on the boy as their next prey. They slowly follow Wamu for a few moments until they decided to start running towards him. Wamu was too tried to even notice the wolves behind him and even if he did, he wouldn’t care thinking that he may meet his end soon.

Just as the wolves were about to pounces on to Wamu, something bright and shining appeared between them for a few seconds and the light dim down. Everything felt like slow motion as the wolves close to sinking their fangs into the boy’s flesh they suddenly fell apart, literally, like they have been slice clean off by a very sharp sword.

That’s when Wamu stop and turn around to see a boy probably around his age or older standing in front of the now dead-in-pieces wolfs with a blade stinking out of his arm as it gives off a small bright light like the big one from before. He unsheathed the blade back into his arm and stare at Wamu with pleasant and dangerous eyes that made Wamu speechless, other than that he’s thirsty.

“Do you want power, power to do anything?” The boy asked with a soft smoothly voice.

Young Wamu do not know what to do other than to stare at his ‘savior’ feeling as though his life has been change forever when crossing path with his ‘savior’ and will do anything to repay him.

“I am Kars; I can show things that others can only dream of.” Kars said offering his hand to Wamu.

Wamu felt movement of his hand to Kars as if his body is telling him to follow this guy as he may be the answer to get revenge for his parent’s death and destroy the cruel world he was force to be born in. Feeling no regrets he took Kars hand, forever sealing the fate of the two.


“From that day my very being, my very life is yours to command.” Wamu said, seeing as the two are now on the ground, once again bows to his master.

“You gave me the power of the Mighty Wind to swift my enemies including avenging my parents’ death, I have never felt anything so powerful and beyond of what humans can only dreamed of!” Wamu said crutching his hands tightly feeling his strength and blood busting for battle.

“(And soon, all of the Joestar and their allies will fall by our hand and the world will be forever pull in the era of darkness.)” Kars thought with a big grin on his face, preparing a backup plan in case Wamu is defeated.

(Tomorrow Night, At Sugar Cub’s Corner)

“Well, the night is the night to battle against that hot-air bastard.” Joseph calmly said, but deep inside he’s scared that he may never come back nor will his Beloved Pinkie Pie make it out alive.

“Don’t worry, my silly Jojo, we’ll give them a big ‘In Your Face’ surprises they’ll never forget!” Pinkie declared throwing party things out of nowhere cheering up her boyfriend.

“Let’s try to stay focus, we got figure out what power this ‘Wamu’ guy has and think of advantage to use against hi,.” Jotaro suggested hoping to think of a way to defeat something that uses the very wind for destructive force.

“It’s only a matter of time before the match and we don’t even how they’ll let us know.” Fluttershy mentioned moving her head from left to right.

“Oh, come on, it’s not like they’ll make a dramatic way for sending a message.” Pinkie said.

Suddenly something big and fast burst through the door coming right to Pinkie and Joseph but it stop near inches to them. It is a big horse with deep dark coating fur, vicious red-eyes, and fangs as it breathes heavily like it’s ready for another rampage.

“A dramatic way, huh.” Joseph said glaring at Pinkie for jinxing on something.

“Looks like they gave you a ride to the battlefield.” Johnny described.

Pinkie and Joseph look at each other with determine in their eyes, ready to put all that training they went through to good use, they hope onto the demonic-looking horse and suddenly ride off faster than anyone could it made out to the hole it made.

“Come on, we don’t want to miss all the action!” Rainbow stated hopefully to catch with the two but the horse is too fast, until a car pull over near the others.

“Hey guys, need a ride?” Flash asked offering his friends into his car.

“Just in time.” Josuke said.

“I got your call Josuke, came as fast as I could, now get in!” Flash said as everyone got in trying to make room and off they go.


“So, what do you think the battlefield will be like?” Flash asked while staying focus on his driving.

“Whatever it is, I bet they’ll rig it so that they can win.” Rainbow assumed knowing how bad guys likes to cheat.

“I’m not sure; Wamu sounded more honorable and wants to settle things fairly.” Giorno said.

“You really think so?” Rarity asked.

“Now that I think about it, he could have kill Pinkie and Joseph at the library but didn’t.” Jonathan said remembering how Pinkie and Joseph met the guy.

