• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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May 5 [Cinco de Mayo]

May 5

I did wake up when Aric got home. He smelled like rain overtop of the strange hot dusty smell that the theatre had, and when he came into his room I pretended to be asleep but I opened one eye just a little bit and watched him get undressed and then I reached out and brushed up against him with my wing which he wasn't expecting at all.

I must have helped him relax from his long day because afterwards he fell back asleep before me, and I just listened to him sleep for a little while.

When I woke up again in the morning I got out of bed quietly and opened the window 'cause it was kind of stuffy in his room. It was overcast, but the rain had stopped, and all the grass outside the window was glittering in the early light.

He caught me by surprise when he got up and came to the window beside me—I had been watching the birds hop around on the lawn. There were a couple of robins who had found something to eat in the grass, but I couldn't see what. Probably worms, 'cause worms like to come out of the ground when it rains. I think their burrows fill with water and they have to.

I could just see a little bit of the driveway and there were a couple of smaller birds which I think were chickadees that were splashing around in a puddle.

Aric asked me what I was looking at and so I pointed out all the birds and he watched them too and said maybe he should get a birdfeeder, but if he did, I had to promise not to eat the seeds out of it. I said it would depend on what kind of seeds he put in it.

Then I told him that me and Peggy were going to drive go-karts on Saturday afternoon and I wanted to know if he would come, too. I told him that she had said that the more people who were there the more fun it would be.

Well, he agreed with that, and he said he would.

We stood by the window a little bit longer, and he ran his hands through my mane and rubbed my ears and then ran his hands down to the sensitive spot on my back that he'd been so proud to have discovered and we went back to bed for a little bit.

Once we'd gotten up for the second time, Aric said that on Saturday just to make sure that we didn't start go-kart racing until noon, because he wouldn't be up before then and I said that I'd tell Peggy. Then he kissed me on my nose and I went out the window again because it was fun and I wasn't supposed to do it from my dorm room.

I thought I'd fly a different way than I usually did, so I went across the big road by campus and then followed a curvy road called Oakland for a while. It came to a big open pasture right before it got to the 94 Highway, and I landed there and trotted around for a bit. It was a strange place; there were short grassy trails and little holes marked with flags and I couldn't figure out why, unless they were afraid that people would trip on the holes. But then when I got more towards the front a man driving a white car yelled at me for being on the golf course, and so I guess that's what it was and I wasn't supposed to be there.

I don't think he expected me to fly away when he yelled. I thought about circling back around and landing on the roof of his white car but there wasn't any point in making him mad, so I just made a big circle away and back towards campus.

At lunch I mentioned how I had been shouted at and Leon said that the white man doesn't like coloreds on his golf course unless they're caddies and that was just another way that The Man kept us down. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not, until Cedric asked Leon what his handicap was and Leon said it was eight and he sounded proud of that.

Cedric said that the last time he'd played golf he'd scored a perfect three hundred, and I thought that was pretty good, until Trevor started laughing and told him that he was mixing up his sports again. Then Cedric said that bowling was a better sport anyway because the black ball got to knock down the white pins.

Trevor said that the last time he'd bowled he'd gotten a blue ball and what did that mean, and Leon put his hand on his shoulder and said that it meant he didn't have game, and all three of them started laughing.

Lunch was really lousy, which I hoped meant that they had something special planned for dinner. Even the lettuce didn't look all that good; it was kind of wilted and sad.

Conrad began by reading a poem called The Fisherman, and it reminded me of home. Even the name of his clothes sounded like the name of my village, and so I couldn’t help but perk up a bit in my seat and listen to every word. There was a pair of old stallions just like that, and one of them was gray and the other a dingy brown. Their coats were forever stained with sea-salt and each morning they would go down to the beach and wade out in the surf with nets behind to fish—they were too old to work on a fishing boat anymore; everypony knew it—and they would bring back their meager catch and sell it in the market. They were both quiet and respectful and every now and then my mother would trade them some fresh grass that she'd found for a small fish or two. And when I was little I didn't understand why that made them so happy, but now I did and so whenever I was at market I'd buy a fish from them, too, even though I could have gone out and caught my own easily enough. And sometimes I'd give them pasture grass and sometimes I'd give them a bunch of wildflowers in exchange, and sometimes when there weren't either I'd give them a bit coin but that felt cheaper.

We read another sailing poem next, called Sailing to Byzantium, which started out by saying that it was no country for old men, which I thought was an interesting change from the last poem. Mister Yeats thought that Byzantium was a really nice place but I'd never heard of it.

