• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

Boom, Headshot

I looked out at the city as I flew through the night sky as I approached a crime scene that had been abandoned by the cops only an hour ago

"Babs are you certain this is reliable data?" I asked my filly informant

"Yes sir Mr. Nightfury! Ah'm one hundred percent sure about this!" The filly replied confidently over the comms

I hovered just above the ground of the crime scene as to not contaminate the scene and turned on my Fury Vision scanning the crime scene

"Well it was definitely a sniper who did this...the bullet wound is proof of that" I relayed as my cohorts went over the data

"Nightfury get a look at the victim them self...any identification?" My mentor asked

I did a once over of the victim or at least what was left as the shot had caused the victim's head to get blown to pieces

"Well the cutie mark is that of a baker's. Can't really tell from this position and I can't touch the victim's body without contaminating it...The victim seems to be male. In his forties by my estimate." I speculated "Babs you got anything?" I asked

"No sir. the police over here haven't identifed the victim either....although they just said they should be double checking the crime scene in about an hour" Babs answered beck

"Looks like we're on the clock on this one Nightfury" Power Chord responded

"Great." I replied sarcastically "What else you want Lightning?"

"Color?" Power Chord asked

"Can't tell...the coloration has faded too much since the time of death." I replied "Hold on..." I noticed a small wallet laying next to the victim wide open "I think I got something"

"What is it kid?" my mentor asked over the comms

"A wallet. Seems to have been the victim's. Kinda surprised the cops didn't notice it" I replied as I took a look at the contents of the wallet making sure that I only touched it with my gloved hooves "Hmm...it seems the victim was named 'Gum Drop'. Gadget can you pull up a police profile?"

"Already in progress Nightfury." Violet responded "Alright here we go. Gum Drop. Local baker and known victim of Mafia loan sharks. According to this he was refusing to pay up to the mafia sharks and has been on Iron Claw's hit list for a while"

"And any connection to the previous victim?" I asked

"Not that I know of. It could be that Headshot is simply taking contracts from Iron Claw." Violet suggested

"Makes sense. Alright now we just need to figure out where he shot from." I said just as another bullet hit me in the side "Shit!"

I immediately took cover as I used my mask's binocular vision to zoom in to the shooter's position "Guys, it looks like our friend Headshot is still around"

"Why do you say that Nightfury?" Violet asked

"Did you guys not just hear me getting shot?!" I barked

"Kid, calm down. You need to find out where Headshot is shooting from." Power Chord spoke sternly

"Alright Lightning but it'snot gonna be easy" I said as I felt my side. While did feel that there was a wound the kevlar and thin ceramic outer plating of my suit seemed to have taken most of the impact of the bullet "injures minor. I should be able to do this."

"Nightfury I swear to Faust that if you get too badly hurt in this and you don't back out Headshot will be the least of your worries!" Sunset yelled over the comms

"Don't you worry babe. I have a plan." I reassured her

"This can only end badly." Violet spoke as I could just hear her rolling her eyes

I set off a smoke bomb and using my grapple gun I made my way up to the rooftop above me scoping out the area looking for the shooter as I heard shots fly past me in the process

'You gotta be out there somewhere Headshot' I thought as I scanned the rooftops before noticing the shine of a sniper scope on the rooftop of a high rise about a mile out from my position 'There you are. Now...if I could only figure out how to get there...hmmm' I took a look at the rooftops that surrounded Headshot's position and had an idea 'Perfect...but I need to be careful'

I glided down through the alleyways below doing my best to dodge to bullets that Headshot fired off in my direction although some managed to hit me but luckily for me my suit held firm taking the majority of the damage leaving me with only bruises at most and the occasional wound

I finally got in range of my grapple gun as I shot it off to a statue that overlooked Headshot's position before releasing it just as I got above Headshot allowing me to dive down in front of him...unfortunately for me it seemed that the assassin had planned for this as the moment I touched the ground I felt a surge of electricity run through me

"You didn't really think I wouldn't make arrangements for you Nightfury, did you?" Headshot asked in his gruff voice as he lifted me up by the neck before tossing me aside in order to grab his rifle "I have waited years to get even with you Nightfury. Seven years of confinement in that Tartarus pit called Galyndor and all because of you and that damn detective! After I'm done with you I'm gonna get my revenge on that scrawny do-gooder Cold Case!" Headshot boasted but at the mention of Cold Case I got my second wind and stood up to face my foe

"You know Headshot, if there's one thing that you don't do around me that pretty much guarantee's your defeat, it's mentioning Coldy. And now you've sealed your own fate." I said with a smirk on my face as I closed the distance between the two if us. Just then I heard the sounds of sirens from the streets below.

