• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 29 [Anna and Reese]

September 29

I don't know how long we were asleep, but Mel called me on the radio and said that there was another cloud coming, so I carefully climbed off Aric, trying not to wake him up, but I did anyway.

I stretched out in the parking lot then told the airplane directors that I was going up again.

I took off and waved to Aric, who was watching me through the windshield, and then climbed back up into the sky. I could hear occasional distant crashes of thunder but I didn't see any lightning. Sometimes it stays way up in the cloud and it's high enough that you might not see it, even at night.

But I could feel it; my coat was bristling and I got up and closer to the clouds. They wanted to be proper thunderclouds but were a little too weary—either they'd formed recently and were still picking up energy, or else they'd tired themselves out on the way here.

So I flew around the bottom of them, getting a feel for them and decided that they were mature clouds, and had just worn out already, which was good for Kalamazoo.

But the clouds weren't all one mass, and the next one felt a lot more prickly as I got to its edges, and that one was dumping out rain like crazy. It had more electricity in it, too, but it wasn't strong enough to get to the ground, so it was just flickering inside the cloud as it tried to find a way out.

I told Mel what I was seeing and feeling, and he said that it looked a little bit calmer after that one had passed, but I stayed up anyways for a little while so I could get a feel for the next cluster of clouds.

Nothing about them felt dangerous, so I glided back down to the parking lot and sparked off on a light post then shook off as well as I could in the rain. I went back to Mel's truck long enough to get a look at the maps on his folding computer, then walked back to Winston.

I should have thought to bring towels, 'cause I was still pretty wet and when I got back to Winston, Aric was still sitting up and opened the door for me.

He'd turned on Winston so it would make heat, and he kissed me after the door was closed. Then he said that he'd seen the spark from my hooves when I got close to the lamppost and so I started explaining how the air was charged, but I kind of cut my explanation a little short 'cause he was yawning—not from being bored, but just from being tired and up in the middle of the night.

He told me he couldn't lie down right away because Winston didn't have a parking brake and might roll away while it was running in neutral, and that I should stretch out on the seat and let the heat dry me off. So I put my tail towards the door and rested my chin on his thigh and closed my eyes.

The radio was on softly, but it wasn't playing any music, just soft static, and between that and the heat and the purring vibrations in the seat, I fell asleep pretty quickly.

I got woken up again by my radio, and Aric was still sitting in the same place but Winston was off and the windows were all covered in fog. He said that he had been napping, until my radio woke him up.

So I told him I was sorry and he said that it was okay.

I went up one more time and patrolled another cluster of almost-thunderclouds, and then Mel said that the weather map looked clear now, so I came back down and looked at the computer with him and we both agreed that the storm was finished but it would still be raining for a while.

The roads were slick and shiny from the water and even Winston looked glossier because of it. I stayed awake while Aric drove us home and he asked if I wanted to take a shower to warm up, but I didn't like going to bed wet, and the heat had mostly dried me off.

When we got out of the truck Aric stretched and said that he was too old for this shit, and I said that I thought humans lived eighty to a hundred years and I didn't think he was all that old and he laughed and said it was a figure of speech.

We went upstairs and he got some towels out of the bathroom and helped me dry off, and we hung my camelback and flight vest on the back of his chair 'cause they were still soaked, too, and then we climbed into bed together. And I felt kind of bad that we were both too tired to have sex, because he'd probably been looking forward to his turn all day.

Aric set an alarm for eleven so that we would have time to get up and eat something before class, and then he curled up next to me and put his arm around my barrel.

I didn't sleep all that well and neither did he because our bodies were confused by being in bed when we should have been awake. And we both woke up before the alarm went off, and he started stroking my belly and I could feel him pressing up against my rump.

His alarm went off while he was on top of me and he couldn't reach it without getting off my back, so we just ignored it and eventually his portable telephone gave up.

And when we finally got out of bed, I said that we could take a shower together, and he asked me to look down the hallway and see if there was anyone in it because he didn't feel like getting dressed.

There wasn't anybody in the hall or the bathroom, so he scurried down towards the open door and I thought about blocking him but that would be mean. It was kind of strange that he'd be worried about one of his housemates seeing him naked when he was comfortable going to Sunny Haven and being naked with a bunch of strangers. I thought that if I wore clothes I wouldn’t mind not wearing them around my friends, like how Meghan didn't mind being nude around me even before we started having sex.

I guess humans have lots of weird rules about that.

