• Published 13th Aug 2014
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NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

Breaking and Entering

I looked upon the MHPD building in uncertainty. We had planned out he entire operation to a T but there was one pony I knew I would have to face if I entered that building.

Cold Case.....I know I wronged you but your fight isn't the only one in this city

"Fret! Are you ready or not?!" I heard Violet blare over the comms for the fifth time

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm going!" I replied begrudgingly

I glided down to an open ponyhole cover where I entered the sewer below

"You know this has to be one of the dumbest plans you've ever made Gadget" I spoke using Violet's codename just in case any worker ponies were listening in

"It isn't a dumb plan Nightfury. You're just mad because you have to go through the sewer" Violet replied

"Yeah! Have you ever been down here? It smells worse than Sticks after a stadium gig!"

"You do know that your mask has a air filter built in right?" Violet responded

"I know I just wanted to paint a picture for you" I said before turning on my mask's air filter

I made my way through the sewer to a fork in the tunnel before Power Chord came on the comms

"Alright kid, take the left tunnel for about fifty hooves and you should see a boarded up break in the wall. Get through that and it should lead to an old elevator shaft. Get there and wait for further instructions" Power Chord relayed over the comms

"Got it Thunder" I spoke as I flew down the left tunnel

I saw the boarded up wall and landed in front of it "Hmmm..." I tried to punch my way through the wall but the old boards held firm

"Gadget how am I supposed to get through these boards?"

"Can't you just buck through them?" Violet asked

"I tried that. These boards are tougher than they look" I replied

"Hmmmm.....Well it's a good thing I always come prepared for anything. Grab the device from the third pocket in your utility belt"

I looked at my utility belt and reached into the third pocket pulling out a small crystal "What is this supposed to do?" I asked

"It's crystalized Mercury Fulminate lined with Silver Fulminate. It's an explosive that should be just large enough to blow through those boards" Violet explained

"How in Tartarus did you get this stuff?"

"I cannibalized some of your fireworks" Violet replied

"Oh...Wait What!? Bitch! I was saving those for our Third of April concert!" I yelled

"Oh boo hoo. Get over it! Now throw the crystal at the wall."

"Ugh...fine but you owe me Gadget" I said before chucking the crystal at the boarded wall

The crystal exploded on impact knocking on my ass and giving me a minor headache 'Damn....Violet sure knows how to mix a cocktail' I thought as I entered the old elevator shaft

I ascended the elevator shaft waiting until Power Chord came back on the comms "Alright kid you need to find a ventilation duct that should be on the third floor level"

"Ummm...bit of a problem Pops" I spoke as I looked up

"What is it kid?" Power Chord asked

"Well I'm on the second floor and right above me is the old elevator car" I replied

"Damn.....Sunset, You're up." Power Chord ordered as Sunset came on the mic

"Alright Fret I need you to turn on your mask's camera." Sunset ordered

"What will that do?" I asked

"If I can see what you see I can use my magic to move the elevator." Sunset replied

"You can do that?" I asked surprised at the thought

"Were I a normal unicorn, probably not, But magic is a sight based skill and I've practically mastered it" Sunset replied

"Okay then.....and there" I turned my mask's built in camera on. While I usually don't use the camera very often due to it's tendency to be distracting, it did allow the others to see what I see during a mission. Immediately the elevator car was wrapped in a light blue aura and began to move. I could hear straining over the comms as Sunset used her magic to move the car "You okay there babe?" I asked

"Ye-yeah....I'm fine...Did you just call me babe?" Sunset replied

"Ummm...yes." I answered fearing I made things awkward

"Why don't you save that for the second date Fret." Sunset replied as I turned off my camera and Power Chord took over 'So I am getting a second date?' I thought 'Sweet! Wing family charm for the win!'