“So, he might be not such a bad guy?” Fluttrshy wondered.

“If I didn’t know better, I say we’re headed for the big stage where we held the Battle of the Bands against the Sirens.” Sunset theorized until everyone felt a hard stop as Flash hit the brakes.

“Huh, I don’t think it’s the stage anymore.” Flash gasped of what he is seeing, soon everyone got out of the car to see a big arena.

“I am the one only who think this is this a little overbroad?!” Sunset asked freaking of this and somewhat feeling déjà vu.

“It almost looks like something you see in Greek.” Josuke said.

“Yes, this is similar but probably more dangerous.” Twilight conformed

“Let just go inside.” Jotaro said rushing off to see if the battle has already started with everyone following him.

They walk through a long hallway, they saw the battlefield that almost looks like a racing courses with a big fire at the center and saw vicious human-like being roaring in excitement waiting for the showdown to start and to see the two humans die.

“Looks like we ain’t the only ones who get to see the show.” Fluttershy said frighten to see so many monsters in one place.

“Ah, you’ve come.” A voice called out the group look up to their right to see Kars sitting on a fancy thorn-like chair.

“This spot is reserve for VIP, and you’ve been granted the honor to sit here.” Kars said signaling two of his men to show his ‘guess’ to the VIP spot.

They knew Kars just want to gloat about how powerful he is and his fateful servant Wamu will destroy the challengers but they also knew that they can’t do anything at the moment so they compel to join Kars in the VIP spot, as they made their way they see Joseph and Pinkie standing next to a chariot with two horses like the one that came for them and Wamu on his chariot ready for battle.

“Quite the classic event, don’t you agree?” Kars asked as the group arrived while glaring at him.

“From a brutal, dangerous era of Greek, then yes it is a classic I would enjoy.” Rarity said sarcastically.

“Can’t believe you manage built all of this in just one week.” Josuke said but still maintain his strict face.

“Yes, turning these men you see into powerful vampires was easy with special stone masks and they follow my orders as the rest was easy.” Kars explained shocking the group, they look around to see every vampire here were once humans.

“You turned them into monster, riding their humanity for your own selfish needs?!” Jonathan angered as everyone else feels the same.

“They no longer feel the weakness of humanity; power is the only thing that matters!” Kars stated with a grin.

“Well, when this match is all over, your death is gonna be all that matter!” Jotaro declared only for Kars to chuckles in response.

“That match will begin as so as that cloud reveals the moon, this should be exciting.” Kars said everyone groan at him and hope that Joseph and Pinkie can pull it off.

But right now, the two playing cards right when the cloud is about to fully show the moon, Wamu feels irate that his opponents are goofing off when their life is on the line and he’ll show them what real battle is like.

The group feels worry for Joseph and Pinkie aren’t getting ready for the cloud is about to leave, screaming at them to get a move on but they just ignore them as they continue playing their game.

(Music: Vash the Stampede Theme)

Finally the moon shows itself and Wamu began his move only to feel as though his chariot is somehow stuck as Pinkie and Joseph race off ahead while they laugh at Wamu’s situation.

“Haha, oh Wamu, if only you could see the look on your face.” Joseph giggled while driving the chariot with Pinkie as the Co-Pilot.

“Yeah, so focus you glory image you never notices what’s stopping your wheels.” Pinkie laughed.

Wamu look at the wheel to see bunch of rocks blocking the way, soon realizing that those two have planed this before the race started pretending to goof off while somehow dust off the rocks to his chariot.

“Phew, I almost got a heart attack.” Fluttershy said breathing in and out as her heart starts to slow down.

“They manage to get a head start, hope that’ll be enough.” Flash wondered.

“Oh, I almost forget this is more than just a race, look over there.” Kars said pointing at a tower with two weapons hanging on each side.

“Minion, explain the rules to our guess.” Kars ordered the vampire nodded and turns to the group.

“This race has no time limit or the numbers of laps, only those who are left standing alive is the winning. For each lap, they will get to choose a different weapon to fight off their opponent and better hope they live long enough to reach for them.” The vampire explained the rules.

Jojo’s group all hope in their thoughts to believe that Joseph and Pinkie will win.

