• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,206 Views, 10,250 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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207 - The Deepest Wounds

One of Nosey’s hooves twitched feebly.

It was the most that she was able to move, her attempt to make the world stop spinning failing miserably. If anything, the effort made things worse. Although she knew she was laying still, vertigo overwhelmed her as the world continued to lurch in a nauseating cycle, the sensation powerful enough that she felt herself convulsing as her stomach clenched. She tried to look at something, tried to focus on the distant mountains to regain her sense of equilibrium, but they wouldn’t focus correctly, and she dimly realized that her glasses were gone. For some reason that made her sad…she’d looked all over for them after the battle at the docks…

“Are you running away again, Lex Legis?!” screamed a chorus of voices from behind her. Just hearing them made Nosey whimper, knowing that they belonged to the monster that had used her like a puppet for almost two days now. “Are you planning on saving yourself and leaving this mare to me?!”

No! Just hearing that was enough to bring a sob of terror to Nosey’s lips, and she tried again to climb to her hooves, wanting-, no, needing to get away from that monster before it violated her again. She knew that she couldn’t get away; that even if she could move, it would catch her before she could get anywhere, but maybe if she got to the river she could throw herself in and sink to the bottom. Death was better than going through that again!

Before it had possessed her, when the monster had still been wearing Block Party’s skin, it had used some sort of magic on her to make her tell it whatever it wanted to know. She hadn’t realized it at the time, knowing only that she’d felt exceptionally talkative, and before she’d known it she’d told it not only everything she knew about Lex, Sonata, and everypony with them, but all about herself as well. Her job at the Canterlot Chronicle. Her relationship with her parents. Her dream of becoming the best reporter in all of Equestria. Her fear that her job would always get in the way of making any real friends. Her secret fantasies… The creature had wrung them all out of her, leaving her exposed and vulnerable in a way she’d never felt before. And then it had used her body like a cheap suit.

The sensation of being possessed had been horrible beyond words. It had been like wearing soiled clothes, except the feelings of filth and grime and the utter revulsion they had brought had all been inside her, rather than something she could take off. But that someone else – an intelligent being, capable of speech and reasoning – was doing that to her on purpose had made it infinitely worse. The creature had mocked her the entire time it had commandeered her body, somehow able to speak directly into her mind as it rubbed her nose in her forced submission. The humiliation had been worse than she’d known could be felt.

Nor had the creature’s torments stopped there.

Nosey had always been a pony that loved to watch everyone around her. It had been like a game; figuring out what was newsworthy and what wasn’t, talking to people to find out what they knew and how much they were willing to say, making notes about things to go over later. Not to mention the persistent, low-grade hope that maybe, just maybe, something big would happen while she was right there, giving her a front-row seat to the next major headline. But that was ruined for her now; the monster hadn’t missed the irony between her favorite activity and how it was forcing her to watch and listen as it used her for its purposes, and had made sure to raise the point at every opportunity. “You must be so happy!” it had gushed sarcastically at her on one occasion. “You get to be the only one who knows what’s really going on, and get to see every new development with your own two eyes, just like you always wanted.”

Her one hope had been that Lex would notice what had happened and rescue her, and inside her mind she’d screamed incessantly at him when he’d encountered her at the train station. The terror and despair she’d felt when he hadn’t noticed had been absolute, certain that she was going to be the creature’s slave until it got tired of her and disposed of her like it had Block Party. That thought had almost broken her, and she’d very nearly lost all hope…until a few minutes ago. Her heart had soared when Lex had confronted the monster, and then he’d done what she’d been hoping for ever since it had possessed her: he’d set her free.

At that point, she’d been sure that everything was going to be okay, that Lex would slaughter that monster just like he had the dragon he’d fought outside of Tall Tale, and it would all just be a bad memory. She’d run toward him, knowing that he’d protect her, but then the creature had grabbed her, and she’d been choking, and she’d felt herself passing out, and when she’d woken up…

When she’d woken up, Lex had been defeated.

That had been the only way to describe it. He was lying in a pool of blood in front of the monster, his stomach covered with bite marks, his chest punctured, and one hoof twisted in a direction it shouldn’t have been able to go. The creature, in contrast, had been standing over him with no visible wounds whatsoever. The sight had made Nosey’s blood run cold, and when she’d realized that Lex was still alive, and that the thing was about to deliver the killing blow, she’d acted before she’d been able to remember how scared she was. And it worked, she knew. Lex got away. That’s why it’s yelling. That meant that it knew Lex was going to try something else. He’d come back and keep fighting until he won. He wouldn’t abandon her. He wouldn’t. He’d counterattack and find some way to save her, and he’d kill this monster before it could hurt her agai-

“Fine then.” The creature’s voice had stopped shouting now, and the amused tone made her shudder weakly. “If the easy way won’t work, then we’ll just have to try the very easy way.” There was silence then, and Nosey squeezed her eyes shut, wishing with all of her heart that it would just go away, that it wouldn’t remember she was there, that it would all just be a bad dream. But a moment later she felt something curl around her neck – keeping its grip just barely loose enough that it didn’t choke her – and lift her into the air, drawing an anguished cry from her. A second later she was staring into the hideous faces of the thing, the middle head’s tongue holding her aloft. “Luckily, my Nosey-suit is none the worse for wear.”