Aric didn't have enough shampoo for me to wash my whole coat, so he had to wash most of my body with a bar of soap, which wasn't as good but it was better than nothing. And he still had trouble with my wings, just 'cause he'd never got much practice. Which was something that we'd have to work on together.

And he insisted on washing himself, too, 'cause he didn't think I should have to try and hold a bar of soap in my mouth. It wasn't my favorite taste—human soap tastes really bitter—but I would have done it anyway.

And since he'd had to do all the work in the shower, and stayed with me all night last night and not complained that he'd had to spend most of the night in Winston by himself while I was off flying, I thought he deserved more attention, so after we'd rinsed all the soap off ourselves I asked him if he wanted to get right out of the shower or if he wanted to have a little more fun first, and he did.

I was lucky that Aric had a brush, 'cause my mane and tail were a mess. It wasn't hoof-friendly, so he had to brush my mane but he didn't mind, and when he was done I got on his bed and preened my wings, and he didn't put on his clothes until I was almost done, and we walked to Nina's for lunch.

I hadn't realized how hungry I was until we walked in and I smelled the food and I ordered a big omelet, and some extra toast, and I probably shouldn't have but I was eating breakfast and lunch together.

When we were walking back to Aric's house, I remembered I was gonna sit with Leon and Cedric and Trevor and read poetry and I'd completely forgotten. Leon probably wouldn't be sad that he didn't have to read poetry but I hoped that they weren't worried about me.

We were running out of time, so I packed everything in my saddlebags while Aric got his back for class, and then we got in Winston and he drove us to campus. He had to drop me off at my dorm, because I didn't have my books for astronomy, and I kissed him goodbye and then trotted up to my room, dumped out my flight gear and packed in my astronomy things, and flew to class.

Professor Miller taught us about orbits and the center of mass, which was a place that didn't move, and the star and planet would always be on opposite sides, and it was pretty simple when there was only one planet and one star but when there were a lot it got more complex and the star got more wiggly. And she told us that was how Neptune got discovered, because scientists saw Uranus wiggling and figure out that Neptune must be what was causing it and where it must be and then astronomers found it.

She showed us pictures of one star and how the observations lined up with the predictions on the graph, and when one planet didn't fit then they added in another and another until they decided that it had three planets going around it.

And hot Jupiters were the easiest thing to find, and the first one was found by the Swiss, but the Americans had all the data already but they weren't looking at the right thing and she said they felt really dumb when they found out that they'd already had the data but hadn't thought to look for big planets with short periods.

She told us about how scientists had thought of other theories to explain them, like binary star systems or pulsating stars or edge-on orbits, but as more and more hot Jupiters were found it became less and less likely that that would explain all of them, or more than a few, and then she showed us spectrums, which is where the scientists turned starlight into rainbows and that was how they knew if the light was red-shifted or blue-shifted, and how they were able to test that it wasn't pulsation.

The list of problems that Professor Miller gave us for homework looked like it was going to be pretty easy, which was nice. So I flew back to my room and worked on them until I'd solved them all and then went back through and checked my work again. It was a little strange to be switching back to numbers where close approximations were good enough, but that was something that the weather wheel was really good at, so long as I remembered to convert the numbers correctly. And a couple of the problems I could do in my head, too. It was still a bit confusing using radians instead of degrees, especially since that was one measurement that coincidentally was the same for us and humans.

When I got finished with that I got out my Bible and read some more of Matthew. He said how Jesus found some fishermen to come with him, Simon and Peter, and he filled their nets with fish; and then he also found James and John who were mending nets, which was something that ponies were always doing. Matthew said that Jesus went around healing the sick, and then also he gave sermons of his wisdom and some of it was really smart, like how you weren't supposed to stay mad at your brother, and that people who looked for things found them. And it was a little odd when he asked why people worried about clothing, because I thought maybe he was saying that they shouldn't wear it any more but people still did.

And it had the Lord's Prayer in it, too, which we had said at Easter.

I wanted to read more, but I needed to go have dinner before my meeting with Pastor Liz, and I told myself that I was going to finish Matthew by the next time we met and maybe the next book, too.

The first thing I did when I went to dinner was look for Leon and Cedric and Trevor, to apologize for not being at lunch, but they weren't there yet so I went to our usual table, and much to my surprise Anna and Reese were there. He said that Christine had invited them to our table because he also played Dungeons and Dragons, which was like LARPing but you didn't have to wear a costume unless you wanted to and you sat at a table.

I was pretty happy that there were new friends to eat with and also that I wasn't going to have to eat alone just 'cause I'd come early.

