• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,204 Views, 10,248 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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912 - Or Go Home

“Word of advice, toots: just lie back and relax,” grunted Burly as he sauntered toward her, still fiddling with his belt. “Once I get you loosened up, you’ll be howling at the moon in no time.”

Solvei grit her teeth, struggling to sit up as she glared at the approaching stallion. Despite the overwhelming power he wielded, and what he was intent on doing to her, she couldn’t bring herself to feel afraid. Although Burly’s intentions made her skin crawl, she’d been through too much to be shaken by it.

Real fear, she knew, came from being afraid for someone else. It was something she’d experienced in both of her lives, with Solvei being terrified for her family after Bolverk had killed her father, while Akna had been unable to handle the fear of the yetis wiping out her people.

And even after the two of them had merged, she’d found herself in similar situations too many times, relegated to the sidelines while someone dear to her was hurt. Silla. Yotimo. Toklo.


But that won’t happen this time! she swore, barely managing to make herself sit upright. This time, I’ll be the one to settle things...

“‘Course, you’ll be ruined for other guys afterwards,” chuckled Burly, now only a few feet from her. “But you won’t care. Once bitches get a taste of Burly, they can’t never go b-”

Solvei didn’t give him a chance to finish as she conjured another serac under him, the stallion again slipping as the icy ground under his hooves shifted and immediately carried him away.

But Burly didn’t lose his balance this time, instead wobbling for just a moment before recovering his stance, giving the mobile ice beneath him a gentle tap. Just like before, it immediately shattered, and the stallion landed on the ground, skidding in the snow for a short distance before stopping. “Seen that trick before,” he noted idly as he straightened up. “You’re gonna have to try somethin’ better if you wanna keep your legs closed.”

Despite how much she ached all over, Solvei managed to give him a dark smile. “How’s this for better?”

She’d just finished speaking when the elemental she’d conjured up right behind Burly slammed into him, the humongous ice-adlet putting all of its weight behind the haymaker it threw as it lunged at the stallion.

Burly didn’t see it coming, the impact lifting him off his hooves and sending him flying, hitting the ground face-first a spear’s throw away. Nor did the elemental give him time to recover, immediately rushing over and pummeling the downed stallion.

Having bought herself some breathing room, Solvei managed to get her feet under her, a pained grunt escaping her lips as she stood up. I won’t win this up close, she knew, feeling blood trickling down from the corner of her mouth. Not when one hit was all he needed to do this much damage. But if I can fight at range...

“Lemme guess,” called Burly from where the elemental was continuing to rain punches down on his prone form, his voice light and conversational. “This is the part where you wuss out and try to keep your distance, right? Hopin’ you can wear me down ‘til I call it quits?”

He chuckled at that, and when the next punch came down, Burly’s hoof rose to meet it. The impact caused a loud crack to ring out, followed by several smaller ones as fissures spread throughout the ice elemental’s body.

Amazingly, the elemental held itself together, despite looking like it was on the verge of completely falling apart. With no regard for its own safety, it lashed out again, punching down with its other arm.

This time, the damage resulting from Burly’s counterpunch reduced the gigantic ice-adlet to so many snowflakes, the stallion chuckling as he stood up and gave Solvei a cocky grin. “Another word of advice, toots: tougher gals than you’ve tried that plan, and it didn’t work for them neither.”

Then he rushed her.

His speed was far faster than his size would have suggested, rushing forward at a velocity that would have left even the fastest of her village’s warriors openmouthed. It was all Solvei could do to form another serac under herself and direct it away from the incoming stallion, barely managing to get out of the way as he bore down on her.

“Almost forgot to ask earlier,” called Burly as he immediately turned to follow, looking almost bored now. “You got any booze in that hick town of yours? I always like a cold one after I plow a chick.”

Gritting her teeth, Solvei called upon her magic again, raising a series of ice walls between herself and Burly. Each of them was strengthened with as much magic as she could pour into them, making the ice stronger than stone as she wrapped them in concentric rings. With how insanely strong Burly was, that would likely only buy her a few seconds, but if she used that time right...

Burly didn’t so much as slow down as the ice wall rose up in front of him, the sight causing him to roll his eyes as he ran into it full-tilt.

Wolfy Girl had obviously done something to it to make it tougher than normal, but it didn’t matter. As far as Burly was concerned, it might as well have been made out of glass, and he didn’t even bother to blink as he charged through it without slowing down.

