• Published 13th Aug 2014
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NightFury: Wings of Vengeance - DeadpoolMLP

By day Fret Shredder is a famous rock star but by night he is the Nightfury. Haunted by his past Fret and his trusted friends must right wrongs and defend the streets of Manehatten and if he's lucky fulfill a promise of one long past

  • ...

Old Flames, Older friends, and Even Older Enemies

Chapter 6

Old Flames, Older Friends, And Even Older Enemies

Me and the band had just finished up yet another concert and I was back stage in my dressing room reading an article in the paper about another monster attacking Ponyville again being stopped by Princess Twilight and her friends

"Jeez I'm glad I don't live there" I spoke to myself

Suddenly, Balto, who happened to be napping next to me, shot up and began barking as he bolted at the door. I looked at him and after he gave me a single look I instantly knew what he was thinking. Trouble. I grabbed my costume from the guitar case I kept it in during concerts and quickly put it on activating the gear on the suit instantly such as a tracking device, letting my team know where I am at all times, a pair of custom shock gloves for bigger opponents and my favorite, the cloaking device which makes me completely invisible. The suit also had built in sensory enhancers such as vision equal to that of a hawk, hearing equal to that of a wolf (my favorite) and even that sixth sense sharks have allowing me to see in the dark and around corners

As soon as I finished putting on the suit I heard a scream coming from at least two blocks away. I flew out the window of my room, nodding to Power Chord as I flew off

"Well then I guess we're back in business" said Power as he headed out to gather the crew


I approached an alleyway where I heard shouting and yelling

"Give us the bag lady and we won't have to hurt you!" ordered one of the three goons

"This is what you get for disrespecting the boss!" Yelled the second goon

"Yeah! Pay up ya Slut!" barked the third goon in a nasally voice

Turning on my voice changer I asked in a very ominous voice "What did you just call her?"

The three to face me and instantly their faces became as pale as ghosts

"N-N-N-Ni-Ni-Night-F-F-F-Fury" They said, teeth chattering

I smirked "Welcome to the Jungle, where The Nightfury is King"

The three instantly ran for their lives leaving me with their victim

I turned off my voice changer and approached the mare in question

"Well if it isn't miss Fancy Pants herself." I said

"As you well know Fret Shredder I have no relation him thank you very much" quipped back the mare

"Whatever Gloria" I said back

We both laughed as I took off my mask

This is Royal Glory or Gloria as I like to call her. She's a teal blue unicorn noble with a golden blonde mane and tail who happened to go to the same university as I which is where we met. She went Manehatten U. to pursue acting to her parents dismay as she was born into money and status yet she still wanted to pursue a career. it was this act of rebellion that caused me to fall in love with her the first time yet that was short lived as soon after we started dating my brother died and our relationship fell apart. luckily years later, after I had become the Nightfury I bumped into Gloria once again after saving her from a rapist on the "dark" side of Manehatten. We hit it off and I even told her who I really was and eventually I proposed but it wasn't meant to be as her parents still had a firm grip on Royal and forced her to refuse ending our last relationship. which brings us to now

"What were those guys talking about? " I asked

Royal sighed "You remember my parents?"

"How could I forget them? After all they are the reason we aren't together" I said

"Yeah well they're dead now. Some hitpony hired by a rival noble took them out three months ago and I was forced to take over my father's buisness" explained Royal sadly

"And why didn't they take you out as well" I asked

" I wasn't with them that day. I was at my acting couch's studio when it all happened" explained Royal

"How's that going for you if I may ask?" I asked interested in my former lover's career

"I quit" she said plainly

"YOU WHAT?!" I yelled in shock

"You heard me right Nighty. I quit being an actress." stated Royal

"But why? You where so good at it!" I argued

"My family business needed me more and besides I wasn't going to get anywhere in show biz anyways!" argued Royal back

We continued arguing like this for about ten more minutes before Violet came around the corner and, using her magic, grabbed me by the ear

"Come on you! We've got stuff to do back at base so get your ass in gear and get your rear end back to the mansion!" yelled Violet in my ear angrily