"Alright kid do you see the vent?" Power Chord asked

"I see it Pops. Entering it now" I replied as I dislodged the vent cover from it's rusty bolts and entered the vent

"Alright kid, from now on codenames only other than that we will maintain radio silence got it?" Power Chord stated

"Got it Thunder. Over and out." I replied as I entered the MHPD ventilation system

I finally exited the vents into an empty back room that was hidden behind a new section of drywall. I looked up and saw a ledge that led into the next hall and flew up onto it "Alright Gadget give me the schematics of the building" I asked but was met by static 'Damn it. The police station must have some sort of jamming device. I'm gonna have to disable it before I can get any back up' I thought as I activated my mask's 'Fury Vision' as I dubbed it. In reality it was a artificial version of the sixth sense that sharks have with the bonus feature of being able to sense magical radiation and heartbeats. I took a scan of the building sensing a group of cops in the next room over but what caught my interest was a magic based jammer across the hall from my position

'Bingo' I thought as I silently glided across the hall to the jammer. I landed in front of it but I heard the door next to it begin to open. In one quick flap of my wings I flew up to the ceiling lodging myself between two ceiling beams

"Ugh.....This paperwork is murder on my patience. Cold Case how do you deal with this?" Asked a familiar cop that stood next to my former friend Cold Case. His name was Bronze Badge and he was Cold Case's partner and one of his only friends. The two met due to my interference when Coldy was still in training and was even more a stick in the mud than he usually is.

"Hey this paper work is nothing compared to the stuff we'll get when we catch the big one" Cold Case answered back

"You ever not think about catching Nightfury?" Asked Bronze Badge

Cold Case just gave his partner a look and Bronze Badge let out a frustrated groan "Oh yeah that's all ya think about when on the job...Buddy you need a hobby. All this Nightfury business is gettin' to yer head"

Cold Case looked at his partner and asked "And what do you suggest I do?"

"I dunno. Knitting...nah. Maybe ya could learn an instrument." Cold Case just gave him a dirty look "Right....Sour subject....maybe you could write a story? Ah have heard ya are a pretty good writer." Bronze Badge replied in his signature accent that reminded me of that farmer family back in Ponyville

"And what would I call my story? Nightfury: Wings of Vengeance?" Cold Case played along as the two walked down the hall

"Nah! That's stupid! Ah'd call it Nightfury: Tales of Suspense!" Cold Case's partner replied putting his front hoof in front of him to emphasize each word of the title

The two laughed as the entered a room across the hall. "Phew" I whispered as I floated down to the floor and landed back infront of the jammer. I tore the cover of the device clean off and remembering what Violet had taught me I removed the blue crystal from the device

"*static*-Ghtfury! Are you there?!"

"Gadget I read you. The Police had a signal jammer installed but I took it out"

"Good job Nightfury. Now you need to find the door that leads to the holding cells. From there you can follow it until you reach to records room on the left. In there you will find the police database. Once you find that I'll give you further instructions" Violet relayed

"Alright Gadget. Over and out." I replied as I went into the door marked 'Holding cells'

I walked through the holding cell area and was met by some familiar faces

"I swear I'll kill you once I get out of here Nightfury!" Yelled Polt from his cell

I ignored and ducked behind a wall as a couple of cops walked past "You hear Old Nut Case's new 'news'?" asked one of the cops

"No. What has he come up with this time?"

"I heard he found out from a witness that apparently Nightfury has 'backup'. Some sort of tech support or something"

"Really? I guess that makes sense. I wonder who would be dumb enough to help the Nightfury?"

