• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 792 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...


I stood atop a gargoyle statue that overlooked a factory from across the street "Are you sure this is a good idea Gadget?" I asked over the comms

"This is the only feasible way we could ambush Blackbeak Nightfury. Besides your Crusader friend worked hard to get this info." Violet replied

"Yeah I know but it's the middle of the day! Not exactly the best time to be dressed in black and blue ya know!" I argued back

"Well deal with it! Turn in your camera and give me a sweep of the meeting Nightfury!" Violet ordered

"Alright! Alright! Jeez! Linkara was right! You are a drill sergeant!" I quipped back as I turned my mask's camera on and turned my head slowly as I looked towards the meeting that took place between the mobsters "Why can't you just use one of your spy copters to do this Gagdet?" I asked in annoyance

"Because they are way too noisy for a confrontation like this Fret. Besides, those things cost way too much to put out in the field when I know it'll be in the line of fire!" Violet replied

"Fair enough. So what's the plan?" I asked

Power Chord spoke up "From what your Crusader friend told us about this meeting you're gonna have to be careful about this Nightfury. I can tell just by looking at the footage that you're sending us these guys aren't messing around. Look at the griffin on the center right of the group Nightfury."

I shifted my eyes to the griffin in question who was carrying a sawed off shotgun in his claws "Alright Lightning. I see him. What about him?"

"That's your objective, Blackbeak. While he's not as much a shot as Golden Eye was, he's one hell of a fighter. I suggest you take him on last. Gadget has prepared your shock gloves for this mission and Sunnyside has modified your suit as well" Power Chord relayed

I smirked as I asked my next question "So Sunnyside, what treats do you have in store for me today?"

"Save the flirting for later Nightfury." Sunset snarked back "I've modified your suits with a regenerating artificial magic barrier. It should absorb most of the impacts you take as well as deflect small round shots that you take. Unfortunately It will only last for a few hits before it destabilizes and becomes useless although it should come back up after a minute or two once it recharges"

"......Have you been playing video games with Sticks lately Sunnyside?" I asked suspiciously

"No. Why do you ask?" Sunset replied

"Oh no reason."

I heard laughing from Drumroll in the background as I turned my comms off focusing on the group of griffins that were gathered in the factory yard across the street from me. I turned on my sensors as I listened in on the mobsters' conversation

"Alright Blackbeak, here's the goods!" One of the larger griffins exclaimed as he motioned to an open shipping container behind him "I honestly expected you to bring more guys to this shindig than this ya know."

"Well ever since that freak put Golden Eye away we've been havin' to manage with half the amount of new recruits than usual. Ya know what that's like right Steelfeather?" Blackbeak asked the other mob boss

I looked at the other mob boss across from Blackbeak and recognized his face instantly. His name was Elric Steelfeather. He was the second biggest name in all of the Manehatten Mob only trumped Iron Claw himself although luckily for me Steelfeather was not much of a fighter despite being armed with a pair of wing blades, which by the way were illegal to own outside of the royal guard.

I took a quick scan of the other griffins counting fifteen total. The griffins guarding the two mob bosses were armed with magnums along with two shotguns, one carried each by a member of the opposite gang. I turned my comms back on and spoke up "So you guys have any ideas on how to take this one?"

"Proceed carefully Nightfury. I suggest taking out those shotgun guards first then move on to the others." Power Chord replied back

"What about the bosses? I can't just ignore them Lightning." I asked

"Yes you can Nightfury. Gadget has supplied you with a grapple gun as well as your usual gear. Use them wisely." My mentor answered back

"Whatever you say Lightning" I skeptically replied back before I turned my comms back off before gliding down towards the group of mobsters

I landed silently on one of the shipping containers stacked high above the mobsters as I prepared to make my first move

'Well, he's goes nothing' I thought as I dropped down onto one of the shotgun-carrying goons before giving the griffin a knockout punch to the back of the head

"It's the freak!" Yelled one of the griffins as I flipped my way off the knocked out griffin and bicycle kicked the griffin next to him knocking him over before I, with a flap of my wings, flew up and stomped the prone griffin's head KOing him. The other griffins took notice and began firing on me. I dodged most of the rounds until the other griffin carrying a shotgun fired at me hitting me mid uppercut, knocking me onto my back in the process.

