• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

Into the talons of Death

Chapter Three

Into the Talons of Death

"So who is this Iron Claw guy anyway?" asked Vinyl having returned from the gala

Violet began typing away at the main computer before pulling up a file on the screen

"Iron Claw Blackfeather Height: 5 hoof 7 Weight: 281 pounds Crimes: theft, arson, organization of illegal acts, bribery, and murder" read Violet off of the police file

"The guy is the biggest mob boss in Manehatten and is known for being willing to get his talons dirty" commented Drumroll

"But he's more than that to you isn't he kid?" asked Power Chord

"Yeah. He killed my brother..." I said

Meanwhile at the Manehatten Police Department Cold Case was once again furious. He had developed a bit of a reputation with his co-workers who had dubbed him 'nut case' despite him being far from crazy. He was, at least in his mind, determined. Determined to discover the identity of the Nightfury and he had good reason to be,

15 years earlier...

My buddy Fret and I were playing beer pong in my parent's basement when all of a sudden I smelled smoke. We both rushed upstairs and found that the whole house was ablaze. We quickly got out through the basement fire escape and got away from the fire into the rain when I noticed my parents were still inside the blazing inferno

I tried to run in before my friend held me back "Don't you dare try to be a hero. Leave it to the professionals."

"Yeah like that new guy Nightfury! He'll save them!" yelled a neighbor

"Yeah. the Nightfury" said Fret guiltily

He never came.

By the time the Fire department arrived the rain had extinguished the flames and my parents were dead

The Nightfury could have saved them but never came. My parents burned to death and it's all his fault.

I knew from that point on I had to find out who the Nightfury really was

"He killed Blazewing?!" asked Vinyl

"Less killed more organized his murder" said Violet

"It's still his fault he's dead" I said angerly

All of a sudden alarms started going off on our systems sending everyone into prep mode

"Smuggling operation at pier twenty five. Magi arms and ordinance it seems to be. At least fifteen guards." said Violet relaying the info off the screen

"Armed?" I asked

"As usual" She replied

"Of course" I said rolling my eyes as I dawned my Magi proof suit

"Don't forget your training kid" said Power Chord

"How in Tartarus am I supposed to forget you throwing wrenches at me?!" I asked recalling a particularly outrageous training session

"Hey ya had to learn how to dodge somehow" he replied

I grumbled and turned to Drumroll

"Don't get cocky out there bro" said Drumroll

"Aw shut up" I said turning my back to him as he did the same

"Loser" I whispered

"Jerk" He mumbled

We both whipped around to face each other once more before yelling "WHAT'D YOU SAY?!"

We stared each other down for about a minute before bursting out laughing

"ugh Why do I hang out with you morons?" Asked Violet head down and face in hoof

"Because we're family that's why" said Power Chord

"Hey I'm not a moron." I said "Drum-ass here is a moron" I said pointing towards Drumroll "I'm awesome" I said before taking off

"Ya know he's been using that same insult on me for twenty years and it's still lame as Tartarus" said Drumroll

I landed in an alleyway just outside the pier and scanned my the guards. There were two guards resting next to each other with a sentry in front of them. I quickly began to formulate a plan

'First eliminate slackers then using magitaser, take down sentry. Next kill lights and separate and eliminate the remaining guards'

I stealthily snuck up to the two napping guards and using a technique I learned while on a world tour in Neighpan in which you hit certain pressure points on the neck, I knocked them both out. The sentry noticed but before he could do anything he was stunned by my magitaser.

"Hey! It's that Nightfury guy! Let's get him!" I heard only to see five more guards coming at me

'Shit. Well there goes the element of surprise' I thought

The first griffin charged me talons barred but I simply flipped over him grabbing him by the shoulders and flipping him onto his head knocking him out before doing a forehoof stand spin kick taking out two more guards before taking off into the night to conceal myself.

"Where'd he go?" asked one of the two remaining guards

"I don't know Blackhawk but we're gonna find him and....Blackhawk?" asked the griffin's partner before getting knocked out by a blow to the back of the head

"Eight down six to go" I said spotting a warehouse with lights on

I went in to investigate and found exactly what I suspected would be there. Six guards three of them playing cards, another two sentries, and a final griffin guarding the back entrance.

I quietly snuck in behind some crates likely filled with weapons

"Right now seems like the perfect time to try out Violet and Vinyl's newest creation" I whispered pulling out a small black box before pushing a button on it and throwing it in the middle of the three card players. they looked at it in confusion before it finally went off sending a shockwave of pure bass out blowing the three away and knocking them out.

