• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 791 Views, 22 Comments

NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

Manehatten Nights

I sighed as I flew through the night sky of Manehattan. Ever since Iron Claw's arrest crime in Manehattan has been at an all time low leaving me to the routine patrol duty that I do every night. It was boring as ever and after doing every night with nopony to fight it got old really fast.
I checked my suit's HUD with a blink of my eyes as Violet decided to make it a standard feature in all my suits and looked at the clock "Two AM....finally time to go home!" I said as I made a mid air u-turn headed back to base when a thought hit me 'I haven't visited her in a while.....Eh screw it! Ponyville here I come!'

"Gadget....Nightfury here. Going to visit Backwater....and Hawk....be back in a few hours" I left as a message on the main computer. Violet always made it a habit to check any messages I left during my night runs when she woke up

I flew through the night sky as the moon shone brightly over the land when the village of Ponyville came into view. While I was here for my niece a familiar grey pegasus caught my eye as I flew over the village. Diving down into the cover of the town's library's branches I quickly took off my costume and approached the wall eyed mare

"Yo! Miss Derpy! Long time no see!" I yelled quietly in order to not wake any sleeping ponies

The grey mare turned her head to look at who had called her name and a smile came to her face when she spotted me "Blitzy! I haven't seen you in ages!"

Now usually I detested ponies using my real name but Derpy was a special case. "So Miss Derpy how have you been? Meet anypony nice lately?" I asked

"Well I met the Doctor last year! He lives with me now." Derpy replied cheerfully.

I smiled at that...Derpy always seemed to be happy with her life no matter what ponies said about her "The Doctor eh? He your special somepony?" I joked

"No. Just a friend. What brings you to Ponyville Blitzy?...Are you here for Scootaloo?" Derpy asked with a hint of concern in her voice

I let out a deep breath before answering. Because Derpy was one of the few ponies out there that knew my true identity she also knew of my family ties to this town....and how they were taken from me "Yeah....How has she been?"

"Good as of late! Her and her Crusader friends seem to get along well and from what my little muffin has told me Scootaloo has been doing fine in school as well...Blitz you know you can't see her right? You shouldn't be in this town at all from what I remember." Derpy responded

"Look Miss Derpy. Just because some Judge says that I can't see my only niece doesn't mean I'm not gonna try anyways....wouldn't you do the same for Dinky?" I answered back in a serious tone

Derpy smiled at that "You're right Blitzwing...I would do the same for my little muffin....after all these years you're still the same colt that I looked after back at Flight camp...always looking after his friends and family whether it was right or not"

"Thanks Miss Derpy....I'll see you later." I said as I flew off into the night before diving back into the foliage of the Treebrary to retrieve my costume

After putting my costume back on I flew across the village to a building tucked away in the corner of the village. Landing, I walked around the building that had the words 'Sunny Side Orphanage' tacked on the sign in front of the building as I made my way to the window of my niece's room only to find the light of the room on and the room's owner staring out the window silently. I ducked against the wall beside the window and listened carefully

"Scootaloo! Why are you still awake?" I hear a familiar voice ask

"I don't know Miss T. I just got got something on my mind." Scootaloo replied with a sigh

"Are you thinking about your father?" Tenderhoof asked concern lining her voice

"No...." Scootaloo replied "I miss my uncle Fret....."

"Oh...well maybe we could-" Tenderhoof was cut off by the filly snapping back at her

"NO! We can't! If my grandparents hadn't ruined my uncle's life I would have a family right now!" Scootaloo yelled with tears in her eyes "I just wish I could talk to him..."

I took that as my cue and looked through the window and spoke "Well I might be able to help"

The two mares looked at me in shock although it could be argued that Tenderhoof was faking it "Nightfury!"

"The one and only. So Squirt, you said you wanted to talk to your unc' right? I might be able to get him a message" I responded with a smile
Tenderhoof spoke up first urging Scootaloo to try to speak "Scootaloo this maybe your only chance to contact your uncle!"

Scootaloo grinned widely before shaking her head and finally speaking "Y-you would do that just for me?" Scootaloo asked as she failed to keep her excitement in

"Hey, I'm not your guardian angel for nothin'. Now what is it you want me to tell your favorite uncle?" I asked

"Oh! Ummm.....tell him that I really miss him and that I love him so much....and that I would really like a copy of his latest album for my birthday...please?" Scootaloo asked

I teared up a little at that as I let out a small chuckle "Alright. I'll make sure he get's the message. See you later Squirt...and remember..... Follow the tune of the night...not the wings of vengeance." I said as I flew off into the night

"What does that mean?" Tenderhoof asked

"I dunno. He always tells me that in his notes and stuff...I think it's a secret message or something" Scootaloo answered back

I arrived back in the big city at the crack of dawn as I entered HQ to take a quick nap after getting my suit off only to find Violet waiting for me
"What did I do wrong this time?" I said with a groan

"Well I would scold you for revealing yourself to a pair of civilians but Tenderhoof already knows who you are and Scootaloo is a special case so nothing so far" Violet answered

"Then what are you waiting for me for?"

