• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

Chasing Shadows

I sat in the briefing room conflicted in my thoughts as Violet and Pops went over the intel we have on Blackbeak

"While we don't have much info on Blackbeak himself, we do have info on his known business partners" Violet spoke as she used a map of the city as a reference "From what we know the mob has been working extensively with three large companies. These companies include Tramp Industries" Violet pointed to a large skyscraper in the middle of the city "Magico Technologies" She pointed to a factory complex on the edge of the harbor "And the MHPD" she pointed to the police department on the west side of town

I, on the other hand was focusing on other things such as a disgruntled Sunset Shimmer who was still mad at me for yesterday's mission, but when Violet brought up the MHPD I took notice "Wait...you're not saying Coldy is working with the mob are you?"

"Luckily no. Cold Case is one of the few clean cops on the force. With that said there are a large number of cops that are under the payroll of the mob." Violet reassured me

"But who do we strike first?" Drumroll asked " From what I remember Tramp Industries is a practical fortress and Magico is even more so.....you aren't suggesting we break into MHPD are you?"

Power Chord stood up and looked at us sternly "She isn't suggesting it. I am. Breaking into MHPD may be our only way to get the info we need on Blackbeak"

Drumroll and I nodded in agreement. When Pops gets like this we all know that he is dead serious. "So what's the plan?" I asked

We all walked out of the briefing room quietly although while the others went their seperate ways, I went up to Sunset and stopped her

"What do you want Nightfury?" Sunset snarled at me

'Damn....she won't even use my name....tread lightly Fret, tread lightly.' I let out a deep breath and composed my thoughts before finally speaking "Look Sunset, I know you're mad at me but-"

"Mad is putting it lightly" Sunset grumbled

"But, I have been fighting that way for over a decade. Winging it is practically my specialty at my point" I finished

"Yeah and how many times has that strategy gotten you hurt?" Sunset asked back eyebrow raised

I thought back over the years briefly before letting out a sigh "Alright you got me there but I do it that way for a reason"

"And what reason could justify you being reckless?" Sunset quipped back

"To protect you guys." I spoke softly


"I do it to protect you guys. If any one of my enemies found out that I have others backing me up they could feasibly find out who you guys are and harm you" I explained

Sunset stared at me for a while, finally grumbling something under her breath after three minutes "Fine. I understand. This doesn't mean I'm not pissed at what you did but for now I forgive you....just remember that I DON'T give second chances....ever" Sunset spoke sternly before walking off

"Phew!" I let out as I whipped my forehead

"Looks like you got lucky cuz" Vinyl snuck up behind me "Last time Tavi was mad at me it took me three months for me to get her back into bed with me"

"TMI cuz, TMI" I spoke rolling my eyes

"Hey speaking of Tavi, have you seen her today? I haven't seen her all day and we were supposed to run through this week's schedule for The Vinyl Scratch" Vinyl asked worriedly

"I haven't seen her eithe-" I stopped mid sentence when I came to a realization 'Wait....earth pony.....black mane....the voice....oh you clever bastard' "Hey Vinyl can you tell the others I'm going on patrol?"

"Uh...sure I guess" my cousin responded scratching her head in confusion

"Awesome. See a later cuz!"

I flew over the city in my all purpose suit that I admittedly don't use very often considering most of my missions were planned out and I knew what I was going into and I could anticipate what protection I would need. This particular suit was designed to cover all the bases on protection and sensory but didn't compare to any of my specialized suits. Perfect for when you don't know exactly what you're getting into and that was exactly the case with this encounter.

I scanned the city below for signs of a certain masked mare when I finally spotted her I flew down to her level

"Well if it isn't the mysterious Shadow" I spoke smugly "We need to talk."

She sped up grappling her way through alley after alley in an attempt to lose me. Luckily for me I had planted a hidden tracking device on her when I was talking to her which showed up as a dot on my wrist mounted map 'Not this time Shadow' I thought as I followed her silently through the city

The Shadow landed in an alley winded from the chase that she thought was over "Nice try Nightfury."

"Thanks. I do work best when I have a clear goal" I spoke as I descended from a roof top

"Ugh...What do you want Nightfury? I don't have time to chat" The mystery mare argued

"You're right Shadow, you don't have time to chat. Vinyl is waiting for you after all" I replied slyly

"Wait....." She simply smiled "I'm impressed. I didn't think you'd figure it out this quick"

"Hey, I may not be the brains of the operation but that doesn't mean I'm not clever. Now then Octavia I gotta ask....how long you been at this?" I smirked

"All my life. You should consider yourself lucky Fret. Not many ponies even know that the Shadow exists at all and you know one personally" Octavia spoke softly

"Oh really? In that case I guess you should feel lucky as well" I remarked back "Not many ponies know Nightfury exists"

We both let out a chuckle and smiled at each other

Putting on a serious demeanor I looked Octavia in the eye and asked "So who actually does know about this?"

"No one." Octavia replied solemnly

I raised an eyebrow "Not even Vinyl?"

"No. You know how much of a loud mouth Scratch can be." Octy replied

"I dunno. She's been pretty good at keeping my secret." I responded

"Touche. Still......I can't. I just can't." Octavia gave me a guilty look "I've already lost too much."

