• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 17 [The world is governed by partial differential equations]

October 17

When I woke up, I was hot again, and I couldn't move too much 'cause both Meghan and Aric were cuddling me, and I had to use my wings to push the covers down a little bit, and then I felt bad 'cause maybe now they'd get cold, so I stretched my wings out over both of them to help keep them warm, which also woke up Meghan but I hadn't meant to.

She kissed my cheek, then whispered in my ear that her sleeping pants had come off a little bit because they were too big for her and did I think that she had enough room to pull them back up without pushing Aric off the bed. He was pretty close to the edge, and so I didn't think that she did, so I told her and she said she was going to try anyway, so she held on to his shoulder with one hand and I scooted over to give her as much room as I could without pushing him off the bed, and then she said that she'd probably wind up waking him up if she moved around too much.

I told her he was probably going to wake up pretty soon anyways, and she sighed and said it was her fault for not wearing panties to bed, but she wiggled around and must have gotten her pants pulled up, because she told me I could move back towards her. And when I did, she grabbed his butt and pulled him a little bit more on the bed, just to make sure he didn't fall out.

That woke him up, though, and he was a little bit confused at first, and so I just turned my head and kissed him and said that it was time to get up, and he tossed off the covers and got up, and then I followed him out of bed.

He yawned and stretched out and then he realized that Meghan was looking at him and that he was hard like he usually was in the morning, and he turned around really quick, and her face got kind of red, too, and then she darted out of the room and went down the hall to the bathroom, and I kind of wondered if maybe she'd never seen a real dick before. Maybe that was why she'd been kind of shy around him.

And Aric said that he was really embarrassed, so I nuzzled him through his underwear and he said that wasn't really helping things but I shouldn't stop, either. But I did, 'cause I didn't want Meghan to come back in and see that if she didn't want to, and he sat back down on the bed and covered himself with a pillow.

When she came back in, though, she didn't seem upset, and I wasn't sure if I should leave the two of them alone but I had to pee, so I went off to the bathroom.

Meghan was still wearing her sleeping clothes when I went back to the bedroom, but as soon as Aric left she started changing, and he knocked on the door before he came back in and she said it was okay even though she wasn't all the way dressed yet.

We all went downstairs and Aric offered to make us coffee if we wanted, but she said that he didn't need to bother. And then he said he could give us a ride to campus, and she said that would be nice, so we all got in Winston and he drove us back to Trowbridge, and before she got out, she thanked him and then leaned over and kissed him.

Me and Meghan walked upstairs together, and she said that she really liked that he was a gentleman and it was cute how embarrassed he was that she'd seen his erection and then she crouched down to kiss me and asked if I was going to go flying, and when I said I was, she said that she'd see me at breakfast.

So I went to my room and got on my flight gear and got permission to fly from Dori, and then I took off for the Nature Center, and when I got close I thought I'd do something different, 'cause it just felt like a good day to change things a little bit. So I flew over the pasture like I usually did, but I didn't land. I went over the field of pasture grass and down the hill to where the paths intersected, and I followed them back to where a different path that I hadn't been on branched off.

I took that back and it went under Westnedge in a little tunnel, which was kind of scary but not too bad because I could see all the way through it, and it was big enough I could fly through. And when I came out on the other side, I kept following along with the trails until I found a pond that had a stream running out of it, through a marshy area.

People weren't allowed off the path, but I could fly over the stream if I wanted to, so I did, and I could see some fish down in there and I probably wasn't supposed to catch them. If I wasn't supposed to eat the plants, I was sure I wasn't allowed to catch the fish, either.

So I flew back over to the actual path and followed it back to the other end of the loop, and now that I knew where it went, I trotted around it, and it was only when I'd started my second circuit that I remembered that maybe I should have woken up Peggy so that we could trot together. And I felt like I was being a bad roommate, and I hoped that she wasn't mad at me.

I tried to get those thoughts out of my mind by changing to a canter and focusing on my hooffalls, and it sort of worked.

When I got back around the second time, I took off and curved out over Westnedge Avenue, and then followed that back towards town, and I went over Meghan's old house on my way.

Instead of coming in high, I dropped down as soon as I crossed over Academy Street, and went between Dewing and Mandelle, then went around a couple of trees and landed in front of the dorm and went in like any of the other students would.

I flew up the stairs, and when I got back to my room I took off my flight gear and went into the bathroom and got in the shower.

After I was done, I lost a couple more feathers when I was preening, and I looked really close to make sure that the pinfeathers were coming in like they should. And then I got together my books for thermodynamics and waited for Peggy.

Meghan had already gotten there when we arrived, 'cause she hadn't gone flying around or anything, and she was mostly done with her food. Christine was playing with her fruit loops, trying to build a pile out of them on top of the milk, but they kept sliding back down into the bowl before she could make it very high.