"Okay! Okay! Sheesh! I'm going!" I complained as she dragged me away

"Oh hi Royal! Nice to see you again but we were just on our way out. Sorry!" said Violet as she pulled me along

Royal Glory rolled her eyes and shrugged muttering the word "Stallions" as she shook her head

Back at base

"What did we tell you about letting civilians in on the whole Nightfury thing! Kinda defeats the purpose of the whole Living Legend of Manehatten thing!" barked Violet for the fourth time

"Umm I thought we all agreed that Gloria should be able to know. Didn't we?" I asked

"Yes we did. BUT THAT WAS BEFORE YOU BROKE UP WITH HER!!!!" yelled Violet

The others were dead silent as Violet interrogated me including Balto who was hiding in the corner of the room curled up in a ball

"Look, I don't mean to be a nag but you talking to her puts her in danger. It's common sense." explained Violet as she calmed down

"Alright crew now that that's over why don't we get ready for the raid of our careers: The Grimwing Manor." spoke Power Chord lightening the mood as everyone recovered from Violet's interrogation

"Alright so we got three guards roaming the grounds here" said Power Chord pointing to the schematic

"I should be able to take them out no problem without alerting the other guards" I stated

"Then we've got to deal with the six guards guarding the entrances here, here, and here" said Violet pointing to the entrances

"No getting around those without alerting the rest of the crew" stated Drumroll

"He could go down the chimney!" Vinyl joked

"Actually that's not a bad idea" stated Power Chord

"You're kidding right? I'm not freaking Santa Hooves!" I yelled

"It's the only feasible way to get you in without you getting caught" stated Violet

"I hate you guys sometimes you know that" I grumbled

"Oh we know" stated Drumroll

"Anyways once inside the guards will be alerted but luckily we have a little something for that situation" said Power Chord

"What is it? A new gadget?" I asked

"Don't worry about it Fret. Just make sure to wear your storm suit when you use it" said Violet

"That itchy old racing suit! Do I have to?" I whined

"If you don't want to get cooked then yes!" barked Violet

"Fine" I grumbled in disapproval

"Good. Now then, after the guards are dealt with all we have left to worry about is 'Golden Eye' himself" stated Violet

"What are we dealin' with gal?" asked Drumroll

"Power Chord. Assessment?" asked Violet

"Golden Eye is no slouch kid. This griffin is an expert marksgriffin and can take out a pegasus in flight from nine hundred yards away with a six shooter which he carries two of around at all times by the way" explained Power Chord

"So he's a gunslinger. Great. But how do I beat him?" I asked

"You're going to need to outwit him kid. He's got boatloads of ammo stored away in that office of his so he could be firing at you for days before he runs out so unless you can get in close enough to use the shock gloves I doubt you'll never get anywhere. You're gonna have to think outside the box on this one kid" remarked Power Chord

"Great" I moaned

I had geared up in my itchy storm suit and Magiproof outfit and was on my way towards the mansion when I noticed a familiar silhouette of a mare grappling her way through the city.

I turned my tracker off and silenced my communicator and dove towards her

"Morning Shadow" I said as I landed

She stopped and in that familiar voice said " Shouldn't you be raiding the Grimwing manor?"

"Oh I'll get to that, but first I've got a few choice questions for you Miss Shadow" I said smugly

"Is that right? Well then, ask away" replied my masked friend

"First off, why are you doing this? You obviously have a reason for dressing up and fighting crime like this or at least I do so what's yours?" I asked

"Tradition." She said calmly

"Huh?" I asked confused

"The identity of the Shadow has existed in my family as a secret for generations passed on from first born son to first born son as a part of our heritage." explained the Shadow

"Then why are you-" I was cut off by the Shadow

" A mare? My generation did not bear a son thus the identity was passed on to me" explained the Shadow "What about you? Why do you fight?"

I looked down in partial shame and partial humiliation "To prove something" I responded

"Excuse me?" asked the Shadow in confusion

"I fight to prove to myself that I am not worthless and to prove that I can be a guardian" I said, a fire in my eyes as I remembered something from long ago

"Hmm....I see. Any other questions?" asked the Shadow

"Yes. Why guns?" I asked

"Ah yes the guns. I have noticed your distaste for the use of firearms not that I can't blame you but is you must know I only use them in extreme cases so don't you worry Nightfury for my guns will not take a single life. Scouts honor" exclaimed the Shadow "Any other questions?"

