• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Figuring Out the Time of Battle

Figuring Out the Time of Battle

Jotaro and the others made it out of the secret escape tunnel coming out onto the surfer where DIO and Kira are also there.

"Finally made it out!" Jotaro said.

"And there are those shithead bastards!" Josuke spotted the two Dark Brothers, clutching his fists and ready to give them a pounding they'll never forget.

"Oh great, the "heroes" have actually followed us." DIO cursed those fools for not dying back down there.

"Don't worry, my attack is still going to follow them until the end of time." Kira assured with a confidence smirk.

Jotaro put Sunset down and glares seriously at DIO not hiding his intent to kill the bastard in yellow, he starts walking forward to DIO with Star Platinum coming out and charging at the enemy with a strong punch only to be intercepted by The World's leg knocking it to the side and tries to attack with that same leg, but Star Platinum quickly blocks the strike with its other arm.

"You should have stayed in the unground lair, at least you'll have a luxurious grave." DIO taunted.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but those stupid fancy stuff aren't really my thing!" Jotaro stated as Star Platinum starts throwing some strong punches at DIO's Stand trading blows again.

"I hope you're ready, Kira, because you're going down!" Rainbow Dash blitzed at the bomb man.

"Fool! You're rushing at me forgetting what I'm capable of?" Kira laughed at Rainbow Dash while getting Killer Queen ready to blow her up.

"Oh, I didn't forget." Rainbow Dash smirked.

Rainbow Dash instantly stop herself with in front of Kira and his stand then move to her right for a pink and white fist coming slams onto the face of Killer Queen with the damage reflecting onto the User, then the fist is revealed to be Crazy Diamond.

"Looks like you were the one falling into our trap!" Josuke smirked.

The two had plan to have Kira think that Rainbow Dash was gonna rush at him blinding to attack his front but have Josuke's Stand hide behind the rainbow hair girl with its speed being able to match hers (and surpass) to make it the perfect sneak attack on Kira.

"You little shit!" Kira angered.

Killer Queen throws down its right arm to attack Josuke's Stand only for Crazy Diamond move faster than Killer Queen to smack the arm away then threw a knee-kick to the stomach.

"(Damn it… This kid is faster than my Stand!)" Kira thought gasped as he coughs out blood.

"You're done for now!" Josuke declared.

"Don't think I'm going down that easy, you stupid punk!" Kira refused to be defeated by the likes of a Joestar boy.

"DORARARARARARARARA!" Crazy Diamond threw a few barrage punches at the enemy Stand that is blocking the attacks with its arms, but the force from Josuke's Stand is pushing Kira back.

"It looks like Kira is having trouble on his end." DIO noticed that Kira is starting to lose ground.

"Pay attention to the one you're fighting!" Jotaro shouted as he jumps high.

Star Platinum charges forward to throw down a punch that was blocked by the muscular yellow Stand of DIO, but Jotaro's Stand didn't stop as it throws some more punches that are being blocked though Star Platinum was able to land a soft but hard hit on the cheek of The World.

"It looks like you still got more to show." DIO commented.

"A show you'll never forget after you die!" Sunset unleashed four magic energy beams at DIO from behind on his left.

DIO quickly reacted by having The World deflect each beam with its arms though they still stung a little like the first one she did, but DIO didn't care about the stung.

And that's when Star Platinum come in right after the moment DIO's Stand deflect that last magic blast and threw a punch across the face, then it goes on with some more punches at the enemy Stand, but The World soon block those punches and counterattack with one in the stomach.

"You and that bitch of yours are starting to get annoying!" DIO angered.

"Then we're doing a good job!" Jotaro said.

"And don't think we're gonna fall for that mysterious power of yours!" Sunset said as she flies around.

"Oh, you really think you're prepared for the frightening power of I, DIO?" DIO asked sarcastically with a chuckle.

Just as Sunset was about to fly past a tree, she suddenly finds herself flying towards Twilight who wasn't even close to the spot and yet, here she is and Sunset crashes onto the purple glasses wearing girl.

"Sunset?" Twilight shocked.

"How did you get here so fast? I didn't even have time to see you coming." Twilight asked as they got back up.

"I don't know, DIO just did that weird power of his Stand." Sunset confused of this too.

"And you won't have the time to figure out the secret of my Stand when you're dead." DIO said, suddenly appearing right behind Sunset.

Twilight gasp in shock and reacted on instinct to use her magic on The World's fist to slow it down just enough for Sunset to move out of the way.

"Worthless girl." DIO mocked Twilight as he has his Stand to continue the punch at Twilight to send her flying away.

"Don't I'm going to let you get away with trying to kill my girl!" Jotaro charged at DIO with rage in his eyes.