"I've been waiting for you so I could show you this." Violet answered pulling up a message on the computer screen

Meet me at the Mare of Manehattan's hooves at Celestia's first light
~Grey Fox

"Someone has managed to hack our system just to leave a message...I don't get it! Who is this Grey Fox and how does he know us!?" Violet yelled

"I know how....looks like my nap will have to wait" I said before beginning to put my suit back on

"Who is he?!" Violet asked grabbing me by the shoulders

"A friend....well at least I think....I better go see what he wants" I said as I pulled my mask on

"Fine...Go see what he wants but keep your comms on at all times so I can keep track of your conversation" Violet relented

"Where's the rest of the gang?" I asked

"Where they usually are at four in the morning on a Saturday....either sleeping or watching TV." Violet deadpanned
"Oh well... See you later!" I said before taking off into the morning sky

I landed at the pier of Celestial Island where the Mare of Manehattan stood tall over the harbor when I saw a familiar grey mare standing at the foot of the statue

"Well if it isn't my favorite cellist." I said as I trotted over to Octavia in her Shadow outfit

"Ugh...Grey Fox invited you too Fret?" Octavia groaned

"Yup. My question is who exactly is Grey Fox?"

"That will be answered shortly Nightfury." I heard come from the base of the statue. Octavia and I turned to see a door at the pedestal of the statue open and a speaker next to the door sound off "Please my fellow vigilantes...come in"

Octavia and I looked at each other and shrugged before entering the open door.

As we both stood there in the elevator that the door at the base of The Mare of Manehattan led us to we both began to wonder what we were being led to.

"Any ideas what this Grey Fox wants?" I asked nervously as my comms went dead due to the depth that we had passed in the elevator

"How do you even know Grey Fox Fret? He was a close friend to my father so I was bound to know him but you have never met either." Octavia brought up

"I met him the other day when I was on patrol. So what do you think he wants?" I answered back

The elevator came to a halt as Octavia looked at me "I guess we'll just have to see."

We both exited the elevator into what looked like a Nieghpanese dojo "Welcome fellow heroes. You're welcome to make yourselves at home" Grey Fox spoke with his signature deep voice

I took a look around the room and took in my surroundings "How did you manage to hide a secret dojo under the city's biggest landmark?"

"There are many answers to a single question Nightfury....Which one you choose could save your life" Grey Fox answered back in a sage like tone

'Well I'm not getting answers from this guy.' I thought 'Why do all Nieghpanese warriors have to be so fucking vague when they give answers?!'

"You two are probably wondering why I have summoned you here..." Grey Fox inquired "Well the answer to that lies within this scroll." Grey Fox pulled a scroll out of his white cloak

Octavia raised her eyebrow at that "Where did you get that?"

Grey Fox simply grinned and responded "This scroll was given to my ancestor by Princess Luna many moons ago as a token of gratitude for serving her."

"And we need to know this why?" I asked only to have Octavia hit me in the shoulder for being rude

"I'm sorry Grey Fox. Nightfury here has clearly not been versed in the edicate of the Nieghpanese" Octavia apologized

"Do not apologize Shadow. Nightfury has every right to be cautious. He is in an unfamiliar place and is cut off from his friends." Grey Fox answered back "Now, if you wouldn't mind please sit and let me continue." Grey Fox pointed to two pillows as Octavia and I sat and listened
"Good. Now..." Grey Fox unraveled the scroll and read aloud "As the vultures fall by under the claw of the Wolf and the Tiger loses its stripes, the Wolf will face his equal after he catches the fox by the tail. The day will break and the jungle will overtake the wolf as he cries for the moon to return. Only by uniting with the Fox and the Tiger will the Wolf be able to defeat the Black Sun and bring the moon back to it's place in the sky. The Hawk will take notice and cry out to the Moon for the Wolf to be free from his shackles as the Hawk is spotted by the Wolf once more. The Wolf will fall for the Phoenix and bear the child of the blood of the moon and the heart of the sun. In the end the Wolf will fall to the Nightmare and the Hawk will rise in his place until the moon shines it's brightest and the Wolf faces his ultimate challenge. "

"That seems oddly specific" I noted "I'm guessing the Wolf is me then?"

