• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,204 Views, 10,249 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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560 - What the Heart Wants

“I can’t believe you did something so stupid!”

River’s rebuke made Pixie cringe, her ears folding back as she lowered her eyes. “I was just trying to help…”

“I don’t need your help,” snapped River, “and neither does the prince!” For a moment it seemed like she was going to continue ranting. Instead she stopped abruptly, taking a deep breath before glancing back at where the Las Pegasus ponies had spilled out into the hallway, Feather Duster doing her best to reassure them that everything was alright. Sighing, she turned back to her friend. “Pixie, I know you’ve had my back since we got here, and I appreciate that, but barging in the way you did…it wasn’t the right move.”

Pixie nodded, keeping her eyes on the carpet, the very picture of misery. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just…those ponies are so awful, only caring about what they can get for themselves when Lex is trying to do what’s best for everypony.”

“Prince Legis,” corrected River. “I know he’s only had the title for a day, and I don’t think he’s too hung up about people using it, but you should still refer to him by it.”

“R-right.” Flushing, Pixie winced a little, mentally kicking herself for her mistake. “Prince Legis, of course. The last thing I want is to make him even angrier with me.”

River glanced around again, this time at the black crystal spikes puncturing the floor. “No, you really don’t.” Her lips formed a thin line as she turned her attention to the wall Lex had passed through, as though expecting him to return at any moment. “The good news is that right now, he has other things on his mind. Which means it’d probably be better for you if you weren’t here when he gets back.”

She’s right. It’s time to go.

Straightening up, Pixie regarded the ponies gathered around the doors for a moment, then canted her head toward the window she’d entered from with a weak smile. “Guess a magician should vanish without anypony noticing, huh?”

“Yeah.” River’s features softened after a second’s consideration. “Listen, how about we discuss this over drinks later tonight? I’m sure I’ll need the alcohol by then, and the company would be nice.”


“I can’t,” blurted Pixie immediately. It was only when River raised an eyebrow, looking mildly offended, that she tried again. “I mean…after how badly I embarrassed myself, I’d rather just forget all of this. Would it be too much to ask if we could just pretend I was never here?”

Looking vaguely surprised by how her initial offer had been rejected so quickly, River nodded. “Alright, but we really should get together somet-”


From out in the hallway, a stallion’s voice cried out in anger, and a commotion immediately sprung up in reaction.

“What now?!” groaned River.

“Go figure out what’s happening,” urged Pixie. “It’s what L-, Prince Legis needs you to do. I’ll see myself out. We’ll definitely sit down sometime before I head back home.”

Sparing a half-second to shoot her friend a look of acknowledgment, River turned around and galloped toward the hallway as Pixie slunk toward the window.

“That was terrible,” moaned Pixie quietly as she trudged around the side of the manor. Her voice was soft, despite there being no one to hear her. Her solitude wasn’t much of a surprise; although it was nearing noon and the day was sunny and warm (no rain having been scheduled yet, despite the rainclouds in storage), everypony who wanted to be outside was at the camp – though it was now more of a fledgling village – or at the adjacent market rather than slinking around the outside of River’s home.

Her recrimination continued as she made her way down the back of the manor, passing window after window until finally she came to the one that led to her guest bedroom. “I can’t believe I did something so stupid!” she huffed as she pushed it open, clamoring inside. “What was I thinking?!”

But as she shut the window and pulled the shade down, a voice answered her.

You were thinking that you wanted to help the pony you love. There’s no shame in that.

“But I didn’t help him!” she wailed, before biting her lip. Carefully, she glanced around the room, sticking her head in the adjoining washroom before opening up the closet and the door to the living area, making sure that no prying servant had heard her outburst. It was only when she was sure she was alone that she spoke again, keeping her voice down. “I didn’t help him at all! I made him mad at me!”

Mad at Pixie, sweetheart, not at you, came the silken voice in her mind, causing her to turn to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room, staring at the unicorn whose reflection gazed back at her. And you should be proud of yourself. You played your part flawlessly. No one suspected a thing, not even Lex himself.

“I guess…” Sighing, Pixie squeezed her eyes shut. “Can you change me back now? I don’t want to look like this anymore.”

If that’s what you want, cooed the voice. Just remember, once this trial run is over, I won’t have the power to change your appearance a second time. It’ll be up to you to make the commitment if you want to do this again.

“I know.”

Then go ahead and open your eyes.

Slowly, hesitantly, Pixie obeyed, parting her eyelids just a crack…

…to find that she was Thermal Draft again.

Letting out a groan of relief, she flopped down onto the bed, panting as the stress of the last several minutes caught up with her. “You’re sure, you’re absolutely sure, that Lex didn’t know it was me?”

Oh, sweetheart, laughed Kara’s voice in her mind, I’d be a poor goddess of shapechangers if I let my worshipers be so easily found out. Besides, if he’d known you weren’t who you were pretending to be, wouldn’t he have said something?