A pair of griffins grabbed my front legs and pinned me down as Blackbeak approached me "Well, well, well. If it isn't the legend of Manehatten himself. Not the best decision trying to take on two different groups of griffins is it Nightfury?"

I smirked under my mask "Well it wasn't my first choice"

"Well then it certainly will be your last freak." Blackbeak boasted before turning to Steelfeather "Alright Steel, how 'bout you do the honors and demask this freak."

"My pleasure Blackbeak." Steelfeather replied as he walked up to me reaching for my mask

Just as he reached for my mask I used my hind legs to wrap Steelfeather's arm into a submission hold and then using my wings as springs I flipped the captured mob boss over me and onto his back in an armbar suplex knocking him out cold before spinning around into a double helicopter kick to the two griffins that were holding me knocking them onto their asses.

Another griffin tried to jump on me as I lay on my back but as he approached I braced myself against the ground with my front hooves and pushed back against it dropkicking the charging griffin with my back hooves and landing onto him as he hit the ground on his back.

I launched myself from on top the unconscious goon and flipped over another group of three griffins dropping a dubstep grenade into the group which went off knocking the group into the shipping containers that surrounded them as I landed in front of the other shotgun wielder

"Aw crapbaskets" I muttered as I took a point blank shot from the griffin's shotgun knocking me back a bit and causing my shield to drop

The shotgun totting griffin fired off another round at me but I ducked just in time to dodge the blast sliding under it as I pulled out my grapple gun and fired off the grapple claw at the mobsters arm and pulled him in to an uppercut taking him out.

As I landed from the uppercut I found myself surrounded by the five remaining goons, all pointing their Magnums at me as Blackbeak spoke as he circled the outside of the group "Well aren't you a fiesty one. Just as I anticipated, you are quite the fighter Nightfury. But the question remains...can you take on the best brawler in all of Manehatten? We'll just have to see...Boys let me handle this one and if he tries anything funny...shoot him."

Blackbeak walked into the middle of the circle slipping on a pair of brass knuckles to his claws as he entered. He immediately swung a right hook at me but I sidestepped it before standing up on my hind legs and balancing as I put up my front hooves in defense.

"Impressive Nightfury. I haven't seen a pony fight in that style since I last worked with the Yakuza in Neighpan!" Blackbeak spoke as he threw a series of jabs hitting me in the stomach nearly knocking me off balance

I spun around on my left hind leg as I hit Blackbeak with a strong roundhouse kick before attacking with a series of punches which he blocked with his arms before he threw a huge left hook. I parried the punched using my right hoof to push it aside as I threw a punch to his face with my left hoof dazing him. I took the opportunity to barrage him with a series of jabs and strikes in the chest and face before I flipped onto him grabbing him in a headscissors and shifting my weight I flipped him over and onto his head in a headscissors DDT knocking him out cold.

I got up and looked around at the five griffins that stared at me in awe. "Alright here's what's gonna happen...either you all try to take me on and you all end up like your buddies here....or you run away and tell Iron Claw that The Nightfury will speak to him in the usual place two days from now. Now, make your choice." I darkly told the five survivors

One of the griffins shot at me but my shield came back up just in time to deflect the bullet as I hit the griffin with a super kick knocking him flat. "Made your choice yet?" I asked once more as the other griffins took one good look at me before one of the griffins yelled "Screw this! Im outta here!" before the four remaining griffins ran for their safety

I turned my comms back on as Power Chord came on "Good work kid. Violet has contacted the police and they are on their way. Get back to base and get ready. Your mare friend is waiting."

