• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 15 [Relaxed Thursday]

September 15

I snuggled against Aric until he woke up, and he said it was too early to be awake but that didn't stop him from running his hand along my back and over my dock, and I climbed on top of him and told him that he wouldn't have to do anything if he didn't want to, but he did want to and he had an advantage because I needed my hooves to stand on but since he was just lying on his back he could use both of his hands.

Since I didn't have a lab in the morning and my first class wasn't until after lunch, it was kind of tempting to just stay in bed and maybe snooze a little bit and have sex again later, but it was also a good day to go on a longer flight, and that was another good way to start the day. So me and Aric went downstairs and he made me some oatmeal, just so I wouldn't have to fly on an empty stomach.

He also filled up my camelback while I was eating, and then we went back to his room and he helped me put on my flight gear. Then I called the airplane directors and told them that I was going flying, and they gave me permission.

I went out his bedroom window which was a little bit trickier now that I was wearing all my flight gear, and stopped at the bird feeder long enough to get a mouthful of sunflower seeds. Aric didn't throw anything at me this time which was kind of disappointing.

It was partially cloudy, but the temperature was nice and there wasn't much wind. It was a very good day to go on a long flight, so I headed west.

I kept about seven hundred feet up and followed Main Street all the way to the 131 Highway, then I turned northwest to get to the Kal-Haven trail.

I'd planned to cross over it a few miles outside of Kalamazoo and then follow it for a bit, but after I'd flown a couple of miles out of town I remembered that it curved pretty far north at first, and I wasn't gonna be crossing it for a few miles. I should have remembered that.

So when I got to the next road, I turned due north and followed it a little ways until I could see the path of the trail, and then I angled off on a diagonal course to intercept it.

I didn't have time to go all the way to South Haven and back again, so when I got to Gobles I turned around to head back to campus. But I didn’t want to take the same way back, so I decided that I'd fly due east and when I got to the 131 Highway, I'd follow that south.

The clouds had been breaking up the whole time I was flying west, and there were hardly any left in the sky when I turned around, although it was still a bit hazy from all the moisture that the clouds had left behind.

I should have brought my saddlebags, 'cause then I could stop at Meijer and buy some groceries but I was limited to what would fit in my camelback and the pockets on my flight vest, and I didn't feel like spending a lot of time at the store and not coming back with much of anything and have to do it again a couple of days later.

There wasn't anything too interesting on the ground once I passed Kendall—lots of fields and some forests. And I was kind of surprised that there was a lot of corn still standing, because it looked like it was ripe and ready to be harvested, but I guess that human farmers would know better than I did, and maybe their corn kept on getting bigger.

When I got to the 131 Highway, I made a sharp turn and stayed right over it, on the western side, and I slowly started to lose altitude. By the time I'd passed the 131 bus Highway entrance, I was just over a thousand feet, so I banked off towards Kalamazoo and took a direct path back to campus and landed on the boardwalk on Pebble Beach.

There wasn't anyone waiting for the showers when I went in, which was nice. And I didn't think that anybody would be coming, either, since anyone who wanted to take a shower would have already, so I took my time.

Even so, by the time I got dried off I was a little bit early for lunch, and I suppose I could have read some of the Bible or written in my journal or read a little bit ahead in my math book, but instead I just went to lunch.

I was glad that people tended to not want to change things, 'cause I found Cedric and Leon and Trevor at the same table that they'd always sat at, and they still had lots of food left, so I went and got my lunch and then went over to their table.

Cedric had to move his tray over, 'cause he'd kind of pushed it off to the side, but he didn't mind, and he even put mine on the table for me even though I could have done it.

Leon asked if I was taking another poetry class and I shook my head. There hadn't been any offered, or else I would have. I said that I was taking a physics class and a math class and an astronomy class and they were all fun so far. And he thought that I was crazy—I don't know why everyone thinks that.

Trevor said he was taking Shakespeare and that was a kind of poetry, and I agreed. I told them about seeing Gusty in Stratford and they all thought that sounded pretty amazing. And Cedric was impressed when I told them that we'd had lunch with Uzo and Zelda, who were both pretty famous I guess. I said that Gusty knew them from when she had acted in Orange is the New Black.

Leon said that he didn't like that show because it reminded him too much of his time in prison, and Cedric crossed his arms and said that a charter school wasn't a prison, and Leon said it wasn't a very nice charter school, because you had to take a bus there instead of a limousine which meant it counted.

Cedric said that when he was working with Habitat for Humanity, he'd met Jimmy Carter, who used to be president. I wanted to know if all the former presidents went on to build houses and he said that only the classy ones did. And I asked him if he'd seen Aquamarine at all over summer break and he sighed and said that nothing had ever worked out, but they'd written to each other, and he'd discovered that he sort of liked writing letters.

I was kinda expecting Leon to say something sarcastic, but he didn't.

Before we had to go to class, Cedric asked me if I was still planning on coming to the football game, and I said that I was gonna come with Peggy and Christine and Sean, and we were gonna take Cobalt instead of the bus, because it would be more fun.

He told me to make sure that someone stayed sober enough to drive back home, and if I didn't think that anyone was, to take the campus bus or else find him and he'd get me on the team bus, which was nice of him. I didn't think that Peggy was that unresponsible, but if she was I wouldn't get stranded in Grand Rapids or have to fly back home at night.

We walked across campus together, until we had to split up before we crossed Academy Street, and I continued on to the Dow building and took the stairs all the way up to the top floor.

I still hadn't figured out who I wanted to sit with, so I picked a seat that was in the middle where I had a good view.

