• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

Planning the attack

Chapter Five

I heard a howling in the distance as I flew through the alleys of Manehatten. Suddenly I turn a corner to see my brother being cornered by Iron Claw's goons. I charge them angrily but I simply fazed through the nonexistent visualizations of my brothers murder.

"Dammit. Why does it have to be like this?" I cried when I noticed the image of an orange filly standing with her back to the wall surrounded by a bunch of larger stallions.

"Scootaloo" I muttered as a primal anger began to build up inside me. I heard the howling once more as I pounced the stallions only to faze right through them as I saw them assualt the poor filly

My eyes shot open and I punched the air as if it was one of the stallions from my dream only for me to stop and look around my room.

I saw nothing other than the plain green walls of my room, the window that overlooked the Manehatten skyline and Balto siting up in his bed as he was woken up by my noise

"Oh. Just a dream." I sighed as I got out of bed

I made my way to the mansion's kitchen where I opened the fridge to grab a midnight snack before closing it to find Power Chord waiting there

I jumped in fright and yelled "Sweet Celestia Power Chord! Don't scare me like that!" I said obviously on edge

"Up all night again kid?" asked the gruff pegasus calmly

I let of a sigh "Nah. Just woke up."

"Bad dream?"

"Not exactly...Hey can you cover for me?" I asked

"Why?" asked my mentor

"I'm gonna go visit her" I answered

"You know you can get arrested for that" he reminded me

"You don't think I don't know that? I just want to see her. You can't blame a guy for wanting to see his only niece can you?" I asked

"Alright kid, I'll cover for you but you be careful out there."

"Thanks Pops. You really are the best you know that?" I said

"Yeah, yeah,yeah, I know. Kid, go visit your niece and I'll do my best to cover for you got it?"

"OK pops. Thanks." I said as I headed off toward the main room

I quickly headed out dressed in my Nightfury suit to disguise myself and took off towards Ponyville

about two hours later I arrived in the outskirts of the town and outside a small building that was marked by a sign that read 'Sunny Side Orphanage'

I took a deep breath as I made my way around back and through an open window.

I took off my mask as I trotted up to the sleeping orange pegasus filly in bed

"If only you knew how much you mean to me" I whispered as I sat next to my niece's bed

"You know I could have you arrested for being here Fret Shredder" I heard a voice say from the door

I smirked " But I know you won't. Would ya Tenderhoof?" I asked the pony standing in the door way

Tenderhoof is a kind mare who I met years ago back in high school. She's an Earth pony who's scarlet mane and tail, along with her light brown coat, simply exuded a feel of warmth and motherly care and her cutie mark featured a trio of laughing hearts. She used to work as an assistant at this orphanage until the owner tragically passed and left it to her. That was back when I was allowed to see my niece but times have changed since then.

"Fret what are you doing here? You know fair well that you can't be here" said Tenderhoof

I chuckled a little at that "Look if you think that just because some corrupt lawyers that my parents payed to screw me over is gonna keep me from seeing my only niece then you're dead wrong"

She smiled at that "Well it wouldn't be the first time you broken the law Nightfury."

"Hey I only break the law when I have to. Besides if I never broke the law half the criminals in Galyndor would be free upon Equestria" I quipped back

"But I thought Cold Case put away all the criminals in Galyndor"

I smirked at that " That's what he wants he you think. trust me if it weren't for me most of Galyndor's inmates would still be running wild."

I notice a clock on my niece's desk that read 5:00 AM and instantly remembered something

"Oh crap! I gotta get going! Hey Tender do you have a couple markers and a piece of paper?" I asked

"Umm yeah. Why?"

"Just get me them and you'll see" I explained

after getting me the supplies I made a note for my niece and left it on her desk

"I love you kiddo" I said stroking my niece's mane before dawning my mask and taking off for Manehatten

"Huh! What!" said Scootaloo waking up to see Miss Tenderhoof standing in the doorway

"Miss T.? What are you doing?"

"Oh just checking up on you. it seems you had a visitor during the night" said Tenderhoof pointing at Scootaloo's desk


On her desk was a piece of paper that in blue lettering read

You've grown so much since I last saw you, and you continue to make me proud day after day
~Your Guardian Angel - Nightfury

above lay an image that caused the filly to squee in glee

As I walked in to the main room of the HQ to see Violet glaring at me

"What?" I asked playing dumb

"Did you really think you would get away with sneaking out in costume did you?" asked my bassist while staring me down like a cockatrice

"What are you talking about?" I asked continuing to play dumb

"Kid there's no point in hiding. She already got it out of me" said Power Chord

"Oh come on Pops! You had one job!"

"Sorry kid. She bribed me"

"With what?!" I asked bewildered

"Remember our last trip to Las Pegasus?"


Violet got up in my face and snarled "Look I don't expect you to be perfect I just expect you to be on time. Now where were you last night?!"

I pushed her off of me and snapped back at her "I was visiting one of the only fucking reasons I didn't become a murderer after Blazewing's death! Scootaloo! Alright?!"

