• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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December 25 [Christmas]

December 25

I woke up to Meghan brushing her fingers through my hair, and I was kinda surprised that she'd woken up so early. She said that she still did on Christmas 'cause it was a holiday that always made her feel like a kid and that she just wanted to get up and go open all the presents that were under the Christmas tree.

I'd always thought that the funnest part of Hearth’s Warming was flying around town and seeing who'd left food out for the pegasuses, and in the afternoon walking around town singing Hearth's Warming songs and then the tavern would have a big outside feast in the village green with lots of fish and beer. And there was never snow scheduled, 'cause the weatherponies were supposed to have the day off, but we'd always wind up getting some extra snowclouds and bringing them over the village anyway so that we'd have fresh snowfall for the evening.

And one year we got a feral Hearth's Warming storm which we didn't want, and everypony had to fly out and fight it, and Captain Disko followed us out to sea in her fishing boat so that we could still have our Hearth's Warming feast, which was kind of a stupid thing to do and she lost the top of a mast from the wind.

Nopony was willing to let her miss the next day's fishing, so even while the storm was still going on, and the Merry Ambree was bobbing up and down on the waves, the lumberjacks and shipwrights in town felled a tree that was the right size and dragged it down to the boatyard and started working it so when she finally got back in harbor all they had to do was finish sizing it and rigging it, and they worked all night by lamplight and she left port the next morning with a boatswain still up in the rigging painting her new mast.

I thought that was the best Hearth's Warming I'd ever had, 'cause everpony in the village helped out, and a couple of foals got their cutie marks that night, too, and the storm must have disturbed all the fish, 'cause the whole fleet came back in that night with their holds full of enough to last for the rest of the winter.

Meghan said that it sounded like something out of a Charles Dickens story and that we ponies really knew how to celebrate the holidays right, and on Earth sometimes it seemed like it was more important to have the right present and the right number of presents and people made wish lists and had gift registries on Amazon to make sure that they got what they wanted and maybe too many humans had forgotten what Christmas really was all about. But then I reminded her that we were here with her family, and she said that was true and maybe once we stripped away all the commercialization of Christmas, we still remembered what was most important about it.

We got out of bed and she let me look through her dresser to find clothes for her and it was kind of strange how many she still had at home, even though she wasn't living there any more. It made sense that if you were wearing clothes every day you'd need a lot.

So I found her a nice pair of pants and a white blouse and then I asked her if she was going to take a shower and she said that we probably should and since she had her own private bathroom we could take a shower together 'cause nobody would know.

Her shower curtain had little yellow creatures called minions on it and she said that they were from a movie. I'd seen some of them at Disney World, and they were very strange creatures but they made the bathroom more cheery. And she also had a fancy shower that you could turn to make the water come out in different ways and it also came off the wall so you could move it around where you wanted it which actually made showering a lot easier except when I accidentally got tangled up in the hose.

Meghan got dried off and she put on her panties and her sleeping t-shirt and then we sat on her bed so that she could preen me and groom my coat, and when she'd finished I brushed her hair and then she got the rest of the way dressed and we went to the kitchen for breakfast.

Grandma and Grandpa Wilson were already awake and they had made coffee. The Wilsons’ coffee maker was kind of dumb because it could only make one cup at a time, and then you had to put more water in it and some more coffee grounds which came in a little pod called a K-cup. So Meghan made a cup for each of us then found breakfast cereal—they had frosted shredded wheat which was a little bit sweeter than I liked for breakfast. And we were still eating with Miss Wilson came in and she was kind of surprised to see me eating shredded wheat and said that she didn't know that I could eat human food and I thought that was kind of strange to say 'cause except for all the grasses in my salad it was human food, and I'd eaten a couple of cookies last night at the reception, too.

And Meghan told her that I could digest most human foods except for red meat and that I really liked omelets and waffles for breakfast and ate canned anchovies for a snack and Miss Wilson didn't know what to think about that and it was a little bit uncomfortable how she kept watching me eat. I don't think she was trying to be rude, so I didn't say anything.

Once we'd finished eating we went back to Meghan's room and got the presents so we could put them around the Christmas tree. There was already a pretty big pile there and it just seemed like a lot of things to have, but humans like having things. Even Jesus had gotten gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and He was just a baby. And there were also big stockings, too, which had littler gifts in them.