Conrad finished out the lesson with a poem called Easter 1916 and I thought back to the Easter service I had attended with Meghan, but this was much sadder and maybe not literally about Easter at all.

But then a lot of poems weren't really about what it seemed like they were about, and a lot of the students said that they thought it was about World War One, so I thought about asking Conrad about that, then decided that there were so many books in the library surely there were some about World War One and I could find out about it there and not have to bother him at all.

Before I could do that, though, I went back to my room and read more of the Bible. King David constantly fought battles and got dethroned for a while but then took his throne back and then he got so old that his friends found a woman who would sleep with him to keep him warm. And then he made Solomon the next King.

Of course not everyone was happy with that, and there was still some fighting and people getting killed because they had been loyal to the wrong person in the past or because King Solomon just didn't like them. But then King Solomon did something that was smarter than anyone else had and he asked God for wisdom, and so he was so wise that people came from all over the world to hear him talk.

Then he went and got all the good workers and built a house for God called a temple and after that was done he built a palace for himself, too.

But when he got older his wisdom must have run out because he married hundreds of women and then he started building temples to their gods, too, and that made God angry at him. And so God decided that He was going to split up the tribes of Israel like He had said He would if Solomon was bad, but He let Solomon remain king until he died, because He had made a promise.

I should have known that was going to happen. Nobody had had the good sense to follow God's instructions and I thought that Solomon would be better because he was so wise, but he messed up, too.

I stopped by the library and one of the student helpers found me a book on World War One, and I took it back to my room before going to dinner.

We did have a special meal; it was tacos and burritos and other food like Taco Bell has and Christine said that was because it was Cinco de Mayo, which is a special day in Mexico. I asked her why it was special and she didn't know. Joe said that it was because the Titanic was carrying a cargo of mayonnaise, and then it sank, and Sean told him that was the stupidest theory he'd ever heard because the Titanic sank in April, not May.

Christine said that John Kasich had given up and so now Trump was the Republican nominee. Joe said that he was glad he was moving to Japan after he graduated because that was a pretty safe distance to watch from. I was worried that if he got elected he might build a wall like the angry man had said, and Peggy said that so far the only wall he’d proposed was the one between the US and Mexico and besides no matter who got elected they wouldn’t actually get to be president until January, and I’d be back in Equestria then.

Liz met with me outside since it was a nice day now: the rain had stopped and the sky had cleared and it had warmed up. And that was probably for the best because I'd eaten more tacos than I should have.

We talked about how the kings of Israel still weren't very good at following rules, and she said that was just human nature. And then she said that she'd heard I had been sick and I told her that I was better now and that I was going to go watch a Frelon dance tomorrow and then participate in a campus tradition that Aric wouldn't say what it was, and on Saturday race go-karts.

She laughed at that and said that the campus had a lot of traditions and she had been a student when they first started having their after-Frelon tradition and she'd think about participating for old-time's sake. But she wouldn't tell me what it was, either.

I thought after that that I'd better see Meghan 'cause I hadn't talked to her for a week, so I went over to her room and knocked and she was surprised to see me and I said that I knew it was short notice but maybe we could watch another Harry Potter movie together and start over again and she considered that for a minute and I thought that she was going to close the door in my face but she wound up inviting me in.

She put the movie on but we didn't get very far before neither of us were watching it any more. I farted really loudly during a quiet scene right at the beginning and she looked over at me and I said that was the tacos talking and she laughed and then we started talking and didn't pay any attention to the movie at all.

We both agreed that we had made bad assumptions going in and that perhaps if we had known more we would not have made those mistakes but she said that nobody had brought them up in any of her classes and I said that no one had told me either until it was too late.

And then we both decided that the best thing to do was start over, sadder and wiser than we had been before. Then we talked about what we were going to do for summer break which was coming up really soon, and I told her that I didn’t have any firm long-term plans yet but I was going to go go-kart racing on Saturday with Aric and Peggy and maybe some other people and she could come if she wanted to. She said that sounded like fun and she cheered up a little bit and it made me happy too because when all my friends were doing different things it was hard to choose what I wanted to do.

I snuggled up on her lap and she pet me for a while and then braided my mane and neither of us really had noticed that the movie was over until she had to get up to pee. When she came back out of the bathroom she said it was pretty late and that I could stay if I wanted to.

I told her that I would like that very much and waited until she had gotten undressed and then got in bed beside her and fell asleep with my head on her chest.

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