• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Planetarium Consume of Darkness from Within

Planetarium Consume of Darkness from Within

The group of heroes have made their way to the Planetarium where they will find the Dark Brothers hopefully to find them all and end the Joestar family's nightmare for good, but they also need to be very cautious for there could be traps and enemy Stand Users waiting for them.

"So, are there any warnings we should know about the place besides to know about the planets and such." Spike asked.

"There is a secret passageway that can lead you to the hidden, underground lair where they do their business. The entrance is hidden in the meteor as I'm sure you remember which one." Bucciarati explained.

"What about any minions, how many are there and are they Stand User?" Jonathan asked.

"I believe that is something you should be worried about the most." Bucciarati said.

"Why? I'm sure we can take on any wipes those brothers can throw at us." Joseph smirked.

"It's because there is only one Stand User, and he is quite the most fearsome Stand User I have ever met." Bucciarati revealed shocking the young heroes.

"Seriously, only one guy?" Jotaro asked, finding a hard time believing what the Italian boy is saying.

"If they only needed one guard to make sure their hideout stays a hidden then this guy might be more trouble than what he's saying." Twilight stated.

"That's right, and his power is something none of us could beat if we're not careful." Bucciarati said feeling the fear within him raising a little.

"So, what exactly is his power?" Fluttershy asked while holding Iggy for her own comfort, the dog himself growls.

"From what I can tell so know as I've only seen him use his power a mere few times, and it's the power to send things to nothingness." Bucciarati gulped.

"Nothingness, as in no longer existing?" Pinkie asked shaking in fear as Joseph holds her hand for comfort.

"The User known as Ice as a Stand that can become a portal to a void-like dimension and anything that passes through that portal, they are disintegrated into nothingness. All except for Ice for he can use it as a hiding place." Bucciarati explained.

"Okay, now that is scary." Rainbow Dash gulped.

"And Ice isn't harm by this ability, kind of like my Crazy Diamond can't restore me." Josuke compared that trait to his Stand.

"Yes, not to mention when entering his own void, his Stand becomes unseeable and flies around making him that much deadlier in combat." Bucciarati mentioned that part.

"Oh great, more things to worry about." Josuke exclaimed.

"But there must be a way to beat this guy, nothing is totally invincible until proven otherwise." Sunset pointed out.

"We'll have to find that out once we meet this guy." Applejack said feeling shaken up.

"To be honest, I was hoping we don't ever meet Ice and his Stand, Cream." Bucciarati said also mentioning the name of Ice's Stand.

Pinkie stop for a second of what Bucciarati just said then let out a sudden burst of laughter getting everyone's attention as she fell onto the ground and holding onto her stomach.

"Pinkie, we're about to reach the enemy's home. How can you be laughing at a time like this?" Sunset asked, looking a little irritated.

"But… But it totally makes this guy so silly! I mean the guy's name is Ice and his Stand's name is Cream." Pinkie pointed out while laughing at the same time.

Now it was Joseph's turn to laugh uncontrollable realizing of what Pinkie is getting at and never knew it could be so funny until now.

"Ice-Cream! The guy is literally calling himself a sweet dessert!" Joseph agreed with Pinkie.

"Come on, guys, this is no to be fooling around." Johnny said though couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Maybe he got the idea while I was eating ice-cream in a hot day." Fluttershy joked with a giggle.

It wasn't long before the others start laughing with them too though not as much as Pinkie and Joseph together, but it was still a fun moment to enjoy even Bucciarati was chuckling as if all the fear he was feeling has been washed away.

"I must say, your friends are something else to laughing when we're about to face danger." Bucciarati to Giorno.

"Yeah, they've always done there best to make things feel positive even in our darkest hour." Giorno smiled at Fluttershy who smiles back.

"And we're going to use that good feeling against the Dark Brothers." Pinkie stated cheerfully.

"That's true." Jonathan smiled.

Bucciarati takes a good look at this good believing once again these people really can take down the Dark Brothers and their evil, perhaps they can save the world this great threat and he may be able to finally know peace once that mission is done.

"Come, the Planetarium is up ahead." Bucciarati said pointing the way.

"Onward to destiny!" Rarity declared and everyone marches forward to find the Dark Brothers.

(With the Dark Brother)

D2 is seen in front of a crystal ball with the rest of his remaining brothers as he summons a couple thorns from his hand and tap onto the crystal ball, it glows for a couple of seconds until he shows the image of the Joestar Brothers with the Rainbooms and Bucciarati is leading them here too.

"It would appear Bucciarati has finally betrayed us." D2 smirked.

"Can't say I'm surprise, he has been holding hatred toward us ever since we took him away from his home." Valentine stated.