Mister Wilson didn't eat much for breakfast—he just made himself a cup of coffee and then turned on the fireplace and he said that it was disappointing that it wasn't snowing, and I said that I could go up and get a snowcloud maybe and put it outside the window and we'd have snow at least. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to do that, but the clouds overhead looked like they would have some snow in them and looked like they were low enough to grab.

Meghan saw me looking out the window and she said that there was an airport that was really close and we were about to start opening presents so I shouldn't and she was probably right but it kind of stayed in my mind as something that I could do, and I thought that maybe in the afternoon I would.

They had a couple of couches and a couple of armchairs and so we all got our seats and then we had to get up to get presents. And Mister Wilson brought them in front of everybody and I only had a couple, one from Meghan's parents and one from her.

I didn't want to open mine right away 'cause it was fun to watch everyone else opening their presents and see what they got. Meghan got some gift cards which were like my plastic money but you could only use them certain places, and she also got a new sweater from her grandmother and a really nice book on Equestria and the two of us got distracted looking at it. It had lots of pictures and a map that folded out and I could point to the coast where my home was, even though our village wasn't marked on the map at all. It was printed by National Geographic and she said that they had the best photographers and I thought that she was right about that. A lot of the pictures were so good it was just like being back home.

Meghan put the book down so that she could hug her parents and thank them for the wonderful book and then she sat back on the couch and she kept looking over at it to make sure that it was still there and she hadn't just been imagining it.

Miss Wilson really liked the penguin that I got her and she went and put it on a windowsill so that when there was sunlight it would shine through it, and Mister Wilson told me that the Bridgestone golf balls were a good choice. He said that the ones I'd gotten were for straight flight and that there were other balls in the series that were meant to fly higher or further but this was the best all-around ball that they made and he was going to have fun trying them out. And he took one out of the package and bounced it up and down on the coffee table to listen to its sound.

And Meghan was really happy with Judy Hopps, and set her down on the couch and then she said that I ought to open my presents.

Meghan had given me a cute necklace which was called a choker 'cause it had a wide band that was kind of tight around the neck but that was good for flying, and it had a little silver charm on it that had my cutie mark on it, and she said that she'd had a jeweler make it special. And she helped me put it on and adjust it a little bit so that it fit well without being too tight.

Her parents had gotten me a couple of cute silver barrettes with stars and crescent moons on them that were sort of like the ones in my cutie mark, and Meghan brushed my mane back a little bit and clipped them in, too.

When all the presents were opened and the stockings empty, we had sandwiches for lunch and Miss Wilson had also bought some alfalfa cubes for me and she put them in a little bowl and Meghan said that those were for rabbits but she was wrong; they were for ponies, too. And they were really tasty, and 'cause they were all squished together there was a lot of alfalfa in them and a little bit of timothy hay in, too. Then Meghan decided it was all chopped up pretty finely so she was going to try a little bit and when Miss Wilson wasn’t looking she bit a corner off of one of my alfalfa cubes and ate it and said that it tasted pretty good.

In the afternoon, Miss Wilson wanted to Skype with her parents, and she said that she thought that they'd like to see me, too, so she got out her folding computer and set it up, and then she had to call them with her portable telephone first so that they would know to go to their computer.

And it took them a couple of minutes and then we all crowded around the folding computer and it was kind of strange because the picture was a little bit jerky and so they'd kind of jump across the couch and their mouths didn't always match up with what they were saying, plus everything came out of the computer speakers and sometimes you could hear us talking too but there was a little bit of a delay.

But I guess if you couldn't be together this was the next best thing, and it was pretty clever even though it had some problems.

When we were done talking on Skype, I said that I had decided that I was going to deliver a snowcloud. I was glad that I'd thought to bring my flight gear, so I went back to Meghan's room to get dressed and then I called up the airplane directors and told them where I was going and they said that there weren't any flights scheduled into the Troy airport and as long as I stayed under ten thousand feet I could fly, so I went outside and that got Mister Wilson and Grandpa Wilson interested in something other than golf, so they came outside with me and Meghan did, too.

I tried to keep in sight of their condominium house but it wasn't easy, because there were lots of streets and tall buildings so I knew that they were losing sight of me but that couldn't be helped. Aside from the airport and parking lots, there were lots of houses and buildings crowded around as far as I could see, so there wasn't really anyplace that they were going to get a good look at the sky, and even if I started out where they could see me real well, the winds might push the cloud away, so I just did the best I could.