"Ya don't have to ask me twice" I replied as I took off just as I could hear the sound of sirens approaching

I arrived back at HQ to find the rest of the gang waiting for me as footage from one of Violet's camera copters zoomed in on the police hauling in the unconscious mob members

"A job well done I'd say" I said mentally patting myself on the back only to inflate my ego

"Well at least this time you at least asked for our opinion on taking on the enemy instead of just charging in blindly" Sunset said with a smirk on her face

"Dude you were awesome back there! You know you'd make a great wrestler! You'd be the Amazing Nightfury! With that costume and those moves you'd be EWF champion in no time!" Drumroll exclaimed with a smile

I rolled my eyes at my best bud as I turned to face Violet who looked over my gear as I handed to her

"Looks like you actually managed to keep your gear in tact this time" Violet joked

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up I'm gonna hit the shower! " I yelled as I made my way out of the computer room

"Don't forget we have a date tonight Fret!" Sunset yelled down the hall as I walked down the hall to the elevator

I walked out of the bathroom after two hours as I finally got my mane under control as I threw on my suit and tie before Sunset walked in

"You know you don't have to get all dressed up for this...I just thought we were going take a walk through Middleton Park." Sunset said

"Well then! If I'd had known that I wouldn't have had my suit pressed for Three hundred bits!" I proclaimed as I took off my suit

"You look nice. A lot better than you did when you got back from fighting Blackbeak" Sunset complimented

I smiled "Thanks. You don't look bad yourself Sunny. Did you do something different with your mane?" I asked politely

"Oh this? I..well I umm yeah I did spruce it up a bit..." Sunset tried to speak instead fumbling through her sentences

"Hey, I thought it was the stallion's job to be a stuttering buffoon" I joked and in response Sunset proceeded to push me to the ground

As we walked through the park other ponies seemed to take notice of me and either stopped me to get my autograph or stared at me in shock. And while the shock of seeing a celebrity was part of the reaction I could tell it wasn't the main reason of the shocked reactions, instead it was the fact that I, a known single rock star, was walking side by side along side a mare that I was obviously on a date with.

"Hey Sunset, You wanna go somewhere a little more....private?" I asked quietly enough that it was only audible to Sunset herself

"Why? I don't see why-" Sunset stopped mid-sentence as she took in her surroundings finally noticing the multitude of ponies staring at us "Yeah...let's go"

I lead Sunset to the spot I showed her last time only to find it was already occupied....by none other than my ex Royal Glory

'Aw crapbaskets' I thought as Gloria noticed the two of us "Well if it isn't the good old Nightfury. Care to explain your friend Fret?"

"Oh...hey Gloria" I nervously replied

"Who's this chick?" asked Sunset

I let out a loud groan and nervously took in a sharp breath as I prepared for the worst "Gloria meet Sunset Shimmer, Sunset Shimmer meet Royal Glory AKA Gloria"

"How do you know Fret?" Asked Gloria as I braced myself for what came next

"I'm his marefriend. And you are?" Sunset answered back

"His marefriend eh? Well then has Fret ever mentioned me? After all I am his Ex" Gloria responded

Both Sunset shot me a look as Gloria simply smiled almost well enough to be considered the smile of an evil mastermind

'Why me?' I thought as I gathered the courage to try to talk my way out of this "Sunset...yes it is true that Gloria is my Ex.....although nowadays she's more or less just an old friend. I didn't want to bring her up in case it got awkward. I'm sorry you had to find out this way"

Sunset's glare quickly turned into a smile before evolving into laughter from Sunset as she pulled herself together and finally spoke up through the giggles "Fret I'm not mad at you! I knew with your background there would be some type of past mares that you've dated. I mean come on you're a rock star! You didn't think I would have not expected you to have past flames?"

