• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 31 [Halloween]

October 31

I was the first one awake, and I'd wound up on the outside. Meghan was in the middle and she had her arms around me and Aric had his arms around her, and so I nuzzled her and when she started waking up and moving around she also woke up Aric, and it was still kind of dark outside, so we had plenty of time to have morning sex, especially after I decided that I would skip flying.

After Meghan had gotten out of bed and started to get dressed, I got out and looked out the window at the bird feeder to see who was there. And there were a couple of blue jays who were fighting and so I thought I'd fly down there and scare them off, 'cause I looked kind of like a blue jay.

So I pushed the window open and jumped out and dove down and that scared them off, so I took the sunflower seeds that they would have eaten and when I looked back up Aric and Meghan were both standing by the window watching me, so I got some more and then I flew back up to the window and I wasn't as good at getting in as I was at getting out, so I hung over the sill for a moment and then told Meghan that I'd meet her downstairs when she had put the rest of her clothes on.

Aric leaned down and kissed me, and then I dropped off the sill and flew back a little bit before going down and around to the front. And I didn't go on the porch, but I landed on the roof instead. There was the window that went into Sara's old room, and I thought about how much easier it would be to get in and out this window, since I could just walk through. But I suppose if Aric had that room he wouldn't want to stand at the window naked because the neighbors would see.

I went right to the edge of the roof and leaned down to see if Meghan was on the porch yet, 'cause that was probably where she'd look for me. And I didn't see her but I did slide off the roof and didn't have enough time to really fly out of it, and I crashed into the bush in front of the house and felt like the biggest idiot ever.

Bushes looked a lot softer than they really were.

I climbed out of it and hoped that it would fluff back up, 'cause I hadn't done it any good at all. And then I went and sat on the porch like a normal pony would and when Meghan came downstairs she asked why there were bits of yew stuck in my mane and tail and I said that I didn't know how it had gotten there.

And when we went out the front door and she saw the bush she looked down at me and asked if I'd fallen off the roof and I tried to pretend I hadn't, but then I started giggling and that gave me away. I said that I'd tried to look over the edge and I'd leaned too far forward and then gravity did the rest.

She reminded me how I'd bragged that I could catch her if she fell off a balcony but apparently I couldn't stop myself from falling off a roof and I said it was because I wasn't expecting to fall off the roof and it's really hard to fly upside-down when you're only a few meters above a bush.

She said that I was lucky that I hadn't hurt myself, and I kind of thought that I was, too.

When I got back to my room, Peggy was already awake, 'cause I was kind of late, and she was getting dressed so she was done with her shower. And I decided that I wasn't gonna take one until later, 'cause I hadn't really exercised this morning, so I packed up my books for class and preened my wings and found some more yew needles in there, and when I brushed them off of the bed Peggy asked if I'd gotten in a fight with a tree, and I said it was actually a bush.

She wanted to know who won, and I said that it was too early to tell, but right now it was looking like it was me. But I hadn't looked to see if the yew had broken branches or if it was just bent.

We went to breakfast together and there were already some people wearing costumes for Halloween. When I got to the table, I saw Anna and Reese were wearing medieval clothes, and she had pointy ears like Spock. They were both talking with funny accents, too.

Christine said that she couldn't wear her Princess Leia costume 'cause it was too cold in it and Sean said that he wouldn't mind, and he said that he was going to dress as Captain Kirk just to balance things out.

I told everyone about my weekend and Sean found some pictures of the play on his portable telephone and showed them to everyone. And it wasn't the same as being there, but everyone thought that she looked really creepy and maybe if I hadn't already decided on a costume I would have got a costume like Gusty's.

I nuzzled Meghan when I was done with breakfast, and then flew over the quad to the Dow building and went to thermodynamics class.

Professor Brown told us that the secret of life was that water and silicon had a negative slope. And then he told us more about the formulas for changes in state, and how you could use that in machines. And it was still stuff that I mostly knew because of weather work—the formulas were different and more complex than some of the ones we had, 'cause they had to apply to materials besides water, but I understood everything that he was teaching.

And he asked us what the vapor pressure in a glass of water at one bar was, and he gave us time to think about it even though I knew right away, since he didn't want a specific value, just to know if it was less or more or the same, and then he did the formulas on the markerboard for people who hadn't figured it out.

Then he started talking about colligative properties, where you had a not-pure liquid, and that changed the vapor pressure. And I'd never heard them called that before, but he said it was why salt water froze at a lower temperature than pure water, and he didn't get too far before class ended but he did have time to teach us Gibbs' phase rule.