“Alright, which do you suggest?” Joseph asked.

“Let’s go with the hammer!” Pinkie said as she reach out her hands to grab the hammer, when they pass the tower Pinkie got it thought it was a little heavier than she thought but quickly handed to Joseph as she take over the driving.

“I need no weapon as the very tower will be your downfall!” Wamu shouted lariat the tower to fall on Joseph and Pinkie.

Pinkie gasps and quickly put the lash in her mouth to bring out a small party cannon from her hair as she charges it with Hamon.

“Surprise Blow Overdrive”

The blast hit the tower forcing it away from the two and landed on some of the vampires on their sits, crushing them as they scream in pain.

“Is that girl some sort of magician?” Wamu asked shock that Pinkie pulled something out of her head like that.

“Yee-haw, that’s our Super Party Planning Girl!” Applejack cheered.

“So far so good.” Johnny said.

“Get us near Pinkie, I’m about to give Wamu his close up.” Joseph said decided to jump to Wamu’s chariot, but there was no need as Wamu has already caught up with them.

“Do you really think getting close will help you, then you are foolish.” Wamu said.

“Oh yeah, how about talk with my little help cover in vegetable oil, prefect for conduct with Hamon.” Joseph said covering the hammer with the oil and some Hamon charge.

“Here’s your pounding Punishment!” Joseph shouted jumping right to Wamu ready to pound in that stupid pretty face of his but he also saw a smirk on his face.

“(Just as plan.)” Wamu thought letting Joseph and Pinkie have the hammer was part of his plan so he can show them his true weapon.

“Just to let you all know, this is a fight to the death and not a race, it’s all about tactic and surviving to the finish. And Wamu is the true genius in combat!” Kars mentioned soon the Jojo group realizes what he meant.

Joseph have fallen right into Wamu’s trap.

“Now suffer the mighty wrath of my power!” Wamu said as both his arms began twisting in opposite directions of each other, creating a vacuum of wind around the arms.

“Oh no, Jojo it’s a trap?!” Pinkie warned reaching out for him but it was too late, Joseph was already in close range in mid-air.

“Divine Sandstorm”

The blasts of winds attack Joseph hard and powerful shredding some holes in his clothes then to his flesh as blood spray out by the force from the wind attack. Joseph groan and moan of pain feeling his very body like they’re about to be torn apart as falls back into his chariot with a panicking Pinkie.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHH, JOJO’S DOWN, JOJO’S DOWN!!!” Pinkie screamed while trying drive the chariot but this is becoming difficult.

“One’s already out; I had hoped that this would last longer.” Kars mocked seeing how a easy for Wamu is, the vampires cheer for Wamu success.

“Might want to take a closer look, Kars.” Jotaro said Kars is confuses of what Jotaro meant until he became gasps in fear.

Wamu’s expression is pale and pain like the life had been suck right out of him as he sweats down his face, looking down to see both his arms are damage as well and burn like they were hit by heater and could fall off as well.

“What, how can this… wait if Wamu’s hurt then what about Joseph?” Kars asked to see Joseph standing alright and Pinkie smile while giggling.

“All as Plan!” Joseph and Pinkie said thumbs up to each other.

“But how, how can they do this to Wamu?” Kars asked furiously.

“Well from what I can tell; Joseph somehow knew Wamu would unleash a powerful wind attack so he made sure that he would focus on him.” Jonathan analyzed of Joseph and Pinkie’s plan.

“So he wouldn’t notice that when Pinkie tried to reach out for Joseph, she was actually throwing a small party streaming colored black so no one could see it wrapping it round Wamu’s arms when they were still spinning even for a moment.” Jotaro added.

“Which it was charge with Hamon energy and tug the streaming right at the moment Wamu fires the tornado attack.” Giorno added.

“That short circuited the Divine Sandstorm, reducing the damage dramatically so Joseph would only suffer small damages.” Kars added beginning to piece in what his enemies are talking about, feeling angry that those two could think of something like that in the middle of the battle but his anger soon turns to a smile.

“BOO-YA!” Joseph and Pinkie cheered as they high-five each other proudly.

However, Kars’s anger suddenly transform into grin as he chuckles with his eyes close causing everyone confuses of his mood change.

