• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 17 [Dreamcatcher]

April 17

Meghan must have pushed me off her chest when she slept, and I must have rolled over too and then gotten trapped between her and the wall 'cause I was on my back and her arm was draped across my belly which wasn't the way I normally slept at all, even when I was with somepony else.

Not that I minded too much. I knew that it was probably time to get up and exercise, even though her curtains were still trying to trick me into thinking it was earlier than it was. But I'd exercised plenty yesterday and I was warm and didn't feel like moving at all. I shifted around so that I was a little bit closer to her and our heads were touching and rested my hoof on her hand and closed my eyes and sort of dozed off but not really.

When she first started stirring, she pulled her hand out from under mine and wrapped it around my hoof and squeezed it which woke me up all the way because even though I knew that humans were being friendly when they did that my instincts were to try and get away.

I guess I must have jerked away from her a little bit, because she let go of my hoof and dropped her hand back on my belly and I told her it was okay so she started petting me right along my ruff until she found my belly button and then she felt around that with her finger and then announced that I had a belly button as if she had just discovered fire.

I reminded her that she had one, too, and stuck my wing against her in more or less the right area—as close as I could get with her that near to me.

Meghan pushed the covers back so that she could see me better, and just looked down at my stomach, kind of pulling the hair aside until she could see it. Once she was happy with her inspection she moved her hand along my side and asked if she could feel under my wing which was also kind of a weird thing to ask but I let her run her fingers through the downy feathers right near my wing joints. She said I was fluffy and warm and I told her that mother pegasuses keep their foals warm under their wings, and then I wiggled out from under her hand and rolled over and stretched my wing across her. I couldn't cover very much of her 'cause she was bigger than me, but I did the best I could.

She traced her fingers along my wing for a little while and then said that we probably ought to get up so I folded my wing back against my side and waited for her to roll on her back because I knew she'd have to go that way to get out of bed. As soon as she had, I stretched my wing out against her belly to stop her then scooted over until I could rest my head on her breast and I told her that I wasn't ready to get up yet.

She tried to reach down to pull the covers back up over herself, so I stretched a wing across her stomach and said that I would keep her warm and she gave up on her efforts to escape bed and concentrated on petting my mane and scratching behind my ear and I was about the most contented pony ever.

We couldn't stay in bed forever, so I eventually let her go, and she went in the bathroom to start the shower. On my way in I opened the curtains to let some sunlight in the room, and when I got there she was already in: she was a lot quicker at getting in the shower when she wasn't wearing clothes.

Because we'd practiced before the shower went a lot better this time, and I decided that I kind of liked the crowding because it kept us close.

When we were done she wrapped a towel around herself and then started helping me dry off. She asked if I ever got out of a shower on really dry days and became fluffy all over, and I said that hadn't happened yet.

Meghan was a little mad that I had opened the curtains because she said now anybody could see into the room and I reminded her that the ground was several floors below so that the only student who could see in was me, and I was already here looking at her. She looked down at me and then said she would give me something to see and took hold of her towel and pulled it open and then wrapped herself back up again and told me that exhibitionism had never been her thing and didn't it feel a little weird that everyone on campus had probably seen my junk by now?

I said it was something I never thought of at all; it was no different than any other part of my body, and I didn't understand why it should be different. She said that it must be nice, and then said that she was going to try it, so she put her towel on the bed and lay down on her back and said it felt really weird so I got up next to her and covered her with my wing.

It would have been nice to spend the whole day with her, but she said that she had a group meeting after lunch and she was getting hungry since she'd skipped breakfast and I was, too, but I'd been too polite to say anything. So she finally got up and got dressed and then we went to lunch together and sat in a booth all the way in the back corner which wasn't where she normally sat.

When she had to leave to go to her group meeting I nuzzled her on the cheek and then she turned her head and kissed me right on the nose and then on the mouth and then waved at me as she walked off, and I wanted to just leave my tray where it was and follow her but I wasn't invited to her group meeting.

When I'd finished my dessert I took my tray back and flew across the quad back to my dorm room. It was a beautiful day outside and I was planning to go up to my room and get a book and sit in a tree and read it but when I folded my wings in I felt a loose feather catch and when I pulled it out I remembered that I had been thinking of making dreamcatchers and maybe today was the perfect opportunity. So instead of going back to my room right away I knocked on Rebekka's door and when she answered I asked if she could help me.

She'd never made one before, but she said that she would love to help, so we went to the Fine Arts building to get supplies. Rebekka agreed that it was too nice a day to be inside, so once she'd filled her bag we went back to the lawn and sat on the hill where the sun could shine right on us.

Rebekka made the first one while I watched in order to get an idea how to do it. For someone who had never made one before, she was really good at it and I could see why she was an artist. I'd sometimes seen ponies make landscape paintings along the seashore and I could never figure out how they could take something that they saw and then mix up some paint and put it on a canvas so easily when I couldn't even draw a good stickpony.

She had to go back and redo some of her work because it was her first one but by the time she was done it looked almost as good as the ones in the shop, and I liked it better because I'd seen it being made. So then I set to doing it myself, and it wasn't easy. I think if I had been making them for anything other than as a gift, I would have given up because it was so hard, and she had to help with the little knots that made it all stay together.

When it was time to put the feathers on I stretched out a piece of string and she reached in with the scissors to cut it then said that she thought it might be a bit more personal if I tied them on with a strand of hair from my tail and I thought that was a really good idea, so she reached through my tail until she found one that was just right and snipped it off and we cut it into three pieces and tied one feather to each.

I was pretty satisfied with how it had turned out. It wasn't as neat as the ones I'd seen, but it was a lot more personal, and I knew just where the first one ought to go.

She packed up the supplies and took them back to my room so that I could make more in my free time and I gave her a feather that wasn't the right size for a dreamcatcher, and she tied it into her hair and then invited me to dinner with her and Kat and Ruth.

After dinner there was still enough light for me to sit on a tree branch and finish Samuel—although it turned out there was another Samuel after the first one—and then I went back to my room and wrote a letter to my sister, started on another dreamcatcher, and then went to bed.

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