"One more. Who are you really Shadow? " I asked almost fearing an answer

The Shadow smirked and responded in a sly tone "I'm sorry but unfortunately that information is top secret and unfortunately for you I have somewhere to be, So I'm so sorry but I must bid you farewell Nightfury. " she then took off using her grappling hooks and left me in the dust or so I thought.

I looked closer at the spot where the Shadow was standing and I found what could possibly be a crucial clue to finding her identity: A lock of black hair most likely from her mane or tail

'Got you now Shadow' I thought grinning before taking off towards the manor reactivating my tracker and coms knowing I was going to get and earful from Violet for turning them off

I approached the huge Mansion as stealthily as possible, sticking to the shadows and hiding a much as possible after getting the expected earful by Violet about staying on task and the such.

I saw three guards roaming the outer perimeter each armed with a tommy gun

I snuck my way around to my first position behind the luxury cart just in range of the first guard and just as he passed me I silently grabbed and knocked him out

It was then I noticed a buzzing noise coming from above and as I looked up I saw one of Violet's many contraptions, a camera equipped microcopter, flying overhead

"Little over-protective much?" I whispered over the comms

"Hey, this is our first big hit on Iron Claw. Better to be safe than sorry" responded Violet over the radio

I quickly disposed of the other two guards and silently flew my way up to the roof and towards the chimney

"This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever done" I grumbled as I disassembled the grate of the chimney

I made my way down the chimney and as soon as I got to the bottom I was greeted by a host of armed guards

'hope this thing works' I prayed as I activated a small gadget throwing it into the center of the room before it sent out a huge shock wave of electrical energy frying any and all guards in the vicinity

"Now I see why I had to where the damn storm suit" I noted before making my way up the staircase

at the top of the stairs was a long hallway sporting three guards who, due to the noise from earlier, instantly spotted me

I dropbucked the first guard in the chest, knocking the knife he had out of his talons and sending him flying back into the second guard who pulled out a pistol which I promptly kicked out of his claws before bounding off the sidewall and flying up and curb stomping the second guard KOing him.

The remaining two guards charged me which I dodged by flying up and grabbing one of them by the head and suplexing him in the air before tossing him into a wall knocking him out leaving only one guard left

Both the remaining guard and I flipped around to face each other and stared each other down.

The guard made the first move slashing to the right with his talons as I dodged flying up before slamming my back hooves down on his back and flipping backwards to face him once more before finishing him off with a shock glove assisted punch to the face

I entered the main office and as soon as I opened the door I found myself being gunned down by Golden Eye holding a Springfield and sporting twin magnums in his wing tips

"You'll never take me alive Nightfury!" yelled the gun wielding griffin

I immediately ducked behind a desk in the back of the room and began to formulate a plan

I looked around the room to see a knocked over table just in my reach and a large bookcase right behind the mobster

'If I could somehow get that bookcase to fall over on him I could surprise him and pin him under it and neutralize him as a threat' I thought just as I was shot in the back right in the only weak spot in my armored suit

I fought through the pain as I jumped to the knocked over table which fortunately was steel plated as I saw and I was about to throw a dubstep grenade behind the bookcase when suddenly my foe's eyes went wide and I turned to see someone I hadn't seen in years

"Dad? What are you doing?" asked Gilda

'GILDA IS GOLDEN EYE'S DAUGHTER!?' I thought shocked beyond belief

Standing there in the doorway was Gilda Grimwing, a griffin I hadn't seen since my days at flight camp with Dash and Flutters. Gilda was a bit of a jerk when she wasn't being kept in check by her friends but we always just chalked that off as her way of showing friendship. I can't believe I hadn't put the pieces together of her being connected to the mob

"I knew this day would come. I surrender." muttered Golden Eye

"Dad what is going on? Why is there a dweeb in a costume here in your study with you?"

