• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 21 [Stormy Weather]

April 21

I woke up a couple of times in the night and checked out the window at the weather. Aric slept through it—I suppose most people would because they're not attuned to it like a pegasus. One time I saw distant flashes of lightning; I don't know what time it was because all Aric's clock does is flash and I asked him about that once but he said since he uses his portable telephone for an alarm, there's no point in setting it. Which makes me wonder why he even has it.

It was raining outside when it was morning and since I woke up first I pulled Aric's window down so that rain wouldn't come inside. He probably ought to have closed it before the rain started.

When I got back into bed he was already waking up, and the first thing he did too was look at the window to see what the weather was. He told me that they were predicting thunderstorms and I said that I knew that.

He said that he liked the rain and I told him that I did too, and then he said that he had a really fun idea so he got dressed and we got into Winston and drove out of town until we were on a dirt road and then he turned off the road and drove through the grass until we got to a little clearing and he turned Winston around and then got out and opened up the tailgate and we went back there and had sex with the rain rattling on the roof and sometimes splashing onto us and thunder rumbling around us and it was almost like being up in the clouds. The only downside was that the back of the truck was metal and it was all greasy and dirty and he said that if he had planned better he would have brought some bedding for the back of the truck because that would have made it a lot nicer.

I told him it was okay. I'd gotten a bit scratched up and there was some dirt ground into my coat but that would wash out.

We sat there in the back of Winston watching the rain come down for a while until he started to shiver from the cold and put his clothes back on. Then when there was a little bit of a break we ran around to the front of the truck and got in the cab and he drove me back to his house.

I wish that I had thought to bring my flight gear in the truck because then I could have taken off from the small clearing where we'd parked, and that would have been an interesting flight. But when I put my things on at his house I was glad I hadn't because the batteries in my light were depleted again and I had to get some new ones from Aric.

I flew around in the rain and went up to the bottoms of the clouds. It had lightened up a lot which was good for me because I wasn't supposed to fly when visibility was bad because airplanes couldn't see me and I couldn't see them. It's funny: a lot of pegasuses don't like getting rained on even if they work the weather, but I didn't mind it at all. To me, coming back home soaked to the skin was a badge of honor, proof that you'd done a good day's work.

And it also make the morning shower feel that much nicer. I probably could have not taken one at all because the rain had washed me off really well, but it didn't feel right to go to class dirty, so I washed off and didn't bother drying myself because it was still raining.

Different people had different ideas about the rain. I saw a bunch of people scurrying around under umbrellas trying to keep from getting wet and some people had hoodies and there were a few people with yellow rainjackets and others just wore their ordinary jackets.

The whole dining hall smelled different because of all the wet things in it which wasn't really a bothersome smell but it was just kind of there. I think it would have been fresher if the windows had been opened, but I guess they didn't want the floors to get wet. They always put up little yellow signs to tell you if it was.

I sat with Cedric and Leon and Trevor and they were as much fun as always. Cedric said that he liked the rain because it made the city smell nicer and cleaner after it rained. He said that a lot of the gangs didn't like being out in the rain, so it was more peaceful, too. Then he told Leon to open the window that was by their table to let some air in.

It was just a bit gusty outside and every now and then a little bit of rain would splash on our table, but it was hardly any and nobody minded it much. Well, I didn't and if Leon did he didn't say anything.

We got to talking about storms and I found out that sometimes in storms the electricity stops working because the wires break which was something I'd never had to worry about before. Leon said that they'd had a storm come through when he was in high school and they'd lost their power for two days and it was really hard to cope and he couldn't understand how people had lived before they had electricity.

I said that it was easy; we just didn't have anything that used it. Besides, how would you get electricity to a cloud? You can't keep lightning in a bottle and let it out when you need it, I don't think. Unless that's how batteries work . . . maybe they have a tiny little lightning bolt that got put inside them and when it wears out the battery doesn't work any more. I wonder if I can take one apart to see what's inside?

I was a little bit nervous on my way to class because I was afraid that Conrad might have us read other poems like the last one but he didn't. He said that he had a good rainy-day poem for us and started reading The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I couldn't help but wonder if he had done that for me.