Since me and Lisa didn't have any work to do together, I flew back to my room and did my homework there, and when I was done I got out my Bible and started reading Corinthians.

It was another letter by Paul, and he said that he was worried that people were saying that they followed different leaders and that he was glad he'd only baptized a few people but he couldn't remember how many.

And he warned to be careful about picking leaders because God would know bad leaders, and he said that he was sending his son Timothy to them to teach them.

He had a lot to say about sex, because the Corinthians were having sex with the wrong people, and he said that God didn't like that, and that if you weren't married you shouldn't seek marriage, which I thought was pretty smart, but he also said that if you weren't married you shouldn't have sex, and he said that having sex defiled your body. And that didn't seem right to me, and I thought that I should remember to ask Pastor Liz.

There were a lot of rules, and he said that women shouldn't speak in church, and I guess some of his rules must have been changed after he wrote his letter, 'cause Pastor Liz talked a lot in church. And he also said that love never failed and that faith, hope, and love were the three things that remained and the greatest of them was love, and I really liked that verse.

I'd finished up the first letter to the Corinthians when it was time for lunch, so I packed up everything that I needed for math and once I'd put my saddlebags on, picked a little bit at a loose feather that was annoying me 'cause it didn't want to fall out like it ought to. And it stayed in and so I gave up and hoped that it would hurry up and fall out.

Maybe I needed to have a bunch of pegasuses run by me, and that would make my feathers fall out when they were being stubborn.

They had some fun Halloween snacks and treats for lunch, like little hearts that had messages on them and were called conversation hearts, and they also had some candy that was shaped like pumpkins and also some little wedge-shaped striped ones that were supposed to be corn. And they also had cookies that looked like pumpkins and had orange frosting on them, and others that looked like ghosts. Human ghosts were apparently pretty shapeless, and didn't look like humans at all which was kind of strange.

Christine was wearing a long coat and she said that her costume was under it and once everyone was at the table she opened up her coat and all she had on was a bra with copper loops on it and a panty and loincloth which was what Leia had been wearing when she was a slave, and Christine said it was the Hutt Slayer costume and she had made it herself.

Sean said it was much sexier than his Captain Kirk Starfleet uniform, and Christine said that no one ever wanted to see that much of William Shatner.

He said that that wasn't what she'd said last night and she said he hadn't been wearing his Starfleet uniform last night and if he had been he would have been sleeping alone. Then she closed up her coat and sat down and started writing new messages on the conversation hearts she had, and pretty soon almost everyone at the table was doing it.

I wanted to know what they tasted like, because they didn't smell very appealing and Christine said that they tasted like chalk and loneliness, and Peggy started laughing so hard that she was crying. And I tried one and I thought that was a fairly good description.

Meghan said that there were some foods that only got sold once a year because they were actually terrible but everyone forgot in the space of a year, and she said that the candy corn I had gotten was the same way, so I had a piece of that and I didn't like it either.

I thought it was really dumb to make a food that nobody liked, and Christine said that they were meant to serve as projectiles, and started throwing conversation hearts at Sean and then he started to throw candy corn and candy pumpkins back at her.

Anna held up her tray as a shield, and Reese reached over and took their bowl of candy away from them until they promised not to fight with candy any more.

Sean had somehow gotten some conversation hearts in his coat pocket and he found them as we were walking to math class, and all of them said 'fuck you' in Christine's writing. And he thought that was really funny.

Professor Pampena told us how to use vector fields to figure out the work done by a particular vector, and that was fun because there was lots of calculating to do, and then he told us the fundamental theorem of calculus for line integrals, and proved that it worked.

And he also showed us a different way to solve the first problem he had given us, because it was a gradient, but he warned us that not all vector fields were gradient fields and we'd got the wrong answer if our vector field wasn't also a gradient field.

We went back to Sean's room after class and did our homework together and he ate the rest of his conversation hearts while he was working and I kind of wished that I had one even though they tasted terrible, so I think that Christine was right about them.

After we'd checked to make sure that we'd both gotten the same answers on our homework, he found some more Numberphile movies on his computer, and we watched one that was about how to put eight queens on a chessboard so that none of them could capture any of the other ones, and that was pretty neat, especially because he not only gave a solution to the problem, but worked out how many solutions there were.

And then he did another one with a magic hexagon, which was where all the rows and columns added up to the same number and there was only one real magic hexagon which was size three, and there was only one way to put the numbers in it.

When I got back to my room, I didn't know if I should put my costume on before dinner or after and I decided that it would be smarter to wait in case anyone was throwing food again. And so when Peggy came we went to dinner together and Meghan was already there and we were a bit too early for them to have all the different foods that they normally did but they still had the salad bar out so that was what I had.