I gave her a look of skepticism before asking "What do you mean you've lost too much?"

She hung her head low looking at the ground in guilt and let out a long sigh "My father....I failed him"

My eyebrow raised a little at that "What do you mean? You've never mentioned your father before."

"It's a long story" She replied softly

"I've got time" I gave her a reassuring glance

She relented and began telling her story

23 Years earlier....

"Father! Why can't I train with you?!" a young Octavia pleaded

The older stallion calmly looked at her and responded "Princess. You already know the answer to that question. The battlefield is no place for a mare. A mare like you should be training to be a musician or a nurse, not a warrior."

"But Father! I'm not just some mare! I'm the heir to the Shadow name!" the grey filly responded

The older stallion rubbed his temples. Ever since his oldest daughter's tenth birthday when she was told the truth of what her father does she had been pleading to train with him. The older stallion sat down in front of his daughter and put his front left hoof on her shoulder "Look. Tavi, I know you want to follow in your ancestor's hoofsteps but being the Shadow is more than just beating up the bad guys. It's about patience, spiritual peace, and secrecy. If you become the Shadow you will have to lie to every pony you will ever love. You will have to lie to you sister,your own mother, and all your friends. Do you want that?"

The young filly thought for a moment and then looked at her father in a look of determination "Yes Father....it is my responsibility to bear that burden. If I have to lie to my friends and family then I am willing to face the consequenses"

The older stallion looked at his oldest daughter sternly "Are you sure about that Tavi?"

Octavia gave her father a confident smile and responded "Yes father!"

The older stallion slicked back his jet black mane and smiled "Very well then. From now on, whenever we are training, you are to call me Sensei. We will train from 5 AM to noon every day no exceptions. You are to bow when ever you enter and whenever you exit this dojo. And most importantly you are to NEVER speak of this training outside this dojo. Any questions?"

"What about school?" the young filly asked

The older stallion looked at his daughter impressed "Very good. School is just as important as training and should be a high priority. In that case you shall attend school normally and on those days we shall begin training at 3 PM and end at 7 PM no exceptions."

Octavia grinned widely and let out a loud yell "Oh thank you Father! I won't let you down!"

The older stallion gave her a stern look and the young filly smiled sheepishly

"I mean Yes, Sensei" Octavia gave her father a bow

"Good girl"

2 years later.....

The older stallion looked over his daughter's stance as she stood patiently waiting for his approval

"Your stance is good....but your balance is sloppy." The older stallion spoke sternly sweeping the sheath of his blade that he keep at his side under her causing her to topple over

Octavia got up and looked at her father worried "Sensei I've been trying to perfect that stance for over a year now! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!"

"Perhaps you are just not trying hard enough Octavia" Her father gave her a stern look"....or perhaps I am simply not teaching you correctly. I have been looking at this problem as I always do. I have been teaching you as if you are a stallion but that is not the case. You are a mare and I should be teaching you as such. Assume the stance again Octavia." Her father ordered

Octavia took her stance and her father looked her over "You have been taught to put the point of balance at your chest when as a mare it should be at your hips. Shift your balance to account for this."

Octavia shifted her left hind leg forward a bit and put a small amount of pressure more on to her right hind leg "Good..." her father tried again to sweep her legs but when the sheath hit her right leg Octavia stood firm. "Very good"

3 Years later....

Octavia was ecstatic. she had just gotten back from a college visit with her family to West Manehatten University and they finally accepted her. However this excitement distracted her from her training

"Yamea!" her father ordered causing her to stop.

"Octavia I understand your excitement for this new opportunity but you cannot let this blind your actions" Her father spoke sternly "You have come leaps and bounds in this dojo and while I am very proud of your progress I feel that you are getting to a point where I can no longer teach you." The older stallion gave his daughter a proud smile and turned to grab something

"Sensei what do you mean? You will always be my teacher right?" Octavia asked confused by her father's words

"If only that were true daughter of mine" The older stallion turned to face his daughter when a loud shout came from the house. The two turned to look at the house and saw a gang of thugs wearing ski masks holding their family hostage

"Father let me take care of this" Octavia asked

The older stallion looked at his daughter and looked back at the thugs "No. I must protect my family and putting you in harms way would only tarnish my honor." The older stallion took the item that he was holding and ran after the thugs leaving his daughter behind

The father fought valiantly against the thugs but as the thugs turned to run one of the criminals shot off a round that hit the father in the chest.

Octavia ran to her father but when she reached his side he was already on his last breaths

"Father! Please don't leave me! There is so much that you have yet to teach me! I love you Father! Please no!" Octavia bawled as she held her dying father in her hooves

The older stallion let out a strained chuckle coughing up a little blood in the process "No Octavia. You have learned all that I have to teach you. I am proud to say that you will carry on the name of the Shadow. Here..." The older stallion handed his daughter the item that he had been holding "This blade is the blade of the Shadow. It has been passed down from generation to generation to the worthy heir to the Shadow lineage. Take this sword and become the new Shadow." the father let out another series of coughs and continued " Take this blade and find the master known as Splinter. He will teach you in the ways of the ninja....be strong and make me proud Tavi" The older stallion let out his last breath and died in his daughter's arms

"F-Father?! Father! Oh please by the gods please don't die on me! No please no!" Octavia wept as she held her father's body in her arms. Her sister came over to comfort her but it was no use as Violet cried once she realized her father was gone.