"Indeed. Nightfury when you took up the task of protecting Manehattan you made a vow....do you remember that vow?" Grey Fox asked

I lowered my head and spoke softly "Never back down, never give up. Through ice and rain all the same. Protect this city and all that live within. Fight to the end always finish the mission. No matter the odds no matter who or why. Crime doesn't back down and neither do I"

Grey Fox smiled and answered back "Nightfury, do you truly wish to uphold that vow?"

"Yes....Hold on. Are you going to suggest that we team up? Because I don't do team ups and I'm pretty sure neither does Shadow here" I spoke anticipating his response

"Well he's not wrong. Grey Fox while teaming up may benefit us as a whole there are simply too many differences between our approaches to fighting for us to be a functioning team. Besides...There's no way in hell I'm ever gonna have Nightfury here as a leader." Octavia added

Grey Fox sighed in defeat "Well as much as I'd like to think differently I'd have to agree with you Shadow....but that doesn't mean we can't help each other from time to time. Truce?" The white cloaked unicorn asked extending his hoof

"Truce." I said shaking his hoof

"Truce" Octavia said rolling her eyes as she shook Grey Fox's hoof

"Good. Now you may leave if you like Nightfury. Shadow, I'd like to speak with you in private." Grey Fox said

"Okay. Allons-y!" I yelled as I turned to held for the elevator "No. That doesn't work either. That sounds more like some sci fi character's catchphrase than a superhero's!" I muttered to myself as I entered to elevator

I flew over the city scanning the streets below as I went over what had happened to my crew

"So that Fox guy wanted to team up?" Drumroll asked

"Yeah...I just can't.... I can't tell you my secret but the moment you step into the line of fire I have to draw the line." I answered back

"Too bad...I would have liked having more than just you to talk to Fret" Violet added

"Oh ha ha. Hey I don't exactly like putting up with you either Vi" I shot back

"Whatever...hold on....We got a report of a robbery on the upper east side. The getaway cart seemed to be a griffin mafia owned vehicle" Violet relayed

"I'm about two minutes away already. I'm on it" I replied as I took off into the morning sky

I approached the cart from above flying directly over it before landing on the roof of the vehicle "Aloha!" I yelled at the ponies pulling the cart

One of the ponies turned and yelled galloping faster in an attempt to escape

"Surf's up dude!" I yelled as a shotgun blast tore though the roof of the cart that I was standing on. I dodged it dropping a dubstep grenade into the hole that the shotgun had left knocking out all that sat inside the cart "Too easy" I smiled under my mask as I used my line launchers to grab onto first the cart itself and second the road behind us causing the cart to pull to an abrupt start

"Hand it over" I said flying off the roof and in front of the cart holding out a hoof

The cart drivers sit at me in response and I proceeded to knock out his partner with a quick hook before I grabbed the stunned pony by the foreleg and twisted it just before the point of breaking it "Hand. It. Over." I repeated

The driver pointed to the underside of the cart frantically as I knocked the driver out with a strong elbow to his head before checking under the cart finding three bags of full of money "Better return these to their proper owner. Gadget where did these guys rob exactly?"

"The Olympus Theater" Violet answered back

"THOSE BASTARDS!" I roared as I turned to look at the unconscious crooks "No pony fucks with the Olympus" I said as I took off north to the theater

I landed on the roof and pulled a key out of my utility belt and unlocked the roof entrance and made my way through the building. I stopped briefly as I looked upon the stage as a flood of memories entered my mind. I remembered the time when my brother took me to the opening night for Space Wars: The Kingdom Strikes Back. I remembered all the times I would watch my then marefriend Gloria perform her plays.

"Reminiscing Nightfury?" I heard a pony ask from behind me . I snapped out of my trance and whipped around to see the familiar face of Grand Finale, the owner of the theater.

"Yeah... Got your money back." I handed him the three bags of money to the owner before speaking again "It's been awhile since I've been here. How's Sneak Peek?" I asked

"Oh....I guess you wouldn't have known. He is in the hospital right now. His body is finally giving out." Grand solemnly answered

"Oh....well then." Grand Finale's son Sneak Peek was my biggest fan but unfortunately he was living on borrowed time. Sneak Peek was born with leukemia and his mother died when he was young from the same condition, thus Sneak was raised here in the theater by his father. The kid always said that he wanted to be the one to find out who was behind the mask....perhaps I could grant him that wish.

