• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

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Wings of Fury (Arc 1 Finale)

I stood across the room from my opponent, my eyes locked in a staring match that seemed to last forever. Iron Claw, the one that killed my only brother and set me down the path that led me to where I am today, stood only hooves away from me.

"So Nightfury....It comes down to this. You and me. One on one. What could I have possibly done to have led you to this?" Iron Claw asked slyly

I narrowed my eyes as I continued to stare into my opponent's soul "Simple. You killed someone I hold dear and in the process ruined my life" I spoke in my magically altered gruff voice

Iron Claw stood there for a second before letting out a boisterous laugh "Ah ha ha ha! You really are just like the others! Every time I spare one of you fools you either grow up under my reign of terror or dedicate your pathetic lives to revenge....usually both. And here I thought you were different! I guess I was wrong about you Nightfury."

I smiled at that and let out a dark chuckle "Well then...I guess I'll just have to show you how different I actually am"

I lunged at the griffin and attempted a flying punch only to be caught in mid air by the mob boss and swung around and thrown out the window. I caught myself using my wings to twirl around and land safely on all fours as Iron Claw flew out the same window holding a tied up Cold Case

"Let us not forget what we are fighting for" Iron Claw said as he threw the detective's bound body to the ground as he landed unveiling a GA-89 from behind his left wing "Now Nightfury...Die" he said unleashing a torrent of bullets. I dodged most of them, flying in a circle around Iron Claw but a few hit home and although my new suit did deflect a large number of the hits a select few made it through the suit's armor hitting me in the left wing and left forehoof

'Damn....I need a new strategy....come on Fret think!' I took a look at the bullet pattern with my Fury vision and noticed something 'Perfect'

I changed direction flying straight at Iron Claw in a serpentine fashion as I approached

"Ready to die Nightfury?!" Iron Claw asked as he sprayed a storm of high caliber metal rounds at me only for me to shoot straight up just as I got in striking range of the mob boss "What the?!" Iron Claw yelled as I spread my wings about fifty hooves above my opponent stopping my ascent. I proceeded to flip around and bring my wings into my sides as I dive bombed Iron Claw at speeds that only increased as I shot downwards

Iron Claw pointed his assault rifle upwards but when he pulled the trigger he found the magazine to be empty "Aw shit" the mob boss said just before I delivered a huge right hook to the mobster's face before using my line launcher to escape from Iron Claw's reach quickly

Iron Claw wiped a trail of blood that escaped the side of his stark white beak with a smile "You got lucky Nightfury, but one lucky blow won't be enough to take me down. If you want even the slightest of chances at beating me then you're gonna have to rely on more then just luck."

"Oh, I've got way more than just luck Iron Claw." I said in my darkened voice as I shot off one of my line launchers at Iron Claw's right foreleg only for it to be caught by the mobster and used to pull me into a huge uppercut and body blow that ,launched me into the wall behind me as I clutched my chest in pain 'Shit....well that didn't work.' "Hey Sunnyside, any chance you can do that "magic through my eyes" thing?" I asked as I got up from the pile of rubble

"Not possible Nightfury. Not only does that take a hell of a lot of concentration to pull off on a Stationary object but it takes a Tartarus of a lot out of my magic reserves and if I do it too long it could possibly kill me." Sunset relayed stressing the 'could kill me' part

"Well then...Forget I asked." I replied as I used my teleporter bringing an image of myself behind Iron Claw to the front of my mind just as Violet had instructed me causing me to appear behind Iron Claw as I yelled "Peekaboo!"

I used my line launcher to latch onto the back of the mobster's head and pull me into a sucker punch and before Iron Claw could react I stomped onto his back as I flipped over the griffin.

"Fuck!" Iron Claw swore as he felt his back buckle under the force of the strike "Alright Nightfury! I was going easy on you before now but you've caused me to show you no mercy!" Iron Claw roared as he grabbed me by the back of the neck and slammed my face into the ground before taking off with me still in his clutches and repeatedly punching me in the back. Just as the two of us reached about three yards above the ground he chucked me straight at the dirt creating a small crater where I impacted the ground

'Damn....Guess I better step up me game.' I thought as I got to my hooves only for Iron Claw to slam his elbow into my back "Gah!" I yelled as Iron Claw scooped me up by the chest with his free claw and spun me around him and slammed me into the ground once more only back first this time before grabbing me by the throat and lifting me to face him eye to eye

"You actually think you had a chance Nightfury? I have fought all my life whether it be ponies, griffins, or even dragons and none could best me! You honestly think that some masked punk like you could beat Iron Claw!" the mob boss said tightening his grip with his claws as he spoke

"I-*cough* think you should try killing me with your claws instead of your words." I strained as I swung my body back and delivered a buck to Iron Claw's chest causing him to release me.