We kind of ate quickly and then Meghan said that she'd meet us at our room and we could go to find Caleb and Lindy and Trinity.

So I put on my snowboarder costume and Peggy got dressed in what she said was a vampire costume and she had fake fangs that went in her mouth and she said that it really turned some guys on. And she had a really nice lacy bra under her shirt and she said that after we were done trick-or-treating with the kids she was going to unbutton a few more buttons on her shirt because she'd get more candy or maybe even pick up a guy that way.

When Meghan came to our room, she was dressed as a cat, and she had little furry cat-ears on her head that were moving and I didn't notice right away but Peggy did, and Meghan explained how they responded to her emotions because there was a little sensing probe that touched her head and knew what she was thinking.

While we were walking to Jeff's house, Meghan said that she had thought about going as a pony but that that might offend me, because sometimes people got offended when you took something from their culture and used it as a costume, but I said that I thought it would be cute if she'd done that, and then I think she was kind of disappointed that she hadn't, so I nuzzled her and said that she was a really cute cat, too. And that made her ears go forward.

I rang the doorbell when we got there, and pretty soon Caleb and Lindy and Trinity came out and they all had sacks to carry their candy in and I should have worn my saddlebags. And when Jeff saw that we didn't have anything for candy he found us some plastic pumpkins that we could carry it in. He only had two, but that was okay, because I didn't want to carry one around in my mouth so I thought that Meghan or Peggy could carry my candy and we could share it later if there was anything that I wanted.

There were lots of kids, some of them with their parents and some of them with older brothers and sisters, and some people kind of assumed that Peggy or Meghan were related to the kids, and after a while they just stopped explaining that they weren't. And some houses had spooky figures on the lawn or in the trees, and they had fake cobwebs, and there were carved pumpkins with candles inside of them that were called Jack-o-lanterns.

We walked all through the neighborhood, and I let Trinity ride on my back some of the way, although it was kind of hard for her because her skirt was pretty long.

Caleb was dressed as Ash, who he said caught Pokemons, and Lindy had dressed up as Usagi, who was a character from a television movie series, and who had a cat which Meghan thought was really funny, and so she pretended to be Lindy's cat.

We stayed out for a couple of hours, and everyone had gotten more candy than they could possibly eat, and it was a really fun night, although I started to get a little bit hot because of the shirt I was wearing and my hoof-boots started to hurt my legs by the end, 'cause they weren't really meant for me to walk in that much, and especially not with Trinity on my back.

When we got back to Jeff's house, he invited us in for a little bit but I was worried that my boots might damage his floor, 'cause it was wooden and I'd seen what horseshoes could do to a wood floor. So we went around to the back instead, and he thanked us for taking his kids trick-or-treating, and said that Trinity especially had been really looking forward to it.

And he brought us all what he called adult treats, which was beer, and we drank them and just inside, everyone was sorting through their candies and then trying to trade some of them that they didn't like for candy that they did want.

So we each wound up drinking a couple of beers with Jeff, and then he said that he hated to cut the evening short but it was time to get the kids to bed since they had school in the morning.

Well, we all did, too, but we didn't go to bed. Instead, we walked back to campus and there was a Halloween party in Old Wells, which was the same place that they had had the homecoming dance. Peggy unbuttoned her shirt most of the way, and I took off my hoof boots and Meghan set them with our stuff, and there was music and dancing, but we'd come kind of late so we didn't get to have too much fun.

And we were just getting ready to leave, and Peggy came over and asked if I could do her a really big favor and sleep with Meghan tonight, and I thought about telling her that I didn't want to just to make her mad, but I said that I would, and she leaned down and kissed my forehead and said that I was the best roommate ever.

We went back to Meghan's room so she could change out of her costume, and I took mine off, too, and she asked Lisa and Becky if they knew where Amy was, 'cause she wasn't in the room, and they said that she'd gone to Grand Rapids with her boyfriend and she'd said that she wasn't coming back tonight.

Meghan didn't feel like getting dressed again just to have to take it off in a couple of hours, and I knew that Aric probably wouldn't be back until really late, so we decided to just stay in her room, and she took off the rest of her clothes that she had been wearing under her costume and we snuggled up under the covers and I teased her with my wing and she reached under my tail and pretty soon we had to push off the blankets because we were too hot and they were getting in the way, and even after she only pulled them back up to her waist, ‘cause I was lying on her side with my wing over her belly and that was keeping her warm.

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