• Published 26th Aug 2015
  • 3,162 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure - Saiyan of the North Star

This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.

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Feeling the Time on Another Star

Feeling the Time on Another Star

"DIO's Stand, The World, has the power to stop time!" Sunset revealed and pointed her finger at DIO while the others are shocked.

"Looks like your secret has been found out, DIO." Kira chuckled, not bother by the fact that Sunset was able to figure it out.

"Yes, it would appear that Sunset Shimmer is smarter than she appears to be if she were able to figure out the secret of my Stand power." DIO smirked.

"(No fucking way! Stopping time, is that really a power that a Stand can have?)" Jotaro thought gritted his teeth.

This just became harder for our heroes and their dog upon learning that the evil Stand enemy User has the power to stop time on command, meaning that they're really facing a mountain that couldn't be overcome with that kind of power.

"Oh man, and to think DIO could've just killed all of us right then and there if he can stop time." Spike gulped, hiding behind Twilight's leg.

"This is just great…" Josuke sighed angrily.

But then Twilight suddenly has a thought about what Spike just said, about DIO being able to kill the entire group with the ability to freeze time with his Stand, and yet all those times he used his power during this whole battle that he didn't kill them all which seems strange to her.

"(If DIO really has the power to kill us right then and there, then why hasn't he done it already?)" Twilight thought wondered.

Twilight looks around to see the knives DIO threw earlier are still around getting an idea, though it's a crazy idea that Pinkie Pie might be proud of.

"Here goes nothing!" Twilight flew into the air and use her magic to levitate the knives that are still around on the ground into the air.

"What is she up to?" Kira asked.

"Try paying more attention to yourself!" Spike shouted as he charges at Kira.

"Ugh, not that dog again!" Kira angered and brought out Killer Queen to deal with him.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash smirked as she appears right above Spike who quickly turns around as he spites at Kira, and she goes in for a barrage of kicks.

Kira is shocked and was barely able to defend himself from the incoming sneak attack with his Stand.

Meanwhile, Twilight has the knives move around DIO like a tornado made of blades while she flies a little higher hoping that The World would have the same range limitation as Star Platinum, at least she hopes so.

"Let see if you can get me from this! Sparkling Sharp Tornado!" Twilight threw her arms crossing together causing the floating knives to move around even faster and then closing in on DIO fast as well.

"As if you could even touch me like that." DIO mocked as his Stand is out.

"Go and stop time, The World!" DIO commanded, and his Stand stop time just when the knives were about three inches close to his body.

Everything around DIO have completely stop, all frozen in places that none could move nor have any idea that time is even frozen right now, and DIO is the only one who is able to move freely.

"Oh yes, the world of frozen time. How lovely every time I use it." DIO smiled.

"You know, I didn't always have this power when I first awaken my Stand and named it The World. It was stronger, faster, and far more dangerous than any Stand we've faced and stronger than most of my brothers." DIO bragged as he brought out The World to his side.

"It was then that I had the first DIO brother to shoot me in the back point-blank to my back, and then it happened!" DIO smirked while The World knocked the knives away with a single kick.

"I became to discover the power of freezing time with my Stand, a power that none could ever hope to gain except for I, DIO!" DIO declared, looking up at Twilight.

"Of course, there is a limit for how long I can freeze time, but with The World's speed and power, that limit is a breeze, and my power grows stronger along the way!" DIO stated, pointing a finger at Twilight.

"Do you really think you can run away from me? Very unlikely!" DIO said as he made a strong jump towards Twilight with The World giving its User a boost with a punch to the ground.

"Allow me to show you just how powerless you truly are when you're up against the Dark Brothers!" DIO smirked clutching his fist and reeling it back.

DIO reach Twilight and threw the punch aiming for the head and to send her crashing down to the ground like a meteor, but somehow his fist suddenly stops like he just hit a steel wall only there wasn't anything there.

"What's this?" DIO confused until he got a good look to see that there is a forcefield in front of Twilight.

"Very clever, setting up a forcefield knowing that I would easily escape that pitiful knife tornado attack. Your smart certainly deserves some credit." DIO complimented, impressed with how Twilight set this up while doing that attack.

"However, this kind of forcefield is laughable that I don't even have to bother with breaking through when I can simply go over!" DIO pointed out as he moves over the square forcefield.

"Your clever luck has just run out because of how short-minded on how you could protect yourself from me, and now you're going to die knowing that you made a bitch move!" DIO insulted as The World is ready and about to throw a punch at Twilight.

Back down to the ground and at the frozen Jotaro Kujo, one finger suddenly flinch which trigger an instinct that alerted DIO while he still goes in for the attack.

