• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,204 Views, 10,249 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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13 - In the End All Things Betray You

Frozen by Lex’s unexpected appearance and subsequent scream of fury, both Fireflower and Sonata could only gape in shock. This allowed Lex to immediately spring into action, turning his head to the flaming sphere that Fireflower had conjured and rattling off a quick chant and making several sharp gestures. Instantly, the ball of flames winked out of existence.

Not stopping, Lex hissed a series of arcane syllables as he gesticulated again, this time towards Fireflower. The result was much like the spell of Fireflower’s that he had just dispelled, being a five-foot globe of energy. But where Fireflower’s had been composed of flames, Lex’s was composed of electricity…and there were three of them, crackling softly as they floated in midair.

It took only a hate-filled thought to send them hurtling towards Fireflower, who shrieked and began dodging for his life. Lex vaguely heard Sonata yelling something, but at the moment he was too enraged to care. This thing had tried to hurt his mate; it needed to die, and it needed to die immediately!

Scared out of his mind, Fireflower threw himself backwards as two of the lightning balls crashed into where he’d just been, rolling over as the third one impacted right next to him. The terror that came over his mind was familiar, having experienced it just a few days ago when another creature of overwhelming power had attacked him. Just like then, any thought of fighting back was drowned under the horrifying realization that he was going to die unless he got out of there.

His form shimmered as he ran for his life, and in an instant the yellow-coated stallion was replaced by a bulbous spider with yellow and white markings. Stumbling due to his missing spinneret, he nevertheless began to scuttle up a tree, hoping that the increased cover of the canopy would let him dodge death for a few moments longer.

Sonata yelled at Lex again, pleading for him to snap out of it, but for the second time he acted like he couldn’t hear her. In desperation she raced forward, intent on tackling him before he could make good on his threat to kill poor Fireflower. But just as she was about to barrel into him his body dissolved into churning blackness, and she passed through his now-immaterial form to go tumbling head over hooves through the dirt.

Barely noticing that he had changed into shadows, much less what was going on around him, Lex’s green-and-purple eyes – the only parts of him that were still visible in the roiling mass of darkness that he’d become – were still trained directly on where Fireflower was trying to get away. “You will not escape!” he roared, his rage burning hotter with every moment that that thing avoided death. How dare it try to save itself?! How DARE it think that it had any right to live after what it had done?!

Lex spat another spell, and Fireflower’s body shuddered as a profound lethargy sank into his limbs, slowing him to a crawl even as he desperately tried to ascend the tree further. The balls of lightning came soaring in, and he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to get away. Whimpering, Fireflower did the only thing he could and relaxed his limbs completely, letting himself fall.

In the fraction of a second after he began to fall, all three electrical spheres hit the tree where he’d just been, causing a hideous buzzing sound as chips of wood flew in all directions. An instant later, he impacted the ground, the sudden pain leaving him stunned. It dimly occurred to him that he wouldn’t be able to dodge again…that he was about to die.

Lex was thinking the exact same thing, and mentally directed the spheres to-


Sonata’s scream was enhanced and directed thanks to her magic, increasing its volume while centering it all on Lex alone. To everyone else, her cry was completely inaudible, but to him it was loud enough that, had he been corporeal at that moment, his ears would have bled. As it was, the pain her spell had caused him managed to accomplish her primary objective, which was to grab his attention. The lightning spheres ceased their descent as he stopped focusing on them, drifting to a halt in midair less than ten feet from Fireflower’s prone form.

“Sonata, what are you doing?!” Lex’s voice was thick with tension and confusion as he returned to solid form.

“What am I doing?!” she shrieked. “What are you doing?! You’re going to kill him!”

“Of course I am!” Lex retorted hotly. “He tried to hurt you!”

“What?!” Sonata’s eyes widened in a mixture of anger, horror, and confusion. “No, he didn’t!”

“He attacked you with a spell!” Lex insisted. “A ball of fire! I saw it, and I heard you cry out!”

“He was showing me his magic! I asked him to do it, and I was cheering because I thought it looked cool! No one was being attacked!” That he had a reason for what he’d done didn’t make Sonata feel better at all.

“But…” Lex trailed off as her words sank in. Could that have been the case? He had been so sure…

“Apologize to him!”

“What?” Lex shook his head, not in denial but to try and focus on what she was saying, having trouble keeping up with her while he was still trying to reevaluate the data that had led him to his initial conclusions. He needed to figure out how the reality of the situation could have been so different from what he’d thought it was. “To who?”