"Then try doing better to protect her because if you don't…" DIO paused with a smirk.

Jotaro jumps forward with Star Platinum out to attack DIO and drive one fist right into his damn skull, but suddenly Jotaro now finds himself right above the escape tunnel where they came out from and was about to fall back in.

"Shit!" Jotaro quickly got his Stand to stop himself from falling in.

"You will meet your fate at one entrance of fate." DIO finished his sentence with an evil grin.

Before Jotaro turn around to face against DIO again, he notices something off inside the tunnel and use the enhanced sight of Star Platinum to see a little of the dark and saw a pair of tiny glowing red light showing themselves getting closer and closer to him.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" Jotaro gasped.

"Look at me!" Sheer Heart Attack shouted as he goes up the tunnel toward Jotaro.

"Shit! Gotta move!" Jotaro jumped back away from the hole.

"Everyone, look out! It's that shitty tiny thing is here!" Jotaro shouted, shocking the girls and Josuke.

"Yes! Yes! YES!" Kira shouted in joy.

"Come, Sheer Heart Attack and destroy these fools who dare to stand against the Dark Brothers!" Kira laughed in joy and pointed at Josuke.

Suddenly, Spike jumps high to bite hard onto Kira's arm close to the wrist causing the young bomb man to scream in pain and blood coming out from the bite attack as Kira tries to force the dog off with a few punches on the head.

"You stupid mutt! This is why I'm never a dog person!" Kira angered while swinging his arm to shake the dog off.

"Spike, get off from him!" Twilight called out as she use her magic on a tree branch.

When Kira swung his arm forward is the moment Spike let go causing him to be flung away in the air and almost crash onto the ground had Twilight not been able to catch him with her wing, and she quickly pulled down the tree branch to crash on top of Kira knocking him down.

"Timber…" Kira groaned.

"Way to go, Twilight!" Spike cheered as he got himself onto Twilight's shoulder.

But Spike gasp when he saw Sheer Heart Attack coming toward his owner and best friend.

"Behind you!" Spike shouted which Twilight quickly turns around to see it.

Twilight spots the thing from approaching with the use of her levitation magic and lifts the thing in the air.

"I'll help you with that!" Rainbow Dash came in with her superspeed to kick the thing away and pin it toward a tree.

"I got the thing down, get those Dark Brothers!" Rainbow Dash said with a thumbs up.

But both DIO and Kira smirks that the rainbow hair idiot has no idea on what she just did to seal her fate, and it's too late to know as Sheer Heart Attack suddenly exploded that blew her away and causes her leg to disform with bruises and burn marks along with blood gushing out from the wounds.

"AAAAAAAHHHH?!" Rainbow Dash screamed in pain.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Josuke freaked out.

Josuke hurry over to his rainbow girlfriend, almost forgetting about Kira who is clenching onto his bleeding arm.

"It was bad enough that your Stand can make things into bombs by touching, now he has a little thing exploding too!" Josuke complained and quickly used Crazy Diamond to restore Rainbow Dash's leg to heal it.

"Not only that, but Sheer Heart Attack is also indestructible that both of your Stands combined cannot destroy it!" Kira bragged while wrapping one sleeve to cover the bleeding arm.

"If you said it's impossible… Then I'm going to prove you wrong!" Josuke shouted in rage and charged at Sheer Heart Attack.

"Yeah, you go get him!" Rainbow Dash cheered for her boyfriend.

"Jotaro! You're with me!" Josuke called out.

"Fine." Jotaro sighed and punched DIO with Star Platinum away for a moment to make his way to Josuke.

Josuke quickly has Crazy Diamond pick up the little evil tank and threw it in the air, then letting it fall right between himself and Jotaro.

"ORA/DORA!" Both Stands of the Joestar brothers threw their punch at Sheer Heart Attack.

"I hope you don't mind if we play with your little toy for a bit!" Josuke said angrily.


The two Joestar brothers would not light up their punches as they are trying really hard to beat the living crap out of this little tank, the strikes are also causing little shockwaves from the impact of the Stands' fists and onto Sheer Heart Attack being helpless like this.

However, despite putting everything they have into beating up Sheer Heart Attack with their strongest Stands together, they could barely put a dent onto the damn thing and even making a crack on its skull face isn't exactly making the thing scream in pain or anything that seems to hurt it.

Kira is watching on how pointless those brothers are doing with how they are trying to destroy his attack though he can feel his hand aching in a little pain, he looks down at his right hand shaking a little crazy.

"(I didn't think those two would even be able to make my hand shake in pain like this, their Stands truly are powerful. Almost like DIO's Stand, The World.)" Kira thought impressed with their strength.

"Come on! Come on! Break already!" Josuke angered that this piece of junk isn't breaking.