The clouds had a lot of moisture in them, but not quite enough to start snowing on their own. It felt like they might later on, though, so that was a hopeful sign. And even though I wasn't supposed to go up into the cloudbank I had to a little bit to cut a piece out but I looked around and listened for any airplanes that might be close to me before I did, and I didn't stay up there too long, just long enough to knock a big piece of cloud loose, and then I pushed it down a few hundred feet before I started working it. It was usually easier to do it the other way but I didn't want to break the rules any more than I had to.

I was lucky that there wasn't too much wind, so I didn't have to fight too much with the cloud. And it took me maybe a half hour to get it knocked into shape and it wasn't the best work I'd ever done but I thought it would serve its purpose.

I had to get it down kind of quick because it was warmer further down and when the cloud warmed up instead of snow it might make sleet or rain, and I really wished that I'd brought my cloud rope with me 'cause then I could have just towed it instead of pushing it in front of me.

It took me a few minutes to re-orient myself, 'cause there was so much on the ground that nothing really stood out but once I found the airport I knew more or less where I had to go, and started heading down with the cloud. And it got a little bit trickier when I got close to the ground, 'cause there were some crosswinds where the buildings were acting as funnels and speeding up the air that went by, and I almost lost the cloud when one of them caught it but I was still high enough up to catch it and recover, and then I put it right up at the top of their condominium house, above the living room window, and bounced on it a couple of times to get it going and pretty soon snowflakes started falling out of it.

I had to stay with it because it wanted to drift away and so I couldn't check the flakes for myself but they looked pretty soft and melted, and they weren't really piling up on the ground, but I'm' sure they looked nice from inside.

Mister Wilson went to get Miss Wilson and Grandma Wilson so he could show them, and Grandpa Wilson was just watching me. Meghan had her portable telephone out and was taking a movie of it.

Well, I hadn't meant to but I drew a bit of a crowd and by the time the cloud ran out there were a lot of people gathered on the sidewalk watching it snow and I felt bad when I had to let what was left of the cloud drift off but it didn't have any more moisture to give. And then I glided back down to the sidewalk and I had to tell a bunch of people that that was how we did weather in Equestria and then a couple of people asked if they could rent my services for parties and I wasn't sure if that was something I was supposed to do, and anyways I wasn't going to be on Earth for much longer. So I told them that they could call Mister Salvatore because he would probably know if there were any pegasuses on Earth offering custom cloudwork or weatherwork.

We went back inside and me and Meghan sat on the couch and looked at the book about Equestria together, and that was a lot of fun 'cause there were pictures of places that I'd been but there were also a lot more of places where I'd never gone before. And then Grandma Wilson got interested in it, too, so she came over to the couch and sat down and Meghan started back from the beginning of the book again.

They'd kind of divided it up into regions, so there were pictures of big cities like Manehattan and Baltimare and Canterlot all clustered together, and then there were more rural towns like Ponyville and Appleoosa and Rainbow Falls, and then there were pictures of Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus and a littler cloud city that I'd never heard of until Meghan sounded out the name and I realized that whoever had been asking what things were called hadn't been paying attention like he should have been, 'cause he thought the city was called 'cloudhomes.'

Meghan said that there were a lot of places in America with names like that, because the early explorers had called the Native Americans what they called things and a lot of time the Native Americans had given answers like 'a lake,' and they were probably thinking that the explorers were really dumb for asking such a basic question. I guess when you were still figuring out the language it was difficult, but I would have thought that the people who had taken all these pictures would have been smart enough to have someone with them who spoke Equestrian. Or maybe they didn't really have a name for their town.

Sometimes pegasuses would set up temporary towns, like in some of the bigger weather zones during Winter Wrap-Up, 'cause you had a whole bunch of migratory pegasuses who needed a place to stay for a little bit before they went further north to wrap up winter there. And a lot of those houses looked pretty temporary, so I told Meghan that I thought it wasn't a real town at all, and I bet that if we went there now it wouldn't be there at all, 'cause they'd probably broken the houses back down for weather and moved on.

She wanted to know how I could tell, so I turned some pages back in the book and showed her how proper building clouds weren't the same as weather clouds.