“To Fireflower!” Sonata stamped a hoof, getting angrier by the minute. He’d been a complete jerk to her last night, had almost killed Fireflower this morning over a total misunderstanding, and now he was still refusing to acknowledge him as a person?! This went beyond just being arrogant or prickly; it was completely inexcusable! She grabbed Lex’s ear in her mouth and, ignoring his squawk of surprise, dragged him over to where Fireflower – now back in his pony form – was starting to right himself with a pained groan. “You tell him you’re sorry this instant!”

Lex was still thinking back over the last few minutes, and a shudder ran through him as he started to realize that Sonata’s version of events was holding up to his mental scrutiny. If she was right – and the more he thought about it, the more it looked like she was – then his initial conclusion as to what had been going on had not only been incorrect, but wildly so. If that was the case, then it meant that he had tried to kill a being that was, even considering his race, most likely a member of the moral community. That was an act that, regardless of the circumstances, could not be justified; beings worthy of moral consideration, which included not only all members of noble species such as ponies and griffons, but also exceptional members of lesser species, had a right to life that was utterly inviolable.

It was because of that that Lex refused to consider, even for a moment, apologizing for his actions. To do so would mean acknowledging that he had severely abrogated the moral framework to which he held himself. Having lost, at one time or another, his home, his magic, and even his entire world, that rigorous code of conduct was the one thing that had never been taken from him. To admit that he’d transgressed it would mean that the only remaining thing that had been a constant in his life, the one permanency that had been his last source of strength and comfort in the face of so many things that he found frighteningly incomprehensible, could be taken away from him too.

To apologize would mean admitting that the sense of security he felt from understanding something, truly understanding it in a way that left no room for ambiguity or mistakes in interpretation, could not be found in anything, not even in his own actions. It would mean that the one thing he had left to believe in was a lie, and that thought was enough to terrify Lex to the bottom of his soul.

To apologize would mean admitting that he’d been wrong.

“No,” he said firmly, looking Sonata dead in the eye. “I made the best decision I had with the data that was available to me at the time. I can’t be faulted for having insufficient facts in a situation that demanded split-second decision-making.”

His denial, delivered calmly, was enough to shatter Sonata’s anger, and instead a look of shock mixed with horror slowly spread across her face. “Y-you can’t be serious. Lex, you tried to kill him.” Lex’s only response was to look at her in silent passivity, and for the first time Sonata could remember she suddenly felt afraid of him. To do something so awful and not even be willing to say that he was sorry he’d done it…that wasn't just being awkward or having a temper.

It was completely monstrous.

Slowly, she backed away from him, making sure not to take her eyes off of him for even a second. He moved as if to approach her, and she held out a hoof warningly, a look of controlled fear spreading across her face. Tensely, she moved to Fireflower’s side, bending down to help him get up. “Are you alright?” Even when she spoke, she didn’t take her eyes off of Lex, whose stoic expression was beginning to dissolve into perplexity.

“Y-yeah…” shakily getting to his feet, Fireflower let Sonata usher him behind her, moving with her as they kept backing away from Lex.

“Sonata, what are you doing?” He started to take a step towards her, and her reaction was immediate.

“Stay back!” Her voice was sharp. “We’re leaving, that’s what we’re doing.”

“No…” Lex's denial wasn’t towards her stated intentions, but rather was that this situation was happening at all. “Don’t do this.” He didn’t even hear the pleading tone in his voice, his mind racing desperately to try and figure out some way to stop this. He had figured out how to rationalize his previous actions within the context of his moral code, surely he could figure out how to make her want to stay with him!

Still backing away from him, Sonata was unmoved. “We’re going back. Don’t try to follow us.” She hoped that he’d heed her warning; she had no idea what she’d do if he did come after them. Behind her, Fireflower was still trembling, obviously severely unnerved by what had just happened.

Lex tried to think, tried to find some way to change how this situation – the situation he’d dreaded ever since he’d realized he’d had feelings for Sonata – was unfolding. But the only thing that came to him was a rising tide of panic and upset, as though he were falling off a cliff in slow motion, watching as the deadly impact grew ever closer.

“Don’t go…” his voice was too soft, and it didn’t carry across the ever-widening distance between himself and her. She kept backing away, and a few moments later she was obscured by the underbrush. The whole time she never took her eyes off of him, her expression unreadable to his gaze.

…and then she was gone, with only the echo of his whimper to signify that his entire world had just ended.

Author's Note:

“In the end all things betray you.
Honor. Ideals. Heroism.
Allies. Comrades. Lovers.
Your eyes. Your limbs. Your heart.
And in the end, you betray yourself.
And that is the greatest betrayal of all.”

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