"I think Kira might not be bluffing about this thing being indestructible to our Stands!" Jotaro admitted, even though he hates it.

"Oh my, I feel left out. Maybe this will get their attention." DIO smirked as he pulls out three knives from his coat.

"Let see how you enjoy being stabbed in the head!" DIO threw the knives for Jotaro who is still trying to break Sheer Heart Attack with Josuke.

"Jotaro!" Sunset screamed worry for her boyfriend.

She quickly moves the fastest she can to fire a flame-like magical blast for the knives to knock them away before they could even get close to Jotaro, and the magic blast has also hit the tree breach that Kira was under and used Killer Queen to throw it away then gets set on fire.

"This is getting us nowhere, Josuke. Let just throw the damn thing away and think of another plan." Jotaro advised, feeling this power struggle is becoming pointless now.

"Alright." Josuke agreed with his older brother.

Crazy Diamond and Star Platinum threw one last punch at the tank bomb sending it away and crashing very close to the burning tree breach.

"Fools, didn't I tell you?" Kira asked rhetorically with a chuckle.

"Sheer Heart Attack cannot be destroyed even when the two of you combined your strength! Might as well give up and accept your death!" Kira smirked.

"Not on your life!" Sunset fired a magic blast at Kira who quickly has his Stand to block it.

Sheer Heart Attack got to moving again, ready to find one of the victims to destroy and the next thing he blows up to destroy was… the burning tree branch.

"Huh?" The Joestar Brothers and the Girls were confused about what just happened.

"Uh, is it just me or did that thing went after the tree branch?" Twilight confused.

"You're not the only one, it's like those punches just made it dummier." Rainbow Dash commented.

"Damn it, the flames must have drawn Sheer Heart Attack to attack that breach understand since it's like a heat-seeking missile." Kira cursed about that one weakness of Sheer Heart Attack.

"Oh, so it's only attacking if it senses intense heat." Sunset smirked, getting an idea.

"(I don't like the look in her eyes.)" DIO thought feared what Sunset is up to.

"Kira, be careful!" DIO warned.

But Kira reacted to his big brother's words too slow as Sunset fired another magic blast at Kira's shirt causing it to burst into a big puff of flames, this causes Kira to scream in fear and pain from the fire starting to burn on the boy.

"FIRE! NO!" Kira screamed as he tries to get the shirt off quickly.

But then Kira's fear grew even more when he saw his own Sheer Heart Attack coming towards him with the intent to blow up at the user.

"It's coming toward me because of the heat from the burning of my shirt! I need to call it off!" Kira panicked, but then Rainbow Dash comes in with a swift kick across the face to prevent him from turning off Sheer Heart Attack.

"That's for what you did to my leg!" Rainbow Dash said with a death-glare.

"NOOOO?!" Kira screamed again when it saw Sheer Heart Attack jumped right at him and then exploded.

"And that's the end of him." Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Very clever to use the flames on my brother to make his own attack come at him." DIO clapped his hand.

"However, that would have succeeded if I wasn't around." DIO smirked, showing Kira right next to him and shirtless with some minor burn marks.

"Thanks, DIO! That was too close." Kira panted.

"Oh, come on! We almost had him!" Rainbow Dash angered.

"How did the bastard even do it? I had my eyes on him the entire time after punching the damn thing, but he suddenly vanished in an instant." Jotaro wondered what's the secret of DIO's Stand.

"Too bad for you that time is not on your side." DIO looked over to the sun setting and the sky slowly becoming dark.

"(Time, why do I get the feeling that DIO is involved with time somehow.)" Sunset thought asked herself.

"Kira, call back Sheer Heart Attack if you don't want them to use it against you again." DIO advised.

"Yeah, it's for the best." Kira agreed and calls back the tank bomb.

"(Time… Time… Could it really be…?)" Sunset thought more about The World's power and the moments it has been use.

"No, it couldn't be!" Sunset gasped with realization struck her like lightning.

"I'm coming for you!" Rainbow Dash readied himself to charge at DIO, but suddenly she fell showing her legs has painful cuts and one knife stabbed on her right leg.

"OH, COME ON!" Rainbow Dash screamed in pain.

"How the heck did that happen?" Josuke gasped.

"It has to be DIO." Jotaro said.

"And I'm afraid you're right, I think I may have figure out what DIO's secret." Sunset stood up as she clutches her fist.

"DIO's Stand, The World, has the power to stop time!" Sunset revealed, pointing her finger at DIO while her friends and boyfriend gasp in shock upon hearing this.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

It looks like the Joestar heroes have started to push the enemies back like forcing Kira to call back Sheer Heart Attack after using it against him, and now Sunset figured out the secret of DIO's Stand power which will now become even harder for them to defeat the Dark Brothers.

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