"She has a point there Blitzwing" Gloria added with a smirk

"Although I will have to say this to you Royal Glory....if you try to steal my stallion I will hunt you down" Sunset added darkly

"Is that so? Well it's a good thing I don't want old Blitzy any more. Good luck Sunset Shimmer. Fret can be a real hoofful at times" Gloria said as she walked off out of our secret spot

"Oh trust me sister I know." Sunset said to nopony in particular

"Well that happened. " I commented as I took my spot on the large boulder that overlooked the waterfall

"Fret there's something I'd like to ask you about..." Sunset asked in a nervous matter, constantly shifting her eyes to avoid making eye contact

"What's up? You can ask me anything babe" I replied sitting up from my spot on the boulder

"Well...I'd like to know more about why you became the Nightfury...Why do you feel obligated to protect this city?" Sunset asked

I got quiet for a few moments before I finally spoke up "It's because of my parents." I admitted

"What about your parents? When I was studying your motives when I was first assigned to you by the Princess I couldn't find anything on your parents." Sunset asked once more

I motioned Sunset to sit next to me as I started my story "It all started when I got my cutie mark..."

"Hey Bro, look! I got my cutie mark!" I exclaimed in joy as I had just finished playing my song at the school talent show. My brother looked at me with a look of half pride and half worry "That's great Blitzy! You should be proud of yourself! Although...how about we keep this a secret between the two of us?" Blazewing asked gently

"But why big bro? You don't think Mom and Dad will be proud of me?" I thought that through for a second and slowly nodded to my brother "Alright bro I'll keep it a secret but you have to promise to take me to that music studio next week!"

"Alright Blitzy. I promise"

While I was able to keep the secret for a while my parents did find out eventually. "Blazewing I don't care if he's your brother! You shouldn't defend a disgrace to this family!" My father roared as he pointed towards me as if I was some sort of untrained house pet. "But you just don't get it Dad! He IS part of this family! I don't care what you think of him or that his special talent is music. He's my brohter and I love him just as much as I love anyony else in this family!" My brother argued back. This type of thing happened more often than not as it was clear that their father didn't like Blitzwing and while their mother wasn't as upfront about it as their father was about it it was clearby her offhoof comments towards Blitzwing that she didn't like him either.

"Your parents hated you? Why?" Asked Sunset

"They thought that I was a disgrace to the Wing family name as a musician" I stated

"Why would they hate you for that?" Sunset asked curiously

"I have no idea. My parents have always hated music for some reason....they used to tell me that music is the catalyst of evil in the world"


Three years had past since I got my cutie mark and I was on my way with my brother to my first day at Flight school in Cloudsdale. While earning your cutie mark was a mark of a ponies maturity nothing compared to the right of passage of a pegasus that was flight school.

"Hey big bro what do I do if I can't fly?" I asked as he carried me on his back on our way to flight camp. While it was usually the father's job to take their child to flight camp Blazewing took me instead as my father refused to do it. "Don't you worry about that little bro. by the end of this summer you'll be flying like a Wonderbolt" Blazewing replied as we finally landed in Cloudsdale . The city itself was not as large as I'd imagined. I had always thought Cloudsdale was just like Manehatten but only in the sky. Turns out I was wrong.

We made our way through Cloudsdale all the way to a large group of cloud that resembled a large obstacle course. While my brother went off to do paperwork I was distracted by two fillies talking to a group of three colts

"Leave Fluttershy alone!" Yelled one of the fillies in a cute voice that reminded me of one of my cousin Vinyl

"Why should we? What are ya gonna do? It's not like you can do anything when you're a filly!" Laughed one of the colts in an obnoxious laugh that honestly gave me a headache

The three colts continued to mock the two fillies before I had seen enough "Why don't you pick on somepony your own size you jerks! " I yelled at the trio