"That is if he even exists. We still have no proof that he even exists"

"Yeah....but you never know in this city"

The cops past and I snuck past into the door marked 'Records room'

As I entered the room I was met by a filly wearing a red cape

"Nightfury Yo-" I muted my comms as the filly stared me down

"Well....Hello there." I spoke softly turning off my voice changer instead deepening my voice naturally

The filly was a shade of burnt orange with a swept to the side red mane spoke up quietly "Ah' you the Nightfury?" She asked

"Yes....Who are you?" I asked back

"Ah'm Babs Seed and ah'm a Cutie Mark Crusadah!" Babs replied in a heavy Manehatten accent

I felt a knot tie up in my stomach when I heard those words "D-do you know a filly named Scootaloo?" I asked

"Yeah. She's ma cousin Applebloom's friend. Why do you ask?" Babs replied

"No reason. just tell her next time you see her that her uncle misses her. Anyways I need to....hold on" I turned my comms back on "BLITZWING DON'T YOU EVER MUTE ME AGAIN YOU-" Violet shouted into my ear before I interrupted her by turning on my camera "Gadget we aren't alone" I replied in a deepened tone

"Oh...well then...You need to insert the drive in your fifth pocket into the Database's hard drive" Violet responded

"Babs...do you know where that is?" I asked the filly

"Ummm....Oh! It's right over here!" She led me to a stack of computers and pointed to a port that had a sticky note that read 'Hard Drive'

"That's it!" She pointed proudly

"Thanks....Babs why are you here?" I asked

"Ma brothah' Orange Slice works here! Ah' hang out here when Ah'm not at school.....It's the only place that keeps the bullies away from me...." Babs answered softly as it was obviously a touchy subject for her

I thought for a second and turned to my comms "Hey Gadget put Thunder on."

"What do you need kid?" Power Chord asked sternly almost knowing what I was going to ask

"Well this kid Babs could be pretty useful to us...do you mind if I give her a comm?" I asked

"Your call Nightfury"He responded although I could here arguing in the background

I turned to the filly and knelt down to her level "Hey kid, how would you like to help out the Nightfury?" I asked

"How would I do that?" the burnt orange crusader asked

"Well I'll give you this headset and you can feed me any info you find out while you're here. You can be my filly on the inside. you could be.....a Cutie mark crusader Police informant!" I suggested working off the info I knew from my niece

"Cool!.....Does this mean Ah'm part of the team?" Babs asked innocently using her power of puppy eyes

'Oh no! My only weakness! Unadulterated Cuteness!' I thought "Sure. But you have to promise to tell nopony about this." I spoke sternly

"Tell anypony? Fo'get about it!" The filly brushed off the thought

"Promise?" I asked once more

"Promise!" the crusader replied as I shook her hoof and handed her a comm

"Awesome. Now to insert this puppy and I am outta here!" I inserted the drive into the hard drive and immediately an alarm went off "Crapbaskets" I muttered as I looked around the room spotting a vent cover. I darted to it removing the cover and crawling into the vent before putting the vent cover back

A group of cops ran into the room and Babs covered for me "Babs! The alarm went off! We heard voices! Move aside!" One of the cops ordered

"Big Bro! Ah'm sorry! Ah wanted to see if these computers could get on the internet! Ah set off the alarm! Ah'm sorry!" Babs wailed as she shot me a wink 'Nice moves kid' I thought as the cops walked out ordering a false alarm

The vent I entered led me to the third floor right outside the elevator where I snuck behind the sentry of the hall and silently knocked him out before I made my way to the window until I heard the elevator open and the cocking of a pistol

"Stop right there criminal scum!" Yelled a familiar voice

"Good old Cold Case.....always on duty" I replied in my deepened tone

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out Nightfury!" Cold Case barked holding up his gun

"Because that isn't you. Any other cop in this building would have taken the shot by now....but you're not just some other cop...you have standards." I replied calmly

"What are you talking about freak!?" the detective asked confused

"You have always been this way Cold Case...ever since college. You never pull the trigger when you don't have all the facts. That's what keeps you clean...that's what makes you better" I explained "You won't shoot me because if you do and I'm someone you know you would feel guilty in response. I know you Coldy. You are better than just some cop....your a detective." I then jumped out he window and flew off into the night

As I flew back to the mansion I heard Babs come onto the comms "Hello? Nightfury? Ah ya there?"