"Well I guess I gotta go visit him then." I spoke with a smile under my mask

"You would risk getting arrested just to visit my son?" Grand asked

"Hey, gotta keep the fans happy" I answered back smugly "Besides if you give me a form of permission to visit him there's no way they can arrest me without breaking the law"

Grand pulled me into a hug and wailed "Oh thank you Nightfury! I don't care what those cops and reporters say about you! You are a hero to me and my son!" Grand then ran off towards his office

'Okay...that was weird' I thought as Grand ran back holding a piece of paper

"This is a signed document allowing you to visit Sneak. If the doctors give you any trouble just call me and I'll raise a fuss!" Grand proclaimed with a smile

I took the paper and smiled "I'll make sure Sneak gets to see his hero one more time."

Grand smiled wholeheartedly before hurrying me out the front door.

I stood outside the theater and smiled "Gadget....you get all that?"

"Yeah. Go see him Fret. He could use some hope"

I hurried out of the theater and flew off towards the hospital

I landed on the roof of the hospital taking off my suit and hiding it in a vent before gliding down to the entrance and entering the hospital proper

A feeling of misery fell over me as I entered the hospital. I always hated hospitals and not because I hated doctors. I always felt uncomfortable in hospitals due to the feeling of suffering that lined the air, well that and most of the criminals that I fight end up here.

"Hello. Are you here for anypony specific?" The receptionist asked

"Yeah, I'm here to see Grand Finale's son Sneak Peek." I answered

The receptionist, finally realizing who I was, quietly squeed before speaking in a stuttering voice "Oh!Ummm I'm sorry Mr. Fret Shredder! Please, follow me!" The mare led me to the elevator and pressed the button as the elevator doors closed before asking me some uncomfortable questions

"So how do you know the patient?"

"I've been a friend of the family since I was a kid."

".....I get off at eight...you mind getting a coffee?"

"I'm actually seeing somepony..."

"Oh! Who would that be?"

".....no comment"

Finally the elevator doors opened and the mare led me to Sneak's room "This is his room. Visiting hours end in three hours so please be mindful of the other patients" The receptionist said

I smiled and asked politely "Miss...what is your name?"

"Oh! My name? It's Cece Pommel!" The receptionist answered

I grabbed a pair of tickets out of my pocket and handed them to Cece "Take these. They're a pair of front row tickets to my next concert. After the concert simply go to security and tell them your name and they will let you and a friend go backstage"

Cece took the tickets, thanking me and silently walked off back to the elevator before audibly squealing with joy once the elevator doors had closed

I looked at the door to Sneak's room and pulled out the piece of paper that Grand had given me and using a clip in the shape of my calling card I tacked it to the front of the door and made my way to the stairs and up them back to the roof making a mental note of where Sneal's room was.

I put my suit back on and glided down to the balcony of Sneak's room and landed softly. I was lucky enough to find the glass door to his room open and the room was empty other than the sleeping colt that lay in the hospital bed in the middle of the room. I quietly entered Sneak's hospital room which was lined with colored pencil drawn comic pages of me in costume and letters from "The Nightfury" along with an acoustic guitar with a small in the left corner of the room. Using my line launcher I grabbed the handle of the hallway door and closed it by pulling on the line.

The sound of the door closing caused the sleeping colt to slowly wake up and scan his surroundings although the moment he spotted the costumed hero he rubbed his eyes doing a double take before responding "Nightfury? Why are you here?! I heard my dad's theater was robbed! Is he okay?"

"Your dad's fine Sneak. I just got back from taking those bad guys out and returning your father's money. Grand tells me that you're sick. Is that true?" I asked

Sneak let out a sorrowful sigh "Yeah...the doctors have been talking about how I have two weeks to live. they try to hide it but I hear them at night talking about it."

'Yikes' I thought as I considered my next words. Do I tell him the truth or lie to him? I chose the third option "Sneak. Whatever they tell you I want you to keep fighting. you know how I fight the bad guys?" I asked

"Yeah....." Sneak answered back confused

"Well right now the bad guy is your cancer and I want you to fight it for your life!" I responded back

Sneak confidently nodded in agreement "Alright Nightfury! I will!.....but what happens if I lose?"

I took a deep breath and turned my comms off as I got ready to answer "Sneak...in case you lose...I want you to take off my mask...."

"But Nightfury! I...are you sure?"

"Dead sure" I said leaning down so he could reach my mask

Sneak grabbed onto the plate on the back of my neck that connected my mask's armor to the rest of my costume pulling it off revealing my face "FRET?! That...makes so much sense...you became Nightfury to avenge your brother!"