The same fate met the five walls that were after it.

But when he broke through the last of them, Wolfy Girl was nowhere to be seen.

Least she ain’t the type to try and fly away, he sighed inwardly after glancing upward. This was usually the part where, if they could, a weakling would put themselves into the air, thinking that would save them. But since Wolfy Girl didn’t seem like she was about to sprout wings or ride a cold breeze or any crap like that, that meant she was going with the other tired old routine...

“Playin’ hide ‘n’ seek now, are we?” snorted Burly, glancing back at the large ring of walls that he’d just broken through. No doubt she was on the other side of them by now thanks to that oversized ice cube she’d been riding. “Fine by me, but once I find you, I’ll use my turn to hide Not-So-Little Burly up your cooch.”

He could remember a time when he’d actually gotten excited at the thought of breaking in a new bitch, the prospect almost being enough to make up for a disappointing fight. But those days were long gone. Now, stretching out some chick’s holes was just a slightly-less-boring way to pass the time, the same as getting drunk. He’d done both so often that they were barely fun at all anymore.

But they were still more fun than this fight was turning out to be.

Sighing at the predictable lack of response from Wolfy Girl, Burly turned around so he was facing the walls he’d just bashed his way out of, rearing up onto his hind legs. Lifting up his forehooves, he brought them down in a heavy stomp, calling on a fraction of his earth pony magic.

Immediately, the land shook under him, and he could dimly hear cries coming out from that crappy little village nearby as the entire place trembled and heaved. But he cared less about that than about how the ice walls immediately broke apart, reduced to so much rubble in an instant.

Sure enough, Wolfy Girl was on the other side of them, staring at him with wide eyes, the big ice cube she was riding on having survived thanks to its hovering just above the ground.

“Seriously, toots, you’re bad at this,” snorted Burly as he sauntered toward her, not bothering to break into a run this time. Maybe, just maybe, she had something she’d been saving in reserve; something that would make him get serious.

It had been too damn long since he’d had a reason to get serious about a fight.

“Might want to use your last few seconds to use lube if you got it, otherwise-”

She out a loud roar then, not of defiance or even rage, but rather a scream that accompanied the massive beam of blue energy that erupted from her mouth, hitting him dead on.

Immediately, Burly felt frost gathering around his legs, which quickly turned into ice, spreading over his body and thickening out into a chilly cocoon. In an instant, it had completely covered him, sealing him inside the frozen prison with no room to move. The cold washed over him from all directions.

But the cold bothered him less than what a letdown her last-ditch attack was.

Really? She’s seen me breakin’ this stuff left and right, and this is what she tries?

It was so pathetic that Burly actually found himself considering giving Wolfy Girl some pointers, the way he had whatshername back in Viljatown. Applesnatch. The blonde mare had actually managed to keep his interest, mostly because she kept coming back for more no matter how much he smacked her around. It had been enough fun that he’d kept forgetting to bone her.

But only for a little while, then she took off again, sighed Burly as he flexed his muscles, causing the ice prison to shatter. Was really hopin’ she’d stick with it until she could put up a decent fight. Unlike Wolfy Girl, she had actual talent.

As if to prove him right, the battered bitch summoned a bunch of her icicle warriors again, almost a dozen of them this time, and Burly groaned, all thoughts of turning this into a training session evaporating. At least when Applesnatch tried the same thing over and over, it was actual fighting and not wuss magic. What a letdown.

It was time to end this. Wolfy Girl was clearly out of tricks, and he was tired of stringing this fight out, hoping that titan would make an appearance if his piece was in trouble. But if that wasn’t going to happen, then he’d just flatten Wolfy Girl and make her tell him what she knew about that titan’s location.

It’d be easy, he knew. Chicks always became obedient after you shot a couple loads in them.

But just to make sure Wolfy Girl got the message, he’d let her see just how outclassed she was.

“If you’re hopin’ I can’t perform in the cold,” he sneered, tapping into a reserve of power that he hadn’t used in quite some time, “then I got news for you, toots.”

Her bunch of ice sculptures were charging, fists raised as they prepared to pounce on him.

“Burly Brawl...”

He took a step forward, power spreading throughout his body. It spread through every bone. Every organ. Every blood vessel. Until finally, there was nowhere left for it to go, having saturated his body completely.

“...always rises...”