“No,” she moaned, kicking her back legs weakly. “No no no…”

“Now now,” jeered the thing’s left head, its tongue extending outward to caress her cheek. “Is that any way for my favorite set of clothes to act?”

“You don’t have to be afraid,” assured the right head, its voice almost sounding sincere. But Nosey could hear the cruel undertone. “I don’t plan on killing you. I need to put you back on when this is all over, after all.”

“I’d do it right now,” spoke the middle head, “but I can’t take the chance that Lex might pull off another fluke and yank me out of you again. Not when I can only put you on once a day.”

“bUt hAVe nO FeAR. wE WiLl bE tOgETheR aGAiN vErY sOoN,” screeched the fang-lined mouth on its other end. “i JuSt NeEd yOU tO dO mE OnE LIttLe fAvOR fIrST.”

Nosey squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head as best she was able, both to deny what it was saying and what was happening. In that moment she would have given anything, anything to be somewhere else! But despite her fervent wishing, the sensation of the dry, leathery tongue around her neck remained, and a moment later the voices spoke in chorus. “Call to him. Call out for Lex Legis to come and save you.”

“No…” It should have been an easy thing to do. She was already wishing and hoping for exactly that. But despite that, or maybe because of it, she couldn’t bring herself to do what the thing was telling her to do. Instead, she bit her lip, her eyes remaining closed as she repeated herself. “No…”

“I thought you might say that,” replied the voices, and this time there was no mistaking the malicious glee in them. A second later, Nosey felt the thing moving, carrying her along with it, and she cracked open her eyes, unable to stop herself from trying to find out what new torment the thing was planning for her. A moment later she had her answer.

The creature had slithered over to the churning mass of greenish mist that it had conjured around Lex before he had managed to force it out of her body. The fog cloud had remained where it had been created, the vapors lazily swirling despite the lack of wind. As the monster moved alongside the mist, Nosey could practically taste the acrid gas, remembering what the monster had said about the fog being like the acidic breath weapon of the green dragon Lex had killed. Without hesitation, the monster extended the tongue that was wrapped around her neck, and in an instant Nosey found herself hanging directly in front of the caustic vapors, only a few inches separating her from the deadly fumes. The threat was obvious, but the creature spoke anyway. “Now, call to Lex.”

Terror gave Nosey new strength, and she struggled against the creature’s grip, trying to pull herself from its grasp, but it was futile. “N-no!”

“A pity,” mused the voiced from behind her, though they sounded anything but displeased. “But as much as it pains me to ruin my good clothes, you can still walk with three hooves.” And then another tongue darted out, wrapping just behind the knee of her left foreleg as it lifted it, making her stretch her leg forward.

“S-stop!” The words tumbled out of Nosey’s mouth of their own accord as she renewed her struggles. “Stop it!”

“You should understand by now,” murmured the monster, its voices almost purring in delight. “I am the one who decides what happens to you, regardless of how you feel about it. If I want you to give me information, then you will. If I want you to be my host body, then you will. And if I want you to scream for help, then you will.” With that, the thing plunged her leg into the acid cloud.

Pain immediately exploded through her, and an anguished scream tore itself from Nosey’s throat a moment later. She thrashed again, agony giving her new strength, but with no better results than her previous attempts. The pain grew worse a moment later, and her wail increased in pitch to match, shaking her head as tears rolled down her cheeks, her cries coming as fast as she could draw breath. “Call to Lex!” snapped the monster again, and this time Nosey didn’t even think of disobeying.

“L-Lex!” she wept. “Help me!”

“Louder!” The command was emphasized by shoving her leg an inch deeper into the cloud, burning more of her.

“LEX!” screamed Nosey at the top of her lungs. “HELP ME!” Her words were almost slurred with pain and sobbing. “PLEASE HELP ME!”

“Much better!” snickered the monster. But Nosey barely heard it over the sound of her own screaming. But as bad as the pain was, she could feel everything starting to slip away, her head wobbling as her consciousness began to fade out for the second time since the fight had begun. Dimly, she glanced to the side, noticing out of her peripheral vision that the monster’s heads were twisting every which way, trying to anticipate where Lex was going to reappear.

But it quite clearly didn’t expect what happened next.

Author's Note:

The creature tortures Nosey as it tries to lure Lex out.

Will she be rescued, or will she be another victim of its campaign of cruelty?

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