"Kinda....it's a little more complicated than that" I said. I looked around the room at the hoof drawn comics that lined the walls. The art style was pretty good reminding me more of a manga than a traditional comic book and the fight scenes were almost perfect recreations of the actually events "You ever considered submitting your work to a company?"

"No...even if they accepted it I wouldn't live to see it be published" Sneak answered back depressed

Thinking I grabbed the guitar in the corner of the room and began another song that I knew Sneak would love

It's all the same

Only the names will change

Every day, it seems we're wasting away

Another place, where the faces are so cold

I glide all night, just to get back home

I'm a Cowcolt, on the steel wings I fly!

I'm Wanted....Dead or alive

I'm Wanted, dead or alive

Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days!

The ponies I meet, always go their separate ways

Sometimes you tell the day, by the bottle that you drink

Sometimes while you're alone, and all you do is think!

I'm a Cowcolt, on the steel wings I fly!

I'm wanted, dead or alive

Wanted, dead or alive

I played the solo allowing Sneak to clap along with the beat before continuing on with the song

I'm a Cowcolt, on the steel wings I fly!

I'm Wanted....Dead or alive

I'm Wanted, dead or alive

And I trot these streets, a loaded six string on my back!

I play for keeps, cause I might not make it back

I've been everywhere, still I'm standin' tall

I've seen a million faces, and I've rocked them all

I'm a Cowcolt, on the steel wings I fly!

I'm Wanted....Dead or alive

I'm Wanted, dead or alive

And I'm a cowcolt, I got the night on my side!

I'm wanted, dead or alive

And I'll fly!

Dead or alive!

I'll still try!

Dead or alive

Dead or alive....

We continued singing for the next hour before I heard a doctor begin to open the hallway door, grabbing my mask and gave Sneak Peek a wave before flying out from the balcony

Doctor Heartbeat walked in in a bit of a worry as he entered Sneak's room "Sneak Peek! Are you okay?!"

Sneak simply smiled as he looked at a shiny copy of the clip that had been on the outside of the door "Yeah....I'm feeling great Doc."

The doctor looked over to the acoustic guitar in the corner of the room, walking over to it and picking it up and looking at a note that was stuck in between the strings

Dear Doctors,

I watched this colt grow up and I refuse to let him go out with a whimper. Please, If he has to go out like this....Please take his comics to the Atop the Fourth Wall comic book store and tell the clerk to look them over and submit them to Marevel Comics. I know Sneak doesn't have long to live so I'd like for his one passion in life to be rewarded while he's alive.

Your Friend, The Nightfury

Doctor Heartbeat looked around the room at the comic pages that littered the walls of the hospital room "Sneak...would you mind if I took your comics down and took them to an expert?"

Sneak looked at me with a concerned look "What do you mean sir?"

I gave the kid a reassuring smile "I'd like for somepony to look over your work. Perhaps I could have someone with some experience look these over and submit these to a comic company. You always told us that you wanted to write for one of those big comic companies right?"
Sneak nodded "Yeah...."

"Well then I may be able to grant your wish" I responded 'Perhaps this Nightfury guy isn't that bad...'

I flew into the main computer room finding it empty. I took off my costume and looked around wondering where everypony was

"HELLO?! ANYPONY HOME?" I yelled as Violet came on the intercom

"Fret please come and meet us in the arsenal room as soon as possible."

I rolled my eyes and got my costume off before making my way to the base's firing range where the rest of my gang was waiting "What we here for?" I asked as I walked up to my crew

"Vi's got some new tech she wants to test" Drumroll said moving out of the way to reveal a trio of new weapons

"Oooo! New toys!" I said as I picked up one of the new gadgets that looked like a pair of my normal costume gloves "Ummm...What is it?" I asked shaking the gloves

Violet swiped the gloves from my hooves and yelled at me "Be careful you idiot! These are experimental sonic pulse projectors!"

I tilted my head at that "What?"

Violet let out a groan and answered back "You know your precious 'Dubstep Grenade'?" Violet asked using her hooves to air quote for emphasis

"Yeah. They're awesome!" I replied

"Well these puppies use the same principle but are, at least in theory, directional." Violet replied "They are designed to unleash small pulses of sound that should knock anypony who gets hit by them on their ass. Unfortunately, they are still in the experimental phase so I'd be careful around them."

"So, basicly I can punch ponies with sound with those things?" I asked

"Yes Fret. You can punch things with sound with them" Violet groaned rolling her eyes before picking up another one of the devices, this one being a small, circular, metal device "This is my new magic amplifier. It should be able to amp up your magic shields and any magic based tech provided it works."