"We should have just killed him and found a new servant, one very devoted to us like Ice." Diavolo angered of this.

"Excuse me, but who's idea was it to find this guy and make him work for us? Oh right, it was you." Kira blamed his younger brother for this.

"Well, if had a better idea then maybe you should've spoken up." Diavolo yelled.

"Maybe I would have, but nobody is perfect! Isn't that right, you shut-in idiot!" Kira insulted.

"Pot's calling the kettle black, prediction obsession fool!" Diavolo insulted back.

"Both of you stop it NOW!" Valentine and D2 shouted at the same time getting their brothers to stop fighting amongst each other.

"We're sorry." Kira and Divaolo apologized.

"Now, we need to be prepared for when these so-called heroes arrive." Valentine stated.

"Hmm, there is still some time before the night comes and we'll need a good diversion to keep them busy until them." D2 said.

"You plan on fighting them by yourself?" Kira asked.

"I am, but I will be doing this alone and you're coming with me." D2 pointed at Kira making him shock.

"What? You want me to fight them too?" Kira asked. He knew he would have to face the Joestar Brothers too, but he didn't think it would be this soon.

"That's right, our two oldest brothers fell because they fought those heroes alone trying to take them out one by one, but it's time we try something different." D2 explained his plan.

"I see, you want to truly finish those brothers and the Rainbooms off for good as we can no longer take any chances." Valentine figured out the reason.

"That's right, they have mocked our quest for conquest of the world too much." D2 nodded.

"Not to mention the angry within in, screaming for revenge against them for what they did to Dio and Kars." Diavolo narrowed his eyes in rage.

"Yes, they must pay for destroying our way of life!" Kira agreed, looking angry himself.

"That's right, and the way to do that is to unleash our most trustful and loyal servant who has been with us for the longest time we can remember." D2 smirked.

"But before we do that, I would like for you all to know that you will not call me simply as D2 anymore for I wish to be call DIO now." D2 now referred to himself as DIO.

"True, we won't have to worry about calling you that since one Dio is gone though not what we had in mind." Valentine agreed to this.

"Now on the second notion is to let out Ice." DIO said.

"Ice, come! The Dark Brothers summon you." DIO called out.

A few seconds later, a hole instantly appeared close to them as an invisible sphere is hovering around the Dark Brothers for a moment until it stops and some kind of monster appear with its mouth opening to let out a man and kneeling before his master.

"You summoned me, my lords?" Ice asked.

"Welcome, Vanilla Ice. I hope you're ready for some action because we have an important task for you." Diavolo said.

Vanilla Ice is a very tall, muscular man with wavy, collarbone-length hair. He wears a pair of metallic, raspberry color heart-shaped earrings, and matching light headpiece carrying a heart crossing his forehead. He wears a dark, leather-tailed, open waistcoat on top of a long-sleeved leotard. Across his right shoulder is a metallic strap connected to a large heart over his right breast and the letters "VI". There is a smaller heart at the base of his abdomen, secured by a band around his waist acting as a belt. Bare-legged, he wears dark, mid-calf-high boots.

"Bucciarati has turned on us and join forces with the Joestar Brothers." Kira informed.

"Can't say I'm surprise, my lords. The fool was never truly on our side as I suspect he was plotting something against you, yet he made no such motions and could not act against for that would upset you who hand picked him, Lord Diavolo." Ice stated his reason.

"You were right to be suspicious of him because now, he is leading them here to us." Diavolo said clutching his fists.

"It has been decided that D2 now wishing to be called DIO and Kira will be fighting the Joestar Brothers, but DIO will need time until night comes." Valentine explained the plan.

"That is where you come in, with your power you can hold off those wannabe heroes long enough until the sun is setting into the night." DIO said walking up to Ice.

"Ice, I remember the day when we found you some time after Wamu joined our cause. You were a very lost man, soulless with no purpose in life and you were even about to committee suicide." DIO remembered that day.

"I could not forget; it was then you and your brothers showed showing me the path I was destined to be on and forever I serve you until the end of time." Ice devoted strongly to DIO and his brothers.

"So glad to hear that devotion, now our guests are going to be here soon. Go and get ready to "greet" them." DIO ordered.

"Of course, and perhaps you won't need to fight them because with my Stand Cream, they will be nothing!" Ice declared as he brought out his Stand.

Cream appears as an exceptionally tall, skull-faced humanoid monster with a mask akin to an executioner's cowl and has heart-shaped motifs on its body.

Cream opens its mouth letting Ice inside its void and swallow its own body to into the void forming the unseen deadly sphere and flew right out of the room, leaving a hole through the door.

"I love how Ice is loyal to us, but… For fuck sake, couldn't he just use the door like normal people?!" Kira shouted in anger.

