• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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339 - Fully Fledged

Straightlace, awaken. Our convocation is beginning to gather.

Groaning at the voice intruding on his sleep, Straightlace rolled onto his side, curling up and covering his face with one wing. “G’way,” he muttered blearily. “Still dark out…” He could vaguely hear some noise in the background, but paying more attention to it would have meant waking up more, and he was so tired. After how late he’d stayed up trying to change his dad’s mind about what he’d done with those guards, getting up before sunrise was just too much.


“Jus’ gimme five more minutes,” he muttered, moving his wings so they covered his ears.

Are you content for us to be the last to arrive, then? This time the voice had an exasperated edge to it. The others will soon converge, and tardiness will impinge on our presence when we greet them.

“Ugh.” Straightlace groaned again as he began to stir. For some reason covering his ears wasn’t working on that voice. The background noise yes, but the words were still coming through loud and clear. It was enough to make him wish he had a pillow to pull over his head so he wouldn’t have to listen to…to…

Cracking his eyes open as he realized he couldn’t identify who was speaking, Straightlace stumbled to his hooves. For some reason that voice felt incredibly familiar, like he should know who it was, but at the same time he felt certain he’d never heard it before. The sensation was weird, and it was that bit of cognitive dissonance that made him rub the sleep from his eyes as he stood up, looking around-

Directly into the eyes of the bald eagle standing a few feet away from him.

The bird gave a soft screech as it saw him stand up, flapping its wings in what he somehow knew was a pleased gesture. Good, now let us make haste. The others will need us there to inspire them for when we present ourselves to the First Convoker, and-

“Wait, wait, hang on!” Rubbing his eyes again, Straightlace gawked at the three foot-tall bird that was almost as big as him. “What’s going on? Who needs us and why? For that matter, who’s the ‘First Convoker’? And you, come to think of it.” Even as the questions came spilling from his mouth, the sense of familiarity grew stronger, as though he knew he should know all of this already. The sensation was maddening, like having an itch he couldn’t scratch.

The eagle in front of him gave another soft screech, and somehow Straightlace could hear the bemusement in the sound. Do you not know me? Are you perhaps not the one whose soul I share? How curious, since our hearts are able to hear each other like this. But no matter, I must make my way to my partner’s side at once then! With no further warning, the eagle spread its wings, and a moment later it was skyward, speeding away into the night.

“W-wait!” Not knowing what was happening, Straightlace felt his heart lurch as the bird left. Immediately, he started flapping his wings, but he could already tell that he wouldn’t be able to catch up. “Come back! Altaer, come back! I-, wait, what did I just say?”

My name. Circling easily, the eagle sailed back around toward Straightlace. I knew that you knew it, for we are one.

“Y-yeah…” Slowly sinking back to the ground, Straightlace found that surprisingly easy to accept. “You’re-, the Night Mare sent you to me, right? In that dream I had.” Just remembering it sent shudders down his spine, recalling how overwhelmed he’d felt at the barest glimpse of his goddess. But at the same time, there was a growing sense of excitement. He’d really been there! He and his friends all had! The Night Mare had actually called them forth and given them a reward!

Indeed, confirmed Altaer, landing next to Straightlace. The Supreme Predator is our benefactor, drawing forth and incarnating your noblest self in the form of me. So long as you live, I shall always be by your side, guiding and strengthening you with the power she has lent us. Shuffling closer on its talons, Altaer fixed Straightlace with a serious look. We now stand at the beginning of our journey together.

Despite the portentous words, Straightlace could feel himself grinning. “Oh wow! Oh wow, this is so cool! I’ve gotta tell my friends!”

Altaer bobbed his head in an approximation of a nod. Indeed. As I said, we should move to where the others will be. It extended one wing, looking in that direction, and Straightlace followed its gaze. Blinking as he realized that the noise he’d heard before was the murmuring of ponies, he could just barely make out some sort of commotion going on in the distance, the gathering ponies illuminated by dim campfires. He couldn’t tell precisely what was going on, but there were enough ponies talking that he could just make out snatches of conversation, the word “snake” being mentioned several times. Our convocation is gathering, and they will need us to encourage them.

“Convocation,” repeated Straightlace slowly. “That’s…that’s the word for a group of eagles, right? So you mean the rest of the Knights? Fruit Crunch, Fiddlesticks, Cleansweep, and Feathercap?”

Altaer bobbed his head again. Our convocation.

Nodding, Straightlace took to the air again, slowly putting things together as he flew toward where everypony was converging. “So if they’re all our ‘convocation,’ and the Night Mare is ‘the Supreme Predator,’ then that ‘First Convoker’ you mentioned…is that Lex?”

He is the one beyond us, who stands within the Supreme Predator’s shadow without fear, answered Altaer from where he flew leisurely alongside Straightlace. We will all need to endeavor mightily if our power is ever to approach his.

“Wait, so does that mean we really do have magic powers now?!” Straightlace couldn’t keep the amazement out of his voice. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, a talking eagle is awesome, but if there’s more…!”

But of course, replied Altaer, as though that were obvious. Your strength is found in your integrity, and so-


“Huh?!” Stunned by his father’s voice ringing out of nowhere, Straightlace came to an immediate halt in mid-air, Altaer surging ahead of him. Looking down, Straightlace tried to trace where the voice had come from, and a moment later he spotted its owner rising up from the crowd of ponies gathered below. “Dad? What’re you doing here?”