"Sounds iffy. What happens if it malfunctions?" I asked

"You'd die." Violet deadpanned as she pulled out the final device or should I say devices as she pulled out a pair of devices that by the looks of it were wing mounted

"What are those?" I asked as I looked at the devices that Violet held with her magic

Violet smirked and answered back "Furyrang launchers"

I gasped in shock "You're kidding....REALLY?!"

"Well as close as I could get to the real thing. These are wing based projectile launchers that fire off boomerang like shuriken that will knock out mid range goons pretty easily. Care to test them?" Violet asked handing over the devices to me

I giggled in joy as I mounted the twin devices on my wings and took position in the firing range as a trio of target dummies popped up

Violet rolled her eyes and instructed me "Fret to fire them you need to flick your wings forward in a swift motion."

I did so giggling like a schoolfilly as a trio of furyrangs launched from the devices on my wings and, while missing the targets, looked awesome either way

Power Cord spoke up voicing his concerns as he did after every test of a new gadget "I think you should hold off on putting this in the field Violet. If Fret can't aim it right it could be problematic"

I took the launchers off my wings and looked at my mentor in shock "AW COME ON POPS! These furyrang launchers are AWESOME!"

"No Power Cord is right." Violet answered back "We should make sure you are properly trained to use the new equipment before we put it in the field."

"Damn!" I yelled as I saw my marefriend walk in

"So this is where you guys have been hiding. I've been looking all over for you ponies. What are you doing in here anyways?" Sunset asked

"Oh just testing some new gear." Drumroll answered

"Like the new Magic Amplifier?" Sunset asked

"Yep. " I responded "Testing out my new Furyrang launchers"

"Sounds cool but I'm not here for that." Sunset responded

"Then what are you here for?" I asked back

"You up for another date tonight?" Sunset asked with a slight smile on her face

"Sure but I thought the stallion was supposed to ask the mare out.....where you wanna go?"

"Well Celestia contacted me yesterday asking me for a report on Nightfury's actions and after I told her she said she wanted to meet you so Canterlot sound nice?" my marefriend asked innocently

"Ugh....I hate Canterlot but if Princess Celestia wants to see Nightfury I can't object....fine. Do I have to wear anything fancy? I HATE penguin suits." I answered back dropping my head just a bit in annoyance as I groaned

"Just wear what you wore to our first date. That should be good." Sunset answered back "We leave at 2 this afternoon so be ready."

I looked over to the clock hanging from above the arsenal's entrance reading 7 in the morning "Alright. I'll be there...wait which train station are we taking? Because I can't fly in mountain conditions and I'm pretty sure that they don't just allow ponies to randomly teleport into Canterlot let alone the castle after the whole Changeling debacle half a year ago."

"Grand Celestial of course" Sunset answered back as she trotted out of the room "See you later Fretty" and with a wink she teleported away leaving me dumbfounded

"Di-did she just-" I stumbled as my best friend finished my sentence

"Yup. Looks like you got yourself a pet name bro"

"I....I'm gonna go clear my head" I said as I walked off to the elevator

I sat on the bed in my room with a hardcover copy of my favorite current Marevel comic: The Steel Stallion. I read aloud as I looked over the
paneled pages

"Furious I told you I don't need the rest of the Redeemer's or SWORD's help! I just need to know who in Tartarus this Iron Stallion is! Besides last time I teamed up with them we nearly dropped a city out of the sky" Iron Smith barked over his holocommunicator

"Sir data analysis indicates that the only pony that is a viable match to the Iron Stallion's identity is War Monger, your father's partner." Iron Smith's AI A.L.V.I.S. ( Another Learning Very Intelligent System) spoke in his Trottingham accent

"Impossible! War Monger died three years ago! I held him in my hooves Alvis! It's simply impossible!"

"Smith stranger things have happened to this world let alone you before. Never count out the impossible. I've been through the data myself and I'd bet you my eye patch that under that armor is War Monger." Furious said over the holocommunicator

".....I'll look into it. Alvis bring up War Monger's file" Iron Smith said as his AI pulled up a hologram of War Monger's file

"Ah Steel Stallion....You and the Redeemers got me back into Marevel after my Power Ponies fallout. Thank Celestia that Marevel has such a good film department...can't say the same about PC though....Stallion of Steel was a underwhelming and if they had used the Midnight trilogy as a launch point instead it would have been a hell of a lot better." I commented reaching for the next issue only finding that I didn't have it yet "Shit! Well I guess this calls for a visit to Atop the Fourth Wall!" I yelled as I threw on my saddlebags and leaped out of my room's window flying towards my favorite comic book store.