She said that she was going to study art and biology, and that she wanted to be a paleontologist working at a museum putting together monster bones and figuring out what the monster had looked like when it was still alive. And Reese wanted to design role-playing games, so he was studying English because you had to write all the rules, and also history and language because he said that he thought that would make his game more interesting.

So I told them what I was studying, and they thought that that was pretty amazing. That was one thing that felt good being on Earth, 'cause in Equestria when you said that you worked in the weather, a lot of groundponies didn't know anything about it and assumed that everypony just pushed rainclouds around and that was all there was to do in the sky. And since we had to work a lot at night, like I had done last night, lots of pegasuses took naps in the day and then they thought we were lazy, too.

I was just finishing up my meal when Peggy and Christine and Sean arrived, and I apologized for being gone all day but there was a rainstorm last night and Peggy said that she'd wondered if I'd been up in it.

I did find Cedric and Leon on the way out but Trevor hadn't arrived yet. And I told them that I was sorry for missing lunch and they said that was okay, and Cedric asked if I was coming to their game tomorrow night and I wanted to, but I couldn't because we were going to Indianapolis to see the air show, and I said that Aquamarine was going to be there, and Cedric said that they were going, too. And Leon asked if he got any choice in the matter, and Cedric said that it would be good for him to see how the working class lived. Leon said that didn't make any sense, and Cedric said that was why he needed to go.

So I was really happy that they'd be there and I bet Aquamarine was going to be happy, too. And surprised.

I went back to my room and got my glaive and went to talk to Pastor Liz. She was happy that I was keeping up with my reading, but I felt bad that I hadn't gotten more done.

We talked about Jesus and she told me that Mary had been faithful to Joseph, and it was God who made her pregnant and it was a bit confusing but she eventually got me to understand that nobody had actually had sex with Mary; God had just put the baby inside her which for humans was a miracle.

She told me to pay attention because Jesus liked to tell parables, which were stories that sounded like they were about one thing but were really about something else, 'cause I asked her about the clothing, and she said that that meant to not worry about material things like what kind of clothes you wore because just having better clothes didn't make you a better person.

And she said that the Simon and Peter weren't supposed to actually throw nets over people and catch them; that they were meant to be fishers of men in a metaphorical sense.

After we were done talking, I flew down the hill and saw that Winston was parked there along with all the other cars, and Aric was putting on his armor and so was Keith and Seth and Kennith and I'd kind of forgotten that they fought, too, because they had been gone all summer. And so Karla had everybody do practice drills for the first half and then after that she said that we were going to do an actual exercise and she went to her car and got out some flags and put them in the ground and that was the 'bridge' that one team was supposed to defend and the other team was supposed to capture.

She divided up everyone and said that we had five minutes to plan our strategy and that the bridge crossed over a bottomless chasm so we couldn't climb under it. Well, that wasn't a problem for me, and since my team was supposed to take the bridge, they should distract everyone and then I'd fly around and get people from behind and it took us all of five minutes to discuss that.

Seth thought it would work, and he said that I should wait until everyone was engaged and then they might not notice me flying around. So when Karla said it was time to begin, everyone came together and I stayed in the back, jabbing with my padded glaive, until everyone was pretty involved and then I took off and flew over the imaginary chasm, and I went along the bridge and got Keith in the back, and then I killed Aric, too, and the bridge was ours.

They thought it wasn't fair that I could fly, because they couldn't, and Karla said it was good to keep them on their toes and maybe next time they'd think to look behind them. And we did the exercise again and this time we switched who was attacking and who was defending and being able to fly didn't help me that much, until I realized that I could fly off the 'bridge' and around to the side and maybe flank them but they were expecting it and I got hit and killed by Keith, 'cause he had been watching me and he was ready.

I kind of wanted to debate my death, 'cause a hit on the rump shouldn't have killed me, but the rules were that any clean hit on the body was fatal.

We lined up after and Karla told us what she'd seen that was effective and what wasn't. And she said it was clever of me to fly off the bridge for an attack, but that I should not have left my backside open, and I agreed with her. I was a little bit sore where his sword had got me, 'cause I think he hit me harder than he needed to, 'cause he was still a little mad that I'd killed him in the last fight.

At least I'd remembered not to buck him, 'cause my hooves weren't padded at all.

Everyone got undressed and I nuzzled Aric and asked him if he was going to be coming to the rest of the practices and he said that as long as plays didn't interfere he would.

I was starting to feel pretty tired by the time I landed back at the dorm and got up to our room, and I thought that I might not get all that much sleep over the weekend, so I decided that I would go to bed really early and try to sleep a little bit late.

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