• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,204 Views, 10,249 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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53 - Breakfast at Lucy's

The sun had just barely cleared the horizon when Lex and Sonata stepped into the street, the latter blinking her eyes. “Do we really have to be up at the crack of dawn? I mean, this is, like, really the crack of dawn,” yawned Sonata.

“There’s important work that needs to be done, Sonata,” replied Lex, already moving towards city hall. “The sooner that we get started, the sooner the ponies of Vanhoover will receive the assistance that they should have gotten weeks ago.”

“Hm…I guess I don’t mind if we have to work hard.” Sonata quickened her pace just enough to bring her alongside Lex, and she pressed against him lightly. “Just so long as we get to play hard again tonight.” She could feel herself flushing as she spoke, and couldn’t seem to contain the smile that crossed her face as she remembered last night.

Lex’s reaction was nearly identical, coloring even as he felt the corners of his lips turning upward. Reflexively glancing around to make sure that the few ponies that were up and about this early hadn’t overheard her, he leaned in closer to her as he replied in a quiet voice, “If hard is how you want it.”

“Like, oh my gosh!” Sonata squealed in embarrassed laughter, eyes wide and completely taken aback at him actually giving her a playful response. Her reaction was enough to make Lex grin and laugh softly, and she couldn’t help but stare as he did. Lex only smiled on rare occasions, and Sonata honestly couldn’t remember seeing him look at happy and relaxed as he did at that moment. The sight of him like that, and knowing that she was the cause of it, was enough to make her heart flutter.

Lightly whacking his side in mock-admonishment, she couldn’t keep the happiness off of her face as they walked through Tall Tale side-by-side. It was perfect, she realized. They were back together and closer than ever, they were already in charge of one city and would soon have the other one whipped into shape, and there were no more dragons or monsters or anything standing in their way. Everything was absolutely perfect.

Everything except one thing.

“Hey, you think that we can get some breakfast on the way there? I’m, like, totes starving.”

“I can’t believe not one place was open,” grumbled Sonata as they approached city hall. It was amazing how fast an empty tummy could impinge on a good mood.

“It’s most likely because of how late everypony was out last night,” replied Lex matter-of-factly. Looking around, he could see the remnants of confetti scattered about the town plaza, along with patches of discarded paper cups and plates and other debris. “After that much partying it’s not surprising for the city to be so quiet.”

Sonata looked rather put out by his answer, but before she could say anything her stomach rumbled loudly. She pointed to it. “See? I’m, like, running on empty!”

“As soon as we’re done meeting with Ribbon Cutter, I’ll take you out for a meal,” promised Lex, not breaking his stride. Sonata rolled her eyes at his choosing work over her comfort, but kept silent as she followed behind him, not wanting to make a fuss.

The entrance to city hall was unlocked, much to Sonata’s disappointment – she’d been hoping that it would be locked up tight, so she’d have an excuse to pitch looking for a restaurant that was open – but as they stepped inside she perked up, sniffing the air. “Do you smell that?”

“Hm?” Lex paused at her question, glancing back at her before pausing, realizing that there was an unexpected scent in the air. It smelled like…

“Food!” Sonata quickly ran up the steps that were along either side of the building’s main hallway, following the scent. Slightly nonplussed, Lex went after her at a somewhat more sedate pace.

They went up three floors, the smell gradually getting stronger, making Sonata’s mouth water. Something was cooking, and the closer she got the more she could make out the individual scents: Cheese! Eggs! Onions! It was enough to make her lick her lips in hunger.

Following the delectable aroma down a hallway, Sonata turned a corner and found herself in a small kitchenette. As she entered, a familiar pony looked up from where she was tending to a frying pan on the stove. “Good morning Miss May-, oh! Miss Dusk!”

Sonata beheld what happened next in slow motion. Lucy, startled by seeing somepony who wasn’t Ribbon, reflexively jumped. This caused one hoof to come down on the handle of the frying pan, which – just like the folder from yesterday – was jutting out over open air, causing it to launch its scrumptious-looking concoction into the air…right at Sonata.

Caught between the desire to flinch and the desire to open her mouth in hope of some of it getting in there, she tried to do both, closing her eyes. But after a moment, nothing happened, and she cracked one eye open to see what had happened. To her surprise, the food was still hanging in the air, caught in a purple aura, as was the overturned frying pan.

“What just happened?” came Lex’s voice from behind her, causing Sonata to slump in relief as he telekinetically replaced the pan and its contents on the stove.

“Oh! Oh I’m so sorry!” gushed Lucy, putting a hoof to her mouth. “I almost messed up again!”

Recovering, Sonata strode towards the younger mare, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. This guy,” she nodded her head towards Lex, shooting him a smile, “was here to save the day like he always does. More importantly,” she turned her gaze to the frying pan, salivating. “What are you making?”

“Oh, the mayor, I mean, um,” she cast a self-conscious look at Lex before turning her gaze back to Sonata, “the interim deputy mayor, used to skip breakfast a lot when she would come in. My big sister used to tell me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but when I told the interim deputy mayor that, said that she didn’t have time in the mornings to make breakfast. So I started coming in early to make it for her.”

She paused as she noticed how Sonata was eyeing the food and licking her lips. “Um…I could make you some too, if you want.”