Anna was making a little collection of paper animals out of her napkins, and when she made a water bird, she put it in Reese's cereal, where it floated for a little bit and then it dissolved and sank.

Sean said she should make a mountain goat for Christine's fruit loop mountain, and I said that the mountain goat had better be able to swim, which they thought was really funny.

I got to thermodynamics a little bit early, and when everyone was waiting in the hallway, I asked Lisa if that had been her roommate Jennifer who was cheering the football team on and she said that it was, and I said that I kind of wanted to do that. So she said that I'd have to ask her, because it was a lot harder than it looked, and she said that they did some routines that put the football players to shame, and I wasn't sure if that was true, so I thought I'd ask Cedric what he thought.

Professor Brown started out class by telling us more about Gibbs Free Energy and how important it was, and how it was the fundamental equation you wanted to get. And he said that it had a special name called mu, and it had its own letter, and it described chemical potential.

He told us how that kind of applied to putting fish in the wrong kind of water, because if you put a fresh water fish in saltwater, it would hurt the fish and I kind of wondered why that didn't happen to ponies. I could swim in saltwater and freshwater, although I couldn't drink salt water and fish were always drinking so maybe that was why.

And then he showed us how it was true, and how to make an equation where mu came out, because then we would know that we could use it in the equation, and that was kinda the same thing that we were doing in math, so as soon as he wrote the first equation on the markerboard, I started working on solving it in my notes, trying to get done before he did.

I didn't, which was too bad. I would have been really proud of myself if I had.

He stopped the lecture a little bit early so that he could give us back our tests, and I'd gotten a 91% which I thought was pretty good. And while he was still giving people their tests back, I looked over mine to see what I'd gotten wrong, so that I'd know what I needed to study more.

Me and Lisa sat in the lounge after class and we both looked over what she'd written for our experiment. Everything looked good, so she put it back in her folder so that she could turn it in tomorrow, and we walked together all the way back to DeWaters, and then I flew up and landed on the boardwalk and went up to my room so that I could do my homework.

I worked on my math problems until it was time for lunch, and then I packed my math things into my saddlebags and went off to eat. And it was kind of lonely at the table, 'cause Anna and Reese never arrived, and nobody knew where they were. Christine said that they were probably having a nooner, and I didn't know what that was. Peggy said that I could just assume whenever someone said something that I didn't know at this point it probably had to do with sex.

If they had roommates, it was probably a good time for it, because maybe their roommates were at lunch, so they'd have some privacy. And I kind of looked over at Meghan and she was looking at me and Peggy started writing something on a napkin, and then she gave it to Meghan. Christine started laughing and Meghan looked a little bit embarrassed, and Sean asked what was going on, and Christine said it was a girl thing that he didn't need to know.

I thought that he already did, but I kept my mouth shut just in case he didn't, and Peggy changed the subject and said that she'd heard that I was going to be on television, so I told Christine and Sean about it and Sean got out his portable telephone and started looking to see if the movie was on there but he couldn't find it.

Me and Sean went to class together, and Professor Pampena told us that the world was governed by partial differential equations, and I thought how I was learning all sorts of important things today. And he gave us some examples and my ears perked up at the diffusion equation, 'cause that could apply to clouds. They always wanted to do something that you maybe didn't want them to do and there were a lot of complicated tables and calculations to figure out how to have not too few but not too many either.

But he never wound up telling us all those equations, which was disappointing. He said that maybe he'd tell us later, and then he gave us back our tests and I only got an 85% on mine, which was not as good as I thought I should have done. And he said that a lot of people needed a review, so he spent the rest of the class reviewing what we'd already known, and I paid really close attention because I'd noticed that I'd made a really dumb mistake on one question and not noticed it even when I looked back at my work, and I'd also messed up the chain rule once.

When class was over, I circled where I'd written down that there was a diffusion equation, so that I would remember to ask him later if he didn't tell me what it was. And then me and Sean went to his room and did our homework together, and we listened to more Lisa Gerrard. She had been in a band called Dead Can Dance, and Sean said that sometimes she wasn't actually singing lyrics, but just making up sounds and that there was no language to some of her songs.

But I thought that there was, and I said that music was its own language, and maybe he just wasn't understanding it right. Maybe it didn't mean anything like a book or a math equation did, but it meant something in the heart and that was what mattered.

When we got done with our homework, we compared our answers and went and re-did our work on each one where we'd come up with a different result, and I'd gotten a couple of them wrong. I think I was paying a little bit too much attention to the music.

Then the two of us worked together on a problem in Equestrian, and then after that was done, Sean showed me a Numberphile video, which was about a mathematical series where you added and subtracted one, and how it actually added up to a half.

