• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

A Date with Danger

As I got ready for my big date with Sunset I could hear Violet moaning and groaning in the next room over most likely about my new found love interest. Now Violet may only be my friend but over the years she has become more and more protective of me and the others acting as a sort of big sister of the group while Power Chord acts as the "Father" figure of our little motley crew not that I blame them Power Chord is basically a second father to me or better yet a first father considering how my real parents treat me and Violet has always been the stern and overprotective type especially after my break up with Gloria and my falling out with my parents. I know she likes me but I have always had this feeling that Violet will someday find a stallion of her own.

I walked out of my bathroom after about twenty minutes of prepping for the date slicking my mane to the point that it wasn't just a natural disaster zone and passed by Violet's room still hearing the sounds of her basically yelling at no one in particular ( though it sounded as if the remark were aimed at me) before passing by the guest room that Vinyl and Octavia sometimes sleep in when they are in town for the night and finally reaching the foyer where I was met by Power Chord who looked at me with his sagely eyes peering into my soul

"You know Violet's not gonna let this go right?" asked my mentor

"eh she'll get over it eventually" I said waving off the idea

" But you know she won't Fret. That mare can hold a grudge for years and you know it" responded Power Chord

"Yeah like how Drumroll broke one of our amps while practicing his drum solo. That happened like five years ago yet she still brings it up " I said groaning at the fact that I knew Pops was right "But don't you worry Pops this is gonna be different"

" If you say so kid. Just remember rule number one"

"Yeah I know. Protecting the innocent comes first." I said before heading outside but not before I bumped into Octavia who was carrying a drunken Vinyl on her back

"Oh pardon me Fret I just need to get Vinyl here to bed before she throws up all over me."

"Oh no prob Octavia you go ahead" I said as Octavia rushed by.....dropping a lock of hair as she ran by

I picked up the piece of hair and looked at for a minute before hitting a realization "No....no way"

"Something wrong kid?" asked Power Chord

I shook my head "No....nothing's wrong" I said before mumbling "There is no way that this can be true" I said as I pocketed the lock of hair before taking off to meet up with Sunset

I arrived at the Olive Branch that Sunset said she would meet me at and noticed a familiar Lunar Guard waiting in line to get in

I trotted up to the batpony and spoke up "Yo! Nightwatch What's up?"

Nightwatch turned to face me and instantly recognized me "Fret! How's it going?"

"Great! I'm here waiting for my date to arrive" I responded

"You got a date? Well I'm guessing Violet isn't happy about this is she?" he laughed

"Yeah she's pretty pissed alright but honestly I couldn't give a damn. I'm in love and she ain't got nothing to do about it"

Nightwatch and I go way back. He was a good friend of my brother and me back when my brother was still alive and when Blazewing died Nightwatch was one of the few ponies on my side when my parents screwed me over and I left my parents to become as rock star. He is also one of the few ponies that knows I am the Nightfury, mostly because, as a Lunar Guard, he can take care of himself. He mostly serves as Nightfury's inside guy when it comes to the royal guard, keeping Nightfury informed and keeping the guards off my back while I'm on a mission.

"So who is this date of your's Fret? "

"Oh no one you would know" I responded

"Try me" dared the Lunar Guard

"Sunset Shimmer" I answered

"Hold the phone! Sunset Shimmer? As in The Sunset Shimmer? The mare that abandoned Princess Celestia's teachings and ran away?" He asked bewildered

"Indeed" came a voice from behind me

We both turned to see none other than Sunset Shimmer dressed in a flowing red dress

'Well Damn....I better step up my game' I thought as I looked upon my gorgeous date

"Well then you must be Sunset. It's a pleasure to meet you" said Nightwatch

Sunset smiled and shook Nightwatch's hoof "The pleasure is all mine"

"Well then Fret looks like you got yourself a keeper" laughed Nightwatch

"Yeah yeah yeah Nighty. Whatever you say" I groaned rolling my eyes

"Well then now that we've introduced ourselves why don't we get to our date Fret" said Sunset Pulling me into the restaurant

"Woah! Sunset what's the rush?" I asked as I was dragged into the Olive Branch

Sunset pulled me to our seats and whispered "Look I may be on a date with you but that doesn't mean I'm only here to have fun. I didn't come here to fool around"

I pouted and asked "Then why are you here?"

Sunset sighed and spoke up " Okay, I'm going to be honest with you. I never actually stopped being taught by Celestia. I was sent to Manehatten to find you and study alongside you."

I tilted my head a bit and asked " Wait...What? What do you mean study alongside me? And does this mean you don't actually like me?"

Sunset giggled a bit before responding " Simply put the princess ordered me to find you and assist you in your quest to protect the city of
Manehatten. As for my feelings towards you....well" Then Sunset leaned forward and stunned me with a kiss before continuing " Let's just say I'm a big fan of your work"

I sat there dumbstruck before shaking my head back into focus and said " Look Sunset, I may respect Celestia's wishes but there is no way I can just let you join the team. What I do is extremely dangerous and I can't just let anypony in on my workings"

Sunset raised an eyebrow and asked "And yet you trust over fifteen ponies with your secret? Fret, there is nothing that you can say that will stop me from helping you... I already know your secret identity, you hideout, and the names of the ponies that you DO trust so you really don't have a choice in the matter"

I groaned as a waiter came up to our table and asked " May I take your order sir and madam?"

