• Published 13th Aug 2014
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NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

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Meeting the band

Nightfury: Wings of Vengeance

Chapter one

Meeting the Band

Manehatten. To the regular citizen of Equestria it is a bustling city filled with tall buildings and busy ponies leading even busier lives but to a select few it is known by other more sinister qualities. Underground crime networks, drug cartels, rival gangs, and the griffin mafia plague Manehatten’s streets

But there is one name that strikes fear in the heart of every criminal, thug, thief, and mobster in the city of Manehatten:


That is who I am and that is who I have been for the past fifteen years of my life

Unfortunately, being the nightly savior of the city of Manehatten doesn’t pay the bills (in fact it is actually pretty costly) so by day I fall back on my other passion: Music.

By night I am Nightfury, hero of Manehatten, but by day I am Fret Shredder, Rock star lead singer of the uber-famous band Phoenix Rising known most famously for our hit single "Rainboom of the Heart"

I looked on to the city one last time before turning in from my nightly patrols, flying silently through Luna’s night
as I reached the rendezvous point outside an alley I noticed a white coated unicorn mare with a long pink mane and tail and a bass clef cutie mark wearing a black jacket and glasses waiting for me

“Violet, What have I told you about waiting at the rendezvous point for me?” I asked

“Oh shut up Fret. Let’s just get back to base.” She said before teleporting us both back to our base of operations

This was Violet. Violet Bass. She was the Bass guitarist of our band and more importantly was my technical advisor for my Nightfury persona. She always created the best gadgets and doohickeys that I could never begin to understand. Despite being a bit of a know it all and all around nerd she was pretty cool . she was born and raised in Canterlot and went to Manehatten university to get a degree in technology which is where I met her

“So how’d the new night vision specs I designed work out?” Asked Violet

“Pretty good actually. I’m just glad they didn't blow up in my face like during the test run” I said

“Hey that was one time!” she snorted angerly as we met up with yet another one of my band members

“Well if it isn't Miss techno-whatsit and big hero boy” said the rusty orange stallion in his signature gruff country accent

“Hey Drumroll” We replied

This is Drumroll. He’s a rusty orange earth stallion with brown slicked back mane and tail his mane featuring green streaks in it. His cutie mark was that of a snare drum being played by two drumsticks. Two other notable features were his thick brown handlebar mustache and his brown Stetson he calls “Bessie” He is of course our drummer and is Nightfury’s personal trainer but more importantly he was my best friend since college. We met when in music theory one day and hit it off and have been bros ever since.

“So are y’all dating each other or what?” asked my country brother

“NO! Violet and I are NOT dating! No matter what the tabloids say I will never date her! She is just a friend! Sheesh” I yelled

“Aaaand friend-zoned.” Muttered Violet as we entered the main hall of our headquarters and saw the final two members of my crew

“So did you beat up some thugs?” asked a white unicorn mare with a spikey electric blue mane who wore purple shades and sported a pair of quarter notes as a cutie mark

This was Vinyl Scratch or as you may know her DJ PON-3. She’s my cousin and my band’s eccentric manager. To say she was abnormal would be an understatement I mean the mare owns a Bass Cannon and rips on famous ponies on live radio but I still love her she became our manager after she discovered us during her college years at West Manehatten University, the sister school of Manehatten U., Where she met her marefriend Octavia (She still writes to the psychology teacher there) not that I judge her for liking mares I mean I still read Power Ponies so who am I to judge

“Didn't have to use any of the escape routes I planned for ya did ya kid?” asked an older yellow pegasus who had a long spikey black and blue mane and wore black shades and a green flat cap and sported an electric guitar crossing a lightning bolt as a cutie mark

And finally we have Power Chord. He’s our band’s lead guitarist and Nightfury’s strategist. He’s me Blood Brother, my mentor, and probably the closest thing to a dad I ever had. I met him when I was 6 years old. He was my first music teacher before the accident so when I started getting my band together I knew exactly who I wanted on lead guitar. Sure he was fifteen years older than us but who cared he knew how to rock

“No Pops not today and no Cuz I didn't get to beat up anypony in fact I nearly got caught by old Cold Case again” I said

I trotted off to my room and closed the door before I looked out of my window and remembered a promise I once made to somepony close

“Someday Blazewing….Someday I’ll find a way to fulfill my promise and she’ll have a family again” I said

I then finally got a chance to take off my costume. The whole thing was dark blue with purple legs and a black mask finally featuring an emblem of a pegasi’s wings spread and a head shifted to the side finally coming to a point at the bottom emblazoned in black across the chest of the costume.

I finally got the darn thing off revealing my sky blue coat and messy brown mane with its one large red stripe in it while my tail was pure brown. My cutie mark was an acoustic guitar on top of crossed drum sticks signifying I was talented in music. Finally it revealed my unusual golden eyes. They got quite a bit of stares back in the day but I got used to it

I laid to bed wondering what tomorrow would bring as I drifted off to sleep