“I heard screams, and I came to see what was wrong,” answered Straight Arrow. “You slept through them, and I didn’t want to wake you in case it was something dangerous.”

In another context, the words would have sounded protective, but Straightlace knew better. During the “discussion” he’d had last night with his dad – they never called it “arguing,” since his dad always said that arguments were about winning, and he “wasn’t available” for that – the older stallion had reiterated how violence, no matter what it was used for, was always wrong. “Every time Princess Twilight and her friends have saved Equestria, it was with harmony, not violence,” he’d said with that sad look he always had when Straightlace had disappointed him somehow. “If you don’t understand that, then how am I supposed to respect your judgment about anything else?”

That’s why he didn’t wake me up, Straightlace knew. He thought that if something dangerous was happening, I’d do something to make it worse. The thought tore him up inside, almost as much as seeing the wary look his father was giving him now. “Dad, I-”

Remain firm, Straightlace! Altaer’s mental cry made Straightlace start a little, having momentarily forgotten that the bird was there. Behind his dad, he could see it winging around, circling back toward him in what looked like a casual motion. You cannot be of assistance to others if your heart falters!

Licking his lips, Straightlace managed to change what he was going to say at the last moment. “I must have woken up just after you left.” He peered past him, wanting to change the subject. He was still too far away to get a clear view of what was going on due to the dim light, but given that Altaer had pointed in this direction when talking about their “convocation,” he could guess. “Is everypony alright?”

Straight Arrow glanced back as well, before returning his gaze to his son. “A big snake has wrapped itself around one of your friends, that Cleansweep girl. She’s remaining remarkably calm so far, but no one’s quite sure what to do.” Straightlace didn’t miss how his dad subtly moved to position himself between himself and the crowd below. “You should go back. The grown-ups will take care of things here.”

But Straightlace shook his head. “No, Dad, you don’t understand. That snake isn’t a threat to Cleansweep. It’s her spirit animal.”

Straight Arrow frowned. “She was saying that before. Is that some sort of game you all have been playing, raising pets in secret and calling them that?”

“They’re not pets, Dad.” Turning so that he was upright, Straightlace held out a foreleg parallel to the ground. A moment later Altaer landed on it, and Straightlace could tell the bird was trying not to dig into his arm too deeply with its talons. “See? This is Altaer. The Night Mare sent him to me, just like she sent that snake to Cleansweep.”

But rather than seeming reassured, Straight Arrow’s eyes widened in alarm. “Son, be careful! You don’t have a cutie mark related to taming wild animals! That thing is dangerous!”

Straightlace grit his teeth. “No, he isn’t! I just told you!” The words came out harshly, and he could feel his chest tightening. “Why don’t you ever listen to me?!”

Altaer extended a wing, letting the downy feathers brush against the back of Straightlace’s head. Peace. Losing yourself to anger is no better than losing yourself to doubt.

Choking down his frustration, Straightlace nodded. “I know. I know.” Letting out a slow breath, he gave his dad a firm look. “We can talk about this later. Right now I need to meet up with the rest of my friends.”

He started to fly past his dad, only for the older stallion to move in front of him again. “Son, you can’t go down there. Even if you have tamed that thing somehow, eagles and snakes are enemies. ‘Spirit animal’ or whatever, just the sight of it will agitate the snake and put Cleansweep in danger.” Another pitying look crossed his face then. “We will talk about this later, I promise, but right now I need you and your bird to turn around and let the rest of us deal with things here. Don’t make another mistake the way you did with those guards.”

The rebuke made Straightlace cringe, and he felt his eyes water. “Dad…”

Another soft touch of feathers came, this time wiping his eyes. The Supreme Predator believes in you, came the soothing voice of Altaer. She recognizes your nobility, as do I, even if your sire does not.

Sniffling, Straightlace made himself keep his composure. “No, Dad.”

Straight Arrow’s brows furrowed, not in anger or consternation but in resignation. “Son-”

“You’re wrong.” Getting those two words out made him feel like he was throwing up, but Straightlace kept going. “You were wrong about what happened with the Royal Guard before, and you’re wrong now.”

Straight Arrow sighed, shaking his head sadly. “I see…”

“No, Dad, I don’t think you do.” Despite how he’d felt just seconds ago, Straightlace suddenly couldn’t keep himself from talking. “I’ve spent my entire life trying to be just like you, because I look up to you more than anypony else. But you know what? I don’t want to do that anymore. If being just like you means not standing up to ponies doing bad things, or staying away from my friends because you’re afraid of what’ll happen even though I’m not, then I’d rather not be like you after all. Instead…” He glanced at Altaer, a smile crossing his face. “Instead, I’m going to try and be more like me.” Then, without giving his dad time to respond, Straightlace flew past him, heading for where Cleansweep was.

Very well said. The words were accompanied by a victory screech, causing nearby heads to turn. That is the steadfast nature that will keep your friends strong in even the bleakest of situations. You should be proud of yourself, Straightlace.

“Thanks. And thanks for before, too.” Shooting Altaer a quick smile, Straightlace turned back to where he could see Cleansweep coming into focus. Nearby, he could see a few other ponies converging on her also, recognizing his friends.

The sight made him grin. “Now c’mon! We’re getting the Night Mare’s Knights back together!”

Author's Note:

Straightlace meets his spirit animal, and stands up to his father! Will this make things better between them, or is it a parting of ways?

Also, what magic powers have he and his friends gained thanks to their new companions?

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