• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,173 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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369 - Broken Spirit

There’s no hope now…

Numbly rocking the snoring baby in her forelegs, Feather Duster couldn’t remember how long she’d been sitting there staring at the wall of the train station. Had it been a few minutes, or a few hours? Or maybe a few days? She didn’t know, and even the sunlight shining in from outside was no help in figuring out how much time had passed. After all, the sun only moved if the princesses moved it, and the princesses couldn’t do anything now. They couldn’t move the sun, and they couldn’t save everypony. No one could…

Feeling herself shaking, Feather Duster started to rock the baby a little more, humming a soothing tune even though the infant was fast asleep. The lullaby made her think of Cleansweep, and it dimly occurred to her that she needed to go check on her, to make sure she was alright, even though she knew that there was absolutely nothing she could do to protect her anymore. Not against that monster that had not only casually slaughtered that black-and-white stallion that had offended him before, but had also crushed the princesses when they’d tried to stop him. Crushed and crippled, turning Princess Luna from a regal, resplendent alicorn into an ordinary-looking unicorn.

Having been a pegasus her entire life, Feather Duster couldn’t imagine the level of cruelty it took to rob somepony of their wings like that. But Lex Legis quite clearly had no such compunctions; for him, killing or maiming other ponies came with no hesitation whatsoever. And if he was willing and able to do that to the princesses and their guards, then he wouldn’t think twice about doing it to a mere maid who displeased him, or even to her daughter…

“Hello? Is anypony-, oh! There you are!”

Blinking at the familiar voice, Feather Duster turned her head as she heard hooves clopping on the floor, watching dumbly as the earth filly that had given her that baby before – one of her daughter’s friends, who had fought the Royal Guard alongside her – trotted up to her now with a small smile. “Hi. Sorry about shoving Tiddlywinks on you before. I didn’t-” Her smile fell away as she got within a few feet of her, stopping in place and giving her a worried look. “What’s wrong?” she asked, but didn’t wait for an answer as she hurried forward and took the sleeping baby from her hooves. Looking the child over worriedly, a look of relief crossed her face when she found nothing wrong. But that relief turned back into concern as she looked back at Feather Duster. “Are you alright?”

Her thoughts still sluggish from trying to process the enormity of what she’d witnessed and what it meant for her and her family, Feather Duster could only blink, not sure what the filly was talking about. “What?”

The girl nodded towards her, still looking worried. “You’re crying.”

Confused, Feather Duster put a hoof to her face, and was surprised when it came away wet with tears. When had that started? “I…”

When she didn’t finish speaking, the filly’s worried look got worse. “Listen, you’re Cleansweep’s mom, right? Do you want me to go get her?” She pointed back toward the door. “She’s right outside with Fruit Crunch and Lex and everypony.”

A surge of tension went through Feather Duster at that. They’re right outside. She felt like her chest was in a vice, squeezing all of the air out of her lungs. The monster and my daughter are right outside. If she did anything wrong, if she upset him in anyway, it could very well be Cleansweep who lost her wings, or worse, next. It was enough to make Feather Duster long for even one day ago, when all she’d had to fear were River Bank’s threats; after what she’d just seen, the other mare’s promises of ruining her reputation to the point where she’d never work again if she didn’t serve Lex Legis now seemed positively merciful. “Is Cleansweep alright?” she heard herself ask, a cold feeling settling into her gut at the possibility of a negative answer.

The filly gave her a wan smile. “I think so. I know she’s sad about losing Venin, but she’s putting on a brave face. Braver than me, at least. She was telling us that the Night Mare might bring our spirit animals back.” She sniffled, but made herself keep smiling as she glanced down at her brother, holding him protectively. “I don’t know if I believe that, but I figure that even if she doesn’t, Lex might be able to ask her to as our reward.”

It took Feather Duster a moment to process that. “Your…reward?”

The filly nodded. “Yeah. After we saved Lex from that Silhouette guy and those other guards last night, Miss Nosey said that Lex would want to give us a reward.” She shifted her weight between her hooves, clearly anxious. “I really hope he can make it so Nemel and the others come back! I know I only met her this morning, but I already miss her so much…”

But Feather Duster wasn’t listening, still trying to process the notion of Lex Legis giving rewards. In the short time since she’d been introduced to him – though “sold” was a better word for it, since she’d been given to the dour unicorn along with all of River’s possessions as part of her apology – Feather hadn’t ever seen him so much as smile, let alone do anything that could be considered kind. It was far easier to believe that he’d simply use his magic to punish anypony who disobeyed him rather than rewarding them for-


River had apologized to Lex…and he’d accepted her apology. Feather had seen it herself, although she’d been too petrified to fully appreciate what had been happening at the time. River had offered Lex everything he had, and his girls had been making their opinions known, but Lex himself had been silent for a long moment, leaving River fidgeting nervously. Then, he’d gone up to her and quietly said that he’d accepted her apology.

Lex Legis had done something that wasn’t callous.

The realization was enough to rock Feather Duster back on her hooves, and she held out a hoof as she heard the filly call out to her again in a worried tone. Lex Legis had shown that he could be something other than monstrous last night. And, she realized a moment later, that hadn’t been the only time. Although River Bank had introduced her to Lex Legis, she’d seen him before that, when he’d been performing that “ritual” thing, which according to Cleansweep had been to change that Aria mare into a pony instead of…whatever she’d been before. And then there were all those stories going around about how he’d saved everypony from zombies and sea monsters, protecting ponies even when it had gotten him terribly injured.