But then he can feel from his body to his Stand that he just reaches the time limit of how long he can freeze time.

"Damn it, and so close too…" DIO cursed, this must've been Twilight's plan all along.

"Fine, time will unfreeze." DIO undo the time freeze and everything around him started to move again.

Rainbow Dash was toss to the side by Kira's Stand only to find Josuke and his Stand charging at him and threw a log right at evil young man.

"Hope you like your wood hard!" Josuke yelled.

"I just have about enough of the damn trees?!" Kira angered and Killer Queen threw in a barrage of punches to break through the log.

DIO lands back on the ground while Twilight let out a sigh of relief knowing that her crazy plan had actually work seeing that DIO retreated back when he was literally in front of her.

"Just as I thought." Twilight flew back down to her friends.

"Twilight, are you okay?" Sunset asked concern.

"I'm fine, glad that my crazy plan worked before DIO could even hit me when he froze time." Twilight said.

"Plan? What do you mean by that?" Jotaro asked curiously.

"While the power to freeze time may seem like an OP ability that DIO has and spell certain doom for us, but he just helped me find a weakness." Twilight grinned.

"Oh, you found a weakness in my ability to freeze time, now you got me curious." DIO said, crossing his arms.

"All this time when you had that power, you could've killed us back at the underground secret hide out or even all of us when we first came in, but you didn't." Twilight pointed out.

"Huh, that does seem strange." Sunset started to see this as well.

"And we even had to chase him through the tunnel when they were escaping." Jotaro added.

"Okay, is there a point to this?" Josuke asked.

"Yes, yes, there is." Twilight nodded and look at DIO.

"DIO, you have the power to freeze time to a standstill, but there is a limit to how long you can actually freeze time and my best guess is that limit is three or four seconds, five at the most!" Twilight revealed her discovery.

"Okay, now that smarty girl isn't funny anymore!" Kira angered, clutching his fists.

"So, he can only freeze time for five seconds. That does sound nice… but is that really going to make a difference?" Josuke asked.

"Yeah, even I still see that's a problem." Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"Hehe, your friends are right to be concern and fear because even though you have discovered the secret of The World's power, you're still going to facing death when we're through with you!" DIO smirked.

"That's right, so you might as well just die like the pathetic heroes you are!" Kira smirked and have Killer Queen threw a dozen tree branches at Josuke.

"(Shit! He could've made those branches into bombs!)" Josuke though feared and quickly grab a really long and big tree branch with the arm of Crazy Diamond.

Josuke quicky threw the branch to smack against the other smaller tree branches when they were a few feet closer to him, and Kira activates the bomb ability causing the tree branches to explode destroying the large branch and the shockwave send Josuke flying to crash into a tree.

"I got you now!" Kira jumped at Josule with Killer Queen's hand to stab it through the chest.

But Josuke wouldn't let that attack land on his body and Crazy Diamond punches the ground and using the restoration to make a makeshift ground shield to block the attack.

"That won't be enough to stop me!" Kira pointed out.

Killer Queen thrust its hand pierce through the stone shield only for a punch to almost snap the fingers to bend the opposite way, this causes Kira to scream in pain.

"I know, which is why it's a good trick!" Joseph smirked as he moves out of the way.

"DORARARARARARA!" Crazy Diamond unleashed a barrage of punches at Kira and Killer Queen landing some devasting damage on them and send them flying.

Sunset fires a few magic blasts at DIO who dodges them and have his Stand punch the ground so hard that it sends dirty projectiles at her, she dodges out of the way and Jotaro goes in to attack from behind.

"Like you could ever sneak up on the likes of me." DIO chuckled, knowing that Jotaro is behind him.

DIO throws back a strong kick that Jotaro quickly blocks with his arm, withstanding the strike for a moment though he does get push back and then DIO comes in throwing his own barrage of punches.

"MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" DIO attacked Jotaro who barely defends himself against these punches.

Jotaro was able to break through the barrage combo of punches and have Star Platinum grab him by the throat and lift him up.

"The World, Freeze Time Now!" DIO activated the Time Stop ability just before his head could make contact with the ground.

"Sorry, but once again, my Stand is far superior than yours, and you will die knowing that!" DIO stated.

The World threw a punch right at Jotaro in the chest sending him flying immediately after time resuming again and Jotaro is going very far towards the city with Sunset quickly going after her boyfriend.

"Kira, I'm going to be taking my fight with Jotaro a little far. I'll be back shortly." DIO informed before going after Jotaro and Sunset.

