• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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December 24 [Christmas Eve]

December 24

I woke up to birds chirping right outside which was nice. Plus I still had my head on Meghan's breast, which was also nice, and I couldn't decide if I should lift my head to look at the birds or just stay where I was.

Staying where I was won out, 'cause I thought that I'd probably seen all the birds before and anyways they were making happy bird chirps and not fighting, so everybody was getting a turn at the feeder.

I must have moved around more than I thought when I was listening to the birds, 'cause I'd woken up Meghan and she started scratching my ear and then leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, and I shifted around so that I could kiss her back and she asked me if I was looking forward to Christmas and I told her that I was. Plus I'd get to see where she lived.

She said that was going to be kind of disappointing but it was home and that was what mattered. And then she smiled and said that she'd never thought she'd get to spend Christmas with a pony and that all the years she'd wanted a pony for Christmas and now she had one, at least for a little bit longer.

And then she got kind of quiet and I think that maybe she was thinking about how I had to leave really soon and then I was thinking about it, too. And I didn't want that to make us sad during Christmas so I nuzzled her and said that we were gonna have fun together and then when she came to Equestria I'd show her everything and she sighed and said that she wasn't even sure that she'd ever get approved for a visa, 'cause there were lots of people who wanted to go and they probably had better reasons than she did. But she was going to hope for it anyways, and I said that I could ask Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn and maybe they could help out.

That got me to thinking that they still had all my Christmas and Hearth's Warming presents, and I was gonna have to figure out a way to get them. I would have to call them and hope that they weren't already away with their families. I should have gotten them yesterday but I'd been so excited to be back with Aric and Meghan that I hadn't thought about it.

They'd be pretty mad if I called now, too, so I was gonna have to wait and hope it all turned out. And I guess if it didn't we could celebrate Christmas again a little bit late.

I tickled Meghan with my wing and asked her if she thought we should wake up Aric or let him sleep some more and she said that we could have some fun with each other and if he didn't wake up during that it was his own fault, and I thought that was fair. And I thought I was gonna be on top, 'cause I already was halfway on top, but Meghan grabbed me around the barrel and before I could react she had me on my back and then her hands were running down my belly and I didn't want to fight her so I leaned in for kisses whenever I could and she tried to avoid me at first and then Aric woke up and joined in and he took advantage of me being kinda pinned but I didn't mind at all. Sometimes it was fun to not be in control.

Plus I think that maybe both of them were feeling like I deserved some extra attention 'cause they'd had each other while I was gone, and even though they shouldn’t have thought that, I wasn't gonna complain.

We relaxed in bed a little bit after, and we'd kicked the sheets off 'cause everyone was too hot, but then Meghan got cold and so I moved so that she could be in the middle and she curled up against me and Aric cuddled against her back to keep her warm.

It would have been nice to stay in bed for longer, but we had to get ready to go to Meghan's house and Aric had to go to his house, so we got up and went into the shower and washed each other off and then went to make breakfast. Aric had gotten eggs and milk and cheese and waffle mix so we had plenty of food to cook and I couldn't decide what I wanted to make. Waffles were a little bit easier but if we made omelets we'd have more time to spend together, so that was what I picked, and me and Meghan made breakfast and she decided that we should let Aric help, too. She had to hit him with the spatula a couple of times 'cause he kept fondling her and she said that this was why boys shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen because they couldn't keep their hands off the chef. And so I got her with my wing and she hit me with the spatula, too, and then had to pick a mane-hair out of it, and after that I behaved and focused on actually cooking breakfast like I was supposed to be doing, and Aric mostly did too and only had to get hit with the spatula one more time.

Instead of eating in the living room, we ate in the kitchen 'cause it was warmer. I just sat on the counter and had to make sure to keep my tail away from the stove 'cause it was still hot, even though it didn't look like it was. It wasn't the best solution but unless we got a tall stool like the bars had I couldn't eat at the counter like Meghan and Aric did. If I was on my hind hooves, I'd wind up with an omelet in my nose and I didn't want that.