"And who do you think you are punk?!" asked the leader of the three

"I'm Blitzwing and I'm gonna kick your butts if you don't back off!" I yelled

Luckily for me one of the camp councilors stepped in to break up the confrontation before any punches were thrown" Alright now there my little ponies. Go your separate ways before I have to kick you out" Spoke the grey mare with a blonde mane and funny eyes. The three walked off although I swore I heard them mutter something before leaving as I was approached by the camp councilor "What's your name little one?" She asked me kindly "I'm Blitzwing ma'am" I said saluting. the camp councilor giggled at that as the two fillies came over and began talking "Thanks Miss Derpy. That was really cool of you!" spoke the rainbow maned filly. The councilor simply smiled and replied "No problem Rainbow Dash you just keep away from those meanies and you should be fine although you might want to thank Blitzwing here for bringing them to my attention" After that "Miss Derpy" walked off to go check on the other ponies

The rainbow maned filly turned to me and spoke up in her cute voice "Hey thanks for the save buddy! I usually can handle those bullies on my own but either way what you did was way past cool!"

"Anytime. I hate bullies especially when they think that they can pick on fillies" I replied rubbing the back if my head with my front right hoof in an embarrassed fashion

From behind the rainbow filly came the squeak of another filly that hid behind the tomcolt. I walked around to the source of the noise to find an admittedly taller yet skinnier cream colored filly with long pink hair "Hey there. I'm sorry if I scared you back there. I didn't mean to yell" I spoke to her softly. The cream filly looked at me with a face filled with fear before looking into my eyes and slowly coming to a small smile "Th-th-thank you Mister Blitzwing." The cream colored pegasus spoke up

"Please don't call me a mister. I'm only nine after all*"

"O-oh okay. I-I-I'm Flu-flu-fluttershy" replied the stuttering filly

"Nice to meet you. I'm Blitzwing" I smiled back

"And I'm Rainbow Dash!" exclaimed to tomcolt standing next to Fluttershy causing her to jump

*a normal pegasus goes to Flight camp around the age of nine or ten thus why Scootaloo hasn't been there yet

"Faust I miss those days back in flight camp" I exclaimed

"Why did you tell me about your days in Flight camp?" Sunset asked

"Because it will be important later on" I replied as I continued my story

A mixture of emotions went through my head as I took the stage. Ever since I started college a year ago, me and my group friends Drumroll, Violet, Power Chord, Six String, and Vinyl had been playing and practicing in the parking garage next to the apartment where we all stayed but today was our first official concert. I took the stage and looked out upon the crowd of frat stallions and drunk sorority mares that filled the arena.

"Alright Manehatten U. LET'S GET READY TO ROCK!" I yelled trying to hide my nervousness

'Well now our never Blitz...'

Why you wanna tell me how to live my life?

Who are you to tell me if it's black or white?

Momma can you help me try to understand

is innocence the difference between colt and a stallion?

My daddy live the lie. It's just the price that he paid

Sacrificed his life, just slaving away!

Oooohh if there 's one thing I hang onto, that gets me through the night

I ain't gonna do what I don't want to, I'm gonna live my life

Shining like a diamond,rolling with the dice, standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly!

When the world gets in my face, I say

Have a nice day!

Have a nice day-ay-ay!

Take a look around you; Nothin's what it seems

We're living in the broken home of hopes and dreams

Let me be the first to shake a helping hoof, Anypony brave to be the proof

I've knocked on every door, on every dead end street, looking for forgiveness and what's left of me!

Oooohh if there 's one thing I hang onto, that gets me through the night

I ain't gonna do what I don't want to, I'm gonna live my life

Shining like a diamond,rolling with the dice, standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly!

When the world gets in my face, I say

Have a nice day!

Have a nice day-ay-ay!

My mentor Power Chord went into the solo with the confidence that experience had given him and while he hadn't performed on stage for years he hit every note perfectly as if he had never left and the crowd reflected it chanting his name throughout the solo


Oooohh if there 's one thing I hang onto, that gets me through the night

I ain't gonna do what I don't want to, I'm gonna live my life

Shining like a diamond,rolling with the dice, standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly!

When the world gets in my face, I say

Have a nice day!

