• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,173 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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166 - Taking Slight

Aria sighed contentedly as she pulled herself away from the table.

After spending the last few months being forced to dine on seaweed, and the last few days on that disgusting gruel that Lex normally conjured, being able to eat real food again had been euphoric. Fresh carrots, cold yogurt, salted crackers, diced pineapples; each and every one had exploded with flavor to the point where she would have been moaning if her voice had worked properly. And those had just been the appetizers…after she’d started in on the main courses, she’d almost cried with delight.

The only thing that would have made it better is if there’d been some meat, she smirked to herself as she dragged herself off to go rest. As delicious as those hayburgers had been, they were no substitute for the real thing, and she’d done a double-take upon seeing what had looked like a fried chicken, only for them to turn out to be fried chick peas instead. But with how good everything had tasted, she couldn’t bring herself to be too upset over the omission. She’d even been able to have her favorite dessert: the vanilla portion of vanilla-chocolate-strawberry ice cream! It’s always tastier than normal vanilla, and if you’re lucky you get to see the look on the next person’s face when they realize there’s only two flavors left, she laughed to herself. She had to admit, Lex had really outdone himself that time. Maybe literally, with the way he collapsed like that.

That had been a hot topic around the various dinner tables, from what she’d been able to overhear. Their benefactor’s name had been on everyone’s lips, albeit when they weren’t chowing down, and it seemed like everypony had their own opinion about him. She’d overheard two earth stallions whispering, in between bites of rhubarb pie, that Lex was really a changeling who was trying to cheer everypony up so he could feed on their love. A unicorn mare had overheard and scolded the two, saying that he was clearly a descendent of some old unicorn wizard, Star-Swift the Braided or something (which sounded vaguely familiar for some reason). A pegasus stallion had sagely shaken his head and assured all three that Lex was, in fact, the long-lost son of Nightmare Moon and King Sombra, and had invented this “Night Mare” as part of a plan to try and turn Princess Luna back into his real mother. Even now, the memory of their gossiping was enough to make her laugh-


Aria stopped short as a pony – another pegasus stallion, this one grass-green – emerged from a dilapidated tent to her immediate right, recoiling as he almost walked right into her. “S-sorry!” he sputtered, wide-eyed.

“Watch where you’re going,” whispered Aria. But for once there was no heat in her rebuke, being too pleased from the feast she’d just had to feel upset.

“Uh, right,” nodded the stallion. But as Aria started to move past him, he licked his lips. “Hey…”

“Hm?” She glanced back at him, wondering what he could possibly want.

“You, um…you came here with those other ponies, right? The ones that are helping everyone?” Despite his obvious uncertainty, he took a step closer to her, an excited look on his face.

“I did. What about it?”

The green stallion licked his lips, and it was clear to her that he was gathering up his courage for something. Is he about to tell me how captivating he finds me?, she mused, the corners of her lips turning up slightly. The sahuagin and their monsters had been too savage to properly appreciate her, but now that she was back among ponies it only made sense that they’d want to bow down and adore her. Even without my voice, I’ve still got it!

“I…” He let out a sigh, then took a deep breath. “I want to apologize for how I acted last night.”

Aria blinked. “Huh?”

“The reason I acted like that,” he continued, an ashamed look on his face, “was because my mother was right there. I just…her health had been getting worse for a while, and I was scared that if…if something happened and ponies here started getting sick, that she’d be one of the first to go.” He paused then, as though worried that Aria was going to berate him. When she didn’t, he looked slightly relieved. “Can you tell them that for me, please?”

For a long moment Aria was silent, trying to figure out who this guy was and what he was talking about. “Tell who now?” she whispered, the sibilant words still managing to convey her confusion.

“You know, your leaders. That guy Lex and that really pretty mare, Sonata. Please tell them that I said I’m sorry.” Looking visibly relieved at having unburdened himself, the stallion flapped his wings and took to the air, pausing just long enough to wave at Aria as he headed back towards the food tables.

Aria didn’t return the gesture, looking after the departing stallion bitterly. She vaguely remembered that guy now, belatedly realizing that he was the one that had yelled at Sonata last night when she’d announced their arrival. But while he had clearly been struggling with how he’d acted, Aria couldn’t have cared less. What bothered her was something else altogether. My “leaders”? she thought darkly. He thinks that Sonata, of all people, is MY leader?!

All of a sudden her good mood was spoiled, and she snarled as she looked around. She’d been planning on just heading a little past the various tents and fire pits to sunbathe while she digested her food, but now she found herself wanting to be away from everyone. Bad enough he wasn’t enthralled at the sight of me, but to think that little airhead has any authority over ME?! It was utterly mortifying.

