• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,204 Views, 10,249 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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132 - Dearest Beloved

It’s just like before.

As he laid there, feeling Sonata’s legs wrapped around him while he held her close, Lex couldn’t help but revel in how he felt at that moment. Just like the first time they’d made love, the conclusion of the physical ecstasy hadn’t been the end of the joy it had brought him. Instead, the fading pleasure had given way to a powerful sense of…peace. Although he was still fully cognizant of all of his failures and frustrations, as well as all of the problems that still needed to be solved, at that moment none of them bothered him in the least. It was an incredible feeling, the sense of being so completely unburdened. Enough so that he couldn’t help but smile, feeling the corners of his mouth turns upwards.

“That’s, like, a really great look on you,” murmured Sonata, her voice heady.

“Hm?” Lex was only half paying attention as he turned his attention back to her. Her eyes were half-lidded, her face was flushed, and her mane was disheveled, mouth open slightly as she tried to get her breath back. To his eyes, she’d never looked more fetching than she did at that moment.

“Smiling,” she answered, giving him a tired grin. “I mean, like, really smiling. You look totes cute when you do that.”

“It’s because of you,” he murmured lovingly, his sense of peace being replaced-, no, being complemented by a rush of intimacy. “I didn’t have anything to smile about until I met you. You’re the only one who can make me feel like this.” Normally the prospect of talking like this would have been embarrassing to the point of mortification, but right now the words came easily. “I don’t tell you enough how wonderful you are, how every time I look at you I’m grateful that you’re here with me.” He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “That you’re my dearest. My one and only. My beloved.”

Sonata gasped. “L-Lex!” It wasn’t just what he was saying; he’d used some spell on her to make her super sensitive, to the point where even the sensation of his breath in her ear was enough to send spasms through her body. Then she felt his teeth lightly nip the tip of her ear, and she couldn’t help but cry out. She made herself go rigid as she did, knowing that if she writhed she’d rub against him and then she’d be completely lost to the sensations again. “We, like-, mmmmnnngh! We should get back…” She was panting again, desperately trying to control herself as he leaned his head down and planted kisses along her neck. “Y-you still need to…to fix things about…” She had to pause again, fighting hard to retain the ability to talk coherently in the face of what he was doing to her. “Fix things with e-everything about Fencer…”

“In a little while,” he murmured, running a hoof down her side and causing her to squeal. She could hear the playfulness in his voice, and even if she hadn’t been under whatever spell he’d used on her, that would have been enough to heat her up. “Right now, I just want to watch you squirm for me…”

It was long minutes later before he finally had mercy on her, silencing her last scream of passion with a kiss before slowly disentangling himself from her, making sure to negate the spell he’d used on her as he did. As he stood up, he stretched before gathering up his cloak and other accoutrements that had been scattered when he’d begun their tryst, making himself look presentable again. Behind him, Sonata started to do the same, albeit at a much slower pace. “I thought you wanted to hurry back,” he smirked, unable to resist the urge to tease her.

She gave him a wry look from where she was checking her appearance, having pulled that ornate mirror of his out of his haversack. “Unless you want everyone to know what we were doing, I totes need to freshen up,” she replied, sticking her tongue out at him before adding, “of course, given how smug you look, they’ll probably figure it out anyway.”

“I do not look ‘smug.’ I’m simply…content.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, well, that kind of ‘content’ looks like just one thing, mister, so you might want to do something about that.” His only response was a snort, and a few minutes later Sonata judged that her appearance was suitable to be seen in public, giving him back his mirror satisfied smile. “Perfect.” Nodding perfunctorily, Lex cast a quick spell to dissolve the hemispherical one-way screen around them, and the sight made Sonata grin again. “I’ve gotta say, if I knew that you could conjure up a privacy-thingy like that, we’d have done it a lot more often before now.”

An uncomfortable look crossed Lex’s face at that. He’d prepared both the contraceptive spell – quickly cast on himself before their encounter just now – and the pleasure-causing spell in anticipation of making love to Sonata again. But that privacy screen wasn’t quite as efficacious as she was making it out to be. “About that…that spell creates an opaque hemisphere that blocks sight from the outside, but it doesn’t contain sound. That’s why I haven’t used it before now…for this, I mean.”

Sonata’s eyes widened as her cheeks reddened. “Are you… You mean everyone heard… You knew they’d hear me?!” Lex was relatively quiet when they were in bed together, but it was her nature to be vocal, ESPECIALLY with that spell he’d used on her! Glaring at him, she reared up onto her hind legs so she could start whacking him over the head with her fore-hooves.

“Hold on!” He danced away from her strikes and she pursued him, causing them to play an impromptu game of tag as he tried to calm her. “It’s unlikely that anypony heard you! We’re a good distance away from the shelter, and the intervening walls there also have a muffling effect! That and I made sure to…try to keep you quiet when you were loudest.” It was his turn to blush as he said that last part.

Mollified enough to stop trying to smack him, Sonata still huffed as she settled back down onto all fours. “What do you mean ‘keep me quiet’?”

The redness in his face grew heavier. “Kissing.” When she tilted her head in confusion, he elaborated. “I made sure to silence your noisiest…exclamations, with kisses.”

For a moment she just stared at him, not sure if that was considerate or manipulative, before deciding to let it go. “Fine…” What was done was done, and honestly she didn’t want to fight when she was still enjoying the echoes of their long-overdue time together. Just please oh please oh please don’t let Aria have been anywhere nearby, she prayed silently. Which reminded her… “Listen, are you really going to turn Aria into a pony?”