“Hey now, what’s with the creepy chuckle.” Josuke asked.

“I think that’s a very bad sign.” Spike said shaking in fear in Twilight’s arms as she holds him tightly.

“While those two may have dealt some damage to Wamu but that pain will only make him stronger!” Kars stated shocking everyone and turns their attention to Wamu.

Wamu muster all the strength he can for his arms to move, forming his hands into thumbs up in which instantly he implies them into his eyes. Everyone expect Kars freak out that Wamu would make himself go blind.

“That dude is crazy, now he won’t be able to see?!” Rainbow shouted in confusion.

“No, it exactly what he wants I read about this, all athletes have the mental shutdown to their mind when they feel failure and losing, bringing out one last herculean-strength to pull off a big comeback.” Jotaro explained as he grinds his teeth.

“Indeed, Wamu took his eyes out of the math and now he’ll able to see more with the wind than the light with his eyes and his horn will help with that!” Kars said ordering a drink while still keeping his eyes in the fight.

“I wonder if I could do that?” Rainbow asked herself.

“W-wait, did you just say ‘horn’?” Twilight asked Kars pointed at Wamu now seeing a drill-like horn on his forehead.

“Now it’s time for two to get the heat!” Wamu said smashing his chariot against his opponents forcing them closer to the fire.

“Dang it, we have no choice but to abandon ship!” Joseph suggested grabbing Pinkie by the waist before jumping off. But at that moment, something came out of Pinkie’s hair.

It’s a container of sprinkles, when Pinkie saw it she tried to grab them but only by the tip of her finger and somehow it started glowing pink. The sprinkles landed right at the center-pipes between the vampire-horses and EXPLODE!

“What the… what was that?!” Kars asked furiously.

“It looked like some sort of explosion, did they planted a bomb on Wamu chariot?” Flash asked confuses as everyone else.

Now that the horses are no longer dragging the chariot, Wamu is left on his own and also knew that Joseph and Pinkie have left theirs so he did the same; by jumping high to the sky and dive straight for Joseph and Pinkie.

“Jojo, he’s coming towards us!” Pinkie warned pointing at Wamu as he prepares a double drop kick on the two.

“Then let’s give him a ‘warm welcome’.” Joseph said Pinkie nodded and the two held each other with one arm while they hold up their elbow with some Hamon charge.



Wamu legs clashes with the Hamon attack, but as he might the Hamon was too strong for him to bear as he groan in pain and fell down a few feet from the two Hamon fighters. His whole body is now unable to fight but Wamu’s will to fight still goes on.

(Music End)

“I never lose in a fight, not once, and yet I’m on the edge of Death doorstep.” Wamu groan as his body aches in pain, struggling to stand on his knees.

“You leave me no choice.” Wamu muttered as he stands furious and both his arms seem to be gone.

“What, where did his arms go?” Joseph asked freaking with Pinkie that Wamu may have a trick up his sleeves.

Suddenly, something burst out of Wamu’s chest and grab the two to the stone circle where the fire is, looking closely the things that grabbed them are Wamu’s arms squeezing their necks.

“Damn it, he hid them in his wounds waiting for the chance to catch them.” Jotaro said.

“And now he’s choking them so they can’t breathe for their Hamon!” Sunset added worrying that Joseph and Pinkie are in trouble now.

“Now you two will feel the destructive power of my Ultimate Mastery!” Wamu shouted as pipes are coming out of his abs and wind starts going into them.

“Ultimate Mastery?!” Kars repeated realizing what Wamu is planning to do. “No Wamu, you can’t, that technique will kill you if you use it!” He warned but knowing Wamu is already going to use it.

“Is he getting more hot air in his head or it is gonna be more dangerous?” Pinkie asked struggling to get the hand off of her.

“The wind is going right into the pipes, oh this is gonna get really super bad?!” Joseph feared as Wamu is about unleash is final trump card.

“Ultimate Mastery: Atmospheric Rift”

Author's Note:

KO new chapter is finish, hope you all enjoy it.

The fight was epic and hard for Joseph and Pinkie but they still keep on going without stopping but now Wamu has unleash his unltimate attack. Will the two Prank-Lovers survive? Find out next time!

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

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