Sunset turned to the waiter and spoke "I'd like an order of fresh salad and breadsticks along with some sparkling water please."

I sighed and ordered "I'd like a medium spaghetti plain. Just butter noodles and Parmesan cheese....and a glass of ice water"

Sunset looked at me with her head tilted as the waiter left with our orders "Plain spaghetti?"

"I'm picky when it comes to pasta okay?" I retorted back

"Fair enough" Sunset answered back

"So how exactly did you find out my secrets?" I asked

"Simple really. I just cross referenced your concert times with the appearances of you as Nightfury along with some.....convincing I had done with some of Manehatten's technology producers and bingo!"

'Am I really that simple to figure out?' I wondered

"Anyways there is one thing about you that I have yet to figure out....why did you become Nigthfury in the first place?" asked a confident Sunset

I simply stared out the window and spoke softly "That is a topic for another day Sunset Shimmer"

All of a sudden we both saw two large griffins carrying tommy guns burst into the restaurant yelling "EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!"

'Do I just have some sort of mob magnet attached to me or do I just have really bad luck?' I thought annoyed by the situation interrupting my date

Sunset stood up and trotted up to the thugs and simply said "No. I won't let you ruin my date."

The griffins put their guns to Sunset's head and yelled "I SAID GET ON THE GROUND BITCH BEFORE I BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!"

I would try to stop them but since I have no way of getting to my costume and concealing my identity I just had to sit back and hope for a miracle

Sunset smirked and asked " Do you really think threatening a student of Celestia is a wise move?" as she magically bent their gun barrels backwards. One of the griffins pulled out a pistol and put it to Sunset's head and swore at her to get on the ground. Sunset simply smiled and answered back "Now there is no need for such language in this fine establishment" before magically heating the mobsters weapons causing them to drop them just as the manager of the restaurant came out carrying a double-barreled shotgun chasing out the unarmed mobsters before yelling " AND STAY OUT! I AIN'T AFRAID OF YOU GRIFFIN BASTARDS!" He then walked back into the restaurant apologizing to the costumers before stepping back into his back office

"Here you go sir and madam. One fresh salad with bread sticks for the lady and one plain Spaghetti for the stallion. Please enjoy and if you need anything else please just ask." the waiter said in a Bitalian accent before walking off

I dug in to my food as Sunset raised an eyebrow and I noticed looking up at her before stopping and swallowing

"Eh heh...sorry....It's been awhile since I've been on a proper date...I'm a little rusty on the edicate" I apologized sweating a little

Sunset rolled her eyes " It's not a problem I've seen worse to be honest" she said giggling

"So how exactly did you become a student of the Princess of the sun?"

"Well I grew up here in Manehatten and one day during a school talent show The Princess showed up out of nowhere and after meeting with me back stage she offered me a spot in her Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns and my parents obviously convinced me to say yes so about as year later I was practicing a particularly hard spell when the Princess noticed me and just as I finished the spell She asked me if I would like to become her personal student and I obviously said yes" Sunset explained

"Hold on..The Princess asked you to be her personal student just like that just because you could perform a particular spell? " I asked skeptically "What kind of spell was it anyways?"

"A regeneration spell. I was trying to bring a flower back to life and succeeded. Celestia later told me that that kind of spell should only be able to be pulled off by alicorns"

"So you pulled off a spell that only alicorns can pull off and yet you still weren't the bearer of the element of magic?"

Sunset shrugged "I know it's weird but I asked the Princess once and she simply answered that I have a different destiny" Sunset sighed in frustration " Celestia can be annoyingly vague when it comes to teaching but she gets the job done so I don't question her methods"

I internally chuckled thinking back on my own mentors insane methods of teaching. From throwing wrenches to having me train with Drumroll underwater, Power Chord has had some moments where I simply ask 'What in Tartarus will that help me with?!' and yet his methods have gotten me to where I can take on multiple foes that are all twice my size all at once

We finished our food and I payed the bill as I lead Sunset down the streets of Manehatten towards the center of the city

"Fret, where are we going in the middle of the night?" Sunset asked nervously noticing the lack of lights in the area

"Don't you worry about it! Just trust me that the walk will be worth the reward" I said smiling

I lead Sunset into a large park area Manehatteners know as Middleton Park and I lead my date to a secluded spot that over looked a small waterfall and had a beautiful view of the stars "Tada!" I said gesturing to a large rock that stood right above the waterfall

Sunset looked around and asked "When did you find this place and how are the stars even visible? We're in the middle of a sprawling metropolis and yet you can see the stars clear as day!"

I smirked "Sunset if there is one thing that I've learned over the years it's not to question beauty"

Sunset looked at me for a moment before answering back " That was beyond corny."

I shrugged "Eh I guess my charm just doesn't effect you"

"Either way this place is beautiful. When did you find it?"