'Golden Eye must have kept Gilda in the dark all these years on what he has really been doing' I thought as I watched the scene unfold

"Honey, This is Nightfury. He's here to arrest me for all the crimes I've committed. " admitted Golden Eye

"Wait,wait,wait....hold on! Nightfury. As is in THE Nightfury? But why would you be arresting my daddy? He's never committed a crime!" yelled Gilda

I was about to speak but Golden Eye beat me to it "That's not entirely true sweetie. You see I'm not actually a CEO of a company....I'm actually a Mob Boss. those guards that protect our house aren't professional bodyguards. They're hired hitgriffins."

"You mean....you've been lying to me my entire life!?" yelled a teary eyed Gilda

"Yes but-"

"SHUT UP! FIRST MY FRIENDS AND NOW MY OWN DAD! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!!" yelled Gilda before running off

Golden Eye looked at me and asked "I've already called the cops. She is all I have left and she adores you. Could you please try to talk some sense into her?"

"I don't see why not...you called the cops on yourself?" I asked

"I planned on catching you" he replied

I rolled my eyes as I heard the police sirens though the study window

I caught up with Gilda from the rooftops and before approaching her I had a thought and quickly ditched my costume before trotting up to the moping griffin who was sitting on a bench three blocks from her house

"Bad day?" I asked

"Fret? haven't seen you in ages! What's a dweeb like you been up to?" asked Gilda

"Oh you know, formed a band, became a rock god, toured all over the world, not much" I said smirking

"What band?"

"Phoenix Rising. I'm lead singer and I play guitar along side my buddy Power Chord" I gloated

The griffin's eyes lit up as she grabbed me with excitement as I knew she was a big rock fan

I frowned as she shook me around and said "Now that I have your attention let me ask you about your friends problem." I said thinking that would probably be better to lead with than the daddy issue

"How do you know about that?" she asked as she stopped shaking me

"Let's just say I have friends in high places" I replied "Now talk"

"It's all Dash's fault! She ditched me for some new friends just because apparently I'm the jerk!" Gilda explained

I knew this would happen sooner or later. One of us would make a friend who wouldn't want to put up with Gilda's attitude and we would have to either ditch the new friend or ditch Gilda

"Are you sure it was ALL Dash's fault? I mean you do have a bit of a temper and tend to snap when agitated" I pointed out

"Yeah? So your point is?" Gilda fired back

"My point is maybe her new friends didn't like your attitude. I know I sure didn't when I first met you."

Gilda paused for a minute before saying "I did make that pink haired pegasus cry"

'SHE MADE FLUTTERS CRY!' I thought angrily

"Did you even try looking at things from their point of view?" I asked

"uh....no?" she replied slouching in retreat

I facehoofed "Look. Maybe you should try, I don't know, apologizing and then try again keeping in mind that they aren't like me and Dash who are used to you're attitude"

She sighed in defeat and answered "Yeah I guess your right"

"Good, now when you have that settled come back so we can talk about your dad" I said

"How do you know about my dad?" She asked

" Again. Friends in high places" I said before taking off

I got my suit back on and made my way back to base looking over the mansion one more time to see Cold Case taking Golden Eye away

I got back to to base to see my whole team looking at me funny

"What?" I asked confused

"One, Your bleeding and you don't even notice it?" asked Power Chord

"oh I feel it, I'm just not acknowledging it, besides when you've been through the type of training Master Yin put me through a bullet wound is nothing" I responded

"Okay...two, When that bullet hit you it cut us off from hearing what happened. So what happened?" asked Violet

"Yeah did you kick his ass?" asked Drumroll

"No. He surrendered" I said

"He what?!" they all yelled

"Right before he took me out my old friend and daughter of Golden Eye, Gilda, walked in and he surrendered on the spot. seems the old guy was keeping secrets from his flesh and blood and karma finally got around to biting him in the butt" I explained

"Well that's great! one Mob boss down. one to go before we take down the big kahuna!" hollered Drumroll

"Good. Now will somepony get this bullet out of my back!" I yelled

Author's Note:

One down one to go and then we face the big boss! As for the Shadow and Royal Glory....well you'll just have to keep reading to find out as we continue on the path of Nightfury: Wings of Vengeance!