• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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May 6 [Frelon]

May 6

There was a big difference between waking up with Aric and waking up with Meghan. I wouldn't say one was better than the other, but it was different.

I snuggled up with my head on her breast until her telephone sounded its alarm and woke her up, and she reached out and made it stop for a little while so we could snuggle until it really was time to get up if we didn't want to be late for our classes.

I didn't want to push my luck by asking if we could shower together, and I guess maybe she wasn't in the mood 'cause she didn't offer so when she finally got out of bed I went back to Trowbridge and waited my turn for the shower there. I probably would have had enough time for at least a good trot around campus, 'cause Peggy hadn't even started hers yet, but I didn't feel like it.

While I waited I checked my computer mail and Doctor Thomas Thompson wanted to set up a meeting with me and so I sent him one back saying that I could do it on Sunday if that would work for him. And I said that maybe he could bring some of his instruments with him too and if the weather was right I could bring down another cloud for him to study, because I thought he would like that.

I had just finished up when Peggy got done and so I told her that Aric had said that he didn't want to go Go-Karting before noon and that Meghan wanted to come, too. Then I went into the bathroom and waited for my turn in the shower.

I got to math class early and showed Professor Sir Doctor Banerjee the calculations I'd done. He was surprised and said that he hadn't asked us to do that and I told him that I knew; I had just done it for fun. So he looked it over and said that I had gotten it right which made me really proud.

Then we started talking about bifurcations and topological equivalence. He told us that sometimes it was also called flip bifurcation and we might find it that way in some math books that we studied on our free time and a lot of people laughed when he said that but he was looking right at me when he did, and I just smiled.

We went back to the graphs we'd seen before and explained how the time between the bifurcation points could be expressed as a ratio and then he told us that result was a number which had been discovered by Michael Feigenbaum, and if we were interested we could look up the proof for that but it was beyond the scope of this class to do more than a brief overview.

I was interested in that, so I wrote myself a little note to look it up later. I think I could probably find it on the Google, or else at the library.

Then before we left he told us about an experiment a student named Donye Farmer did on a leaky faucet that determined the behavior of its dripping, which changed depending on how much the faucet was opened. I thought maybe next time I heard a drippy faucet I'd try and see if I could figure out the pattern.

They had leftover tacos at lunch and I wanted to have some but then thought better of it. My insides still weren't all the way settled after last night's dinner, so I just had a nice leafy salad instead.

We turned in our reports in Anthropology and then Amy asked us to think of coming-of-age rituals that were performed in our societies. Well, I knew about cutie marks and there was always a big party after a pony got one 'cause that meant she was mature (although I knew a few fillies that really weren't) and understood her place in the world. And some ponies took on new names then, like I had.

Professor Amy told us about all the different types of rituals that humans had, from circumcisions to Bar Mitzvahs to ordeals and just about everything in between. What they all had in common was that there was some way to mark the person as an adult; a way of saying that they had learned enough to be grown-up. Plus it also marked the social group that they were in.

I thought it was funny that for the boys most of the rituals took place at a particular age, while for the girls it didn't happen until they were sexually mature. To me that made more sense; if you were gonna have a foal you ought to be grown up first and know your place but I guess it was okay if boys didn't. Probably 'cause once they'd gotten you pregnant you didn't have to stick around with them if you didn't want to.

After dinner I thought about whether I should wear a fancy dress to Frelon or not: I'd never been to a dance before and I didn't know how formal it was going to be. But I decided not to because if it was okay to watch Shakespeare without, then it would be all right to watch a dance like that, too. At the same time, it was just gathering dust in my dresser and I ought to find something to wear it for.

Peggy and I left together and we met up with Sean and Christine and got there a bit early so that we could get good seats. I turned around and waved up to the light booth 'cause I knew Aric would be there with his little headset on waiting for his cue to go. And pretty soon the whole house was full and people were talking and then the house lights went down and the spotlight turned on, and a pretty woman came out and announced the show for us.

Then the lights went back out and the curtain opened and I saw six dancers standing in position and music started and then the lights came up and pretty soon I was totally lost in the show.

They did all sorts of different dances, from fast pieces to very slow ones, and sometimes they wore costumes and sometimes they didn't. I was just amazed by how much the human body could do. There was one dance where the men were lifting the women over their heads and then sliding them under their legs and they made it look so effortless. And there were some funny songs like It's Raining Men and then one that felt really sad to me called Saint Teresa.

I tried to pay attention to the lights, too, because I knew how much effort Aric had put into them. There were light-trees on the stage and more lights in the balconies and even more overhead and I wondered how he could keep track of them all, especially during some of the fast changes.

There was an intermission which gave everyone a chance to get up and stretch out and probably gave the poor dancers a chance to sit down and relax for a little bit, then they were back on stage and the second half was just as varied as the first had been.

At the very end there was a big finale and then everyone came out and bowed and my ears were ringing from the loud music and just like in Madison the auditorium thundered with applause.

When some of the noise died down I heard Peggy and Christine talking about if they were going to go to the Quad after and I asked if that was where the tradition that Aric had told me about happened and Peggy nodded and so I told her that I was going even if none of them did. Sean said that he wasn't sure and Christine told him to grow a pair.

I wanted to wait for Aric and Peggy said that was okay; it wouldn't start for a little bit, so we went upstairs to where the light booth doors were and waited. He finally came out and he was talking to Lisa who had been working the spotlight at the last show, too. Aric hugged me and Lisa did too, then Chad came out of the room and he just glared at me and went down the stairs. I didn’t think I liked Chad very much.

There were already a bunch of people clustered up by the chapel when we got there, and I could see still more trickling over, including some of the dancers. They formed their own group kind of in the center and people moved back to make room for them. From where we were I didn't think anybody who was with me could see them; I had to fly up a bit. But there were two arcs of people with the dancers in the middle.

And then on some signal people all started taking off their clothes and just leaving them on the ground and I landed in total confusion as I saw that Aric and Peggy were getting undressed, too. Then there was a shout from somewhere in the center of the group and that got carried on to everyone until a loud cheer went up and everyone ran down the hill. When they got to the sidewalk some people turned around and started going back, but most people including us went all the way down to the road between the quad and Hoben before turning around.

When we got back to the top of the hill people were getting dressed again and Aric asked me how it felt to have streaked the quad and Peggy said that I did it every day, so I stuck my tongue out at her.

After Aric had put his pants back on he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and said that he had to go back to the theatre and button everything up because tomorrow night they were going to have to pull all the lights out of Dalton and move them to Balch for the mainstage show which was next weekend.

I asked him if that meant he would be home late every night next week, too, and he said he hoped not because once things were set up there was a different light board operator for that show so he wouldn't have to do that, just fix things that were broken and rig all the lights.

So we met up with Peggy and Sean and Christine and went back to our room and drank beer and played euchre until it was pretty late. Sean had had too much to drink and was almost asleep where he was sitting—which was why he'd done so badly in the last game—and so I offered my bed to them if Peggy didn't mind me sleeping with her, and she said she didn't. Then she said that they weren't allowed to have sex in my bed, and Christine said that she was no fun.

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