"Oh no you don't Nightfury!" Headshot yelled as he lifted his sniper to take a shot at me. Fortunately for me, when he went to take the shot it hit me dead between the eyes which happened to be the most heavily armored spot on my mask and it simply ricocheted off my mask. Unfortunately for me, the hit dazed me just enough for Headshot to get off another round but as if the gods above were smiling down on me Headshot's rifle jammed as I could hear his cuss at his rifle as I took the opportunity to hit a huge right hook to Headshot's jaw, knocking him onto the ground

"No oh Celestia no! I can't go back! I-I won't go back!" Headshot begged as he pulled out a pistol and fired at me in desperation but the shots simply bounced off

"Sorry Headshot but when you kill innocent ponies this is what happens. Now, why don't you tell me-" I was cut off as Cold Case and a group of cops burst through the door of the roof entrance to the high rise "FREEZE!"

"Well then Headshot. It looks like your keepers are here" I snarked

"GET ON THE GROUND! BOTH OF YOU!" Cold Case yelled

"Sorry Coldy but jail isn't really my style" I replied as I knocked out Headshot with a quick clock to the head before setting off a smoke pellet and taking off into the night

"Dammit!" Cold Case growled "I will get you Nigthfury! You and your criminal friends!" Cold Case looked at the other cops before barking out more orders "Well! Don't just stand there! Get the assassin!"

I flew through the night sky of Manehatten on my way back to the rendezvous point that we had set up outside of our eastern outpost in the abandoned railway station on the east side of Midtown but the sight of a familiar masked mare grappling her way through the alleyways below caught my eye and I glided down to greet her

"Well nice to see you haven't skipped town Octy." I joked as I flew next to the masked mare

Octavia sighed in frustration "Greetings Nightfury. Do you require my assistance?"

I could tell that the cello player did not want to talk but I decided to push my luck "Vinyl still mad?"

"Yes....I wonder why that is?" Octy snarled back stressing her words in an attempt to scare me away but it only led me to continue

"Hey don't blame me for this! It was your fault that you kept secrets from your friends and family!" I shot back

Octavia landed in the middle of an alley and looked me in the eye "Fret I'm not like you. I can't just trust everyone I meet with my secret identity just because I think they can take care of themselves. Being a vigilante isn't just fun and games Fret. It is a dangerous business and it can put ponies in danger. One of these days someone is gonna use your friends against you and on that day You will find out just how dangerous trusting you is and it WILL change you. I wish you luck Nightfury but remember...the more ponies you trust the more ponies you put in the line of fire." Octavia took off after that and I sat there in thought

"Fret! Come in! We're waiting for you at the rendezvous point!" Violet yelled over the comms breaking my concentration

"Alright alright! Jeez! I'm on my way!" I shot back as I took off on my way to the rendezvous point

I finally landed at the rendezvous point where Violet and Sunset awaited my arrival

"Took you long enough." Violet commented

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not like anyone could really threaten me in this city in between here and from where Headshot was." I waved her off

Sunset on the other hoof was looking over me like a mother would look over a sick child "Are you feeling any pain Fret?" Sunset asked

"....No. You know you don't have to be so worried about my safety Sunny." I commented in a confused manner

"Well somepony has to be since you seem to be oblivious to your own limitations!" Sunset shot back in defense

"Well she's not wrong." Violet commented

"Whatever. Sunny I'm fine. I just need a bit of time for my bruises to heal and I should be fine." I spoke pushing my marefriend back in order to get myself some space "Violet will you do the honors and get us back to base?"

"Whatever Fret" Violet said before teleporting us back to the main computer room

"Good work kid. Headshot is headed back to Galyndor and we have one less thing to worry about....now it's on to the final stretch. It's time to take on Iron Claw." Power Chord spoke as I took off my suit and hung it up into it's storage case that Violet had designed to automatically repair and wash my suits

"Yeah well I'm gonna meet him tomorrow night so might as well get some rest." I said as I finally got the rest of my suit off

I waited on top the Lunar Apartment complex as the black and white griffin Mob boss landed on the roof of the building "Gotta say Nightfury, It takes some guts for anyone to purposely mess with the griffin mafia"

"Thanks..." I answered back as I stepped out of the shadows

"It also take a good amount of stupidity" Iron Claw said in a dark tone

I smirked at that "So how are we gonna do this? You know far too well who my next target is Iron Claw and you knew it would come down to this so how do you wanna go?"

The mob boss thought for a moment before answering back "If ah had to choose how I go out I have to say I'd rather do it in comfort....if you can get past my men back at my hideout then you can try and put me away Nightfury." Iron Claw then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down something before handing it to me

"Oh I will....and it will hurt." I said before taking the paper "What's this?"

"My address....please for your sake be on time" Iron Claw answered back

I raised my eyebrow at that "What's that supposed to mean? "

"None of your concern as of now Nightfury." Iron Claw replied before taking off into the night "Remember! Be on time!" yelled the mob boss as he flew away

"Oh don't you worry Iron Claw....I will"

Author's Note:

Next time on Nightfury: We have the final showdown between Nightfuyr and the Mob boss Iron Claw! How will Nightfury take on this beast of a griffin? What does Iron Claw have up his sleeve? Find out these and other answers NEXT TIME IN NIGHTFURY: WINGS OF VENGEANCE!