"I'll get the door fix again." Diavolo sighed.

"No need, I believe that tonight we won't be coming back here ever again and don't forget we have other hideouts that none have ever found." Valentine reminded them.

"That's right, the fight can go wild for all we care though tonight the Joestar will die along with those pesky Rainbooms." DIO declared as the brothers started laughing together.

(With the Young Heroes)

Everyone is walking down the street leading to where the Planetarium is as they ready themselves for whatever danger they will face.

"Hey Bucciarati, think you tell us what you do know about the Dark Brothers' Stand Powers while we still got the time?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I would if I could, but unfortunately I never knew what they're powers are as I've been rarely summon to their side." Bucciarati mentioned.

"I see, they don't want to give away their secrets even to those among they can trust." Jonathan stated.

"Cunning bastards." Jotaro commented.

"But even if we don't know their full power, we might still be able to figure them out when we fight them like those times against Dio and Kars." Sunset pointed out.

"Yes, but we'll have to be extra careful because we don't know what evil tricks they can pull from their sleeves." Giorno advised everyone to be cautious.

"I don't think some of them wear sleeves." Pinkie shrugged.

Suddenly something starts to feel dark and eerie, like the air itself is becoming heavier to breath and their bodies are shaking from this overwhelming feeling.

"Whoa, what the heck is going on?" Josuke asked, feeling like he's about to sweat.

"I don't know, and for some reason my body wants to run away from whatever it's up ahead." Johnny said feeling a little freak out at the moment.

"You're not the only one." Applejack gulped.

"It's like we just enter into something brutal and very horrible." Rarity clenched onto Jonathan.

"B-Bucciarati, is that where those Dark Brothers are?" Fluttershy asked scared while Giorno holds onto her tightly and Iggy panting hard.

"You are correctly, the strange feeling we are sensing are coming off from the Dark Brothers." Bucciarati answered, feeling fear trying to consume him.

At long last, they have arrived at the Planetarium as they can feel the dark intense feeling is getting stronger as they got closer until they stop at the footsteps of the place and look up almost like the Dark Brothers are provoking them to come along.

"D-Do we really have to go in there?" Spike asked shaking in and hides inside of Twilight's backpack.

"I'm afraid we have to, they're in there and we must face them now." Jonathan stated.

"How do you ever get use to this every day you worked for them?" Johnny asked Bucciarati.

"I don't." Bucciarati said with his eyes shadowed by his eyes which shocks the youngest Joestar Brother.

Iggy can see the place feeling what everyone else is feeling, he knew the moment everyone steps into that place then there is no going back until they take care of business here or they might die, but he didn't want to die as he started to like this town and being around Fluttershy the most as the others aren't do bad themselves.

Iggy wiggles his way out of Fluttershy's arms and jump down.

"Iggy, what are you doing?" Fluttershy asked and he turns around barking at her.

"He says he's gonna take point forward to sniff out any danger up ahead." Spike translated.

"Huh, I didn't think the lazy dog would start turning into a hero now." Joseph impressed, thinking this dog is starting to warm up to them.

Iggy glance at Spike giving him that brave look though also showing at the same time that he is scared like Hell, wanting to run away right now and just do his own business except he won't because this is something he got to do for the sake of himself and others.

Spike felt those emotions from the stare and surprise to that Iggy is still going in there despite being so scared, making him think he should be brave too for everyone.

(Alright, I know what I want to do now.)" Spike thought decided and jumped out of Twilight's backpack.

"Spike!" Twilight surprised.

"Don't worry, I'm going to help Iggy to sniff out any danger. That way we can have more cover on both sides." Spike explained and looked toward Iggy who gave him a grin.

"Alright, we're counting on both of you to lead cover our fronts." Jonathan nodded.

"Just remember, if any danger happens, just jump into my bag." Twilight advised and getting a lick from Spike.

"Promise." Spike nodded.

Soon, everyone enters the Planetarium seeing the place is empty which makes it extra creepy as they stay close to each other while making their way to the meteor with the star shape marks.

"Here it is, stand back." Bucciarati said to the others and press onto one of the stars until he reaches the platform sliding a secret slot open and back in, then a secret door opens behind the meteor.

"I'll admit, it is a genius way to hide yourselves." Jotaro commented.

"Let's do this." Rainbow Dash pounded her fists together.

Spike and Iggy went in first followed by everyone else to enter the dark lair of evil.

To Be Continue…

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The heroes have made their way into the Planetarium with Spike and Iggy at the front to help sniff out anything odd along the way, but they will soon learn they'll need more than once they face against Ice as he will come to turn them into nothingness.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumb up button, and follow through of how this story will go!

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