Miss Wilson had made what she said was a traditional Christmas dinner, which was almost the same as a Thanksgiving dinner except that there was ham instead of turkey. She didn't have any hamfu for me, but she did have some of the bad salad left over, and I really didn't want to refuse it even though I didn't want to eat it, either.

Luckily, there was lots of other food that I could eat, like the mashed potatoes and squash and cranberry sauce discs, and she had a bean casserole, too.

I was pretty impressed that she'd gotten it all cooked so quickly, but Meghan told me later that it was all store-bought and she'd just heated it up following the directions on the packages.

Even so, it all tasted really good, and I didn't have to eat much of the salad, 'cause I filled up on other food and we were all too full to have dessert right away, so me and Meghan went back to her room and she got on her computer—she had one at home that was like mine—and put the movie she'd taken on her portable telephone on that, and then she sent it to YouTube.

And while we were waiting for YouTube to take it, we sat on the bed and I put my head down on her lap and she petted my mane, and I told her that I didn't want to leave. I missed my friends in Equestria and being able to fly wherever I wanted whenever I wanted to, but I was really gonna miss her and Aric and all my other friends.

And she scratched my ears and told me how much she was going to miss me, too, and she couldn't believe that there was only a week left before I'd be gone.

It wasn't fair—there were other things that I still wanted to do and I wasn't gonna get a chance to now. And I thought about the time I'd spent flying and I could have spent that on the ground with my friends.

But that was a wrong thing to think. I would have gone crazy if I'd been grounded all year. I needed to fly, the same as I needed to eat. It was just too bad that my friends couldn't go flying with me, or else we could have spent all that time in the air together.

If I thought about it too much, I was gonna cry and I didn't want to, not now, 'cause if her parents saw they'd think that they were bad hosts and so I wiped my eyes and then I kissed her cheeks 'cause she'd been crying a little bit, too, and I said that maybe we should go for a walk around the block and I could see some of Birmingham and that would give us a chance to get our thoughts in order so that we'd be happy, 'cause it was Christmas.

So she got on her coat and we told her parents that we were gonna walk around the block and we'd be back in time for dinner, and we went outside.

We didn't walk very far, 'cause there was a little park that was close to the condominium house, and we just sat on a bench there and at first we didn't say anything and then she told me again that she was gonna try her best to get to Equestria but she couldn't really be sure that she would be able to. There weren't any rules in place yet for people moving and becoming citizens. She said that she was trying to get an embassy job, which might give her a chance to live in Equestria at least for a while, and she was also going to see if she could get a tourist visa for spring break.

And I said that I could probably get one, too, although not right away. I had a lot of catching up to do on the weather team, 'cause I was behind all the other mares in my class now, and I didn't want to wind up being a cloudpusher forever.

We could write, too, and send pictures to each other. And I nuzzled her and Meghan kissed my eartip and then said that sometimes the best things in life were the things that we only had for a while which seemed kind of sad to me, so I said that we ought to make that little while last as long as we could.

We got up off the bench and walked around the block and I stayed right at her side and she had her hand resting lightly on my neck. There were a lot of brick buildings that were stores and they all had pretty lights in their windows and around the tops of them, and the lightposts had wreaths on them, and when we got back near their apartment I could see their tree in the window and it looked warm and inviting.

So we went back to their condominium and we were just in time for dessert, which was mince pie. I didn't know what that was, so Meghan looked at the box it had come in and said that it had apples and raisins and orange peel and molasses and spices but no meat.

It was really good pie; it tasted a little bit like a good mulled wine. And I thanked her for dinner and dessert, and then Meghan offered to wash the dishes, and I said that I could help, but she said that it wasn't like washing dishes at my apartment, 'cause all she had to do was rinse them off and them put them into a special cupboard that washed them.

We sat around in the living room for the rest of the evening, just talking about Christmas and school and I almost accidentally said that me and Meghan and Aric were all sleeping together but at the last moment I remembered I wasn't supposed to say that.

Grandma and Grandpa Wilson went back to their room for the night, and before too long me and Meghan did, too. And she got dressed in her sleeping clothes and then I got in bed with her and just before I was going to lay down on her she said that it was too hot for a shirt anyway and took it off so I could put my head down on her bare chest.

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