Have a nice day-ay-ay!

Have a nice day!

When the world keeps trying, to drag me down, gonna raise my hooves, gonna stand my ground!

Well I say, Hey!

Have a nice day-ay-ay!

Have a nice day-ay-ay!

Have a nice day!

I closed my eyes as I finished the song and I heard the ponies cheer and begin to chant


I smiled...this is where I was meant to be....this was my destiny

We walked off stage where I was met by my music teacher

"Mr Crescendo? What's wrong? We already got permission from the school board to perform so what's the problem?" I asked

"Blitzwing I'm not here for that....I have news that I think you should hear" Mr. Crescendo responded in a somber tone almost whispering before handing me a copy of the Manehatten Times

I looked at the paper and stared in shock at the headline

'Royal Guard and beloved son of the Wing Family, Blazewing, Gunned down by Griffin mafia last night'

"Bu-but....he...he cant be.....Blaze...dead?" I muttered in a state of disbelief

3 Days Later

My brother's funeral was days away and today was the day we went through his will. While him having a will at all was a shock to me apparently it was a requirement for royal guards to have one

"Alright is everypony here?" Asked the lawyer

I and all my relatives sat in the lawyer's office and signaled that we were here with a loud "Aye!"

"Alright...now my name is Mr. Fair Justice and you shall all address me as such. Now then we shall proceed. The first part on the will states that according to the wishes of the deceased all land owned by the deceased shall be in the possession of his parents upon his death."

The meeting continued on for a few more hours until Mr. Fair Justice got to the portion dealing with the custody of my Brother's daughter, Scootaloo Lightwing.

"According to the wishes of the deceased the custody of the deceased's daughter shall, upon the death of her father goes to...." Fair Justice paused there and reread the will

"Well! Who is it Mr. Fair Justice?! Who get's my granddaughter?!" My mother barked

"The custody of Scootaloo goes to....the deceased's younger brother....Blitzwing" The lawyer spoke with a tone of fear in his voice as he read off the will

"WHAT!?" My father blurted before turning to face me "No! I will not let some low life musician raise my grand daughter!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Crimson Wing but that is what the will states and I cannot simply disobey the wishes of the deceasded." The lawyer spoke in a firm tone

"Shut up you hack!" My father ordered "I don't give a damn what that paper says! That low life probably wrote that himself!" My father turned back to face me "I swear you ingrate I will get my grand daughter back whether you like it or not....and I will do whatever nessessary to do so and to made sure you never see her again!" My father roared at me before charging out of the office

"So what happened next?" Sunset asked looking at me as if I was reading me her favorite novel

"He did just that....after my brother's funeral my parents went after me with smear campaigns and a group of corrupt lawyers along with a payed off judge and brought it to court...and I didn't have a chance" I responded

I sat on the steps outside the courthouse furious at what had just happened

"Fucking parents! Why is it that whenever I get something good in my life they have to swoop in and steal it away from me!? Now my only niece is gonna be an orphan and all because my stupid parents wouldn't let me take care of her! I mean the kid has been through enough with her mom dying in childbirth and her dad getting murdered! " I yelled in frustration

'Hopefully Dash will look over the kid like I would have' I hoped

Other passing ponies stared at me as I talked to myself but I eventually caught on and yelled at them and they left me alone whispering words like "Freak" or "Jerk" as they left

I sat there for a while thinking about the proceedings that had taken place hours before 'They said I don't have what it takes to be a guardian....Like they would know! If there was only a way for me to prove them wrong....' I sighed in defeat 'Well unless Gloria wants to get married any time soon and wants to have a kid then that's not happening any time soon.'

Just then an orange unicorn ran down the street in front of the courthouse carrying a multitude of books...one of which she dropped as she noticed me.