As I flew I looked down upon the bustling city below. It was only 8:30 in the morning and the streets of Manehattan was already filled with busy ponies and the sounds of a metropolis. It felt weird as I usually stay in the shadows and out of the fray of the city streets when I'm on patrol as Nightfury and as a rock star I tend to stay away from large crowds outside of performing and press conferences leaving dealing with the paparazzi and reporters to Vinyl.

Finally spotting my favorite comic book store I glided down and landed just in front of the entrance. Pushing the door open I noticed my favorite comic book nerd looking through a stack of papers

"Yeah. This kid's got talent....too bad he won't get to see it come to fruition." Linkara muttered as he looked through the papers

I walked up to the store owner/clerk and glanced at the stack. I instantly noticed it as the comics that Sneak had drawn. Glad to see the doctors took my request. "So Linkara....got the new Steel Stallion issue yet?"

Linkara pulled a familiar gold, green, black, and steel dagger out and yelled "GET BACK FOUL.....Oh hey Blitz.Sorry."

"You know Linkara at this point I'm used to it. What you looking at?" I responded

"Oh this?" Linkara asked pointing to the stack of pages "Some cancer patient named Sneak Peek drew these and the doctors asked me if I could look them over and get them to Marevel. Bit of a task since I don't ACTUALLY have any association with Marevel but being the owner of a comic book store does have it's perks so I called my Marevel supplier and they said that they usually don't take in fan made comics but since it's a cancer patient they said they'll look it over."

I picked up one of the pages and pretended to look it over "This is Nightfury...I thought big comic book companies hated Nightfury."
"Oh they do but when it comes from the hooves of a cancer patient they tend to look past their hatred" Linkara responded stacking the pile of pages neatly "You asked about the Steel Stallion issue?"

"Yeah. I just finished issue 23 and I'm dying to see what happens next. I was going to ask you for a copy of the new Deadpool issue but he's in the middle of that whole Secret Secret Wars event and I'd rather wait until that comes out in hardcover form."

"Yeah. I do the same thing. " The comic book guru said as he pulled up the issue I was looking for on the computer "Yeah we just got the new Steel Stallion issue yesterday. I reserved a copy for you. Let me get it. " Linkara reached under the counter and pulled out a copy of Steel Stallion Issue 24 and handed it to me "I'm guessing your going to put it on your card?"

"Nah. I brought real money this time. " I said as I reached into my saddlebags with my wing and pulled out fifteen bits "Keep the change"
Linkara happily took the money and handed over the issue.

Just as I flew back into my room, tossing my saddlebag to the side, and unpackaged my new comic I felt a the buzzer on my wrist go off. The device was a small wrist communicator that buzzed whenever the alarm in the HQ went off. Begrudgingly I got up and made my way to the main computer room

"What could possibly be more important than me reading a new comic!?" I yelled as I entered the main room of the HQ

"Mammoth is on the rampage in Times Square and a squad of cops are pinned down." Violet responded with an emotionless stare

"Oh...Steel Fury?" I asked

"Yep." Power Cord replied pointing to a security sensor in the corner of the room

I walked up to the security sensor put my hoof it

"Identity confirmed. Welcome Nightfury." A digitalized voice spoke as the floor panels in front of the security panel opened up and rose to reveal a hidden armored suit

"Geez. I haven't used you in awhile" I said as I put my hoof to the chest of the suit causing it to open up in response

The Steel Fury as it was dubbed by its user was a suit designed as a heavy duty suit that allowed me to take on opponents that were significantly stronger than me or in Mammoth's case had a suit of their own. The suit was more or less designed the same as my other suits but was made of a series of titanium-steel alloy plates that covered the normal suit. While it did restrict my movement slightly due to the extra weight, the suit's plating was designed to shift according to my movements so my agility wasn't affected at all.

As I finally got the suit on and disconnected it from it's stand, I fell onto my front hooves and closed the helmet plates as the suit's new HUD came up "I am Steel Stallion...." I spoke in a semi serious tone before chuckling

Violet looked at me in annoyance "No. Your not. Now go and fight your stupid mammoth."

"Let's rock!" I yelled as I flew out of the ceiling hatch to the backyard

"Can he get more generic?" Violet asked

As I flew towards the crime scene I heard Violet go over Mammoth's police file

"Dr. Tinker Tool also known as the Mammoth was a well known inventor up until around 13 years ago. He has documented anger problems and a well known hatred for failure and after having his latest invention, the Visiophone* being called unsellable he snapped and created the Mammoth mechanized battle armor and went on a rampage. He has been incarcerated in Galyndor Maximum Security Prison twice and has escaped once with the help of a fellow inmate. Weaknesses: His suit is heavily armored but is slow and clunky. Avoid the mounted weapons at all cost. Suggested Strategy: Outmaneuver it and take out the pilot."