“I guess,” murmured Thermal Draft, turning over to look at herself in the mirror again, glad to be back in her own body. “He might have anyway, if he hadn’t heard Sonata carrying on like that.” Despite herself, she could feel her cheeks turning red. Even if Sonata wasn’t the mare she loved, Thermal Draft couldn’t deny that the Siren was beyond gorgeous, and hearing her voice raised in passion like that had been seriously hot.

Even if he didn’t have a chance to use it, I suppose it’s possible that Lex has the power to see through my glamour somehow, admitted Kara. A simple scan for active spells wouldn’t be enough to detect the disguise I placed on you, but he might have other ways of knowing. Since he’s never called out to me in supplication even once, all I know about his abilities are what you and Sonata have told me. That’s why I arranged for that distraction.

That was enough to make Thermal Draft blink, sitting up in bed. “Wait…that was you, making Sonata moan like that?”

Tweaking her pleasure centers to make her feel physical satisfaction a little more strongly than normal was the very least I could do. Although she couldn’t see the goddess, Thermal Draft could almost hear the shrug in her voice. Literally, the very least. Sonata never truly worshiped me the way you do, and since she hasn’t been calling out to me lately, that was the last little bit of influence I had over her. But since it’s her nature to be vocal, I knew she wouldn’t hold back if she enjoyed herself. And that was enough to send Lex running.

Thermal Draft digested that for a few minutes, thinking back over everything that had happened as she waited for her heart to slow down. “I don’t like that I was dishonest with him,” she muttered at last, curling up into a ball. “I agreed to try this out because I wanted to see if I could find a way to be useful to him, not deceive to him.”

I know, sweetheart. Kara’s voice was filled with sympathy, and Thermal Draft could almost imagine the goddess reaching out to enfold her in a gentle embrace. But don’t forget that if you decide to go down this path, you will be useful to him, and not just by dropping a storm cloud on his enemies. He might have several ponies who can fight, but he’ll need more than that if he wants to rule. Being able to fool ponies plotting against him, confounding their plans and learning their secrets, will be far more useful to him than being able to beat someone senseless. Right now, that’s something that only you have the potential to do.

“But I lied to him…”

Out of love, Kara reminded her. A little white lie to protect his feelings, no worse than showing up for a date early and telling the other person that you only just arrived when they finally show up. Because his feelings are the most important thing. You don’t want to hurt him the way that awful Nosey girl did, do you?

The name got an immediate reaction from Thermal Draft, clenching her teeth as she recalled what she’d heard about that four-eyed nag since being resurrected. “I hate her,” she murmured, hugging her hind legs to her chest tighter. “I know it wasn’t her fault that she killed us, but to have Lex’s love and throw it in his face like that…” Just thinking about the heartbreak that horrible mare had inflicted on her savior – a pony who was already carrying so much on his shoulders – made her heart ache, tears of sympathy coming to her eyes. “I hate her so much!”

Shhh, I know that you do, sweetheart. The soothing tone of the goddess’s voice was relaxing, and Thermal Draft closed her eyes as she let it wash over her. But right now you need to focus on the ponies you love, rather than the ones you hate. Keep working hard to make yourself useful to Lex. Soon he’ll come to realize how much he cares for the you, and then you’ll be able to be with him the same way you are with Cloudbank.

“And he’ll love us?” sniffled Thermal Draft, running a hoof over her nose. “He’ll love us both the way same way he does Sonata and Aria?” She wanted that so badly it almost hurt. The same way Lex was the perfect stallion, Cloudy was the mare of her dreams, the girl she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She wanted her to share in these feelings she had for Lex more than anything, the three of them together…

But Kara’s answered wasn’t what she’d been hoping for. I can only guarantee that he’ll love you, sweetheart, cautioned the goddess. Cloudbank isn’t my worshiper; I can’t make promises where her heart is concerned.

Thermal Draft felt her chest ache at that, but the goddess’s voice turned conciliatory a moment later. But it’s not impossible, especially if you act as the bridge that leads them to each other. And even if Lex doesn’t develop feelings for her, the two of them will still love you. In the meantime, you just need to keep following my instructions. You did a wonderful job chatting up that Pixie pony yesterday, finding out all those details about her life so you could put on such a convincing performance. You’re a natural at this, and I know you’ll be a big help to Lex. That is…if you decide you want the power to change your appearance.

“I…” Slowly, Thermal Draft sat up. “Can I think about it a little more?” She couldn’t help but feel nervous asking that, not to mention guilty. Kara was doing so much to help her get what – or rather, who – she wanted most, and all she could do was pussyhoof around when shown how to do it!

Fortunately, the goddess’s goodwill seemed inexhaustible. Of course, sweetheart. You take as much time as you need until you’re sure.

Letting out a deep breath, Thermal Draft closed her eyes again, this time in reverence as she murmured a prayer of gratitude. “Thank you, Kara. I’d be lost without you.”

There there now, came the warm reply. Just keep believing in me with your whole heart, and I’ll make sure you get exactly what you deserve.

Author's Note:

The truth about Pixie's odd behavior during Lex's meeting is revealed!

Is Thermal Draft right to put her faith in Kara? Or is she setting herself up for a broken heart?

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