"I hear you Babs....we're gonna need to assign you a code name...hmmm....how about Crusader?" I replied

"Yeah! Ah like it! Anyways Ah got a bit of info fo' ya. The police have reported a victim of a shooting over by the docks. They said something about a sniper and it being outside warehouse thirteen" Babs relayed

"Thanks Babs. I'll tell the team. Over and out."

"Over and out Nightfury!"

"You hear that guys?" I asked after switching back to my normal frequency

"You teaming up with a ten year old? Yeah we heard it. You know this is putting her in a Tartarus of a lot of risk do you Fret?" Violet protested

"Hey she's operating out of the police department and she has a brother that's a cop! I think she's safe" I replied

"Whatever. I'm guess you are gonna ask about the sniper victim."

"You know it sister." I laughed

"I'll open a case file back here. Fill me in on any details that you find" Violet relayed as I turned towards the docks

I landed in front of Warehouse Thirteen just outside the crime scene

'Better not disturb the scene of the crime' I thought as I lightly hovered just above the ground as I entered the crime scene

I activated my Fury Vision and approached the victim 'Hmm....looks like the victim was shot in the chest by the blood splatter....and the round was a standard 45. caliber magi round considering the size of the bullet wound and the magical residue...now just to figure out the trajectory. Thank the gods I payed attention in physics' I thought as I surveyed the scene of the crime 'The wind was blowing at five miles per hour and the angle of the shot taken into account leads me to.....'I smirked confidently "Guys I think our old friend Headshot is back in town."

I made my way back to the hide out and landed in the main computer room

"Welcome back Fret. We looked into the sniper victim data that you sent us and we got a match" Violet smiled

"Headshot?" I asked

"Headshot" Power Chord nodded

"Who's Headshot?" Asked Sunset

"An old acquaintance" I replied

"Hey I'm part of the team. Fill me in or shut up!" Sunset ordered

"Alright jeez!" I recoiled in fright

"Headshot. Male, Age 39 convicted for several assassinations and murders. Occupation professional hitpony. Name unknown " Power Chord read off the screen

"One of the first baddies I ever locked up." I reminisced "But that was ten years ago. He must have gotten off."

"For murder? I doubt it. He had a life sentence....three actually" Commented Drumroll

"According to police records he escaped during a prison riot about three years ago. " Power Chord read off

"Doesn't matter how he got out. All that matters is putting him back behind bars" I spoke calmly

"Always thinking about somepony other than than yourself Fret. This guy is a trained killer and will take you out the first chance he gets" Sunset chimed in

"Do you really think that will stop me Sunnyside?" I deadpanned

"No but I think it should at least make you act a little bit more calculated when you face this guy. What are his weaknesses?" Sunset replied

"Well from what we know he tends to follow the same tactics for each kill" Violet brought up

"So he's predictable. Good. What else?"

"He has a major superiority complex. He ALWAYS works alone and when he does hire ponies to protect him he tends to stay far away from them as in they stay on the bottom floor while he's on the roof far" I added

"So he's easy to isolate. What else?"

"He is a expert markspony...but only at far ranges. He is a TERRIBLE shot at close ranges. Should Fret get in close he should be able to take him out pretty easily" Power Chord stated

"Bingo! That is something we can use! Now we just need to find him. Tell your new Crusader friend that she did a good job Fret" Sunset exclaimed

I switched to the special frequency and called up Babs "Hey Crusader. I found the sniper victim. You were right. Good job kid."

"Thanks Nightfury!" Babs replied in glee

I switched the frequency to mute from my side that way Babs could relay info without hearing my side "Alright gang let's get to work!"

Author's Note:

Before you go ranting and raving, YES! This chapter was HEAVILY inspired by Batman: Arkham Origins...I've been binge playing a Batman game and you honestly DIDN'T expect it to influence my writing when my story is inspired by Batman!? Anyways next time on Nightfury: Wings of Vengeance! Fret faces off with Blackbeak, Fret and Sunset go on their second date! And we learn a bit more about this third vigilante!