A moment later, she was wrapped up in a bone-crushing hug from Sonata. “Thank you so much! So, what’s on the menu for today? It smells delicious!”

Smiling at the compliment, Lucy turned back to the pan as Sonata let her go. “It’s a breakfast burrito. You wrap fried eggs, onions, peppers, beans, and cheese in a tortilla and sprinkle some pepper on it. It’s guaranteed to keep you going through the morning until lunch.” She moved as she spoke, preparing the meal with quick motions that were clearly the product of having done that many times before. In a few moments, she presented her concoction to Sonata on a plate. “Here you go, but be careful. It’s hot.”

Her warning fell on deaf ears, Sonata biting into it deeply before letting out a yelp. Acting quickly, Lucy retrieved some orange juice and poured a glass, passing it to Sonata, who gulped it down quickly before letting out a relieved sigh.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding. But that was, like, super tasty! I can totes see why Ribbon likes you so much!” Sonata grinned at Lucy before going back to her burrito, blowing softly on it before taking another bite.

Lucy blushed at the praise, looking down bashfully. “Oh, I just want to help her out however I can. It’s no big deal.” Despite her modesty, she was smiling as she retrieved more ingredients, looking back over her shoulder at Lex as she did. “I’ll make you one too.”

It took only a few minutes for her to prepare one for Lex, who cautiously sniffed it before taking a bite. Despite Sonata’s continued praise for Lucy’s cooking, he was still suspicious, knowing how different his culinary preferences were from his girlfriend’s. But to his surprise, it was quite delicious, and he dug in without any further hesitation.

Smiling again as she saw that everypony was enjoying her food, Lucy turned back to the stove, preparing another serving. She had just finished getting it all ready when she heard hoofsteps approaching the door. Quickly sliding the burrito onto a plate, she turned to present it, sure that the interim deputy mayor was about to walk in. “Good morn-”

“Morning! Oh, is that for me? Thanks! Don’t mind if I do!” Nosey smiled as she snatched the plate and took a bite of its contents in one smooth motion, letting out a whoop at the heat. “Ith good!” she said said, fanning her mouth with one hoof. “Weh guh anyfin t’drin?” She was already moving to the kitchenette’s fridge as she spoke, ignoring the dumbfounded looks being directed her way as she poured herself a glass of juice and gulped it down.

“What are you doing here, Nosey?” asked Lex, frowning. He’d largely forgotten about her in the wake of his battle with the dragon, and wasn’t particularly pleased to see her again.

“Hm?” Nosey paused, her burrito already halfway to her mouth in her telekinetic grip. “Oh, well, I figured that I should write a story about what you’re doing now that you’re mayor of this place. You know, what your policies and platforms and stuff are.” She paused to take a large bite of her food before continuing. “I’b go’ a nobe foh newh.”

“Um, you really shouldn’t talk with your mouth full,” ventured Lucy. “Everytime I try to do that, I end up either choking or biting my tongue.”

Swallowing, Nosey repeated herself. “I said: I’ve got a nose for news. See?” She grinned as she turned in profile to them, pointing to the newspaper-and-magnifying-glass cutie mark on her flank.

“More like a nose for Lucy’s cooking,” muttered Sonata, putting her plate in the sink. Noticing that Lex was giving her a wry look, she blinked, tilting her head. “What?”

Ignoring the other mare, Nosey scarfed down the rest of her burrito and chugged her remaining juice, letting out a belch before wiping her mouth with her foreleg. Satisfied now that her belly was filled, she whipped out her notepad and pen, pushing her glasses up her face as she turned to face Lex fully. “Okay, so, first order of business: what’s your first act as mayor of…um…”

She trailed off as she took a good look at Lex now that she’d filled her belly. “Why are you carrying a scythe on your back? And, hang on, is that barbed wire around your hoof?!” She stepped closer, peering at Lex’s foreleg before reaching out to prod it, to his considerable irritation. “Did you join a punk band last night or something?”

Gnashing his teeth as he heard Sonata titter at Nosey’s question, Lex fought down the urge to castigate the annoying reporter. Instead, he carefully composed an answer in his head. For all that she grated on him, she was still a useful method for communicating with the general public, and her current line of questioning would serve as a useful method for beginning to spread the Night Mare’s doctrine.

“This is-”

“Lucy? What’s going on in here?”

Lex was interrupted as Ribbon walked in the door, looking around in obvious surprise at finding so many ponies there.

“Oh! I’m sorry Miss M-, Miss Interim Deputy Mayor! I’ll have your breakfast ready right away!” Cringing at having been caught without food ready, Lucy rushed to prepare another burrito.

Nosey immediately shifted her focus, turning towards the new arrival. “Excuse me. I’m Nosey Newsy, with the Canterlot Chronicle. Would you mind if I interviewed you and the new mayor about what you have planned for Tall Tale?” Internally, she cheered. A double-interview with the two of them would be much better than just one or the other!

Before Ribbon could answer, Lex exited the room, pausing as he passed her. “Come to your office as soon as you have your food. We have much to discuss.”

Author's Note:

The gang's all here, except for the araneas.

Come to think of it, what are they up to, anyway?

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