• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,204 Views, 10,249 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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206 - Outmatched and Overpowered

Lex could only stare dumbly at the sight of the black, wriggling thing protruding from his chest.

Time seemed to come to a stop as he struggled to put a coherent thought together, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. This…couldn’t be right. He had banished that creature. He’d sent it screaming into a dimensional rift. It shouldn’t be back here. None of this was right. The wound didn’t even hurt. It had to be some sort of illusion, or maybe he was having another nightm-

The tongue suddenly retracted, and Lex immediately collapsed to the ground. All of a sudden he was aware of a terrible pressure in his chest, like when he’d held his breath for too long. He tried to exhale, only to start coughing as something that tasted like blood began filling his mouth. Worse, no matter how much he coughed he couldn’t seem to get his lungs clear, only barely managing to take gasping breaths of air between bouts of choking. The sensation was unpleasant enough that it forced his thoughts back into focus, a sense of alarm filling him as he realized just how badly he’d been injured.

“Pathetic!” laughed the chorus of voices from behind him. “Was that really your big plan, Lex Legis? To throw me through a rift to the Astral Plane?” Another bout of mocking laughter resounded then, and the monster slid around so it was in front of him. Although its skull-like faces didn’t have enough flesh to form recognizable expressions, he could hear the smiles in its voices. “I’m from the Outer Planes! I can cross dimensional boundaries as easily as you’d cross a street! How do you think I came to this world in the first place?!” It paused then, as though waiting for an answer, and when none came it shifted its bulk, curling its trio of heads further over its fanged maw and bringing them closer to Lex’s prone form. “You disappoint me, Lex Legis. I’ve refrained from killing you immediately, giving you a golden opportunity to cast another one of your feeble spells on me, and you can’t even be bothered?” Its middle head opened, slowly extending its tongue down toward where a large pool of blood was collecting under him. “What’s wrong? Cat got your lung?”

Lex couldn’t respond, not when it was a struggle just to breathe. Instead, he did the only thing he could. An aura sprung into being around Lex’s horn as his eyes turned green-and-purple, calling on his dark magic. If he could just change into a shadow…!

The thing’s dispelling magic crashed over him, scattering his dark magic like leaves in a hurricane. A chorus of laughter immediately followed it. “That’s the spirit!” cooed the female-voiced head.

“Keep struggling!” snickered its male counterpart.

“Let me see that dauntless spirit that Nosey admired so much!” sneered the central head, its androgynous voice filled with malicious glee. “Show me another part of you that I can break!”

“yOUr DesPAiR wIlL Be YOuR pENanCe tO Me fOr ThE InDIgnItIEs yOu’VE mAdE mE sUfFeR!” screeched the fanged maw that was the creature’s other end. “oNLy AfTeR yOU’vE GivEN uP CoMPleTeLy WiLl i SEnD yOu tO YoUr GoD!”

Lex grit his teeth, glaring defiantly up at the thing. “Sh-shut…up…!” he somehow managed to rasp, his voice little more than a hoarse croak. “I…will…kill…you…!” The words were torture to utter, each syllable being accompanied by another blood-spattered cough, but he forced them out anyway. Although his reserve of dark magi was running low, he called on it again. I can withstand its dispelling magic! he screamed at himself silently. I know I can! After all, he had overcome the thing before, when he had forced it out of Nosey. Its magic might be stronger than his own, but not so strong that it couldn’t be overcome! If he could just change back into a shadow, back into a form that wasn’t crippled by his injuries, then he could keep fighting!

But the instant his dark magic manifested, the creature dispelled it.

The same thing happened the next time he tried it.

And the next.

And the next.

“How much longer can you keep struggling?” mused the left head.

“I know you can’t use that magic indefinitely.” The middle head’s voice was one of complete confidence. “Nosey told me that you’d expended it all before you faced that imbecilic kraken. That’s why you stayed corporeal during that encounter.”

Unsurprisingly, the right head continued the one-sided conversation. “I, however, can negate your magic endlessly. That’s how I was able to shut down that little trinket of yours back at the train station, you know.” The tip of a tongue darted out to flick the circlet half-hidden under his mane, though Lex refused to flinch at the contact. “It was pathetically obvious that you’d use it as soon as you saw Nosey, so I made sure to dispel its functionality right before I revealed myself. You thought it was showing you that Nosey was clear, but really it wasn’t functioning at all, and you never realized it.”

Although he knew that the thing had tricked him, hearing how it had done it made Lex grit his teeth. No wonder he hadn’t realized what had happened! Unlike freestanding spells, magic items that were affected by dispelling magic weren’t completely unraveled. Rather, they were simply knocked out of commission for a few seconds before their design – being a self-sustaining quantity of magic that was permanently bound into a material form – kicked back in. So his circlet had been inoperative when he’d used it on Nosey back in the train station, only to reactivate itself a few moments later…all without him noticing. That last part gave Lex a microsecond’s pause. Even if he hadn’t realized that his circlet had been deactivated, he should still have sensed the thing using its dispelling magic in the first place. So how…?

As though reading his mind, the thing continued speaking. “a pItY yOU dIDn’T rEaLIzE wHAt i’D DOnE. bUt tHEn, HOw cOuLD yOU? i WaS wATcHiNg YoU fRoM tHE oTHeR sIDe oF aN iLLuSIoN i’D cONjuReD.”

Lex tried to curse at that, but all that came out was a choking sound. He hadn’t known that this thing could create illusions too, but now that he did it all made sense.