I wonder if there were some ponies who had had the counters in their apartments lowered so that they could use them better? Or maybe had boxes put in that they could stand on.

Aric and Meghan got dressed after breakfast, and then helped Aric carry things down to Winston. He had a big box full of presents for his family, which I took down the stairs on my back with Meghan helping me balance it—he'd said that he could take it on his own but I wanted to be helpful, and that way he only had to take one trip.

He started up Winston and I got in with him to keep him company. Meghan said that she didn't love him enough to freeze her butt off in his truck and kissed him then went back upstairs to the apartment to get the last of her things ready for the weekend.

It took a few minutes for Winston to warm up enough that the snow on the windshield started melting, and he sighed and said that he really didn't want to go but his parents would be really mad if he didn't come home for Christmas and so he didn't have too much of a choice. And he leaned over and kissed me and said that he'd be back for Boxing Day, which was the day after Christmas, and then he kissed me again and told me to have fun with Meghan and I said that I would. Then I asked if I could drive Winston to the end of the parking lot before I went back up to the apartment and he said that would be okay, so I got on his lap and put my hooves on the steering wheel and I had to back up first which was really hard and I wasn't too good at it. You couldn't see all that much with the top on and it had big mirrors on the side but it was kind of hard to judge where things were in them, and then I also had to be careful that the bow of Winston didn't swing out enough to catch the side of the car that was next to us, so it took me a few minutes to get it into the traffic lane but after that it was pretty easy.

We kissed one more time, and then he opened the driver's door for me and I hopped out and caught myself with my wings just before my hooves touched the pavement and flew back to my balcony.

Meghan really had to struggle with the door, 'cause of all the ice in its tracks, and she barely got it opened far enough for me to squeeze in. And she told me that I should pack up anything that I thought I'd need, which wasn't a lot, until she said that I should take my dress for a Christmas Eve church service.

That didn't really like fitting in my saddlebags without getting wrinkled, so we decided that we'd put it in her bag instead, and then we waited for her parents to come and get her.

While we were waiting I called Mister Salvatore and he said that he could come right by and so I asked Meghan how soon we were going to be leaving and she said that her parents had said that they'd be here at eleven and they were generally late so it probably wouldn't actually be until noon or so. Which was enough time for Mister Salvatore to come over, and so I told him to. And he asked if I thought it would ruin Christmas if he was late and I said that I didn't think it would, and he was kind of disappointed because he said that if I had said it would he could drive the Suburban really fast with the flashing lights on. And I heard Miss Cherilyn saying that Christmas was not an emergency and he said that sometimes it was, and told me he'd be over in a few minutes.

We watched out the front window and it took about twenty minutes for him to arrive and he was in Sienna and Miss Cherilyn got out of the driver's seat and he was sulking a little bit when he got up to my apartment, but he cheered up as soon as he saw me and he set the box down and gave me a hug. And he'd covered it over with a shirt, which he said was just in case there was a present for Meghan in there, and there was.

I wasn't sure if I should give it to her tomorrow or wait until Aric was back and I couldn't ask her so I asked Miss Cherilyn to come in with me so we could talk in secret and she said that if the three of us were going to have a late Christmas together than I ought to give it to her then but it might be nice if I had something else to give her when I was with her family and maybe I should have something for them, too. And I hadn't thought of that, so I was hoping that we'd have a chance to do a little bit more shopping. Maybe there were stores near Meghan's house.

We'd hardly finished talking when Meghan's telephone rang and then she knocked on the door and said that her parents were almost here so I needed to get ready and so I thanked Miss Cherilyn for her advice and the four of us waited until they arrived, which didn't take very long.

Mister Salvatore carried our bags for us and then I shook hands with Mister and Miss Wilson, who were her parents. They had a silvery-white car that was called Enclave which was pretty nice although not as roomy as a van.

While we were driving, both her parents had lots of questions about Equestria, and how I liked Michigan, and what I did for a living and what I was going to school for and they were kind of surprised that I liked math. And so I kind of lost track where we were on the road, and all of a sudden there were lots of lanes of traffic all around us and big bridges going overhead and it was very confusing to know where to go. It was kind of like being in Chicago and I was glad that they knew where they were going because I don't think I would have been able to figure it out.

