• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,206 Views, 10,250 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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307 - Show of Solidarity

“I must confess, I’m completely at a loss for words. To think that Vanhoover was in such a state and we didn’t know…”

River nodded solemnly at Princess Celestia’s admission, making sure that her expression was one of commiseration. It wasn’t very hard; she’d practiced making that face, like so many others, many times over her years of integrating herself into the upper crust of Vanhoover. The downcast expression, the slightly vacant look in her eyes – as though she were lost in sad memories – the hunched posture. All of it perfectly presented the appearance of controlled grief, matching how the princess looked at the moment.

“Yeah, even Lex had no idea it was this bad when we got here. I mean, I thought fighting a dragon was something, but this place?” Sonata shook her head in mild amazement. “This place was like…krakens and zombies and devils, oh my!” She paused for a moment, then added. “They weren’t really zombies, but it just sounds better, you know?”

River fought the urge to roll her eyes. Read the mood, you dimwit. The princess feels shocked and guilty. If you show her that you feel the same, she’ll be more inclined to regard you favorably, which means it’ll be easier to get her to do what you want. That was, after all, the entire point of this little encounter.

They’d spent the last few hours telling Princess Celestia about Lex’s adventures. Or rather, that’s what Sonata had spent the last few hours doing. River, relegated to a supporting role since she only had second- and third-hoof knowledge of the events in question, had done what she could to make Sonata’s storytelling more slanted in Lex’s favor. She’d made sure to ooh and aah over his tactical insights and grueling fights, ask pointed questions about his efforts to help everypony around him, and shoot pointed glanced at the princess whenever Sonata mentioned some act of self-sacrifice that he’d made, as if silently saying “now do you see what I see?”

It hadn’t all been that simple, of course. There had been two or three points where Sonata had gotten too wrapped up in recounting their adventures, fixating on something that she found upsetting to remember and starting to rant. One of those had been about some mare named Fencer. Another had been how one of the ponies here had made an attempt on Lex’s life. It had only been because River had heard about those incidents via the gossip that her servants had picked up on that she’d recognized that Sonata was about to blunder into admitting Lex had cursed both of those ponies for their transgressions. Fortunately, River had been able to steer the conversation to less dangerous areas, but she wasn’t sure if she’d managed to do so without making the princess suspicious.

That was something that needed to be avoided if at all possible. River had only met Princess Celestia once before – having managed to acquire an invitation to the incredibly exclusive Grand Galloping Gala several years back from an elder statesmare in Las Pegasus in return for funding her plans for a new hotel – but the elder alicorn’s kindly disposition was well-known to everypony. If she finds out that Lex is using his magic to curse anypony who steps out of line, she won’t let that go, River knew. She’ll definitely confront him over it, and if he refuses to back down, things could get bad in a hurry.

River didn’t want to imagine what would happen if things between Lex and the Royal Sisters degenerated to the point of magical conflict. But even if it didn’t get that far, Celestia and Luna could make his life difficult very easily. Lex might be a local hero after everything he’d done, but the alicorns occupied the very top of Equestria’s social structure. If they publicly denounced him, he’d very quickly become a pariah among everypony that wasn’t already close to him. He might be able to hang on to some of the goodwill he’d acquired among Vanhoover’s indigents, and maybe even a smattering of the popularity he’d accrued in Tall Tale, but he’d never be able to parley that into something more.

And if Lex’s star didn’t ascend, River knew that her own wouldn’t rise again either.

“Once we return to Canterlot, Luna and I will provide all the help we can with the recovery effort,” continued Princess Celestia. “We can host fundraisers, encourage other cities to start charity drives. Maybe even ask Sapphire Shores or Countess Coloratura to come here and hold a concert to raise money and awareness of Vanhoover’s plight.” She looked out at the remnants of the crowd as she spoke, most of the ponies having wandered back to the camp as the night had dragged on, before turning her eyes back toward River and Sonata. “We’ll do everything in our power to encourage all of Equestria to help out.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” murmured River, making a deep bow. “As someone who’s lived here all her life, I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

“Ooh! If they’re holding a concert I could sing too!” Sonata’s eyes sparkled at the thought. “In fact, I could totes do a show all by myself! I’ve been working on some songs about me and Lex’s adventures, and that’d be the perfect way to debut them!” She was practically bouncing in place, clearly thrilled at the prospect.

“Yes, about that…” Princess Celestia’s tone made River tense, not liking the sound of it. “I have something I’d like to ask you about.”

“Hm? Sure,” grinned Sonata, clearly not having heard the catch in Celestia’s voice. “What?”

“You’ve both been telling me about what Lex has done since he left Canterlot, but I can’t help but notice something that you haven’t mentioned.”

Sonata blinked, clearly having no idea what the princess was talking about, and River made a similar gesture. But while she was sure Sonata’s confusion was genuine, River felt herself growing nervous; Celestia had quite clearly found some sort of discrepancy or notable omission in what they’d told her, but what? River knew that she wasn’t overly familiar with Lex’s exploits up until now, but she was sure she knew more about them than Celestia did. What could she have noticed that had raised her suspicions? “What would that be, Your Majesty?” River said, making sure she sounded only idly curious.