Although he needed his circlet to be able to see into the magical spectrum – allowing him to see the approximate power and general nature of extant spells, as well as those that had recently expired – Lex had a limited ability to intuit, without external assistance, when someone in the immediate vicinity was casting a spell. But that sense was just that: a sense, and a dull one at that. The same way he couldn’t see something behind an intervening object, or hear something that was muffled, he couldn’t sense someone’s manipulating ambient energy in the local environment if he couldn’t detect the individual in question.

When he’d entered the train station with Sonata and Scrubby to examine the scene of Block Party’s death, Nosey had been out of sight, holed up in the restroom. Her emergence had caught them all by surprise, as she’d just appeared without any sound of the door opening or closing. That was it, he realized. The door itself was the illusion.

It was the only possible explanation. The real door had been propped open, and this thing, already possessing Nosey’s body, had created the illusion of a closed door in its place. Since an illusion’s caster could see through it without issue – hence why that aboleth had been able to attack them so precisely through the illusory wall it had created – she had been able to watch them all without them seeing her in return. In that position, where she had line of sight to him but he had none to her, it would have been easy for her to wait for a moment when his back was turned, dispel his circlet’s functionality, and then slip through the illusory door with none of them being the wiser for it. Then he’d tried to detect magic around her, just like she’d suspected, and found nothing, not knowing the real cause.

The thing’s strategy had been absolutely perfect.

Snarling at the knowledge of how completely he’d been outsmarted, Lex tried to turn into shadow again, heedless of how little dark magic he had left…and again, the creature tore the dark magic apart effortlessly. “You had no idea at all, did you?” The smirk in the creature’s voices, once again speaking in chorus, was audible. “For all your vaunted intellect, you’re just another minor mortal with delusions of grandeur.” Lex’s only response was a hate-filled glare, causing the thing to laugh again. “Don’t feel too upset,” it taunted, “at least you were slightly more difficult to manipulate than those other ponies back at the camp. Even I was surprised at how easily those rumors I started about you took hold. No matter how many wounds your doctors treated, or how much food you gave them, all I had to do was whisper a few words about how unsociable your demeanor was or how intimidating your magic looked, and the majority of them were ready to believe the worst about you.” One of the thing’s tongues darted out to lap at the blood pooling under Lex, licking it up before retracting back into the thing’s mouth. “It’s a shame I won’t get to see them start to riot when you can’t keep feeding them. I’d have loved to watch them turn on their would-be savior.”

Incensed, Lex was about to try and use what little dark magic he still had – just barely enough to change into shadow one more time – when the sight of something behind the monster caught his eye. It was Nosey! Even as he watched, she lifted her head slowly, eyes fluttering open before they widened in alarm as she saw what was happening. Get out of here! Lex urged her silently. He knew it was pointless, knew that even if she could hear him she had no hope of escaping on her own, but they flitted across his mind anyway. Leave while it’s focused on me!

“That’s why I let you live, you know. It would have been easy to simply kill you in your sleep, but you were much more useful to me this way. You gave those pathetic little ponies just enough reassurances that they actually started to hope again. And when you’re dead, and I tell them that you abandoned them, they’ll believe me thanks to all of the lies I fed them about you. Their hope will plummet, and they’ll fall into depravity far faster than they would have if you’d just let me keep running the place as Block Party.”

The thing’s tongues reached out then, curling around Lex’s neck once again and lifting him into the air. “And since you aren’t trying to use that ‘dark magic’ of yours anymore, it seems that our time together is at an end. So before I rip you into pieces, allow me to say: thank you, Lex Legis. Thank you for helping me achieve my goal. And now, you di-”


Nosey screamed the word as she flung herself at the creature, lowering her head as though intent on goring it. “Let him go!” she roared as she charged. “Let him g-”

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” sighed the creature’s rightmost head, unwinding its tongue from around Lex’s neck and almost casually sending it flying toward Nosey. The blow struck her across the face and sent her sprawling, rolling across the ground in a heap before coming to a halt and lying still.

The sight made Lex’s blood run cold, but as much as it pained him he knew what he had to do next. Calling on what little was left of his dark magic, he tried once again to change into his incorporeal form, hoping that Nosey had distracted the monster. It won’t kill her that easily, he tried to reassure himself. It still wants to use her as a disguise, and so far it’s only used living ponies for that. He just hoped he was right; although there was nothing else he could do now, it still felt like he was abandoning Nosey to this thing…if this even worked.

But a second later he felt the monster gather magical energy for its dispelling spell.

“I expected this!” it shouted, its voices triumphant as the spell hit Lex’s dark magic again, and Lex felt his heart sink at the exclamation. But this time, the thing’s magic didn’t scatter his own. For an instant there was an overwhelming sensation, but it felt just a little lighter than usual, as though the thing hadn’t been able to put all of its concentration behind it. Nosey! Lex knew it was her, that although she had only distracted it a little, that small amount had been just enough to keep the thing from focusing the whole of its might on him. It was just enough to encourage him to push back against it with everything he had...

An instant later, Lex turned into shadow and dropped into the ground. The pain and fatigue fell away instantly as he did, leaving him clear-headed and able to concentrate once again. More than that, he could speak again, which meant using his remaining spells…and he had every intention of using them.

Nosey had bought him a chance to keep fighting; it would not go to waste.

Author's Note:

Nosey gives Lex a chance to regroup, but pays a heavy price for it.

Will he be able to make good on this last-ditch effort?

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