3 months later....

Octavia's father's funeral was a day before and Octavia was visiting her father once more before she went off to college. The funeral itself was a sorrow event although most of the ponies that came were unknown to the young mare. From friends of the family to old acquaintances of her father to even Princess Celestia had came to pay their respects. But that day had gone and passed and the new Shadow was still mourning. Octavia sat in front of her father's grave silently 'I will find this Master Splinter father and I will finish my training....I will be strong and I will make you proud' Octavia thought but her thoughts soon wandered to the land of possibilities 'if only I had stepped in to help you father! I could have saved you!...it's all my fault...' Octavia wept one final time as she placed a black rose on her father's grave

Rest In Peace
Black Sonata

"All my life I've been chasing shadows but now I am at peace as I have my family"

5 Months Later...

In the months following Black Sonata's death the relationship between Octavia and her mother had become strained. Octavia's mother had always been controling but now that she was in college it seemed she was out of her mother's grasp but as it always was it was too good to be true. Eventually Octavia had had enough and stood up to her mother thanks to her new friends Vinyl Scratch, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon but the damage was done. Soon after Violet rebelled as well but Octavia could never forget her father's final words. After her first year in college she told her new friends she was "Going on Vacation" but that was not the truth. Instead she went to Neighpan and went in search for the master that her father had told her about. She searched.....and searched but no matter how much she searched the master known as "Splinter" was nowhere to be found

"Did you ever find him?" I asked

"No. To this day I still haven't found this mysterious 'Master Splinter' " Octavia replied "I even went in front of the emperor of Nieghpan and asked him where I could find this master"

"And what did he say?" I asked

"The emperor told me that he had heard of Master Splinter but he knew not where he is" Octavia replied " I gave up on my search assuming that this master was dead and decided to take the tutelage of other masters I could find instead."

"Bummer....Man all this talk of this Splinter guy is making me hungry" I replied

Octavia looked at me offended "Why would it make you hungry?" She asked

"Don't you know? Splinter's Pizza girl! Best pizza in all of Manehatten! The owner is a Nieghpanese guy that cooks the best pizzas in all of Equestria!" I proclaimed

Octavia just stared at me "No.....it couldn't be"

"What? Did I say something?" I asked confused

"All these years and Splinter has been here in Manehatten!" Octavia yelled before taking off

"Well then....guess I better get back to my patrol." I said before taking off into the skyline of Manehatten

I returned to the hideout to put away my costume but the moment I flew in I was met by the rest of the gang, Vinyl included.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Mr. Shredder!" proclaimed Vinyl

I looked around the room as the others gave me a look that made my skin crawl "Did...did I do something wrong? " I asked sheepishly

"No....but she did" Violet pointed to an unmasked Octavia "Next time you go out to chasing shadows turn your comms off" Violet smugly replied

"Well.....Fuck me"

After a long questioning both Me and Octavia were finally given a chance to talk

"Look Vinyl if I had told either you or Violet I would have been breaking my code of silence!" Octavia yelled

"But Fret told me his secret and he's my cousin! Your my marefriend! How could you keep something so awesome as a secret vigilante identity from me!" Vinyl countered

"And your own flesh and blood! I'm your sister for Faust's sake!" barked Violet

Octavia looked over to me and whispered "A little help over here"

I just gave her a laugh "Not this time Octy. I've already got my chewing out for the day. You're gonna have to sail through this on your own"

Octavia gave me a mean look and turned to face the two angry mares "Tavi I never thought I'd get to say this but YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH TONIGHT!" Vinyl yelled at the top of her lungs

Me and Drumroll let out a loud "OOOOOOO!!!!" as Octavia flashed us a glare which only made us laugh harder

"Alright that's enough" Power Chord spoke up "Alright now that that's over I think I need a promise from the Shadow."

"And what promise would that be?" Asked Octavia

"A vow to defend and protect Manehatten. I want your word that you will work alongside Nightfury to defend the innocent" Power Chord spoke

Octavia looked at all of us and replied " I will defend Manehatten....but on my own terms. The Shadow has never needed any help and to ask for help would tarnish my family's honor. I will assist you Nightfury but I am not your partner. " Octavia spoke before setting off a smoke pellet and disappearing

"Damn...she's good" I said impressed "Vinyl you aren't actually going to have her sleep on the couch are you?"

"Hell yeah! She keeps secrets from me she sleeps on the couch!" Vinyl yelled

"But I thought you couldn't sleep without her...." I countered

"Oh yeah.....crap"

Author's Note:

Well then.....I have honestly never gotten a single chapter done this fast.....less than a week after I published the last chapter...Oh well! Anyways next time on Nightfury we break into the MHPD. Can Fret pull it off? What will happen when Fret faces down with Cold Case? Keep reading and find out!

~ Starsaber34