It wasn't a happy poem, but then the sea isn't always a happy place. I felt like I was back home as soon as he started reading it and then I thought of the tales that the sailorponies had told of their ships and the ocean and of the strange things they had seen when out at sea like salamander-fire on the upper works or giant rogue waves or strange patches of dead calm in the middle of the ocean. And I could hear their voices as the Ancient Mariner spoke again through the mouths of our class.

I knew that he shouldn't have killed the albatross. They're good-luck birds, everypony knows that.

When we were discussing the poem I told the class about some of the old ship captains I'd known, the ponies whose coats had been bleached by the sun and the salt, and who still had a bit of a sway to their walk because they weren't used to solid ground underhoof. And some of them went out every single day on their little fishing boats and every now and then they didn't come back and we'd put on extra patrols in the hopes of spotting a raft or wreckage or anything, but we usually didn't.

It would be the talk of town for a couple of days after that, and it always nagged at some ponies' minds that nopony would ever know what had happened.

After class was over I sat on the porch in front of Hicks and watched the rain and thought about home. I missed the ocean.

I must have been really gathering clouds, 'cause I didn't even notice when Meghan sat down next to me and put her hand on my back and asked me what I was looking at. I told her that I was thinking of my old village and she said that she'd like to visit it sometime and then she asked if I was going to come in for dinner.

I hadn't realized that it was dinnertime. Of course, when she said something my stomach grumbled at me.

After dinner I told her I would come over later because I had something for her. And then I went off to meet with Liz.

We talked about Saul and David for a bit, and then I asked her about marriage and how I thought that if it wound up with people killing other people it wasn't a very good idea. She said that the general idea of modern marriage was that two people were making a promise to each other to stay together and to stay faithful. Then I said that David had had many wives, the Bible said so, and she said that was true, and if I didn't mind she would give a brief history of marriage and marriage equality and a history lesson all in one, and then we could go back and pick it apart.

Well, it seemed like there were all sorts of rules and exceptions and ideas had changed over time and until recently a marriage was supposed to be between only one man and one woman but then the Supreme Court had decided that same-sex marriage was okay too but a lot of people were really mad about that and some of them had resorted to dirty tricks to prevent marriages.

I said that I thought it was better to not have marriage and she said that it had been important to track bloodlines. I told her that I knew who my mother was and my granddam, too, and what more did I need to know? Plus there was my sister and I had aunts too and a bunch of cousins and an uncle who was down south somewhere.

She wanted to know how we raised our foals with only one parent who was working, and I said that older sisters would look out for younger sisters and there were aunts and cousins and friends and everypony just looked out for everyone's foals and she said that there was a saying on Earth that it takes a village to raise a child and that we were putting that into practice. So I guess Earth people knew that, too.

I asked if you had to get married on Earth, and she said that you didn't. A lot of people did because of their beliefs but not everyone did. And she said these days a lot of people were waiting until they were older and had established their careers before they got married.

So I was glad that we'd had our conversation and went back to my room and asked Peggy if she was thinking about marrying her boyfriend once she had established her career and she laughed and said probably not; she didn't think he was good husband material but he was fun for now. She said she was still young and didn't want to think about getting tied down yet and I said that was the right attitude and I held out my hoof and she bumped it with her hand.

I went over to Meghan's room and gave her the dreamcatcher I'd made and she thought it was really pretty and Amy did too, and they had to call over Lisa and Becky who really liked it, too. Meghan wanted to know if we had them in Equestria, and I said that we didn't, but that I had seen one in a store in Chicago and that was where I had gotten the idea to make one.

We sat and talked for a little bit; we had to be quiet because Amy was still doing homework although she probably couldn't hear us because she was listening to music. And then I asked if I could stay and Meghan asked if we could go to my room instead or was Peggy there?

I said that she was, and Meghan got all thoughtful and said that maybe it would be best if we didn't tonight and my ears fell and she looked over at Amy and chewed on her lip and said that she'd changed her mind I could stay but she was going to have to wear her sleeping clothes.

So she went into the bathroom to get dressed and I got up in bed and when she came out she got in bed and we snuggled up together with me next to the wall.

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