We changed highways a couple of times and they kept having bigger numbers—we went from the 275 Highway to the 696 Highway and then had to go around a looping exit to get to Telegraph road, which didn't move very fast because there were a lot of cars and traffic lights that kept stopping everyone.

After we got towards the front of the pack, though, we could get through them all without stopping and we stayed on Telegraph for a few miles until we turned on Maple Road, and that took us to Birmingham where her parents house was.

It was called a condominium, which was like an apartment but fancier, and inside it was as big as a house. Plus it was right next to a bunch of stores which was really convenient.

So we didn't spend very much time at their home at first even though they wanted to give me a tour and I felt bad about that because it couldn't have taken that long but Meghan said that once her dad started talking it would be forever before he stopped again and if we were going to get some last-minute things now was the time to do it.

We did take a minute to go in the house so we could use the bathroom and set our things in her bedroom. It had a kind of disused look to it which I guess made sense 'cause she'd been in Kalamazoo most of the time. There was a big row of stuffed animals on a shelf and I recognized some of them 'cause they'd been in movies or I'd seen them at Walt Disney World, like Pooh and Eeyore.

There was a little round cushion on the floor, too, and when Meghan saw it she glared at her mom and said that I didn't sleep on the floor and even if I did she could have found something better than a dog bed for me, but I thought it looked kind of comfortable and I wouldn't have minded sleeping on it.

So she got to drive the Enclave and I sat in the front and I wasn't sure what I should get for them and she said that we could just get a card but I thought I should get something a little bit nicer and she said that her dad liked golf and her mom liked penguins, so we needed to find golf things and penguin things.

There was a golf store that wasn't very far away and if we'd had more time I would have liked to look around because I still didn't understand what the point of golf was and when I saw how much they wanted for just one golf bat, it was even more confusing to me. Aric hadn't spent that much money on Winston. So I got him some golf balls, 'cause she said that he lost them a lot. And then she said that we could go to Pier 1 next 'cause it was close and they always had interesting things, so we drove down there and there were lots of people in the store all trying to buy things at the very last minute, and we looked around but didn't see anything that looked like a good gift, and me and Meghan were getting a little bit stressed out by all the people and I had to be careful 'cause they weren't looking down and a couple of people almost tripped over me.

So she wanted to try a little out-of-the way place called The Treasure Trunk, and said that we could look there really quick and maybe we'd find something that was nice. It was a kind of run-down building but I did find a nice blue penguin statue that was really pretty, and so I had to buy it and I still couldn't think of what I should get Meghan, or how I was going to be sneaky about it. But I got lucky and she went off to look at the clothes since we were already here and so I had a chance to look around some more and I found a Judy Hopps stuffie that I thought she'd like. She was still distracted looking at blouses so I bought it and the penguin and the clerk put them in the bag for me so she couldn't see what I'd bought, and just in time 'cause she came around to the counter and asked if I was ready to go and I said that I was.

She said that we ought to have a little snack before we got home, and so we stopped at Panera Bread 'cause it was fast and they had good sandwiches and I got one with Mediterranean vegetables and she had a grilled cheese sandwich which also looked really good.

Then we went back to her condominium and once we'd brought our shopping in I got to meet Grandma and Grandpa Wilson who were Mister Wilson's parents. Miss Wilson's lived in Florida and didn't want to come up to visit because they said that they were too old for the cold and she was a little bit bitter about that.

And then I got to take the tour that Mister Wilson wanted to give me, and he showed me most of the rooms and it was kind of like a maze. He had a nice office that I liked, 'cause it had a balcony and none of the other rooms did. The living room had nice big windows but they weren't supposed to open and let you out, and they were mostly blocked with a big Christmas tree, which was very pretty. And it also had a big fireplace in it and it had a gas fire so you didn't have to bring in logs or anything, you could just turn it on and off when you wanted it.