Violet looked at me wide eyed before apologizing "Hey! Hey! Look. I'm sorry Fret. I know how sensitive a subject that is for you I was just worried. "

"Yeah I know. I know. Forget about it and let's move on" I responded

Violet smiled and immediately got out a large map of a manor and laid it out across the table

"This is the Grimwing Manor. It has five main entrances, one in front, one on each side and two in back. It has three floors, the first floor being the entertainment area, the second floor being the living quarters, and the third floor being the business area as shown here." explained Violet pointing out each floor on the schematic as she went on

"What about the basement?" asked Drumroll

"They don't have one. The manor is one of the older buildings in Manehatten and was never built with a basement as builders back then weren't sure if the soil could support one this close to the river"

"How many guards we talking?" asked Power Chord

"At least thirty since Grimwing's daughter lives there as well but we have luck on our side because as it turns out his daughter is away on vacation so we should be down to at least fifteen guards plus Golden Eye himself of course unfortunately that's all the info I have"

"We need more info kid. Looks like you're gonna have to go recon mode again. You up for it?" asked my mentor

"Hey if we need info I'm always ready to go. All I need to know is who to get the info from" I said smirking

Just then our alarm went off and we all got into prep mode

"Mob shootout in south Marelem in progress. About forty members total. I'm not sure you should take this one Fret. There are a lot more guys than usual and Cold Case is bound to be there" said Violet, pulling up camera footage of the fight on the computer

"No can do Violet. You know my policy. Never back down from keeping the citizens of Equestria safe no matter how bleak the circumstances" I stated

"And how many times has that policy gotten you in trouble?" asked Drumroll

"None that have ever gotten me caught" I retorted

"Well the kid does have a point there" quipped Power Chord

"Look, I'll see you guys backstage tomorrow with the info I get. Got it?"

"Okay." the three replied as I suited up in my bulletproof suit

Balto barked at me twice before I ruffled the fur on his head and saying "I'll miss you too Balto. You make sure Drumroll doesn't eat all my chocolate strawberries before I get back okay?" He barked once before I took off

"Hey! I only steal them because you hog all of them!" yelled Drumroll

As I flew over Manehatten I noticed something odd in the light of the rising dawn sun below me. Swinging from what looked like grappling hooks was a figure dressed in a grey costume that seemed to be headed in the same direction as I was.

I paid no mind to the figure until I heard a shot ring out from underneath me and I saw the figure firing at the mobsters I was going to take down

'The hay! What kind of hero uses guns?!' I thought as I began taking down mobster after mobster eventually getting surrounded by at least fifteen griffins each with tommy gun in claw.

All of a sudden the mystery figure leaped in front of me and drew a ninjato from a back sheath and spoke in a familiar voice that I couldn't put my hoof on

"You griffins will not harm Nightfury or you will face the wrath of the Shadow."

The Griffins laughed before one, who was smoking a cigar, spoke up in response

"Little lady, if you have any brains what-so-ever you would know that you should move before you get yourself hurt. So why don't you just get yourself out of here and let the men do their thing"

The mystery mare just just smirked and said "and what are you gonna do if I don't? After all griffins are half pussy"

The griffin bit down on his cigar and yelled "Screw this bitch! Kill them both!" causing the group of Tommy wielding griffins to open fire with a spray of bullets but instead of them killing both me and this 'Shadow' the Shadow used her sword to rapidly block all the bullets at insane speeds

'what is she? A freaking ninja?!' I thought as the griffins ran out of ammo

"Now that you see things my way....run. run away." said the Shadow calmly as the griffins ran for their lives

I heard police sirens in the distance headed this way and got up to talk to my savior

"You. Me. Talk. Now. At my place." I said

"Sorry Night but I have places to be but don't worry. We will meet again.....Oh! and take this as a memento of our first encounter." she said handing me a folded up schematic before she swung away on her grappling hook. I pocketed the 'memento' and took off

"She sounds like she could be a useful ally" said Power Chord regarding the topic of the Shadow that I had just explained to the group

"But she uses guns! GUNS! As Nightfury I have a moral code to never kill anyone no matter how dangerous they are and she just goes around shooting up anyone who stands in her way!" I roared

"Not according to this." Explained Violet " According to this she only wounds her targets with extremely well placed shots and never kills"

"Well we still can't trust her! I mean we don't even know who she is" I retorted

"Dude that's the same reason why Coldy doesn't like you. Lighten up. If the Shadow really wants you to know who she is then she'll tell you and if not then you'll just have to figure it out on your own"said Drumroll

"I guess you guys are right" I said ' figure it out on my own eh?'

"I personally think she sounds hot" exclaimed Vinyl

"Of course you would Scratch. Now she did give me this so if it's worth anything here's her 'memento'" I said handing over the schematic to Violet

She looked it over for a total of two seconds before yelling "This is PERFECT!!!!! How in Tartarus did she get this?"

"Heck if I should know. She just handed it to me and left. Didn't tell me squat"

"Well now that we have this we can plan our attack on the Grimwing manor!"

Author's Note:

so a new vigilante is in town, we found out Fret has had some trouble with his parents and that his neice is Scootaloo...wait...did I seriously get though ALL the spoilers provided in the other fic in 5 CHAPTERS?!.....well then I guess I'll see you in the next chapter of Nightfury: Wings of Vengence!