For a moment she considered dragging herself over to the river. She’d heard some ponies talking about it earlier that morning, and knew that if she went due south she’d find it easily. I could slip into the water and no one here would be able to follow me, she knew. Or maybe more than that…maybe she could follow the river back into the bay, and from there out into the ocean. Now that the Great Lord of the Deep, the sahuagin, and all the other monsters were gone, it wasn’t like she had anything to worry about.

For a moment she was tempted, glancing southward before turning away with a sigh. Slipping away might work, but even if Lex didn’t have the magic to track her down, abandoning him now would mean losing her chance of ever getting her voice back. That wasn’t something she could throw away easily, not when it was finally within reach!

Or is it? she wondered as she made for the far end of the camp. He told me he’d restore my voice in one week, and I’m holding him to that. If he tries to say that he needs more time because of whatever he did to himself making all that food, I swear I’ll rip him apart right then and there. The thought wasn’t serious, but the worry that fueled it was quite real. Aria had watched plenty of television and movies back on Earth, after all. She knew all about how villains – and Lex looked and acted just like one – would make false promises in order to get people to work for them, only to make up excuses about why they could never fulfill them before finally turning on them. That will NOT happen to me, she swore silently.

Moving across the camp, she slowly made her way to the train station, snarling wordlessly at any ponies that crossed her path. Although Lex had sealed the building, it was at the opposite end of the camp from the field hospital, which meant that she could move to the far side of the building and put it between herself and the rest of this place. It wasn’t the same as being alone, but it was close enough.

But when she finally rounded the building, Aria paused as she saw that someone else was already there, lying up against it with their eyes closed. Frowning, she recognized the black-and-blonde unicorn mare that Sonata had been talking to yesterday about Lex’s unpopularity. Nosey something or other. Sonata’s new best friend, she bitterly recalled, the thought bringing to mind that stallion that had inadvertently insulted her a minute ago. It was enough to dispel any lingering thread of her good mood. “Hey,” she rasped, “take a hike. I want this place to myself.”

The other mare didn’t respond, raising Aria’s ire even further. “Are you deaf or something? I said get lost.” But again, Nosey failed to give any response. Realizing that the mare had to be asleep, Aria moved towards her, intent on giving her a whack with her tail to get her up. But as she closed the distance to a few feet she stopped.

Something’s wrong, she frowned, taking a closer look at Nosey. The other mare wasn’t moving at all, hadn't even bothered to remove her glasses, and only the slow rise and fall of her chest indicated that she was still alive. More than that, her positioning was oddly rigid, lying flat on her back with her limbs all perfectly pressed against her sides. No, it’s more than that, Aria realized. There was a tension to Nosey’s muscles, as though she’d flexed them all and was holding them without relaxing. If she’d been moving at all Aria would have described it as straining, but who ever heard of someone straining while lying perfectly still? It’s almost like she’s concentrating on something…

Frowning, Aria decided that she didn’t care, reaching out and pressing a hoof against Nosey’s side. “Hey!”

Nosey’s eyes shot open immediately, instantly locking onto Aria, but the rest of her didn’t move a muscle. Although she’d been trying to wake her up, the sight was so striking that Aria reflexively pulled her hoof back, starting slightly. For a half of a heartbeat, Nosey regarded her expressionlessly, her features severe and devoid of any emotion. Then she relaxed, her body going limp as she smiled and stretched. “Hey there. You’re Sonata’s sister, right?” She yawned, turning over and climbing to her hooves. “What’s up?”

“I want to relax, and you’re in my way,” sneered Aria, irritated at once again being defined solely in relation to Sonata. “Beat it.”

Nosey tilted her head, and looked like she was thinking it over before eventually shrugging her shoulders. “Okay.” Turning away from Aria, Nosey didn’t hesitate as she leisurely walked away from her, rounding the train station and disappearing from sight without so much as a backwards glance.

Aria waited until she was gone before letting out a huff. Although she’d told the mare to go away, she felt certain that her abrupt departure had been intentionally disrespectful. I’ll make sure to pay her back for that later, Aria decided as she settled down. It wouldn’t be anything too major, but something nicely upsetting so that she could watch Nosey stew in her own frustration. Maybe I’ll steal her glasses.

Of course, that would have to wait. First would be her revenge on Lex and Sonata. Both of them would get what they deserved; Lex for ordering her around like she was some sort of maid, and Sonata for being an irritating little twit who dared to make people think that she could ever be in charge of anything. And it’s all so simple, she gloated to herself as she laid her head on the grass. With Lex’s inability to deal with girls even as he insisted on turning her into a pony, and Sonata on the brink of being persuaded to go behind his back to fix his popularity, they were leaving themselves wide open for being exploited. And then…she’d move in for the kill.

I can’t wait to see the look on Sonata’s face when she realizes that I’ve seduced her boyfriend away from her.

Author's Note:

Aria dreams of paying back everyone who's ever upset her. Will she be able to pull it off?

Meanwhile, something seems to be off about Nosey.

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