"You litttle shit!" He barked as I activated a dubstep grenade under him causing him to be stunned by the wave of sound that hit him allowing me to deliver a couple of good blows to his chest and head dazing him enough to allow me to spin around and buck him in the chest knocking him back a few hooves

Iron Claw let out a loud roar as his eyes glazed over and he went into an animalistic rage throwing swipe after swipe of his claws at me. I dodged easily due to how unfocused Iron Claw's rage was but he did manage to get in one slash to my chest cutting through my suit's emblem but not deep enough to cut clean through the entire suit. I got in a couple of punches of my own only fueling the griffin's rage as he grabbed my suit and proceeded to chuck me back into the wall that he had thrown me into before. After creating a hole in the wall yet again with my body the rage induced griffin lunged after me only for me to fire off a shot from my static cannon at him paralyzing him temporarily allowing me to activate my shock gloves and fire off both my line launchers at the wall behind him slingshotting me straight at him as I delivered a huge flying right hook with my shock gloves and finally finishing off Iron Claw with a series of electrified punches to his head

"Finally....It's done. Now to untie the hostage." I said with a deep breathe

I approached the tied up detective and released him from his bounds only for Cold Case attempt to tase me unsuccessfully

"You know usually when I release a hostage I get a thanks and not a taser to the chest" I joked

"You!...You aren't a hero! Look at what you've done! You leave innocent ponies in danger and you leave your victims broken boned and unconscious! You think you're some kind of guardian but all you are is a masked menace that think's he knows what's right and what's wrong!" Cold Case barked as he attempted to take me down with a stun spell. I side stepped it and replied back "Would you rather I killed my enemies?"

"What?!" The detective yelled "Are you saying your a murderer as well you freak?!"

"No. I'm not. I could never kill another soul. You are right detective. I am no hero, I'm a defender. I DO take the law into my own hooves and I DO break the law to get my job done...but only because I have to. Half the cops back at the station are under pay roll by the griffin mafia and because of that a lot of crimes in this city get overlooked or simply ignored. You detective are one of the few cops that I trust. you may not like me but I get done the stuff that your coworkers won't do." I replied in a solemn tone

Cold Case went quiet for a second before looking me in the eye and barking back at me in anger "Why am I even listening to you!? You are the enemy and I'm...where did he go? Nightfury!" Cold Case looked down and in my place was a note that read:

Check inside the rest of the hideout. Heck of a lot of hitgriffins waiting to be arrested. I'd hurry if I were you though. They're probably gonna come to pretty soon

Your Friend, Nightfury

On the bottom of the note was a symbol that was all too familiar to the detective

"Damn you Nightfury....Damn you" Cold Case muttered as he went to call for backup to search the griffin hideout

As I flew through the sky of Manehatten I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. My brother's killer was being put behind bars and I finally could sleep soundly knowing that the griffin mafia won't be rearing it's head any time soon

My train of thought was cut short by a message from my filly informant "Mr. Nightfury! The police just got word from Detective Cold Case! You did it!" Babs said in a gleeful cheer

"Thanks Crusader. The griffin mafia shouldn't be a problem for a while now so keep me up to date on any new criminals on the rise." I responded with a smile

"Wait...so your not done fighting?" Babs asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well ya beat the big baddie, so why do ya still wanna be the hero?" Babs added

I chuckled a little and answered back calmly "Crusader, the true mark of a hero isn't whether or not he beats the bad guy, it's whether or not he keeps fighting no matter the odds. Yes, Iron Claw is beaten but that doesn't mean I have to hang up my mask and give up. There are still a lot of other bad guys out there waiting for me to lay the smack down on."

Babs chuckled at that "Yeah, I guess you're right Mr. Nightfury. I'll keep you posted when I can"

"Thanks Crusader. Nightfury over and out" I said with a smile as I switched back to my regular frequency and dove down into the decoy well that sat in the middle of the mansion's backyard

I landed in the middle of the main computer room where I found the rest of my crew waiting for me

"Ya finally did it dude!" Drumroll yelled as he run up to me and gave me a bear hug "Ya finally put old beak breath behind bars!....Say that ten times fast" My best friend said with a smile

"Yeah thanks bro but I think I uh...." With that I fainted the exhaustion from fighting waves of griffins as well as a drawn out fight with Manehatten's kingpin finally hitting me as I fell to the floor

I slowly came to taking in my surroundings as I quickly realized that I was in an unfamiliar room that was stark white and contained only the bed I was laying on as well as a sink and a small chair

"Wait What?! Where am I?!" I yelled as my marefriend rushed in to calm me

"Fret calm down!" Sunset insisted as she pushed me back down to lay on the bed "You're in the mansion. You had a couple of extra rooms so Violet and I decided to convert them into a medical station. You passed out so we got you out of your costume and took you here"

Violet entered the room and spoke up "It looks like your new suit has some unforeseen side effects on you." Violet explained "Along with draining your stamina faster than usual the 'Howling Night' as you call it seems to cause your heart to beat faster which could cause symptoms such as fainting, fatigue, and even heart attack if you use it for extended periods of time. My suggestion is that you either abandon the suit entirely or use the suit in moderation. Extended usage could be fatal."

"Well I'm not just gonna ditch my new favorite suit just because it has some bugs so I'll choose the latter" I said as I sat up

"Of course" Violet replied with a roll of the eyes

"But Fret that suit could kill you!" Sunset urged

"Maybe. But that kind of problem hasn't stopped me before and it won't stop me now. Vi, can you possibly fix the new suit's bugs?" I asked

"Possibly. It won't be an over night thing Fret, so you won't be able to use the suit for a while but I'll see what I can do" Violet replied

"Good enough for me!" I said getting out of bed and slowly getting back on my hooves as leaned on my marefriend for support

"Fret, you worry me" Sunset added as she kept me balanced with her body

Violet chuckled at that "Welcome to the club Sunset"

Author's Note:

And thus ends the first arc of the story of the Nightfury....Next time we go through the aftermath of Iron Claw's arrest as well as Fret and Sunset's third date. See you next time on NIGHTFURY: WINGS OF VENGEANCE!