I wanted to watch another one but he said that I should know my limits, and I stuck my tongue out at him because that was a bad pun.

So when I went back to my room, I sat on my bed and got out my Bible and started reading Acts. It must have been written by Luke, 'cause it was also addressed to Theophilus. And it started out saying how they'd gotten a new disciple to replace Judas, who had bought a field but then died when his intestines fell out.

And the disciples went around telling people wisdom and healing them and the Pharisees got mad at them, and flogged them but then let them go because they thought that if they were really teaching God's word, then man would not be able to stop them anyways.

But they did stop Simon, and then Philip baptised a eunuch and nobody stopped him. And a sorcerer tried to get the power of healing, but since he was doing it for money and not for God, Peter wouldn't tell him.

Peggy asked if I was going to go to dinner, so I didn't finish, but put my Bible away and went to dinner with her.

Everybody was there, and the food was mostly pretty good, because they had some leftovers from the weekend which they hadn't tried to change into anything else. I got a bunch of proper fish, and instead of their watery lettuce they had spinach so I made a good salad, too.

We were talking about classes and Peggy mentioned that there was a special vacation day coming up on Friday which was kind of a surprise to Anna and Reese because there wasn't a holiday. And I was surprised, too, because that meant that we got three days off in a row, and I was looking forward to that. We'd have to think of something fun to do.

Sean came in a little bit late and he had a whole pie on his tray, and he said it was a pumpkin pie and he loved pumpkin pies and he had grabbed it before anyone else got a chance at it which I thought was kind of mean. And Christine said that Pumpkin Spice Season was upon us, and I didn't know what that was, so she told me how a coffee store called Starbucks had a pumpkin spice latte that everyone liked and since then everyone had been making all sorts of other things pumpkin spice flavored even when it was a bad idea, and she said that there were even pumpkin spice flavored condoms. Sean said that wasn't true, that it had been debunked, and Christine said it should be true.

Sean said that maybe he'd go to the store and get a bottle of pumpkin spice and they could experiment. And Reese said that was way too much information and all of a sudden he didn't want a piece of pumpkin pie anymore, so Anna took it away from him and started eating it instead.

I couldn't decide if that was something I'd like or not. It just seemed strange to try and make your partner taste like food and not like himself. And if you didn't like his taste, why would you want to give him a blowjob anyways? I guess maybe if you really liked him except for that, and you knew that he really wanted one, maybe that would be why, but it would be kind of insulting to tell him that he tasted bad, even if it was true.

Me and Peggy went back to our room after dinner, and I asked her if she'd ever tried a flavored condom, and she said that the taste didn't last for all that long, and she thought it was more of a gimmick than anything else. She said that they did come in lots of different flavors, though. And she said if I was really curious about it, maybe I should buy some and put them on my toy and try that for practice, which was a really smart idea, and then she said that if I did she didn't want to see it.

I packed up all my flight gear and I probably should have washed it but I didn't have time tonight, so I just stuffed it all in my saddlebags.

Then I went out to the boardwalk and flew over to Fourth Coast, and when I looked on their menu board I saw that they had a pumpkin spice latte on their board, too, and I thought about getting it just to try it, but I didn't want to change what I normally got.

I didn't do as well as I usually did, and I lost the first game, and then I almost lost the second, too. I kind of got lucky, because I'd miscounted the cards somehow, and it came down to Alex having three cards and me having two cards, and I thought that all of them were kings but not trumps, and I didn't have any trump cards left either so I played a club and hoped for the best and he beat it with a five of spades, which was trump. And he could only play one, because I only had one card left, which was an ace, and he played a king of hearts, which I could beat with my ace of hearts, and he lost.

While Kennith was shuffling the cards for the last game, Aric told everyone about how I'd gone up into the storm on Sunday and he said that it had even been on television this morning and he was disappointed that the news anchor hadn't asked him any questions.

Even though both me and Aric were out of cards, we stayed until the end of the third game, and like he always did, he offered people a ride back to campus, but nobody took his offer, so we went back together, and he let me drive the last little part.

It was getting foggy and he asked if I wanted to go out driving in the fog and I kind of did, but I had lab in the morning, so I didn't think that I should stay up late. And he was kind of disappointed, but he understood.

He told me that next week was tech week for the play, and so starting next Monday, he might not be home until really late. And he said that I was welcome to come to the house and wait for him, but I didn't have to if I didn't want to.

I helped him get undressed and then I said that I'd ought to finish what I'd started this morning, and I wouldn't even let him get into bed until he was done, and then he said it was his turn, so I rolled on my back and let him kiss his way down my belly, and I got completely lost in pleasure.

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