"That's fine by me, I wouldn't want you to get caught in my explosions that will kill these brats!" Kira smirked with Killer Queen ready to fight again.

"Aren't you around the same age as them?" Spike asked.

"I don't care, just die already!" Kira shouted in rage.

Rainbow Dash quickly comes in and manages to land a blow with a flying kick across the face and another one by spinning around her for an uppercut, then she pulls herself away.

Kira is angry and throws in his Stand to attack Rainbow Dash with its own barrage of punches, Rainbow Dash does her best to dodge them with her greater speed.

"Don't forget about us!" Twilight said as she charges in.

(With Jotaro)

Jotaro is continuing soaring in the air until he crashes through a building and lands sliding on the concrete of the sidewalk.

"Shit, that hurt… Could've been a lot worse if I hadn't had Star Platinum protecting me from behind." Jotaro said, showing his Stand is behind him with its arms cross each other.

"Jotaro! Are you okay?" Sunset flew over to him and lands close to him.

"I'm fine, a few little pebbles on my hat." Jotaro dusted off some pebbles from his hat.

"Jotaro, we got to figure out a way to beat DIO and get around that time stopping power of his!" Sunset said, trying to figure out a way.

"I know, and to think that his Stand and mine are the same type of Stand too." Jotaro said as he got himself back up.

"The same type of Stand?" Sunset started to think about that and remembers something that Jotaro said earlier back at the underground hideout.


"Now, time for you to fear The World!" DIO declared with The World in battle ready stance.

"Hmm, looks like a similar type to my Star Platinum, then that means I can kick his ass up close!" Jotaro charged forward with Star Platinum at the front.

(Flashback End)

"(Hmm, could it be there's more than that?)" Sunset thought wondered.

But no, it couldn't mean exactly like that though it was a high possibility and maybe something that could really help them in their battle against DIO in the long run.

"Jotaro, when you said that yours and DIO's Stand are the same type, what gave you the idea?" Sunset asked.

"Why does it matter now?" Jotaro asked.

"Just answer!" Sunset rushed a little.

"Okay, okay, it's because that it's the same humanoid shape that has power and speed behind those fists just like my Star Platinum along with the limited range of how far it can go from us." Jotaro explained on what he could tell.

"But why does that even matter now?" Jotaro asked.

"Jotaro, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but…" Sunset quickly whispered her theory into Jotaro's ear causing his eyes to widen with shock.

"That has got to be the craziest thing I have ever heard!" Jotaro commented.

"But then again, something did happen to me that may back up that crazy theory of yours." Jotaro mentioned.

"Does that mean…?" Sunset asked, hoping this is right and Jotaro kissed her on the lips for a sec.

"I'll have to find that out for myself, and I may know just how." Jotaro looked down and see something on the ground.

"I hope I'm not interrupting your love because it'll be the last thing you'll do before your death!" DIO shouted with a grin and The World punch a part of the building sending then some debris at them.

"Damn you, DIO!" Jotaro shouted and Star Platinum punches the debris into little bits.

"If you wanted my attention then you got it!" Jotaro jumped high with the legs of his Stand to help.

"That's fine because I wanted to kill you first!" DIO smirked.

"The World, bring time to a halt!" DIO froze time again with Jotaro halted in the air and Sunset is just frozen with a worried expression on her face.

"Yes, it's been a long time coming, but now my father's dream of destroying the Joestar family will finally come to fruition!" DIO raised his hand, and The World came out.

"Die, Jotaro!" DIO said with his Stand going down to strike at Jotaro.

But suddenly he saw Jotaro's fingers move, flinching, which causes DIO to halt his attack and moves away from Joestar delinquent on instinct.

"(What was that just now? His fingers, they moved… They definitely moved but how?)" DIO thought asked shock.

"There's no way, it's almost like he's entering my world of frozen time. But that's impossible, I'm supposed to be the only one with this kind of power!" DIO angered.

"Unless, what he said back then…" DIO remembered Jotaro mentioning that their Stands are similar to each other.

"Damn it, could this also mean that somehow Jotaro posses the power to freeze time as well?" DIO cursed as he floats around Jotaro.

"Can you see me? Are you also to see me within the world of frozen time?" DIO asked, feeling angry from this unfortunate discovery. And he felt his time of freezing time is up.

"Damn it, time resumes now." DIO resumed time as he moves away from Jotaro.

Author's Note:

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The battle against DIO and Kira continues with now DIO wanting to finish off Jotaro once and for all, but it looks like something unexpected has happened with Jotaro that may prove to be DIO's downfall. But will it be enough to make the third Dark Brother beg for mercy?

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