He blinked, caught off-guard by the sudden change in topic. “Strictly speaking, I believe that Sirens are ponies, albeit mutated versions thereof. My theory is that you yourself had your mutation undone after you were exposed to something on Everglow that acted as a counteragent to whatever caused you to be born as a Siren, and that your cutie mark-”

“I don’t want you to,” interrupted Sonata before he could really get going. Cutting him off before he could get lost in his own head was starting to come naturally to her.

Lex stopped, digesting this new information before coming up with a response. “Sonata, I already told her I would. It was part of the offer I made her in exchange for her obedience, that I’d fix her voice and make her into a pony.”

“Fix her voice,” conceded Sonata. “By all means, fix her voice. I’d be totes miserable if all I could do was whisper all the time. But you don’t have to make her into a pony to do that, right? Just use some super-healing magic or something.”

“I don’t have any such magic, nor any easy method of acquiring any.”

“But you do have an easy way to change what she is completely?”

“I wouldn’t call it easy,” replied Lex, “but I’ve already begun working on a ritual that should remove the non-equine aspects from her body, reconstructing it into a pony form. As a side-effect of that, it should repair the permanent damage done to her vocal chords.”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh. So why not just conjure up some ritual thingy to fix her voice and have that be it?”

Lex was already shaking his head. “It doesn’t work like that. Magic is just energy; it needs to be instructed with regards to what you want it to do. If I’m right about her being a pony, then her body’s genetics should have all of the information necessary to restructure her into a proper pony shape.” After all, the fact that he was the unicorn child of two earth ponies was all the proof necessary that each pony carried the genetic information of the other tribes. “So if I have the magic permeate her form, it can deconstruct and then correctly reconstruct her body, which will include reforming her throat.” Sonata opened her mouth then, but Lex beat her to the punch. “And no, I can’t simply do that for her throat alone; genetic reconstruction at that level is an all-or-nothing procedure. Her body doesn’t have regenerative properties, so the only way to fix permanent damage is to recreate her physical form in its entirety.” And more than that, it would prove to his satisfaction that Sonata herself really was a pony through and through…something that, in the wake of their lovemaking, suddenly seemed all the more important to establish.

“But why did you offer to make her into a pony in the first-, no. You know what? I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” She could feel her good mood souring, and was suddenly sorry that she’d brought it up at all. That’s Aria. She’s not even here and she’s still finding a way to totes ruin things for me. Instead, she decided to move on. “Come on, we should head back.” She started walking back towards the shelter, Lex moving alongside her. “Do you know what you’re going to tell everypony about Fencer?” That wasn’t a topic that was likely to be much better, but at least it was a lot less personal for her than her stupid sister.

To her surprise, Lex nodded. “I plan on having her publicly allocute before I sentence her.”

Sonata’s eyes went wide. “You’re going to hit her with lighting?!”

“What? What are you-” Suddenly her meaning became clear, and he rolled his eyes. “Not ‘electrocute.’ Allocute. I’m going to have her explain to everypony the details of her crimes and her reasons for committing them.”

“Oh, a confession! Why didn’t you just say that then?”

“It’s technically not a confession. She already did that when she admitted to having committed crimes where her culpability hadn’t already been conclusively determined. This is merely to satisfy everypony else that her guilt is beyond all doubt and that her punishment is deserved.”

Sonata glanced over at him then. “So…how exactly are you going to punish her?”

Lex opened his mouth to reply, but just as he started to speak a familiar voice could be heard. “Lex! Sonata! Where are you guys?!”

Lex frowned, recognizing Aisle’s voice, and immediately started to run towards it, Sonata following him. It took only a few seconds to locate the earth pony stallion, as he kept calling for them, his voice tight with worry. Eventually they rounded a corner and he caught sight of them. “There you are! Where were you guys?!”

Lex ignored the question. “What’s happening?”

Aisle pointed back at the shelter, several dozen feet behind him. “The doctors started shouting stuff. I couldn’t understand much of what they were saying, but it sounded like they were talking about Pillowcase.” He paused for a moment, then continued. “It sounded bad.”

Cursing, Lex ran for the shelter, the other two hot on his hooves. Knocking the door open, he immediately made for the medical area, only to find that everypony had crowded around it. Snarling, he had just started to shove them aside when a loud, horrible wail came from behind the hanging sheet. The sound was enough to make everypony gasp, and Lex recognized the agonized voice as that of Cozy. No…

Redoubling his efforts, he pushed his way through the crowd, shoving past the curtain and making for the far corner, where several doctors were beginning to emerge from, each of them with grim looks on their faces. Lex seized the nearest one. “What happened?!” he demanded. “What’s going on?!”

Surprised at the rough treatment, the medical pony hesitated, and Lex shoved her aside with a snarl. Making his way to the alcove the doctors were emerging from, he stormed into it, looking around the small space as he did. Off to the side was Cozy, with a stricken look on her face, while across from her a doctor was…covering Pillowcase with a sheet. A second doctor looked at a pocketwatch as she quietly spoke.

“Time of death, two-thirty-seven P.M.”

Author's Note:

Lex and Sonata share another romantic moment, but reality - and then tragedy - quickly intervenes.

What does this mean for Fencer, Cozy, Lex, and everypony else?

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