I retrieved the device thinking ' Gotta love that Dubstep Grenade' this obviously alerted to two sentries as they pulled out their weapons They began to fire at me but I evaded by flying into the rafters of the warehouse. I then flew down in front of one of the sentries before he pulled out a double barrel magi-shotgun and stuck it in my face

"You're dead meat chicken" said the shotgun wielding griffin

If there is one thing you do not ever call a pegasus it's a chicken

I narrowed my eyes and said "You wish" of coarse using a magical voice changer to conceal my identity giving me a voice that sounded like that of a grizzled stealth soldier before knocking away the gun and bucking the griffin into a bunch of crates causing him to crash through them.

I then flew up and did a flying dropkick knocking out the other sentry. I then turned to see the final guard making a break for it and I immediately gave chase

'Geez, all this flying around reminds me of my days in flight camp and my old friend Dashie. I wonder how she's doing these days....to bad I can't visit her' I thought as I threw a bolo that wrapped around the escaping griffin's limbs

I flew up to the tied up griffin and brought his beak up to my snout

"I'll let you go as long as you deliver a message to your boss" I said in my low grizzled voice

"And what's the message?" asked the griffin

"Meet me on top of the Lunar apartment complex tomorrow at Three A.M."

"And if I don't?" He asked

"Then I'll just leave you tied up and call the cops...besides it's not like you have a choice" I said smirking

"What do you mean I don't have a choice?" asked the griffin worryingly

"You see if you withheld such an important message from the boss and he found out he would probably kill you so if I were you I'd deliver the message for your own good" I said

He groaned and nodded

I untied him and he took off knowing that if he didn't deliver the message he would most likely be killed

I then trotted up to a pay phone and dialed a certain number

"Detective Cold Case's office. Cold Case speaking" answered the detective

"Pier Twenty Five, fourteen griffin mobsters, Smuggling operation of Magi arms and ordinance" I said in my low magically altered voice

"Nightfury?! Celestia damn you! I'll find you you vigilante menace! I'll find you!" I heard Coldy scream over the phone as I took off back to HQ leaving the phone hanging

I flew in to the headquarters through the hole in the ceiling of the main room. The Headquarters was fairly simple consisting of a main room containing our main computer that's many smaller screens took up most of one of the walls and they only surrounded a much larger main screen. The main room also house my costume and many extra suits such as a heated suit and a magi proof suit.

Aside from the main room there were six hallways that each led out of the main room to a different room. The first hallway leads to the library in which thousands of books along with police files and records in case we need to study up on our enemy. The second leads to the gym where all of my training is done. It houses a full size swimming pool, an open flight dome, a hoof boxing ring, a weight side room, and a track. After the Gym the third hallway leads to the laboratory which was used by Violet mostly to examine evidence, build gadgets, and do sciencey things that I hardly understood. Next the fourth hallway leads to the arsenal room that held all the gadgets and weapons that I used. It also held a firing range and combat side room that allowed the team to test all the equipment that I used in the field. The fifth hallway leads to our personal recording studio which, while serving no purpose to Nightfury, also serves as the base's bunker and has a security lock down mode which turns it into an impenetrable fortress in the event that the HQ gets broken into. This lock down feature also closes off each and every room and hallway and is only override-able by the crew themselves. The sixth and final hallway leads to an elevator that connects the base to our mansion which is hidden on the upstairs by a large statue

"So how'd it go?" asked Vinyl

"Good.....hey don't you have some music store you need to be running in Ponyville?" I asked

Vinyl squirmed in her chair before falling out of it "Oh crap! You're right! Well gotta go!"

"I gotta get to work on those instruments back home anyways" I heard my eccentric cousin say as she entered the elevator

"So really how'd it go kid?" asked Power Chord

"As well as it could have gone I guess. The operation was taken down, the goons knocked out and the cops called." I explained

"But that's not it is it?" asked Violet "It's never that simple when it comes to you"

"Course that's not it." I said " I left one guy free"

"And you think I'm the dumbass?! Why in Tartarus would you do that?" asked Drumroll

"Simple. To deliver a message" I said calmly

"To who?" asked Violet

"To the boss...to meet me" I said

Author's Note:

What will happen when Nightfury meets the griffin who killed his brother? Find out next time on Dragonball....I mean Nightfury: Wings of Vengeance!

BTW Tomorrow I'm going to my first Comic Con so wish me luck!