Professor Miller started out by telling us about extrasolar planets, and said that everyone in the class was old enough to know that there were lots of planets around other stars but only twenty years ago, nobody had found a single one yet, even though most people knew that they were out there.

She started off by saying that she was going to tell us about planetary orbits, and how planets orbited the sun, usually, and she looked right at me when she said that. Well, it wasn't my fault that Discord had broken our system, and we had to fix it on our own.

So she explained how normally a geocentric system wouldn't work at all, and back in ancient times people started to think that it was wrong, because in order to make the observations fit the theory, they had to put in little epicycles where planets and other objects had to move in loops on their orbits. And then Copernicus said that the sun was in the middle and things circled it on their own, but his circle orbits didn't quite work, either, so he had to have epicycles, too. And so then Kepler had better observations and he figured out that the planets actually move in an ellipse rather than a circle.

She said that Kepler didn't know why they were ellipses and not some other shape, but then Newton came along and explained it with math, and figured out that he could derive Kepler's laws, and she said that was why he'd invented calculus.

I wondered if ponies had had to invent calculus sooner, because on Earth everything worked without help, but it didn't in Equestria. And that worked for a while, until they had to extend Newton's Laws with General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and that one day the Theory of Everything would explain it all.

And she said that now that we'd made contact with aliens—and she looked at me again—some of these theories were kind of in flux, and there were a lot of scientists working to figure it all out but there weren't any firm answers yet, and it was beyond the scope of this class anyway.

At the very end she gave us a formula which she said was very important because we'd be using it a lot, and it was a little bit awkward but there was a way to make it shorter using astronomical units and a symbol that meant the mass of the sun. And she showed us a quick way to approximate the orbit of Jupiter using her simplified equation, and then class was over.

It was really weird when you thought about how the Earth was actually spinning around and also zooming around the sun, but it wasn't that different than drifting along on a cloud. If you just looked at the cloud itself, you'd think you weren't moving at all, then you'd look over the edge and see that you'd drifted a long way away from where you'd started, even though you thought you hadn't moved.

When I got back to our room, I asked Peggy if she wanted to go play with Caleb and Lindy and Trinity until dinnertime, and she thought that sounded like fun, so we walked over to their house, and I introduced Peggy to them, and they all wanted to go hunting Pokemons, so we went looking around the neighborhood. Trinity convinced Peggy to put the game on her portable telephone, too, and then when we spotted a Squirtle she helped Peggy catch it. And then Peggy caught a Weedle all on her own.

Once we were done hunting them, I gave Trinity a ponyback ride back to her house, and then we walked back to campus. Peggy said that she liked all three of them, and that she thought I made good friends. And she said someday when she had kids of her own she hoped they were like that and I said I thought that they probably would be.

We'd stayed out longer than I meant to and so I didn't have time to go to dinner before my meeting with Pastor Liz, so I snacked on some of the hay that was in my makeshift haybox, and then I went to the chapel and met her in her office.

We talked about all the prophets that I'd read since the last time I saw her, and she asked if I thought I'd be done with the Old Testament by our meeting next week. I said I thought that I might, because I didn't have much farther to go, and I said that I was sorry I hadn't finished it over the summer like I should have, but she said it was okay, and I was doing really really well and she was very proud of me.

Since I was back on campus now, I had time to go back to my room and get my glaive before going down to practice fight, but I was still a little bit late because a couple of people stopped me as I walked across the quad and asked me where I was going, and so I had to explain that I was going to practice fighting, and by the fifth time I was getting a little impatient because I knew I was late and so I wasn't going to get as much practice, and so I just told him to follow me and find out, and he did. And then a couple other people kind of joined in and when I finally got to the little park I had a rump herd trailing along behind me.

Most of them stuck around through our warmup, and a couple stayed through the whole thing and Stellan tried to get them to join in, but they didn't. And Kennith and Seth and Keith were all there, and some other new people that I didn't know. And when me and Stellan started actually fighting with our padded weapons almost everyone else stopped to watch.

I think he would have beat me in a real fight, 'cause he'd gotten pretty good at defending against my glaive, and kept me far enough back most of the time that I couldn't have used my hooves even if I'd wanted to. I might have had him if it had been a serious fight and I'd been able to dive at him but he'd probably thought about that more since we'd practiced that, and he might have come up with better defenses.

By the time we were done, I was limping 'cause he'd got my right fore-knee, and I had a bunch of new bruises, but so did he.

So I flew back to my dorm but I had to walk into our room and Peggy noticed that I was limping, too, and she asked what had happened, so I told her all about fighting and she said that I should have told her so that she could watch next time.

I snacked on a little bit more hay, then I went and took another shower to rinse off, and I was hoping that the hot water would also help make my knee feel better but it didn't really help at all, so I was probably going to have a limp for a couple of days as it healed. At least it wasn't a wing-sprain; that would have kept me down for a week or more and even after that I wouldn't be able to do any serious flying for a while as it healed the rest of the way. We'd lost one of our weathermares for a whole spring after she crash-landed in rocks and sprained her wing.

I'd decided that I would stay in our room tonight, and it was kind of strange how I spent the rest of the evening writing in my journal and Peggy was on her computer looking at her Facebook and also talking to one of her snowboarding friends, but when we both finally decided that it was time for bed, I felt like we'd had a good evening together even though we hadn't talked all that much. I think sometimes it's really nice when you're so comfortable with a person that just spending time together makes you happy, even if you both do your own thing.

It was a little bit hard to get comfortable in bed, because no matter how I lay down, after a while my knee would decide it didn't like it, and I'd have to try something else, and I finally just laid on my side and ignored it when it started to protest.

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