While he was showing me around, Miss Wilson was making dinner and so his tour got interrupted by our meal. And I didn't want to be rude, 'cause she'd made a special salad just for me, so I ate it but it wasn't very good and I didn't think that you could make a salad wrong but you could. And when I'd finished she said that there was more if I wanted it, and I thanked her and said that I was full, and Mister Wilson said that I ate like a bird and started laughing.

We had to get ready for church right after dinner, 'cause we were going to a candlelight service, and Meghan helped me get in my dress. She didn't have any glitter to make my feathers sparkly which was too bad, but she did braid my mane and put in one of her scrunchies that was almost the same color as my coat, and she said she was sorry about dinner and her parents meant well but they didn't really know that much about ponies. She said that she hadn't thought that when she told her mom all the vegetables and grasses that I liked to eat that she'd put them all in one salad, and she said that she hadn't thought to tell her that I would want a proper bed and not a dog bed. But I could sleep with her so it didn't matter that I didn't have my own bed.

It was a little bit crowded with all of us in the Enclave together, and we had to climb over the seats to get in the very back which was hard for both me and Meghan since we were wearing dresses, and I wasn't looking forward to getting back out again. And when we got to the church it wasn't that far at all and we could have walked.

It was a lot bigger than Stetson Chapel, and all the stained glass windows in the sanctuary made it look like a palace. We got seats kind of in the middle and the ushers gave us little playbills and I asked Meghan if it was going to be like the Easter service and she said it would be kind of the same.

The whole inside was decorated for Christmas and people were standing around talking until the organ started to play and then everyone sat down and we had to get right back up to sing. Meghan offered to hold the hymnal so that I could sing along, and that was kind of hard 'cause I didn't know how to read human music. But it was the same every verse, so after I'd heard the first I joined in.

The pastor read us a passage from the Bible and then had a family come up to light the Christmas candles, and then we sang another hymn which I knew because they'd sung it at Disney. Then he told us about Joseph and Mary's struggle to find a place to rest and nobody wanted to give them a room even though she was pregnant until they finally were allowed to stay in a manger with the animals and the pastor was pretty upset about it, 'cause that was what the whole sermon was about.

Then after that they started to pass along candles that we could hold and it was a little bit awkward to hold pinched between my forehooves and so Meghan said she wasn't going to light it until very last.

And then they turned down the lights so there was only the Christmas tree and all the candles and Meghan lit mine and it was so beautiful, and we all sang O Holy Night together before we put out our candles and they turned the lights back up, and the pastor gave his benediction.

There was a reception afterwards in the fellowship hall and they had coffee and tea and cookies and so we went there and I met a lot more people who were all interested in me and I didn't get to eat too much 'cause I had to talk to everyone, and by the time we finally got back in the Enclave to go home I was pretty tired.

Meghan helped me get undressed and she put on her lounging clothes and I still had to wrap presents which was something that I was never very good at. The golf balls weren't too difficult because they were in a rectangular box but the penguin was hopeless and when Meghan was done laughing she offered to re-wrap it herself and so I let her.

I didn't want her to wrap her own present, though, so when she went to the bathroom I took it out of the bag and I did the best that I could, and it was even more difficult 'cause it kept squishing and tearing the paper and so I had to put a bunch of different layers around it and it wasn't all that neat but I didn't think that she'd mind.

I wished that I'd known that her grandparents were coming, though, 'cause I could have gotten them something, too.

She came in while I was still adding more tape to make sure that the wrapping didn't come apart and she asked who that was for and I said it was for her and she couldn't open it until tomorrow and she wasn't allowed to squeeze it and figure out what it was, and she promised that she wouldn't, and then she asked if I wanted to put things out tonight or if I'd rather wait until tomorrow, and I said that tomorrow was fine, so she got in bed and I was kind of disappointed that she was still wearing her clothes.

Meghan said that it didn't seem right to sleep naked at home and that seemed weird to me but I guess it was a human custom, so I snuggled up to her and pulled her shirt up just a little bit so I could rest my wing on her bare stomach, and she didn't stop me.

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