When Celestia looked at her then, her expression hadn’t changed, but River had the distinct impression that her eyes had somehow become more penetrating. “That you have a scythe-shaped mark on your face.”

River froze, feeling her blood run cold.

Across from her, she saw Sonata’s eyes widen, and she mentally cursed the little airhead. You’ve been sitting across from me all night! How could you have forgotten that I have this?! How could I have forgotten that I have this?! But she knew how. She hadn’t looked in a mirror since before Lex had cursed her, all of the ones she owned being inside the manor that she couldn’t set hoof in without feeling sick to her stomach. She’d only known the mark was there because Trotsworth had mentioned it when he’d been doting on her when she’d first come back, and she’d barely thought about it even then. After sleeping outside, panning for gold at the river’s edge (the sun having been too low in the sky to let her see her reflection in the water), and coming up with a plan to win Lex’s favor, the scythe blood-mark on her cheek had been the last thing on her mind.

Knowing that she couldn’t stay silent, that she had to think up some benign excuse, River wracked her brain. But before she could think of something, Celestia spoke up again. “When we met before, at the Grand Galloping Gala, you struck me as a very fashion-conscious mare,” she prompted.

“I did?” uttered River dumbly. A small part of her was amazed that the princess remembered that encounter; it had to have been over ten years ago now! The rest of her, however, was vaguely aware that she had lost all control over the conversation, fighting to keep the panic off of her face.

“Very much so.” Celestia was smiling again, but that didn’t make River feel better at all. “You described your ensemble in detail for me, and then remarked on how it was nowhere near as radiant as I was despite not wearing an outfit at all. So I was wondering why somepony with such a taste for appearances would have such an unusual design on her face.” She paused, letting that statement sink in. “Especially one that looks just like the weapon Lex has been using.”

She knows, realized River with a wave of despair. She might not know the specifics, but she knows that Lex did something to me. A surge of black humor ran through her then, and she had to fight down a mirthless laugh. Here she was panicking about failing to hide a horrible curse from one of the few ponies who could have done something about it. Maybe I should just tell her, she thought suddenly. Maybe I should just abandon this entire plan. It was still possible to back out of supporting Lex. It would mean giving up her dreams of living the high life, but that was better than him losing everything after she’d tied her fate to his. It wouldn’t be hard. I could say that I was only supporting him like this because I was afraid of what he’d do to me, or to my son, if I didn’t. I-

“It’s a show of solidity!” blurted Sonata.

Celestia blinked, looking over at the other mare. “A what?”

“You know! One of those things people do to show they’re on board with the program! They show solitaire-ity!”

Celestia’s smile returned, though smaller than before. “I think you mean ‘solidarity,’ and that’s-”

“-completely correct!” exclaimed River.

A look of mild surprise crossed Celestia’s face then. “It is?”

Sonata nodded so hard that it must have rattled what few brains she had. “Totes! See, River was all like, upset that she got in Lex’s face, so she-”

“-used my, er, lipstick to draw this on my face!” finished River in rush. Seeing the princess’s skeptical expression, she kept going. “After all, I wanted Lex to know how serious I am about atoning for how I acted before. This is just one of the ways that I’m trying to show that I’m supporting him with everything I have now. In fact…” Inspiration struck then. “In fact, I’ve taken a vow that, until Vanhoover is restored, I’m giving up all the benefits of my wealth!”

That seemed to do the trick, as Celestia’s eyes widened slightly. “And Lex motivated you to do this?”

“Indeed,” nodded River, her confidence coming back as a new narrative settled into place. “His selflessness served as an example for me. Here I was wearing fancy clothes and eating fine food and living in a manor staffed with servants while my friends and neighbors were living like animals!” She swept a hoof toward the camp. “For their sake, I’ve not only foregone all of those things, but also elected to wear this mark on my cheek – the symbol of Lex’s weapon – to show my support for his efforts.”

“Yeah, what she said!” added Sonata.

“I understand,” smiled Celestia. This time the expression reached her eyes, and River had to struggle not to heave a sigh of relief. “It takes a kind heart and a generous spirit to sacrifice your own comfort for the sake of others. But what you gain in return is more precious than any dress or dessert. I’m proud of you for finding it within yourself to make such a vow.”

River smiled back, mentally cheering that she’d managed to step back from the brink of disaster. “Thank you, Your Majesty, I-, oh! Look!” River pointed, and both Sonata and Princess Celestia turned to see what had caught her attention.

It wasn’t hard to spot. Near the back of the train station, the luminous figure that was Aria was slowly lowering back toward the ground, the light radiating from her noticeably-smaller body beginning to dim. Standing nearby, Lex’s chanting had taken on a softer edge, his gesticulations slowing.

The ritual was almost over.

Author's Note:

River overlooks a crucial detail, very nearly derailing her plans! Did she convince Princess Celestia, or is this where things go awry (again)?

Meanwhile, Lex's ritual nears its conclusion. Will it be a success?

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