Soon there was nowhere left for the power to spread. And yet he kept calling on it anyway, forcing more of it through himself. It caused a sense of pressure to rise, feeling as though he were about to burst apart...and then, he felt something give way as the pressure eased off.

“...to the occasion!”

And then, just like he’d come to expect, his body began to expand.

“Is everyone okay?!”

Nenet’s frantic yell was met with a chorus of murmured replies, with a quick scan of the area showing no one being hurt. Fortunately, none of the turf huts had collapsed, the sudden earthquake not having lasted long enough to do any real damage to the structures. But it had still managed to unnerve the adlets hiding within them, venturing outdoors almost as soon as the shaking stopped, not wanting to be inside if there was another quake.

But Nenet was more worried about the cause of what had happened, knowing it had come from where Solve was fighting Burly Brawl.

Elder Sister Nenet! Mei Li’s voice came silently into her mind, the kumiho glancing upward at her as she helped an adlet family calm their crying children. Can you see if Elder Sister Solvei is alright?

Biting her lip, Nenet glanced into the distance, a flash of blue light that she knew was Solvei’s breath weapon catching her eyes. I think they’re still fighting. Solvei looks like she’s summoned some more ice elementals, and Burly Brawl is...is...

She wasn’t able to finish as she saw Burly start to grow.

He’d already been an unusually large stallion, but even as Nenet watched, he suddenly expanded, his body bulging outward as every part of him grew larger. In the span of a heartbeat, he was the size of a house. Then a hill. Then the ice mansion that Solvei had created for her. Then even bigger.

Finally, when he’d reached the size of a small mountain, he stopped growing, and Nenet numbly returned to the ground, joining the crowd of adlets who were staring in shock at the stallion who’d grown so huge that he was like part of the landscape.

But for Nenet, the sight of him reminded her of something she’d read once when she’d been studying with Adagio, recalling a passage from a book about the events leading to the foundation of the Pony Empire...


“What was that?” Nenet didn’t even realize she’d spoken until Yotimo turned to her, somehow having managed to keep his wits about him despite the terrifying sight. “What did you say?”

It took a moment for Nenet to manage a reply.

“Burly Brawl,” she gulped. “He’s not just an earth pony...”

Her voice failed her for a moment, and she licked her lips before managing to speak again.

“He’s an antean.”

“I would venture to guess that we’ve found our titan.”

Loraestil ignored the wry tone in Vystalaran’s voice, eyeing the massive horse who towered over the distant treetops, trying to get a sense for what his quarry was doing.

Thilaera seemed to be of a similar mindset. “If that is Lex Legis, he would seem to possess the power to change his size. But why make use of it now?”

Vystalaran was already withdrawing scroll, one formed of a single large leaf whose veins had been carefully grown so as to form writing. “I’ll use farsight to get a closer look.”

“Do not,” ordered Loraestil, sighing inwardly. These amateurs knew nothing of what it meant to hunt such dangerous prey. “If his senses are sharp enough, he may detect your magic, and I would not have him raise his guard.”

Thilaera gave him a nervous look. “You mean to take him by surprise?”

“The panther only informs the stag of his presence when he leaps upon it,” replied Loraestil coolly. “That is one of your people’s sayings, is it not?”

Thilaera nodded, and Loraestil smirked inwardly. The or-tel were such a simplistic people. It was no wonder that the humans called them “wood elves.”

“What if there’s another presence in the area?” ventured Vystalaran, clearly looking to make up for having embarrassed himself just now. “Surely he wouldn’t have taken such grotesque proportions unless something had threatened him. Should we wait and see what happens?”

“A hunter does not swoop in to steal another’s prey.” Loraestil could just imagine what these two would say if he employed such cowardly tactics to bring the titan down; the story of how Lord Loraestil had sat back and waited for someone else to do his job for him would make him a laughingstock among his fellows, rather than a hero. “He delivers the fatal blow himself, driving off all others who would interfere.”

Vystalaran raised a brow, sharing a look with Thilaera. “So you want us to ‘drive off’ whomever Lex Legis is facing?”

“I trust that should be within your capabilities,” replied Loraestil, letting the tiniest note of disdain enter his voice. “While you handle that task, I shall see to our target.”

Clutching his bow, he strode forward, leaving the other two scrambling to catch up.

“Come. This day I bring down a titan.”

Author's Note:

As Burly kicks things up a notch in his fight with Solvei, the elves move in to engage, thinking that he's Lex!

Will this help Solvei win the fight? Or is her situation about to become much worse?

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