I looked up at he stars and solemnly answered "I used to come here with my brother all the time when I was younger.....and when he was still alive"

Sunset looked at me concerned " You really miss him don't you?"

"Yeah. He was one of the only ponies I had growing up that actually cared about me"

Sunset tilted her head in confusion "What about your parents?"

"What about my parents?" I responded sharply "Those two hated me ever since I got my Cutie mark. Heck even before then they hated me"

"I'm confused. Why would your own parents hate you?" asked Sunset

"Simple. I wasn't the child they wanted." I said with a hint of disgust in my voice "They wanted a child that could take over their place in their stupid formal wear business but instead they got me, a child that wanted nothing to do with their suit making business and instead wanted to become a musician....and let's just say they weren't exactly happy about that."

"Well it couldn't of been that bad could it?"

"Oh you have no idea how bad it was. At first they simply tried to ignore my existence and as I grew older they instead decided to make my life as miserable as possible......and then my brother died and they did everything in their corrupt power to keep me away from the one thing I cherished the most" I spoke as the venom towards my parents clearly showed

"And what was that?"

".......I'd rather not talk about it" I answered quietly

We spent hours looking at the stars and eventually Sunset said that she needed to get home so we got up and exited the park

"Well that was certainly fun" I laughed

Sunset simply looked at me and smiled " Yeah, that was fun. Too bad it has to end"

"All good things must" I answered back grinning

All of a sudden we found ourselves surrounded by a bunch of griffins, two of which we recognized from earlier

"Well, well, well if it isn't the rock star Fret Shredder and his dumb date Sunset Shimmer" spoke the largest of the griffins

I instantly recognized the voice of the griffin "well if it isn't the famous Blackbeak himself"

Blackbeak smirked "I see my reputation proceeds me Mr. rock star"

"What do you want?" I asked calmly

He pointed at my date and yelled "Her! That skank made a mockery of my men and ruined chance are getting that restaurant's protection money!"

"Having trouble with the recruits?" I asked smugly "Too bad Goldeneye isn't there to keep them in line"

"How in Tartarus do you know about that?!" roared Blackbeak

"Well it has been all over the news lately." I smirked

Sunset spoke up and said " Why don't you boys just run along and play with your toy guns somewhere else before someone gets hurt"

Blackbeak began laughing like a maniac before yelling "Oh you stupid mare! It's you who's gonna get hurt if you don't shut your face!"

just then in the blink of an eye all the mobsters weapons were cut apart like ribbon as a white cloaked figure stood in front of us wielding a katanna with his magic and in a whisper spoke one simple word: "Run"

Neither Sunset nor I questioned him and we took off towards Sunset's apartment.

As we finally arrived at Sunset's apartment after galloping through the dark streets of the city we were both exhausted and we both looked at each other

"Man, I did not expect running to be a part of our date" said Sunset panting like a dog

"No kidding. Who was that guy anyways?" I asked trying to catch my breath

"No idea. I've researched almost every instance of vigilante appearances in Manehatten and yet I have never seen or heard of anything about a white cloaked Samurai"

"well at least he's on our side" I spoke finally catching my breath "So this is your apartment?"

"Yeah. despite being the student of Celestia I still choose to live in a normal apartment" Sunset said laughing

"And why is that?" I asked

Sunset simply looked at the apartment and said "I grew up in this apartment. This place is and always will be home for me so the Princess paid for me to stay here and I wouldn't have it any other way" Sunset smiled " I guess this is good night"

I smiled "Yeah, I guess it is. See you...when will I see you?"

Sunset paused for a moment and thought "hmmm...how about we meet at your spot at the park a week from now...we'll discuss how I'm going to help you then"

I nodded and said " Well I'm not exactly sure the rest of the crew will be as willing to let you on the team but I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it...good night I guess"

Sunset trotted up to me and gave me a peck on the cheek before whispering in my ear "Good night Nightfury" and walking into her apartment

I flew up into the air and hoof pumped he air yelling "I still got it!" before flying off towards the mansion

I arrived at the mansion as Power Chord and Drumroll were waiting for me

"So Bro how'd your date go?" asked my best friend

"better than I expected to be honest" I spoke rubbing the back of my head

"So what is your new marefriend's motive? " asked my mentor

"What do you mean motive? she just thinks I'm hot!" I said false confidently

The two of them looked at me deadpan and I caved "Okay, okay! She wants to join the team! Apparently the Princess sent her here to join up with us" I explained

Power Chord looked at me straight on and said "You know that She's not gonna like this"

"Violet? You don't think I know that? She's gonna have a conniption either way but we can't just ignore the orders of royalty! I understand that we have to keep Manehatten's inhabitants safe but not only has Sunset figured out my secret identity but she's also got the backing of Princess Celestia!"

The two thought for a second and Power Chord looked at me and said " You're right Fret but before we can officially let your marefriend on the team we have to get to know her better than just one date's worth. To be on this team requires the utmost of trust and one date just doesn't cut it"

I was about to retort but I realized the truth "You're right as always Pops...I talk to Sunset next week and get the info we need"

"Good now lets all get some rest cause tomorrow we've got a big concert"

We all headed for bed as I wondered how i was gonna break the news to Violet in the morning