I payed no mind to the passing unicorn but took notice when she dropped her book

I got up and grabbed the book but when I turned to give it back to it's owner the unicorn mare was already gone

"Huh....Well I might as well return this to the library or something" I said to myself before opening the book to check for any type of identification label but found nothing as the book seemed to be in extremely poor condition

"Oh well....hmm? What's this?" I asked as I noticed the title of the book

"Mark of the wolf?.....Eh might as well" I muttered to myself as I sat down to read it

About an hour later a thought went through my mind 'This Nightfury guy seems to know what he's doing. Guarding all of Equestria like a...wait...Guarding....Guardian....hmmmm...That's it! I could totally do this! Alright Mom and Dad! You think your son can't take be a guardian of one filly well I'll show you I can guard all of fucking Manehatten!'

"I bet your friends weren't to crazy about that idea" Sunset inquired

"Oh they thought I was nuts! Well...Everypony except one" I stated

The others looked at me as if I had grown a horn and become a prince

"Blitz are you insane! You can't just decide on the fly that you're gonna become a real life Midnight!" Violet argued

"Bro as much as I like you I have to agree with Vi on this one. You have ZERO fighting experience and what you do know is from EWF and that's staged" my best friend Drumroll brought up

The only one that didn't speak was my mentor who, silencing the others looked me in the eye and asked one simple question

"Blitzwing....are going commit to this?"

I looked my mentor in the eyes and calmly answered back "Absolutely....If I own my brother anything it's to prove to everypony that his efforts to stand up for me all those years wasn't for not and that I DO deserve the respect that my brother always shrived to get me"

Power Chord simply smiled and turned to the others and spoke "Well it looks like we're team Nightfury now"

"So how did you get all that fighting experience that you have today?" Sunset asked

"After we got everything together we took an immediate world tour to get some help from one of Power Chord's old friends from his old band who lived in Neighpan." I replied as I noticed it was getting dark "I think we should get going now. The streets of this city tend to be a bit dangerous at night... I know that from experience."

"Yeah....see you tomorrow?" Sunset asked as she got up from her spot on the boulder that we lay

"No doubt babe." I replied flashing her a smirk

Sunset scoffed at me before disappearing in a flash as she teleported away

"Show off" I spoke as I got up and made my way out of the park

As I made my way through the city streets I once again found a group of griffins that seemed to be cornering another pony

I approached the scene of the crime and flew up onto an overlooking rooftop

"Alright you Neighpanese freak time to pay for attackin' us last week!" One of the griffins barked

I looked at the pony in question and instantly recognized him. It was the same white cloaked unicorn that had saved me and Sunset less than a few days ago. I also noticed a katana that he must of had sheathed at his side due to it's handle sticking out of his cloak

"It is not wise to corner a wounded fox.....for it is when they are most dangerous" Spoke the cloaked unicorn in a deep voice that reminded me of those old school Kung Fu movies me and Drumroll used to watch

In an instant I saw the cloaked unicorn pull out his blade with his magic and slice through the guns of the mobsters that surrounded him at blinding speed

"Now run you fools...run for your lives" the cloaked unicorn spoke in a grave tone

The griffins took his advice and took off as I flew down to speak to the mystery stallion

"That was AWESOME!" I blurted as I landed in front of the cloaked stallion

"Thank you Ōkami no Senshi" the pony replied in a calm tone

I looked at the cloaked stallion in disbelief "Wait...you know?"

"Indeed Ōkami no Senshi....I know all about your warrior ways" The cloaked stallion replied in a tone that reminded me of Master Yin

"So who exactly are you?" I asked curiously

"My name is Kitsune no Senshi butyou may call me Grey Fox" Grey Fox responded "May your honor lead you down the path of righteousness Ōkami no Senshi...goodbye"

Before I could responded Grey Fox disappeared in a flash of light leaving a scroll in his place that read 'Meet me again when the moon shines brightest'

I took the scroll and let out an annoyed breath and made my way back to the mansion

"Why can't a fellow Vigilante simply talk to me instead of being vague as fuck all the time?" I asked myself as I entered the mansion grounds