The vice that had been around her chest a moment ago had disappeared, and Feather Duster took several deep breaths, feeling almost dizzy. Was I wrong about him? The thought floated through her mind, tantalizing her with the possibility that maybe things weren’t as bad as she’d thought. He might be gruff – he yelled at everypony this morning just for having breakfast, for Celestia’s sake – but he…he… The use of the princess’s name made Feather Duster glance back toward the window that she’d been looking out earlier. Moving between the jagged stalactites of black crystal and the craters dotting the ground, teams of doctors were picking up fallen ponies. Several were gathered around the princesses, with the ones surrounding Luna exchanging horrified looks as they all spoke at once, clearly having no idea what to do for her.

The sight hit Feather Duster like a bucket of cold water, immediately dousing her hopes that Lex Legis was simply misunderstood. How could he be? She might have seen him accept River’s apology, but she’d also seen him kill that black-and-white stallion, as well as hurt Princess Luna so badly after he’d already defeated her. Was he just insane, being cruel one moment and kind the next with no rhyme or reason?

“Listen,” said the filly, drawing Feather Duster out of her reverie, “I should get back. I’ll tell Cleansweep you’re here, okay? I’m sure she’ll want to come see you.” Giving her an uncertain smile, the filly turned and headed for the door.

“What’s he like?” murmured Feather Duster, still looking out the window.

“Huh? I mean, I’m sorry?”

“Lex Legis.” Swallowing nervously, Feather Duster made herself look at the girl directly. “What’s he like?”

Clearly not sure what the make of the question, the filly paused for a moment. “Well, um…I don’t really know him very well.”

“But you must have some idea, right? You and Cleansweep and your friends, you’re all in his fan club that you started.”

“We’re the Night Mare’s Knights,” corrected the girl. “And Fruit Crunch is the one who knows Lex the best, though I guess he is kind of a fan.” She managed a smile at that, rolling her eyes a little. But that fell away as she considered the question again. “But to me, Lex is…he’s like a dragon.”

Feather Duster’s eyebrows went up. “A dragon?” she repeated. The association escaped her, save for overhearing someone in camp say that he’d killed one of those.

“Yeah,” nodded the filly. “I mean, he’s got his hoard, and he’s really serious about protecting it, but instead of being made out of gold or gems it’s, well…us. Other ponies.” She looked like she was going to say more, but at that moment the baby she was cradling began to stir, and a moment later the sound of crying filled the lobby. Wincing, the filly started to rock him back and forth, the motion doing nothing to calm the upset child. “I think he’s hungry,” called the filly, raising her voice to be heard over her brother’s wailing as she started to head back toward the door. “I’ll make sure to tell Cleansweep you’re here.”

Feather Duster nodded absently, already turning the filly’s description over in her mind as the girl left. Lex Legis is a dragon, guarding his hoard of ponies. The analogy seemed to fit, but that wasn’t a comforting thought. Although she didn’t know very much about them, Feather Duster knew enough about dragons to know that she didn’t want to be anywhere near them. She’d even skipped going to see the once-in-a-generation Great Dragon Migration last year, worried that one of them might glance down at her while flying and decide it wanted a snack! And now there was a pony of similar temperament ruling over them. And my daughter and I are part of that hoard.

The thought sent a bitter laugh through her, one which threatened to turn into a sob as it left Feather’s throat. She doubted that Lex would try to hang on to everypony in Vanhoover the way a dragon would every coin they’d collected – she’d heard he’d already sent some sick ponies to Tall Tale for treatment (though some ponies were saying he’d taken over that city also) – but there was no way he’d let her or Cleansweep go. Not when he’d already accepted her as part of River’s payment for her misdeeds, to be added to his collection of mares to play with. Not when her daughter was already part of his group of would-be followers, fighting beside him and praying to that “goddess” that he seemed to admire. Through their own bad luck and poor choices, both of them were now firmly part of the group of ponies that he’d collected.

And there’s no way out, she knew. Running away wouldn’t work – with magic as strong as his, Feather Duster couldn’t imagine that it would be hard for Lex Legis to find them – and rebelling against him would be suicide or worse. The only ones who could have liberated them were the princesses, and that hope had died with the Royal Sisters’ defeat. Both of those options would serve to do nothing except call down his ire to such an extent that apologizing, as River had done, probably wouldn’t save them. But if there was no escaping Lex Legis, no defying him, and no being rescued from him, then that left only one option…

Slowly, Feather Duster climbed to her hooves, heading to the nearby restroom to splash some water on her face. Then she smoothed the wrinkles in her maid outfit as best she could, making sure her hemline showed off her flank. Finally, she ran her hooves through her mane and tail, making sure they were free of tangles. Looking herself over one last time, she let out a slow breath before she turned and headed for the door, her earlier panic having faded into a dull sense of resignation.

It wouldn’t do to keep her lord and master waiting.

Author's Note:

Feather Duster witnesses Lex's triumph over the princesses, and resigns herself to her fate.

Will her decision bring her any peace of mind, or is she only making things worse for herself?

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