*the Visiophone was similar to an old school TV....yes I know I have had TV's in this universe before but 1. This was 13 years before the present day and 2. Equestria is really inconsistent with its level of technology so let's just say that at that point they had TV but it wasn't affordable to the public

"Got it Gadget. Any suggested gadgets?"

"Not much you have so far will be able to help. His suit will absorb any electrical attacks thrown at it so your storm charge and static cannon are useless and the Dubstep grenade won't be able to budge the heavy armor so I'd suggest the tranquilizer darts. Get a good shot in and you should be able to take out the pilot" Violet responded

I spotted the armored brute below and answered my techie back with a "Thanks" before swooping down to the pinned down squad of officers

"Need some help?" I asked noticing a orange stallion with blue hair in royal guard armor pinned down alongside the cops

The royal guard looked at me in shock as I shushed him "What's your name?" I asked

"Flash Sentry sir." The royal guard answered back in bewilderment

'Still calling a vigilante Sir? This guy's just a recruit! Jeez...' I thought "Alright Flash, I want you to get these cops to safety and clear out any civilians in any of the lower floors of the surrounding buildings. Got it?"

"But why should I listen to you? Your the enemy." Flash responded

Just then a missile flew at us and I used my line launcher to grab onto it and redirect it to hit the ground a couple of hooves away from us.

Flash immediately took notice and took a radio from on of the cops "I want any unnecessary personnel to evacuate the area. We need officers to clear out the lower levels of the surrounding buildings!"

I used my line launchers to swing around the armored mech, trying to get a shot in with my tranquilizer darts to no avail

"Face it Nightfury, these puny ponies never appreciated my genius and never will! But now I give them a reason to respect me! FEAR!" Tinker yelled over his mech's speakers

Using my line launchers I latched onto the 'tusks' of the mech and launched myself at the cockpit of the monstrosity and kicked in the glass but before I could fire off a dart at Tinker himself the mechanical trunk of the mech grabbed me and threw me into the wall of on of the surrounding buildings

"Ugh....That hurt...well I got myself an opening. just got to SWEET FAUST!" I yelled as the mech charged me ramming into the wall of the building just as I swung away with the help of my line launcher

"Well that really got my blood pumping! Nice try Tinker but you'll have to do better than that to- why do I open my mouth?" I asked as I dodged a barrage of bullets while flying around the mech 'As much as I love these line launchers I gotta say I much prefer my wings...I just need to stop forgetting I have them'

Mammoth pulling his mech suit free from the rubble fired off a twin missiles at me and using the same technique I used earlier I redirected them at the trunk of the mech knocking it of operation. Seeing my opening I fired off a tranquilizer dart at the cockpit hitting Tinker in the head,knocking him out

"Boom, Headshot!" I yelled as I landed before the Royal guard from before came up to me and saluted "Sir! I see you have taken down the mechanical monstrosity. Shall I take it's pilot into custody?"

"Ummmm...sure? Don't call me sir...or salute. I'm just doing what I have to do to protect this city. I'm not some war hero. I'm a vigilante. and to you....I AM the enemy" I answered as I set off a smoke pellet and flew away

I looked at the clock in the bathroom as I got out of the shower. It read 1:30 giving me just enough time to make myself look presentable enough for Sunset and I's trip to see the princess. To say I was nervous was the understatement of the century. The last time I was in Canterlot was Princess Twilight's Coronation and the last time I spoke to somepony of the upper class was the last time I saw my parents and that ended in me becoming a masked vigilante so you couldn't really say my nerves were unfounded.

I trotted out of the bathroom and got to work putting on my suit. I really hated formal attire and not for the usual 'It's uncomfortable' reason....well sort of. Wearing formal attire always reminded me of my parents and their upper class snooty lifestyle and as anypony who knows me could tell you anything that reminds me of my parents I automatically hate.

I heard a knock at my door as I finally slipped on my penguin suit and I walked over to open it revealing my date in a flowing black dress and her mane in a ponytail "That's a new look" I commented with a smile

Sunset playfully punched me in the shoulder "Shut it Fret. Princess Celestia will be judging you so be on your best behavior"

"And just add to the already nervous wreck that I am right now. Thanks." I responded with a smirk

"Let's just get to the train." my date replied teleporting us to the train station

Author's Note:

Next Time on Nightfury: Wings of Vengeance! Fret meets with Princess Celestia for the first time! Fret sees some old friends and the new villain will be revealed!

See you next time in The Celestial Reunion!